#!/usr/bin/python # $Id$ # # Copyright (c) 2003 Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. # # Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # All rights reserved. # expected /proc/partitions format import os, string import traceback import utils import urlparse import httplib from Exceptions import * import BootServerRequest import ModelOptions import BootAPI import plnet class BootAPIWrap: def __init__(self, vars): self.vars = vars def call(self, func, *args): return BootAPI.call_api_function(self.vars, func, args) def __getattr__(self, func): return lambda *args: self.call(func, *args) class logger: def __init__(self, log): self._log = log def log(self, msg, level=3): self._log.write(msg + "\n") def verbose(self, msg): self.log(msg, 0) def Run( vars, log ): """ Write out the network configuration for this machine: /etc/hosts /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg- /etc/resolv.conf (if applicable) /etc/sysconfig/network The values to be used for the network settings are to be set in vars in the variable 'INTERFACE_SETTINGS', which is a dictionary with keys: Key Used by this function ----------------------------------------------- node_id node_key method x ip x mac x (optional) gateway x network x broadcast x netmask x dns1 x dns2 x (optional) hostname x domainname x Expect the following variables from the store: SYSIMG_PATH the path where the system image will be mounted (always starts with TEMP_PATH) INTERFACES All the interfaces associated with this node INTERFACE_SETTINGS dictionary Sets the following variables: None """ log.write( "\n\nStep: Install: Writing Network Configuration files.\n" ) try: SYSIMG_PATH= vars["SYSIMG_PATH"] if SYSIMG_PATH == "": raise ValueError, "SYSIMG_PATH" except KeyError, var: raise BootManagerException, "Missing variable in vars: %s\n" % var except ValueError, var: raise BootManagerException, "Variable in vars, shouldn't be: %s\n" % var try: INTERFACE_SETTINGS= vars['INTERFACE_SETTINGS'] except KeyError, e: raise BootManagerException, "No interface settings found in vars." try: hostname= INTERFACE_SETTINGS['hostname'] domainname= INTERFACE_SETTINGS['domainname'] method= INTERFACE_SETTINGS['method'] ip= INTERFACE_SETTINGS['ip'] gateway= INTERFACE_SETTINGS['gateway'] network= INTERFACE_SETTINGS['network'] netmask= INTERFACE_SETTINGS['netmask'] dns1= INTERFACE_SETTINGS['dns1'] mac= INTERFACE_SETTINGS['mac'] except KeyError, e: raise BootManagerException, "Missing value %s in interface settings." % str(e) # dns2 is not required to be set dns2 = INTERFACE_SETTINGS.get('dns2','') # Node Manager needs at least PLC_API_HOST and PLC_BOOT_HOST log.write("Writing /etc/planetlab/plc_config\n") utils.makedirs("%s/etc/planetlab" % SYSIMG_PATH) plc_config = file("%s/etc/planetlab/plc_config" % SYSIMG_PATH, "w") api_url = vars['BOOT_API_SERVER'] (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlparse(api_url) parts = netloc.split(':') host = parts[0] if len(parts) > 1: port = parts[1] else: port = '80' try: log.write("getting via https://%s/PlanetLabConf/get_plc_config.php " % host) bootserver = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, int(port)) bootserver.connect() bootserver.request("GET","https://%s/PlanetLabConf/get_plc_config.php" % host) plc_config.write("%s" % bootserver.getresponse().read()) bootserver.close() log.write("Done\n") except : log.write(" .. Failed. Using old method. -- stack trace follows\n") traceback.print_exc(file=log.OutputFile) bs= BootServerRequest.BootServerRequest() if bs.BOOTSERVER_CERTS: print >> plc_config, "PLC_BOOT_HOST='%s'" % bs.BOOTSERVER_CERTS.keys()[0] print >> plc_config, "PLC_API_HOST='%s'" % host print >> plc_config, "PLC_API_PORT='%s'" % port print >> plc_config, "PLC_API_PATH='%s'" % path plc_config.close() log.write( "Writing /etc/hosts\n" ) hosts_file= file("%s/etc/hosts" % SYSIMG_PATH, "w" ) hosts_file.write( " localhost\n" ) if method == "static": hosts_file.write( "%s %s.%s\n" % (ip, hostname, domainname) ) hosts_file.close() hosts_file= None data = {'hostname': '%s.%s' % (hostname, domainname), 'networks': vars['INTERFACES']} plnet.InitInterfaces(logger(log), BootAPIWrap(vars), data, SYSIMG_PATH, True, "BootManager")