#!/usr/bin/python2 # Copyright (c) 2003 Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. # # Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # All rights reserved. # expected /proc/partitions format import os, string from Exceptions import * import utils import BootAPI import ModelOptions def Run( vars, log ): """ Write out the network configuration for this machine: /etc/hosts /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/resolv.conf (if applicable) /etc/sysconfig/network It is assumed the caller mounted the root partition and the vserver partition starting on SYSIMG_PATH - it is not checked here. The values to be used for the network settings are to be set in vars in the variable 'NETWORK_SETTINGS', which is a dictionary with keys: Key Used by this function ----------------------------------------------- node_id node_key method x ip x mac x (optional) gateway x network x broadcast x netmask x dns1 x dns2 x (optional) hostname x domainname x Expect the following variables from the store: SYSIMG_PATH the path where the system image will be mounted (always starts with TEMP_PATH) NETWORK_SETTINGS A dictionary of the values from the network configuration file Sets the following variables: None """ log.write( "\n\nStep: Install: Writing Network Configuration files.\n" ) try: SYSIMG_PATH= vars["SYSIMG_PATH"] if SYSIMG_PATH == "": raise ValueError, "SYSIMG_PATH" except KeyError, var: raise BootManagerException, "Missing variable in vars: %s\n" % var except ValueError, var: raise BootManagerException, "Variable in vars, shouldn't be: %s\n" % var try: network_settings= vars['NETWORK_SETTINGS'] except KeyError, e: raise BootManagerException, "No network settings found in vars." try: hostname= network_settings['hostname'] domainname= network_settings['domainname'] method= network_settings['method'] ip= network_settings['ip'] gateway= network_settings['gateway'] network= network_settings['network'] netmask= network_settings['netmask'] dns1= network_settings['dns1'] mac= network_settings['mac'] except KeyError, e: raise BootManagerException, "Missing value %s in network settings." % str(e) try: dns2= '' dns2= network_settings['dns2'] except KeyError, e: pass log.write( "Writing /etc/hosts\n" ) hosts_file= file("%s/etc/hosts" % SYSIMG_PATH, "w" ) hosts_file.write( " localhost\n" ) if method == "static": hosts_file.write( "%s %s.%s\n" % (ip, hostname, domainname) ) hosts_file.close() hosts_file= None log.write( "Writing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0\n" ) eth0_file= file("%s/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" % SYSIMG_PATH, "w" ) eth0_file.write( "DEVICE=eth0\n" ) if method == "static": eth0_file.write( "BOOTPROTO=static\n" ) eth0_file.write( "IPADDR=%s\n" % ip ) eth0_file.write( "NETMASK=%s\n" % netmask ) eth0_file.write( "GATEWAY=%s\n" % gateway ) else: eth0_file.write( "BOOTPROTO=dhcp\n" ) eth0_file.write( "DHCP_HOSTNAME=%s\n" % hostname ) if mac != "": eth0_file.write( "HWADDR=%s\n" % mac ) eth0_file.write( "ONBOOT=yes\n" ) eth0_file.write( "USERCTL=no\n" ) eth0_file.close() eth0_file= None if method == "static": log.write( "Writing /etc/resolv.conf\n" ) resolv_file= file("%s/etc/resolv.conf" % SYSIMG_PATH, "w" ) if dns1 != "": resolv_file.write( "nameserver %s\n" % dns1 ) if dns2 != "": resolv_file.write( "nameserver %s\n" % dns2 ) resolv_file.write( "search %s\n" % domainname ) resolv_file.close() resolv_file= None log.write( "Writing /etc/sysconfig/network\n" ) network_file= file("%s/etc/sysconfig/network" % SYSIMG_PATH, "w" ) network_file.write( "NETWORKING=yes\n" ) network_file.write( "HOSTNAME=%s.%s\n" % (hostname, domainname) ) if method == "static": network_file.write( "GATEWAY=%s\n" % gateway ) network_file.close() network_file= None