#!/usr/bin/python2 # Copyright (c) 2003 Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. # # Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Trustees of Princeton University # All rights reserved. # expected /proc/partitions format #---------------------------------------------------- #major minor #blocks name # #3 0 40017915 hda #3 1 208813 hda1 #3 2 20482875 hda2 #3 3 522112 hda3 #3 4 18804082 hda4 #---------------------------------------------------- import string import sys import os import popen2 import re import errno import ModelOptions from pypci import * from Exceptions import * """ a utility class for finding and returning information about block devices, memory, and other hardware on the system """ PROC_MEMINFO_PATH= "/proc/meminfo" PROC_PARTITIONS_PATH= "/proc/partitions" # set when the sfdisk -l trick has been done to make # all devices show up DEVICES_SCANNED_FLAG= "/tmp/devices_scanned" # a /proc/partitions block is 1024 bytes # a GB to a HDD manufacturer is 10^9 bytes BLOCKS_PER_GB = pow(10, 9) / 1024.0; # -n is numeric ids (no lookup), -m is machine readable LSPCI_CMD= "/sbin/lspci -nm" MODULE_CLASS_NETWORK= "network" MODULE_CLASS_SCSI= "scsi" PCI_BASE_CLASS_NETWORK=0x02L PCI_BASE_CLASS_STORAGE=0x01L def get_total_phsyical_mem(vars = {}, log = sys.stderr): """ return the total physical memory of the machine, in kilobytes. Return None if /proc/meminfo not readable. """ try: meminfo_file= file(PROC_MEMINFO_PATH,"r") except IOError, e: return total_memory= None for line in meminfo_file: try: (fieldname,value)= string.split(line,":") except ValueError, e: # this will happen for lines that don't have two values # (like the first line on 2.4 kernels) continue fieldname= string.strip(fieldname) value= string.strip(value) if fieldname == "MemTotal": try: (total_memory,units)= string.split(value) except ValueError, e: return if total_memory == "" or total_memory == None or \ units == "" or units == None: return if string.lower(units) != "kb": return try: total_memory= int(total_memory) except ValueError, e: return break meminfo_file.close() return total_memory def get_block_device_list(vars = {}, log = sys.stderr): """ get a list of block devices from this system. return an associative array, where the device name (full /dev/device path) is the key, and the value is a tuple of (major,minor,numblocks,gb_size,readonly) """ # make sure we can access to the files/directories in /proc if not os.access(PROC_PARTITIONS_PATH, os.F_OK): return None # table with valid scsi/sata/ide/raid block device names valid_blk_names = {} # add in valid sd and hd block device names for blk_prefix in ('sd','hd'): for blk_num in map ( \ lambda x: chr(x), range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)): devicename="%s%c" % (blk_prefix, blk_num) valid_blk_names[devicename]=None # add in valid scsi raid block device names for M in range(0,1+1): for N in range(0,7+1): devicename = "cciss/c%dd%d" % (M,N) valid_blk_names[devicename]=None for devicename in valid_blk_names.keys(): # devfs under 2.4 (old boot cds) used to list partitions # in a format such as scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc # and /dev/sda, etc. were just symlinks try: devfsname= os.readlink( "/dev/%s" % devicename ) valid_blk_names[devfsname]=None except OSError: pass # only do this once every system boot if not os.access(DEVICES_SCANNED_FLAG, os.R_OK): # this is ugly. under devfs, device # entries in /dev/scsi/.. and /dev/ide/... # don't show up until you attempt to read # from the associated device at /dev (/dev/sda). # so, lets run sfdisk -l (list partitions) against # most possible block devices, that way they show # up when it comes time to do the install. devicenames = valid_blk_names.keys() devicenames.sort() for devicename in devicenames: os.system( "sfdisk -l /dev/%s > /dev/null 2>&1" % devicename ) # touch file fb = open(DEVICES_SCANNED_FLAG,"w") fb.close() devicelist= {} partitions_file= file(PROC_PARTITIONS_PATH,"r") line_count= 0 for line in partitions_file: line_count= line_count + 1 # skip the first two lines always if line_count < 2: continue parts= string.split(line) if len(parts) < 4: continue device= parts[3] # skip and ignore any partitions if not valid_blk_names.has_key(device): continue try: major= int(parts[0]) minor= int(parts[1]) blocks= int(parts[2]) except ValueError, err: continue gb_size= blocks/BLOCKS_PER_GB # check to see if the blk device is readonly try: # can we write to it? dev_name= "/dev/%s" % device fb = open(dev_name,"w") fb.close() readonly=False except IOError, e: # check if EROFS errno if errno.errorcode.get(e.errno,None) == 'EROFS': readonly=True else: # got some other errno, pretend device is readonly readonly=True devicelist[dev_name]= (major,minor,blocks,gb_size,readonly) return devicelist def get_system_modules( vars = {}, log = sys.stderr): """ Return a list of kernel modules that this system requires. This requires access to the installed system's root directory, as the following file must exist and is used: /lib/modules/(first entry if kernel_version unspecified)/modules.pcimap If there are more than one kernels installed, and the kernel version is not specified, then only the first one in /lib/modules is used. Returns a dictionary, keys being the type of module: - scsi MODULE_CLASS_SCSI - network MODULE_CLASS_NETWORK The value being the kernel module name to load. Some sata devices show up under an IDE device class, hence the reason for checking for ide devices as well. If there actually is a match in the pci -> module lookup table, and its an ide device, its most likely sata, as ide modules are built in to the kernel. """ if not vars.has_key("SYSIMG_PATH"): vars["SYSIMG_PATH"]="/" SYSIMG_PATH=vars["SYSIMG_PATH"] if not vars.has_key("NODE_MODEL_OPTIONS"): vars["NODE_MODEL_OPTIONS"] = 0; initrd, kernel_version = getKernelVersion(vars, log) # get the kernel version we are assuming if kernel_version is None: try: kernel_version= os.listdir( "%s/lib/modules/" % SYSIMG_PATH ) except OSError, e: return if len(kernel_version) == 0: return if len(kernel_version) > 1: print( "WARNING: We may be returning modules for the wrong kernel." ) kernel_version= kernel_version[0] print( "Using kernel version %s" % kernel_version ) # test to make sure the file we need is present modules_pcimap_path = "%s/lib/modules/%s/modules.pcimap" % \ (SYSIMG_PATH,kernel_version) if not os.access(modules_pcimap_path,os.R_OK): print( "WARNING: Unable to read %s" % modules_pcimap_path ) return pcimap = pypcimap.PCIMap(modules_pcimap_path) # this is the actual data structure we return system_mods= {} # these are the lists that will be in system_mods network_mods= [] scsi_mods= [] # XXX: this is really similar to what BootCD/conf_files/pl_hwinit does. merge? pcidevs = get_devices() for (slot, dev) in pcidevs.iteritems(): base = (dev[4] & 0xff0000) >> 16 if base not in (PCI_BASE_CLASS_STORAGE, PCI_BASE_CLASS_NETWORK): continue modules = pcimap.get(dev) if len(modules) > 0: if base == PCI_BASE_CLASS_NETWORK: network_mods += modules elif base == PCI_BASE_CLASS_STORAGE: scsi_mods += modules system_mods[MODULE_CLASS_SCSI]= scsi_mods system_mods[MODULE_CLASS_NETWORK]= network_mods return system_mods def getKernelVersion( vars = {} , log = sys.stderr): # make sure we have the variables we need try: SYSIMG_PATH= vars["SYSIMG_PATH"] if SYSIMG_PATH == "": raise ValueError, "SYSIMG_PATH" NODE_MODEL_OPTIONS=vars["NODE_MODEL_OPTIONS"] except KeyError, var: raise BootManagerException, "Missing variable in vars: %s\n" % var except ValueError, var: raise BootManagerException, "Variable in vars, shouldn't be: %s\n" % var option = '' if NODE_MODEL_OPTIONS & ModelOptions.SMP: option = 'smp' try: os.stat("%s/boot/kernel-boot%s" % (SYSIMG_PATH,option)) os.stat("%s/boot/initrd-boot%s" % (SYSIMG_PATH,option)) except OSError, e: # smp kernel is not there; remove option from modeloptions # such that the rest of the code base thinks we are just # using the base kernel. NODE_MODEL_OPTIONS = NODE_MODEL_OPTIONS & ~ModelOptions.SMP vars["NODE_MODEL_OPTIONS"] = NODE_MODEL_OPTIONS log.write( "WARNING: Couldn't locate smp kernel.\n") option = '' try: initrd= os.readlink( "%s/boot/initrd-boot%s" % (SYSIMG_PATH,option) ) kernel_version= initrd.replace("initrd-", "").replace(".img", "") except OSError, e: initrd = None kernel_version = None return (initrd, kernel_version) if __name__ == "__main__": devices= get_block_device_list() print "block devices detected:" if not devices: print "no devices found!" else: for dev in devices.keys(): print "%s %s" % (dev, repr(devices[dev])) print "" memory= get_total_phsyical_mem() if not memory: print "unable to read /proc/meminfo for memory" else: print "total physical memory: %d kb" % memory print "" kernel_version = None if len(sys.argv) > 2: kernel_version = sys.argv[1] modules= get_system_modules() if not modules: print "unable to list system modules" else: for module_class in (MODULE_CLASS_SCSI,MODULE_CLASS_NETWORK): if len(modules[module_class]) > 0: module_list = "" for a_mod in modules[module_class]: module_list = module_list + "%s " % a_mod print "all %s modules: %s" % (module_class, module_list)