username = $parts['user']; } if(isset($parts['pass'])) { $this->password = $parts['pass']; } } if($path == '' || $path[0] != '/') { $this->path='/'.$path; } else { $this->path=$path; } $this->server=$server; if($port != '') { $this->port=$port; } if($method != '') { $this->method=$method; } // if ZLIB is enabled, let the client by default accept compressed responses if(function_exists('gzinflate') || ( function_exists('curl_init') && (($info = curl_version()) && ((is_string($info) && strpos($info, 'zlib') !== null) || isset($info['libz_version']))) )) { $this->accepted_compression = array('gzip', 'deflate'); } // keepalives: enabled by default $this->keepalive = true; // by default the xml parser can support these 3 charset encodings $this->accepted_charset_encodings = array('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'US-ASCII'); // initialize user_agent string $this->user_agent = PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcName . ' ' . PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcVersion; } /** * Enables/disables the echoing to screen of the xmlrpc responses received * @param integer $in values 0, 1 and 2 are supported (2 = echo sent msg too, before received response) */ public function setDebug($in) { $this->debug=$in; } /** * Add some http BASIC AUTH credentials, used by the client to authenticate * @param string $u username * @param string $p password * @param integer $t auth type. See curl_setopt man page for supported auth types. Defaults to CURLAUTH_BASIC (basic auth) */ public function setCredentials($u, $p, $t=1) { $this->username=$u; $this->password=$p; $this->authtype=$t; } /** * Add a client-side https certificate * @param string $cert * @param string $certpass */ public function setCertificate($cert, $certpass) { $this->cert = $cert; $this->certpass = $certpass; } /** * Add a CA certificate to verify server with (see man page about * CURLOPT_CAINFO for more details) * @param string $cacert certificate file name (or dir holding certificates) * @param bool $is_dir set to true to indicate cacert is a dir. defaults to false */ public function setCaCertificate($cacert, $is_dir=false) { if ($is_dir) { $this->cacertdir = $cacert; } else { $this->cacert = $cacert; } } /** * Set attributes for SSL communication: private SSL key * NB: does not work in older php/curl installs * Thanks to Daniel Convissor * @param string $key The name of a file containing a private SSL key * @param string $keypass The secret password needed to use the private SSL key */ public function setKey($key, $keypass) { $this->key = $key; $this->keypass = $keypass; } /** * Set attributes for SSL communication: verify server certificate * @param bool $i enable/disable verification of peer certificate */ public function setSSLVerifyPeer($i) { $this->verifypeer = $i; } /** * Set attributes for SSL communication: verify match of server cert w. hostname * @param int $i */ public function setSSLVerifyHost($i) { $this->verifyhost = $i; } /** * Set proxy info * @param string $proxyhost * @param string $proxyport Defaults to 8080 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS * @param string $proxyusername Leave blank if proxy has public access * @param string $proxypassword Leave blank if proxy has public access * @param int $proxyauthtype set to constant CURLAUTH_NTLM to use NTLM auth with proxy */ public function setProxy($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername = '', $proxypassword = '', $proxyauthtype = 1) { $this->proxy = $proxyhost; $this->proxyport = $proxyport; $this->proxy_user = $proxyusername; $this->proxy_pass = $proxypassword; $this->proxy_authtype = $proxyauthtype; } /** * Enables/disables reception of compressed xmlrpc responses. * Note that enabling reception of compressed responses merely adds some standard * http headers to xmlrpc requests. It is up to the xmlrpc server to return * compressed responses when receiving such requests. * @param string $compmethod either 'gzip', 'deflate', 'any' or '' */ public function setAcceptedCompression($compmethod) { if ($compmethod == 'any') $this->accepted_compression = array('gzip', 'deflate'); else if ($compmethod == false ) $this->accepted_compression = array(); else $this->accepted_compression = array($compmethod); } /** * Enables/disables http compression of xmlrpc request. * Take care when sending compressed requests: servers might not support them * (and automatic fallback to uncompressed requests is not yet implemented) * @param string $compmethod either 'gzip', 'deflate' or '' */ public function setRequestCompression($compmethod) { $this->request_compression = $compmethod; } /** * Adds a cookie to list of cookies that will be sent to server. * NB: setting any param but name and value will turn the cookie into a 'version 1' cookie: * do not do it unless you know what you are doing * @param string $name * @param string $value * @param string $path * @param string $domain * @param int $port * * @todo check correctness of urlencoding cookie value (copied from php way of doing it...) */ public function setCookie($name, $value='', $path='', $domain='', $port=null) { $this->cookies[$name]['value'] = urlencode($value); if ($path || $domain || $port) { $this->cookies[$name]['path'] = $path; $this->cookies[$name]['domain'] = $domain; $this->cookies[$name]['port'] = $port; $this->cookies[$name]['version'] = 1; } else { $this->cookies[$name]['version'] = 0; } } /** * Directly set cURL options, for extra flexibility * It allows eg. to bind client to a specific IP interface / address * @param array $options */ function SetCurlOptions( $options ) { $this->extracurlopts = $options; } /** * Set user-agent string that will be used by this client instance * in http headers sent to the server */ function SetUserAgent( $agentstring ) { $this->user_agent = $agentstring; } /** * Send an xmlrpc request * @param mixed $msg The request object, or an array of requests for using multicall, or the complete xml representation of a request * @param integer $timeout Connection timeout, in seconds, If unspecified, a platform specific timeout will apply * @param string $method if left unspecified, the http protocol chosen during creation of the object will be used * @return Response */ public function& send($msg, $timeout=0, $method='') { // if user deos not specify http protocol, use native method of this client // (i.e. method set during call to constructor) if($method == '') { $method = $this->method; } if(is_array($msg)) { // $msg is an array of Requests $r = $this->multicall($msg, $timeout, $method); return $r; } elseif(is_string($msg)) { $n = new Message(''); $n->payload = $msg; $msg = $n; } // where msg is a Request $msg->debug=$this->debug; if($method == 'https') { $r = $this->sendPayloadHTTPS( $msg, $this->server, $this->port, $timeout, $this->username, $this->password, $this->authtype, $this->cert, $this->certpass, $this->cacert, $this->cacertdir, $this->proxy, $this->proxyport, $this->proxy_user, $this->proxy_pass, $this->proxy_authtype, $this->keepalive, $this->key, $this->keypass ); } elseif($method == 'http11') { $r = $this->sendPayloadCURL( $msg, $this->server, $this->port, $timeout, $this->username, $this->password, $this->authtype, null, null, null, null, $this->proxy, $this->proxyport, $this->proxy_user, $this->proxy_pass, $this->proxy_authtype, 'http', $this->keepalive ); } else { $r = $this->sendPayloadHTTP10( $msg, $this->server, $this->port, $timeout, $this->username, $this->password, $this->authtype, $this->proxy, $this->proxyport, $this->proxy_user, $this->proxy_pass, $this->proxy_authtype ); } return $r; } private function sendPayloadHTTP10($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=0, $username='', $password='', $authtype=1, $proxyhost='', $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1) { if($port==0) { $port=80; } // Only create the payload if it was not created previously if(empty($msg->payload)) { $msg->createPayload($this->request_charset_encoding); } $payload = $msg->payload; // Deflate request body and set appropriate request headers if(function_exists('gzdeflate') && ($this->request_compression == 'gzip' || $this->request_compression == 'deflate')) { if($this->request_compression == 'gzip') { $a = @gzencode($payload); if($a) { $payload = $a; $encoding_hdr = "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n"; } } else { $a = @gzcompress($payload); if($a) { $payload = $a; $encoding_hdr = "Content-Encoding: deflate\r\n"; } } } else { $encoding_hdr = ''; } // thanks to Grant Rauscher for this $credentials=''; if($username!='') { $credentials='Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($username . ':' . $password) . "\r\n"; if ($authtype != 1) { error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth is supported with HTTP 1.0'); } } $accepted_encoding = ''; if(is_array($this->accepted_compression) && count($this->accepted_compression)) { $accepted_encoding = 'Accept-Encoding: ' . implode(', ', $this->accepted_compression) . "\r\n"; } $proxy_credentials = ''; if($proxyhost) { if($proxyport == 0) { $proxyport = 8080; } $connectserver = $proxyhost; $connectport = $proxyport; $uri = 'http://'.$server.':'.$port.$this->path; if($proxyusername != '') { if ($proxyauthtype != 1) { error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth to proxy is supported with HTTP 1.0'); } $proxy_credentials = 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($proxyusername.':'.$proxypassword) . "\r\n"; } } else { $connectserver = $server; $connectport = $port; $uri = $this->path; } // Cookie generation, as per rfc2965 (version 1 cookies) or // netscape's rules (version 0 cookies) $cookieheader=''; if (count($this->cookies)) { $version = ''; foreach ($this->cookies as $name => $cookie) { if ($cookie['version']) { $version = ' $Version="' . $cookie['version'] . '";'; $cookieheader .= ' ' . $name . '="' . $cookie['value'] . '";'; if ($cookie['path']) $cookieheader .= ' $Path="' . $cookie['path'] . '";'; if ($cookie['domain']) $cookieheader .= ' $Domain="' . $cookie['domain'] . '";'; if ($cookie['port']) $cookieheader .= ' $Port="' . $cookie['port'] . '";'; } else { $cookieheader .= ' ' . $name . '=' . $cookie['value'] . ";"; } } $cookieheader = 'Cookie:' . $version . substr($cookieheader, 0, -1) . "\r\n"; } // omit port if 80 $port = ($port == 80) ? '' : (':' . $port); $op= 'POST ' . $uri. " HTTP/1.0\r\n" . 'User-Agent: ' . $this->user_agent . "\r\n" . 'Host: '. $server . $port . "\r\n" . $credentials . $proxy_credentials . $accepted_encoding . $encoding_hdr . 'Accept-Charset: ' . implode(',', $this->accepted_charset_encodings) . "\r\n" . $cookieheader . 'Content-Type: ' . $msg->content_type . "\r\nContent-Length: " . strlen($payload) . "\r\n\r\n" . $payload; if($this->debug > 1) { print "
\n---SENDING---\n" . htmlentities($op) . "\n---END---\n
"; // let the client see this now in case http times out... flush(); } if($timeout>0) { $fp=@fsockopen($connectserver, $connectport, $this->errno, $this->errstr, $timeout); } else { $fp=@fsockopen($connectserver, $connectport, $this->errno, $this->errstr); } if($fp) { if($timeout>0 && function_exists('stream_set_timeout')) { stream_set_timeout($fp, $timeout); } } else { $this->errstr='Connect error: '.$this->errstr; $r=new Response(0, PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcerr['http_error'], $this->errstr . ' (' . $this->errno . ')'); return $r; } if(!fputs($fp, $op, strlen($op))) { fclose($fp); $this->errstr='Write error'; $r=new Response(0, PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcerr['http_error'], $this->errstr); return $r; } else { // reset errno and errstr on successful socket connection $this->errstr = ''; } // G. Giunta 2005/10/24: close socket before parsing. // should yield slightly better execution times, and make easier recursive calls (e.g. to follow http redirects) $ipd=''; do { // shall we check for $data === FALSE? // as per the manual, it signals an error $ipd.=fread($fp, 32768); } while(!feof($fp)); fclose($fp); $r = $msg->parseResponse($ipd, false, $this->return_type); return $r; } private function sendPayloadHTTPS($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=0, $username='', $password='', $authtype=1, $cert='',$certpass='', $cacert='', $cacertdir='', $proxyhost='', $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1, $keepalive=false, $key='', $keypass='') { $r = $this->sendPayloadCURL($msg, $server, $port, $timeout, $username, $password, $authtype, $cert, $certpass, $cacert, $cacertdir, $proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername, $proxypassword, $proxyauthtype, 'https', $keepalive, $key, $keypass); return $r; } /** * Contributed by Justin Miller * Requires curl to be built into PHP * NB: CURL versions before 7.11.10 cannot use proxy to talk to https servers! */ private function sendPayloadCURL($msg, $server, $port, $timeout=0, $username='', $password='', $authtype=1, $cert='', $certpass='', $cacert='', $cacertdir='', $proxyhost='', $proxyport=0, $proxyusername='', $proxypassword='', $proxyauthtype=1, $method='https', $keepalive=false, $key='', $keypass='') { if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->errstr='CURL unavailable on this install'; $r=new Response(0, PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcerr['no_curl'], PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcstr['no_curl']); return $r; } if($method == 'https') { if(($info = curl_version()) && ((is_string($info) && strpos($info, 'OpenSSL') === null) || (is_array($info) && !isset($info['ssl_version'])))) { $this->errstr='SSL unavailable on this install'; $r=new Response(0, PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcerr['no_ssl'], PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcstr['no_ssl']); return $r; } } if($port == 0) { if($method == 'http') { $port = 80; } else { $port = 443; } } // Only create the payload if it was not created previously if(empty($msg->payload)) { $msg->createPayload($this->request_charset_encoding); } // Deflate request body and set appropriate request headers $payload = $msg->payload; if(function_exists('gzdeflate') && ($this->request_compression == 'gzip' || $this->request_compression == 'deflate')) { if($this->request_compression == 'gzip') { $a = @gzencode($payload); if($a) { $payload = $a; $encoding_hdr = 'Content-Encoding: gzip'; } } else { $a = @gzcompress($payload); if($a) { $payload = $a; $encoding_hdr = 'Content-Encoding: deflate'; } } } else { $encoding_hdr = ''; } if($this->debug > 1) { print "
\n---SENDING---\n" . htmlentities($payload) . "\n---END---\n
"; // let the client see this now in case http times out... flush(); } if(!$keepalive || !$this->xmlrpc_curl_handle) { $curl = curl_init($method . '://' . $server . ':' . $port . $this->path); if($keepalive) { $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle = $curl; } } else { $curl = $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle; } // results into variable curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); if($this->debug) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->user_agent); // required for XMLRPC: post the data curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // the data curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload); // return the header too curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); // NB: if we set an empty string, CURL will add http header indicating // ALL methods it is supporting. This is possibly a better option than // letting the user tell what curl can / cannot do... if(is_array($this->accepted_compression) && count($this->accepted_compression)) { //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, implode(',', $this->accepted_compression)); // empty string means 'any supported by CURL' (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?) if (count($this->accepted_compression) == 1) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, $this->accepted_compression[0]); } else curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ''); } // extra headers $headers = array('Content-Type: ' . $msg->content_type , 'Accept-Charset: ' . implode(',', $this->accepted_charset_encodings)); // if no keepalive is wanted, let the server know it in advance if(!$keepalive) { $headers[] = 'Connection: close'; } // request compression header if($encoding_hdr) { $headers[] = $encoding_hdr; } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); // timeout is borked if($timeout) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout == 1 ? 1 : $timeout - 1); } if($username && $password) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username.':'.$password); if (defined('CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH')) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, $authtype); } else if ($authtype != 1) { error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth is supported by the current PHP/curl install'); } } if($method == 'https') { // set cert file if($cert) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $cert); } // set cert password if($certpass) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD, $certpass); } // whether to verify remote host's cert curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $this->verifypeer); // set ca certificates file/dir if($cacert) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $cacert); } if($cacertdir) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAPATH, $cacertdir); } // set key file (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?) if($key) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, $key); } // set key password (shall we catch errors in case CURLOPT_SSLKEY undefined ?) if($keypass) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD, $keypass); } // whether to verify cert's common name (CN); 0 for no, 1 to verify that it exists, and 2 to verify that it matches the hostname used curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, $this->verifyhost); } // proxy info if($proxyhost) { if($proxyport == 0) { $proxyport = 8080; // NB: even for HTTPS, local connection is on port 8080 } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxyhost.':'.$proxyport); //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT,$proxyport); if($proxyusername) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyusername.':'.$proxypassword); if (defined('CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH')) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, $proxyauthtype); } else if ($proxyauthtype != 1) { error_log('XML-RPC: '.__METHOD__.': warning. Only Basic auth to proxy is supported by the current PHP/curl install'); } } } // NB: should we build cookie http headers by hand rather than let CURL do it? // the following code does not honour 'expires', 'path' and 'domain' cookie attributes // set to client obj the the user... if (count($this->cookies)) { $cookieheader = ''; foreach ($this->cookies as $name => $cookie) { $cookieheader .= $name . '=' . $cookie['value'] . '; '; } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIE, substr($cookieheader, 0, -2)); } foreach ($this->extracurlopts as $opt => $val) { curl_setopt($curl, $opt, $val); } $result = curl_exec($curl); if ($this->debug > 1) { print "
\n---CURL INFO---\n";
            foreach(curl_getinfo($curl) as $name => $val)
                if (is_array($val))
                    $val = implode("\n", $val);
                print $name . ': ' . htmlentities($val) . "\n";

            print "---END---\n
"; } if(!$result) /// @todo we should use a better check here - what if we get back '' or '0'? { $this->errstr='no response'; $resp=new Response(0, PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcerr['curl_fail'], PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcstr['curl_fail']. ': '. curl_error($curl)); curl_close($curl); if($keepalive) { $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle = null; } } else { if(!$keepalive) { curl_close($curl); } $resp = $msg->parseResponse($result, true, $this->return_type); // if we got back a 302, we can not reuse the curl handle for later calls if($resp->faultCode() == PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcerr['http_error'] && $keepalive) { curl_close($curl); $this->xmlrpc_curl_handle = null; } } return $resp; } /** * Send an array of requests and return an array of responses. * Unless $this->no_multicall has been set to true, it will try first * to use one single xmlrpc call to server method system.multicall, and * revert to sending many successive calls in case of failure. * This failure is also stored in $this->no_multicall for subsequent calls. * Unfortunately, there is no server error code universally used to denote * the fact that multicall is unsupported, so there is no way to reliably * distinguish between that and a temporary failure. * If you are sure that server supports multicall and do not want to * fallback to using many single calls, set the fourth parameter to FALSE. * * NB: trying to shoehorn extra functionality into existing syntax has resulted * in pretty much convoluted code... * * @param Request[] $msgs an array of Request objects * @param integer $timeout connection timeout (in seconds) * @param string $method the http protocol variant to be used * @param boolean fallback When true, upon receiving an error during multicall, multiple single calls will be attempted * @return array */ public function multicall($msgs, $timeout=0, $method='', $fallback=true) { if ($method == '') { $method = $this->method; } if(!$this->no_multicall) { $results = $this->_try_multicall($msgs, $timeout, $method); if(is_array($results)) { // System.multicall succeeded return $results; } else { // either system.multicall is unsupported by server, // or call failed for some other reason. if ($fallback) { // Don't try it next time... $this->no_multicall = true; } else { if (is_a($results, '\PhpXmlRpc\Response')) { $result = $results; } else { $result = new Response(0, PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcerr['multicall_error'], PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcstr['multicall_error']); } } } } else { // override fallback, in case careless user tries to do two // opposite things at the same time $fallback = true; } $results = array(); if ($fallback) { // system.multicall is (probably) unsupported by server: // emulate multicall via multiple requests foreach($msgs as $msg) { $results[] = $this->send($msg, $timeout, $method); } } else { // user does NOT want to fallback on many single calls: // since we should always return an array of responses, // return an array with the same error repeated n times foreach($msgs as $msg) { $results[] = $result; } } return $results; } /** * Attempt to boxcar $msgs via system.multicall. * Returns either an array of xmlrpcreponses, an xmlrpc error response * or false (when received response does not respect valid multicall syntax) */ private function _try_multicall($msgs, $timeout, $method) { // Construct multicall request $calls = array(); foreach($msgs as $msg) { $call['methodName'] = new Value($msg->method(),'string'); $numParams = $msg->getNumParams(); $params = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $numParams; $i++) { $params[$i] = $msg->getParam($i); } $call['params'] = new Value($params, 'array'); $calls[] = new Value($call, 'struct'); } $multicall = new Request('system.multicall'); $multicall->addParam(new Value($calls, 'array')); // Attempt RPC call $result = $this->send($multicall, $timeout, $method); if($result->faultCode() != 0) { // call to system.multicall failed return $result; } // Unpack responses. $rets = $result->value(); if ($this->return_type == 'xml') { return $rets; } else if ($this->return_type == 'phpvals') { ///@todo test this code branch... $rets = $result->value(); if(!is_array($rets)) { return false; // bad return type from system.multicall } $numRets = count($rets); if($numRets != count($msgs)) { return false; // wrong number of return values. } $response = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $numRets; $i++) { $val = $rets[$i]; if (!is_array($val)) { return false; } switch(count($val)) { case 1: if(!isset($val[0])) { return false; // Bad value } // Normal return value $response[$i] = new Response($val[0], 0, '', 'phpvals'); break; case 2: /// @todo remove usage of @: it is apparently quite slow $code = @$val['faultCode']; if(!is_int($code)) { return false; } $str = @$val['faultString']; if(!is_string($str)) { return false; } $response[$i] = new Response(0, $code, $str); break; default: return false; } } return $response; } else // return type == 'xmlrpcvals' { $rets = $result->value(); if($rets->kindOf() != 'array') { return false; // bad return type from system.multicall } $numRets = $rets->arraysize(); if($numRets != count($msgs)) { return false; // wrong number of return values. } $response = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $numRets; $i++) { $val = $rets->arraymem($i); switch($val->kindOf()) { case 'array': if($val->arraysize() != 1) { return false; // Bad value } // Normal return value $response[$i] = new Response($val->arraymem(0)); break; case 'struct': $code = $val->structmem('faultCode'); if($code->kindOf() != 'scalar' || $code->scalartyp() != 'int') { return false; } $str = $val->structmem('faultString'); if($str->kindOf() != 'scalar' || $str->scalartyp() != 'string') { return false; } $response[$i] = new Response(0, $code->scalarval(), $str->scalarval()); break; default: return false; } } return $response; } } }