'', 'stack' => array(), 'valuestack' => array(), 'isf' => 0, 'isf_reason' => '', 'method' => false, 'params' => array(), 'pt' => array(), 'rt' => '', ); public $xmlrpc_valid_parents = array( 'VALUE' => array('MEMBER', 'DATA', 'PARAM', 'FAULT'), 'BOOLEAN' => array('VALUE'), 'I4' => array('VALUE'), 'I8' => array('VALUE'), 'EX:I8' => array('VALUE'), 'INT' => array('VALUE'), 'STRING' => array('VALUE'), 'DOUBLE' => array('VALUE'), 'DATETIME.ISO8601' => array('VALUE'), 'BASE64' => array('VALUE'), 'MEMBER' => array('STRUCT'), 'NAME' => array('MEMBER'), 'DATA' => array('ARRAY'), 'ARRAY' => array('VALUE'), 'STRUCT' => array('VALUE'), 'PARAM' => array('PARAMS'), 'METHODNAME' => array('METHODCALL'), 'PARAMS' => array('METHODCALL', 'METHODRESPONSE'), 'FAULT' => array('METHODRESPONSE'), 'NIL' => array('VALUE'), // only used when extension activated 'EX:NIL' => array('VALUE'), // only used when extension activated ); /** @var array $parsing_options */ protected $parsing_options = array(); /** @var int $accept self::ACCEPT_REQUEST | self::ACCEPT_RESPONSE by default */ protected $accept = 3; /** @var int $maxChunkLength 4 MB by default. Any value below 10MB should be good */ protected $maxChunkLength = 4194304; /** * @param array $options passed to the xml parser */ public function __construct(array $options = array()) { $this->parsing_options = $options; } /** * @param string $data * @param string $returnType * @param int $accept a bit-combination of self::ACCEPT_REQUEST, self::ACCEPT_RESPONSE, self::ACCEPT_VALUE * @return string */ public function parse($data, $returnType = self::RETURN_XMLRPCVALS, $accept = 3) { $this->_xh = array( 'ac' => '', 'stack' => array(), 'valuestack' => array(), 'isf' => 0, 'isf_reason' => '', 'method' => false, // so we can check later if we got a methodname or not 'params' => array(), 'pt' => array(), 'rt' => '', ); $len = strlen($data); // we test for empty documents here to save on resource allocation and simply the chunked-parsing loop below if ($len == 0) { $this->_xh['isf'] = 3; $this->_xh['isf_reason'] = 'XML error 5: empty document'; return; } $parser = xml_parser_create(); foreach ($this->parsing_options as $key => $val) { xml_parser_set_option($parser, $key, $val); } // always set this, in case someone tries to disable it via options... xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 1); xml_set_object($parser, $this); switch($returnType) { case self::RETURN_PHP: xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_se', 'xmlrpc_ee_fast'); break; case self::RETURN_EPIVALS: xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_se', 'xmlrpc_ee_epi'); break; default: xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_se', 'xmlrpc_ee'); } xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_cd'); xml_set_default_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_dh'); $this->accept = $accept; // @see ticket #70 - we have to parse big xml docks in chunks to avoid errors for ($offset = 0; $offset < $len; $offset += $this->maxChunkLength) { $chunk = substr($data, $offset, $this->maxChunkLength); // error handling: xml not well formed if (!xml_parse($parser, $chunk, $offset + $this->maxChunkLength >= $len)) { $errCode = xml_get_error_code($parser); $errStr = sprintf('XML error %s: %s at line %d, column %d', $errCode, xml_error_string($errCode), xml_get_current_line_number($parser), xml_get_current_column_number($parser)); $this->_xh['isf'] = 3; $this->_xh['isf_reason'] = $errStr; break; } } xml_parser_free($parser); } /** * xml parser handler function for opening element tags. * @param resource $parser * @param string $name * @param $attrs * @param bool $acceptSingleVals DEPRECATED use the $accept parameter instead */ public function xmlrpc_se($parser, $name, $attrs, $acceptSingleVals = false) { // if invalid xmlrpc already detected, skip all processing if ($this->_xh['isf'] < 2) { // check for correct element nesting if (count($this->_xh['stack']) == 0) { // top level element can only be of 2 types /// @todo optimization creep: save this check into a bool variable, instead of using count() every time: /// there is only a single top level element in xml anyway // BC if ($acceptSingleVals === false) { $accept = $this->accept; } else { $accept = self::ACCEPT_REQUEST | self::ACCEPT_RESPONSE | self::ACCEPT_VALUE; } if (($name == 'METHODCALL' && ($accept & self::ACCEPT_REQUEST)) || ($name == 'METHODRESPONSE' && ($accept & self::ACCEPT_RESPONSE)) || ($name == 'VALUE' && ($accept & self::ACCEPT_VALUE)) || ($name == 'FAULT' && ($accept & self::ACCEPT_FAULT))) { $this->_xh['rt'] = strtolower($name); } else { $this->_xh['isf'] = 2; $this->_xh['isf_reason'] = 'missing top level xmlrpc element. Found: ' . $name; return; } } else { // not top level element: see if parent is OK $parent = end($this->_xh['stack']); if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->xmlrpc_valid_parents) || !in_array($parent, $this->xmlrpc_valid_parents[$name])) { $this->_xh['isf'] = 2; $this->_xh['isf_reason'] = "xmlrpc element $name cannot be child of $parent"; return; } } switch ($name) { // optimize for speed switch cases: most common cases first case 'VALUE': /// @todo we could check for 2 VALUE elements inside a MEMBER or PARAM element $this->_xh['vt'] = 'value'; // indicator: no value found yet $this->_xh['ac'] = ''; $this->_xh['lv'] = 1; $this->_xh['php_class'] = null; break; case 'I8': case 'EX:I8': if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4) { // INVALID ELEMENT: RAISE ISF so that it is later recognized!!! $this->_xh['isf'] = 2; $this->_xh['isf_reason'] = "Received i8 element but php is compiled in 32 bit mode"; return; } // fall through voluntarily case 'I4': case 'INT': case 'STRING': case 'BOOLEAN': case 'DOUBLE': case 'DATETIME.ISO8601': case 'BASE64': if ($this->_xh['vt'] != 'value') { // two data elements inside a value: an error occurred! $this->_xh['isf'] = 2; $this->_xh['isf_reason'] = "$name element following a {$this->_xh['vt']} element inside a single value"; return; } $this->_xh['ac'] = ''; // reset the accumulator break; case 'STRUCT': case 'ARRAY': if ($this->_xh['vt'] != 'value') { // two data elements inside a value: an error occurred! $this->_xh['isf'] = 2; $this->_xh['isf_reason'] = "$name element following a {$this->_xh['vt']} element inside a single value"; return; } // create an empty array to hold child values, and push it onto appropriate stack $curVal = array(); $curVal['values'] = array(); $curVal['type'] = $name; // check for out-of-band information to rebuild php objs // and in case it is found, save it if (@isset($attrs['PHP_CLASS'])) { $curVal['php_class'] = $attrs['PHP_CLASS']; } $this->_xh['valuestack'][] = $curVal; $this->_xh['vt'] = 'data'; // be prepared for a data element next break; case 'DATA': if ($this->_xh['vt'] != 'data') { // two data elements inside a value: an error occurred! $this->_xh['isf'] = 2; $this->_xh['isf_reason'] = "found two data elements inside an array element"; return; } case 'METHODCALL': case 'METHODRESPONSE': case 'PARAMS': // valid elements that add little to processing break; case 'METHODNAME': case 'NAME': /// @todo we could check for 2 NAME elements inside a MEMBER element $this->_xh['ac'] = ''; break; case 'FAULT': $this->_xh['isf'] = 1; break; case 'MEMBER': // set member name to null, in case we do not find in the xml later on $this->_xh['valuestack'][count($this->_xh['valuestack']) - 1]['name'] = ''; //$this->_xh['ac']=''; // Drop trough intentionally case 'PARAM': // clear value type, so we can check later if no value has been passed for this param/member $this->_xh['vt'] = null; break; case 'NIL': case 'EX:NIL': if (PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_null_extension) { if ($this->_xh['vt'] != 'value') { // two data elements inside a value: an error occurred! $this->_xh['isf'] = 2; $this->_xh['isf_reason'] = "$name element following a {$this->_xh['vt']} element inside a single value"; return; } $this->_xh['ac'] = ''; // reset the accumulator break; } // we do not support the extension, so // drop through intentionally default: // INVALID ELEMENT: RAISE ISF so that it is later recognized!!! $this->_xh['isf'] = 2; $this->_xh['isf_reason'] = "found not-xmlrpc xml element $name"; break; } // Save current element name to stack, to validate nesting $this->_xh['stack'][] = $name; /// @todo optimization creep: move this inside the big switch() above if ($name != 'VALUE') { $this->_xh['lv'] = 0; } } } /** * xml parser handler function for opening element tags. * Used in decoding xml chunks that might represent single xmlrpc values as well as requests, responses. * @deprecated * @param resource $parser * @param $name * @param $attrs */ public function xmlrpc_se_any($parser, $name, $attrs) { $this->xmlrpc_se($parser, $name, $attrs, true); } /** * xml parser handler function for close element tags. * @param resource $parser * @param string $name * @param int $rebuildXmlrpcvals >1 for rebuilding xmlrpcvals, 0 for rebuilding php values, -1 for xmlrpc-extension compatibility */ public function xmlrpc_ee($parser, $name, $rebuildXmlrpcvals = 1) { if ($this->_xh['isf'] < 2) { // push this element name from stack // NB: if XML validates, correct opening/closing is guaranteed and // we do not have to check for $name == $currElem. // we also checked for proper nesting at start of elements... $currElem = array_pop($this->_xh['stack']); switch ($name) { case 'VALUE': // This if() detects if no scalar was inside if ($this->_xh['vt'] == 'value') { $this->_xh['value'] = $this->_xh['ac']; $this->_xh['vt'] = Value::$xmlrpcString; } if ($rebuildXmlrpcvals > 0) { // build the xmlrpc val out of the data received, and substitute it $temp = new Value($this->_xh['value'], $this->_xh['vt']); // in case we got info about underlying php class, save it // in the object we're rebuilding if (isset($this->_xh['php_class'])) { $temp->_php_class = $this->_xh['php_class']; } $this->_xh['value'] = $temp; } elseif ($rebuildXmlrpcvals < 0) { if ($this->_xh['vt'] == Value::$xmlrpcDateTime) { $this->_xh['value'] = (object)array( 'xmlrpc_type' => 'datetime', 'scalar' => $this->_xh['value'], 'timestamp' => \PhpXmlRpc\Helper\Date::iso8601Decode($this->_xh['value']) ); } elseif ($this->_xh['vt'] == Value::$xmlrpcBase64) { $this->_xh['value'] = (object)array( 'xmlrpc_type' => 'base64', 'scalar' => $this->_xh['value'] ); } } else { /// @todo this should handle php-serialized objects, /// since std deserializing is done by php_xmlrpc_decode, /// which we will not be calling... //if (isset($this->_xh['php_class'])) { //} } // check if we are inside an array or struct: // if value just built is inside an array, let's move it into array on the stack $vscount = count($this->_xh['valuestack']); if ($vscount && $this->_xh['valuestack'][$vscount - 1]['type'] == 'ARRAY') { $this->_xh['valuestack'][$vscount - 1]['values'][] = $this->_xh['value']; } break; case 'BOOLEAN': case 'I4': case 'I8': case 'EX:I8': case 'INT': case 'STRING': case 'DOUBLE': case 'DATETIME.ISO8601': case 'BASE64': $this->_xh['vt'] = strtolower($name); /// @todo: optimization creep - remove the if/elseif cycle below /// since the case() in which we are already did that if ($name == 'STRING') { $this->_xh['value'] = $this->_xh['ac']; } elseif ($name == 'DATETIME.ISO8601') { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/', $this->_xh['ac'])) { Logger::instance()->errorLog('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': invalid value received in DATETIME: ' . $this->_xh['ac']); } $this->_xh['vt'] = Value::$xmlrpcDateTime; $this->_xh['value'] = $this->_xh['ac']; } elseif ($name == 'BASE64') { /// @todo check for failure of base64 decoding / catch warnings $this->_xh['value'] = base64_decode($this->_xh['ac']); } elseif ($name == 'BOOLEAN') { // special case here: we translate boolean 1 or 0 into PHP // constants true or false. // Strings 'true' and 'false' are accepted, even though the // spec never mentions them (see eg. Blogger api docs) // NB: this simple checks helps a lot sanitizing input, ie no // security problems around here if ($this->_xh['ac'] == '1' || strcasecmp($this->_xh['ac'], 'true') == 0) { $this->_xh['value'] = true; } else { // log if receiving something strange, even though we set the value to false anyway if ($this->_xh['ac'] != '0' && strcasecmp($this->_xh['ac'], 'false') != 0) { Logger::instance()->errorLog('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': invalid value received in BOOLEAN: ' . $this->_xh['ac']); } $this->_xh['value'] = false; } } elseif ($name == 'DOUBLE') { // we have a DOUBLE // we must check that only 0123456789-. are characters here // NOTE: regexp could be much stricter than this... if (!preg_match('/^[+-eE0123456789 \t.]+$/', $this->_xh['ac'])) { /// @todo: find a better way of throwing an error than this! Logger::instance()->errorLog('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': non numeric value received in DOUBLE: ' . $this->_xh['ac']); $this->_xh['value'] = 'ERROR_NON_NUMERIC_FOUND'; } else { // it's ok, add it on $this->_xh['value'] = (double)$this->_xh['ac']; } } else { // we have an I4/I8/INT // we must check that only 0123456789- are characters here if (!preg_match('/^[+-]?[0123456789 \t]+$/', $this->_xh['ac'])) { /// @todo find a better way of throwing an error than this! Logger::instance()->errorLog('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': non numeric value received in INT: ' . $this->_xh['ac']); $this->_xh['value'] = 'ERROR_NON_NUMERIC_FOUND'; } else { // it's ok, add it on $this->_xh['value'] = (int)$this->_xh['ac']; } } $this->_xh['lv'] = 3; // indicate we've found a value break; case 'NAME': $this->_xh['valuestack'][count($this->_xh['valuestack']) - 1]['name'] = $this->_xh['ac']; break; case 'MEMBER': // add to array in the stack the last element built, // unless no VALUE was found if ($this->_xh['vt']) { $vscount = count($this->_xh['valuestack']); $this->_xh['valuestack'][$vscount - 1]['values'][$this->_xh['valuestack'][$vscount - 1]['name']] = $this->_xh['value']; } else { Logger::instance()->errorLog('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': missing VALUE inside STRUCT in received xml'); } break; case 'DATA': $this->_xh['vt'] = null; // reset this to check for 2 data elements in a row - even if they're empty break; case 'STRUCT': case 'ARRAY': // fetch out of stack array of values, and promote it to current value $currVal = array_pop($this->_xh['valuestack']); $this->_xh['value'] = $currVal['values']; $this->_xh['vt'] = strtolower($name); if (isset($currVal['php_class'])) { $this->_xh['php_class'] = $currVal['php_class']; } break; case 'PARAM': // add to array of params the current value, // unless no VALUE was found if ($this->_xh['vt']) { $this->_xh['params'][] = $this->_xh['value']; $this->_xh['pt'][] = $this->_xh['vt']; } else { Logger::instance()->errorLog('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': missing VALUE inside PARAM in received xml'); } break; case 'METHODNAME': $this->_xh['method'] = preg_replace('/^[\n\r\t ]+/', '', $this->_xh['ac']); break; case 'NIL': case 'EX:NIL': if (PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_null_extension) { $this->_xh['vt'] = 'null'; $this->_xh['value'] = null; $this->_xh['lv'] = 3; break; } // drop through intentionally if nil extension not enabled case 'PARAMS': case 'FAULT': case 'METHODCALL': case 'METHORESPONSE': break; default: // End of INVALID ELEMENT! // shall we add an assert here for unreachable code??? break; } } } /** * Used in decoding xmlrpc requests/responses without rebuilding xmlrpc Values. * @param resource $parser * @param string $name */ public function xmlrpc_ee_fast($parser, $name) { $this->xmlrpc_ee($parser, $name, 0); } /** * Used in decoding xmlrpc requests/responses while building xmlrpc-extension Values (plain php for all but base64 and datetime). * @param resource $parser * @param string $name */ public function xmlrpc_ee_epi($parser, $name) { $this->xmlrpc_ee($parser, $name, -1); } /** * xml parser handler function for character data. * @param resource $parser * @param string $data */ public function xmlrpc_cd($parser, $data) { // skip processing if xml fault already detected if ($this->_xh['isf'] < 2) { // "lookforvalue==3" means that we've found an entire value // and should discard any further character data if ($this->_xh['lv'] != 3) { $this->_xh['ac'] .= $data; } } } /** * xml parser handler function for 'other stuff', ie. not char data or * element start/end tag. In fact it only gets called on unknown entities... * @param $parser * @param string data */ public function xmlrpc_dh($parser, $data) { // skip processing if xml fault already detected if ($this->_xh['isf'] < 2) { if (substr($data, 0, 1) == '&' && substr($data, -1, 1) == ';') { $this->_xh['ac'] .= $data; } } //return true; } /** * xml charset encoding guessing helper function. * Tries to determine the charset encoding of an XML chunk received over HTTP. * NB: according to the spec (RFC 3023), if text/xml content-type is received over HTTP without a content-type, * we SHOULD assume it is strictly US-ASCII. But we try to be more tolerant of non conforming (legacy?) clients/servers, * which will be most probably using UTF-8 anyway... * In order of importance checks: * 1. http headers * 2. BOM * 3. XML declaration * 4. guesses using mb_detect_encoding() * * @param string $httpHeader the http Content-type header * @param string $xmlChunk xml content buffer * @param string $encodingPrefs comma separated list of character encodings to be used as default (when mb extension is enabled). * This can also be set globally using PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_detectencodings * @return string the encoding determined. Null if it can't be determined and mbstring is enabled, * PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_defencoding if it can't be determined and mbstring is not enabled * * @todo explore usage of mb_http_input(): does it detect http headers + post data? if so, use it instead of hand-detection!!! */ public static function guessEncoding($httpHeader = '', $xmlChunk = '', $encodingPrefs = null) { // discussion: see http://www.yale.edu/pclt/encoding/ // 1 - test if encoding is specified in HTTP HEADERS // Details: // LWS: (\13\10)?( |\t)+ // token: (any char but excluded stuff)+ // quoted string: " (any char but double quotes and control chars)* " // header: Content-type = ...; charset=value(; ...)* // where value is of type token, no LWS allowed between 'charset' and value // Note: we do not check for invalid chars in VALUE: // this had better be done using pure ereg as below // Note 2: we might be removing whitespace/tabs that ought to be left in if // the received charset is a quoted string. But nobody uses such charset names... /// @todo this test will pass if ANY header has charset specification, not only Content-Type. Fix it? $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/;\s*charset\s*=([^;]+)/i', $httpHeader, $matches)) { return strtoupper(trim($matches[1], " \t\"")); } // 2 - scan the first bytes of the data for a UTF-16 (or other) BOM pattern // (source: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006) // NOTE: actually, according to the spec, even if we find the BOM and determine // an encoding, we should check if there is an encoding specified // in the xml declaration, and verify if they match. /// @todo implement check as described above? /// @todo implement check for first bytes of string even without a BOM? (It sure looks harder than for cases WITH a BOM) if (preg_match('/^(\x00\x00\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE\x00\x00|\x00\x00\xFF\xFE|\xFE\xFF\x00\x00)/', $xmlChunk)) { return 'UCS-4'; } elseif (preg_match('/^(\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE)/', $xmlChunk)) { return 'UTF-16'; } elseif (preg_match('/^(\xEF\xBB\xBF)/', $xmlChunk)) { return 'UTF-8'; } // 3 - test if encoding is specified in the xml declaration // Details: // SPACE: (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+ === [ \x9\xD\xA]+ // EQ: SPACE?=SPACE? === [ \x9\xD\xA]*=[ \x9\xD\xA]* if (preg_match('/^<\?xml\s+version\s*=\s*' . "((?:\"[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+\")|(?:'[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+'))" . '\s+encoding\s*=\s*' . "((?:\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]*\")|(?:'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]*'))/", $xmlChunk, $matches)) { return strtoupper(substr($matches[2], 1, -1)); } // 4 - if mbstring is available, let it do the guesswork if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) { if ($encodingPrefs == null && PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_detectencodings != null) { $encodingPrefs = PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_detectencodings; } if ($encodingPrefs) { $enc = mb_detect_encoding($xmlChunk, $encodingPrefs); } else { $enc = mb_detect_encoding($xmlChunk); } // NB: mb_detect likes to call it ascii, xml parser likes to call it US_ASCII... // IANA also likes better US-ASCII, so go with it if ($enc == 'ASCII') { $enc = 'US-' . $enc; } return $enc; } else { // no encoding specified: as per HTTP1.1 assume it is iso-8859-1? // Both RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1) and 1945 (HTTP 1.0) clearly state that for text/xxx content types // this should be the standard. And we should be getting text/xml as request and response. // BUT we have to be backward compatible with the lib, which always used UTF-8 as default... return PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_defencoding; } } /** * Helper function: checks if an xml chunk as a charset declaration (BOM or in the xml declaration) * * @param string $xmlChunk * @return bool */ public static function hasEncoding($xmlChunk) { // scan the first bytes of the data for a UTF-16 (or other) BOM pattern // (source: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006) if (preg_match('/^(\x00\x00\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE\x00\x00|\x00\x00\xFF\xFE|\xFE\xFF\x00\x00)/', $xmlChunk)) { return true; } elseif (preg_match('/^(\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE)/', $xmlChunk)) { return true; } elseif (preg_match('/^(\xEF\xBB\xBF)/', $xmlChunk)) { return true; } // test if encoding is specified in the xml declaration // Details: // SPACE: (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+ === [ \x9\xD\xA]+ // EQ: SPACE?=SPACE? === [ \x9\xD\xA]*=[ \x9\xD\xA]* if (preg_match('/^<\?xml\s+version\s*=\s*' . "((?:\"[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+\")|(?:'[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+'))" . '\s+encoding\s*=\s*' . "((?:\"[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]*\")|(?:'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]*'))/", $xmlChunk, $matches)) { return true; } return false; } }