from neco.execution.attribute import Attribute, Flags, Types from neco.execution.trace import Trace, TraceAttr from neco.execution.resource import ResourceManager, clsinit, ResourceState from neco.resources.linux.node import LinuxNode from neco.util import sshfuncs from neco.util.timefuncs import strfnow, strfdiff import logging import os reschedule_delay = "0.5s" state_check_delay = 1 # TODO: Resolve wildcards in commands!! @clsinit class LinuxApplication(ResourceManager): _rtype = "LinuxApplication" @classmethod def _register_attributes(cls): command = Attribute("command", "Command to execute", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) forward_x11 = Attribute("forwardX11", " Enables X11 forwarding for SSH connections", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) env = Attribute("env", "Environment variables string for command execution", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) sudo = Attribute("sudo", "Run with root privileges", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) depends = Attribute("depends", "Space-separated list of packages required to run the application", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) sources = Attribute("sources", "Space-separated list of regular files to be deployed in the working " "path prior to building. Archives won't be expanded automatically.", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) code = Attribute("code", "Plain text source code to be uploaded to the server. It will be stored " "under ${SOURCES}/code", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) build = Attribute("build", "Build commands to execute after deploying the sources. " "Sources will be in the ${SOURCES} folder. " "Example: tar xzf ${SOURCES}/my-app.tgz && cd my-app && ./configure && make && make clean.\n" "Try to make the commands return with a nonzero exit code on error.\n" "Also, do not install any programs here, use the 'install' attribute. This will " "help keep the built files constrained to the build folder (which may " "not be the home folder), and will result in faster deployment. Also, " "make sure to clean up temporary files, to reduce bandwidth usage between " "nodes when transferring built packages.", flags = Flags.ReadOnly) install = Attribute("install", "Commands to transfer built files to their final destinations. " "Sources will be in the initial working folder, and a special " "tag ${SOURCES} can be used to reference the experiment's " "home folder (where the application commands will run).\n" "ALL sources and targets needed for execution must be copied there, " "if building has been enabled.\n" "That is, 'slave' nodes will not automatically get any source files. " "'slave' nodes don't get build dependencies either, so if you need " "make and other tools to install, be sure to provide them as " "actual dependencies instead.", flags = Flags.ReadOnly) stdin = Attribute("stdin", "Standard input", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) stdout = Attribute("stdout", "Standard output", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) stderr = Attribute("stderr", "Standard error", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) tear_down = Attribute("tearDown", "Bash script to be executed before " "releasing the resource", flags = Flags.ReadOnly) cls._register_attribute(command) cls._register_attribute(forward_x11) cls._register_attribute(env) cls._register_attribute(sudo) cls._register_attribute(depends) cls._register_attribute(sources) cls._register_attribute(code) cls._register_attribute(build) cls._register_attribute(install) cls._register_attribute(stdin) cls._register_attribute(stdout) cls._register_attribute(stderr) cls._register_attribute(tear_down) @classmethod def _register_traces(cls): stdout = Trace("stdout", "Standard output stream") stderr = Trace("stderr", "Standard error stream") buildlog = Trace("buildlog", "Output of the build process") cls._register_trace(stdout) cls._register_trace(stderr) cls._register_trace(buildlog) def __init__(self, ec, guid): super(LinuxApplication, self).__init__(ec, guid) self._pid = None self._ppid = None self._home = "app-%s" % self.guid # timestamp of last state check of the application self._last_state_check = strfnow() self._logger = logging.getLogger("LinuxApplication") def log_message(self, msg): return " guid %d - host %s - %s " % (self.guid, self.node.get("hostname"), msg) @property def node(self): node = self.get_connected(LinuxNode.rtype()) if node: return node[0] return None @property def app_home(self): return os.path.join(self.node.exp_home, self._home) @property def src_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.app_home, 'src') @property def build_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.app_home, 'build') @property def pid(self): return self._pid @property def ppid(self): return self._ppid def trace(self, name, attr = TraceAttr.ALL, block = 512, offset = 0):"Retrieving '%s' trace %s " % (name, attr)) path = os.path.join(self.app_home, name) command = "(test -f %s && echo 'success') || echo 'error'" % path (out, err), proc = self.node.execute(command) if (err and proc.poll()) or out.find("error") != -1: msg = " Couldn't find trace %s " % name self.error(msg, out, err) return None if attr == TraceAttr.PATH: return path if attr == TraceAttr.ALL: (out, err), proc = self.node.check_output(self.app_home, name) if err and proc.poll(): msg = " Couldn't read trace %s " % name self.error(msg, out, err) return None return out if attr == TraceAttr.STREAM: cmd = "dd if=%s bs=%d count=1 skip=%d" % (path, block, offset) elif attr == TraceAttr.SIZE: cmd = "stat -c%%s %s " % path (out, err), proc = self.node.execute(cmd) if err and proc.poll(): msg = " Couldn't find trace %s " % name self.error(msg, out, err) return None if attr == TraceAttr.SIZE: out = int(out.strip()) return out def provision(self, filters = None): # create home dir for application self.node.mkdir(self.app_home) # upload sources self.upload_sources() # upload code self.upload_code() # upload stdin self.upload_stdin() # install dependencies self.install_dependencies() # build # Install self.install() command = self.get("command") x11 = self.get("forwardX11") if not x11 and command:"Uploading command '%s'" % command) # Export environment environ = "" env = self.get("env") or "" for var in env.split(" "): environ += 'export %s\n' % var command = environ + command # If the command runs asynchronous, pre upload the command # to the file in the remote host dst = os.path.join(self.app_home, "") command = self.replace_paths(command) self.node.upload(command, dst, text = True) super(LinuxApplication, self).provision() def upload_sources(self): # TODO: check if sources need to be uploaded and upload them sources = self.get("sources") if sources:" Uploading sources ") # create dir for sources self.node.mkdir(self.src_dir) sources = sources.split(' ') http_sources = list() for source in list(sources): if source.startswith("http") or source.startswith("https"): http_sources.append(source) sources.remove(source) # Download http sources if http_sources: cmd = " wget -c --directory-prefix=${SOURCES} " verif = "" for source in http_sources: cmd += " %s " % (source) verif += " ls ${SOURCES}/%s ;" % os.path.basename(source) # Wget output goes to stderr :S cmd += " 2> /dev/null ; " # Add verification cmd += " %s " % verif # Upload the command to a file, and execute asynchronously self.upload_and_run(cmd, "", "http_sources_pid", "http_sources_out", "http_sources_err") if sources: self.node.upload(sources, self.src_dir) def upload_code(self): code = self.get("code") if code: # create dir for sources self.node.mkdir(self.src_dir)" Uploading code ") dst = os.path.join(self.src_dir, "code") self.node.upload(sources, dst, text = True) def upload_stdin(self): stdin = self.get("stdin") if stdin: # create dir for sources" Uploading stdin ") dst = os.path.join(self.app_home, "stdin") self.node.upload(stdin, dst, text = True) def install_dependencies(self): depends = self.get("depends") if depends:" Installing dependencies %s" % depends) self.node.install_packages(depends, home = self.app_home) def build(self): build = self.get("build") if build:" Building sources ") # create dir for build self.node.mkdir(self.build_dir) # Upload the command to a file, and execute asynchronously self.upload_and_run(build, "", "build_pid", "build_out", "build_err") def install(self): install = self.get("install") if install:" Installing sources ") # Upload the command to a file, and execute asynchronously self.upload_and_run(install, "", "install_pid", "install_out", "install_err") def deploy(self): # Wait until node is associated and deployed node = self.node if not node or node.state < ResourceState.READY: self.debug("---- RESCHEDULING DEPLOY ---- node state %s " % self.node.state ), self.deploy) else: try: command = self.get("command") or """ Deploying command '%s' " % command) self.provision() except: self._state = ResourceState.FAILED raise super(LinuxApplication, self).deploy() def start(self): command = self.get('command') env = self.get('env') stdin = 'stdin' if self.get('stdin') else None stdout = 'stdout' if self.get('stdout') else 'stdout' stderr = 'stderr' if self.get('stderr') else 'stderr' sudo = self.get('sudo') or False x11 = self.get('forwardX11') or False failed = False super(LinuxApplication, self).start() if not command:"No command to start ") self._state = ResourceState.FINISHED return"Starting command '%s'" % command) if x11: if env: # Export environment environ = "" for var in env.split(" "): environ += ' %s ' % var command = "(" + environ + " ; " + command + ")" command = self.replace_paths(command) # If the command requires X11 forwarding, we # can't run it asynchronously (out, err), proc = self.node.execute(command, sudo = sudo, stdin = stdin, forward_x11 = x11) self._state = ResourceState.FINISHED if proc.poll() and err: failed = True else: # Command was previously uploaded, now run the remote # bash file asynchronously cmd = "bash ./" (out, err), proc =, self.app_home, stdin = stdin, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr, sudo = sudo) if proc.poll() and err: failed = True if not failed: pid, ppid = self.node.wait_pid(home = self.app_home) if pid: self._pid = int(pid) if ppid: self._ppid = int(ppid) if not or not self.ppid: failed = True (out, chkerr), proc = self.node.check_output(self.app_home, 'stderr') if failed or out or chkerr: # check if execution errors occurred msg = " Failed to start command '%s' " % command out = out if err: err = err elif chkerr: err = chkerr self.error(msg, out, err) msg2 = " Setting state to Failed" self.debug(msg2) self._state = ResourceState.FAILED raise RuntimeError, msg def stop(self): command = self.get('command') or '' state = self.state if state == ResourceState.STARTED:"Stopping command '%s'" % command) (out, err), proc = self.node.kill(, self.ppid) if out or err: # check if execution errors occurred msg = " Failed to STOP command '%s' " % self.get("command") self.error(msg, out, err) self._state = ResourceState.FAILED stopped = False else: super(LinuxApplication, self).stop() def release(self):"Releasing resource") tear_down = self.get("tearDown") if tear_down: self.node.execute(tear_down) self.stop() if self.state == ResourceState.STOPPED: super(LinuxApplication, self).release() @property def state(self): if self._state == ResourceState.STARTED: # To avoid overwhelming the remote hosts and the local processor # with too many ssh queries, the state is only requested # every 'state_check_delay' . if strfdiff(strfnow(), self._last_state_check) > state_check_delay: # check if execution errors occurred (out, err), proc = self.node.check_output(self.app_home, 'stderr') if out or err: if err.find("No such file or directory") >= 0 : # The resource is marked as started, but the # command was not yet executed return ResourceState.READY msg = " Failed to execute command '%s'" % self.get("command") self.error(msg, out, err) self._state = ResourceState.FAILED elif and self.ppid: status = self.node.status(, self.ppid) if status == sshfuncs.FINISHED: self._state = ResourceState.FINISHED self._last_state_check = strfnow() return self._state def upload_and_run(self, cmd, fname, pidfile, outfile, errfile): dst = os.path.join(self.app_home, fname) cmd = self.replace_paths(cmd) self.node.upload(cmd, dst, text = True) cmd = "bash ./%s" % fname (out, err), proc = self.node.run_and_wait(cmd, self.app_home, pidfile = pidfile, stdout = outfile, stderr = errfile, raise_on_error = True) def replace_paths(self, command): """ Replace all special path tags with shell-escaped actual paths. """ def absolute_dir(d): return d if d.startswith("/") else os.path.join("${HOME}", d) return ( command .replace("${SOURCES}", absolute_dir(self.src_dir)) .replace("${BUILD}", absolute_dir(self.build_dir)) .replace("${APP_HOME}", absolute_dir(self.app_home)) .replace("${NODE_HOME}", absolute_dir(self.node.node_home)) .replace("${EXP_HOME}", absolute_dir(self.node.exp_home) ) ) def valid_connection(self, guid): # TODO: Validate! return True # XXX: What if it is connected to more than one node? resources = self.find_resources(exact_tags = [tags.NODE]) self._node = resources[0] if len(resources) == 1 else None return self._node