#!/usr/bin/env python from neco.execution.resource import ResourceManager, clsinit from neco.execution.attribute import Attribute, Flags from neco.resources.omf.omf_api import OMFAPIFactory import neco import logging @clsinit class OMFApplication(ResourceManager): """ .. class:: Class Args : :param ec: The Experiment controller :type ec: ExperimentController :param guid: guid of the RM :type guid: int :param creds: Credentials to communicate with the rm (XmppClient) :type creds: dict .. note:: This class is used only by the Experiment Controller through the Resource Factory """ _rtype = "OMFApplication" _authorized_connections = ["OMFNode"] _waiters = ["OMFNode", "OMFChannel", "OMFWifiInterface"] @classmethod def _register_attributes(cls): """Register the attributes of an OMF application """ appid = Attribute("appid", "Name of the application") path = Attribute("path", "Path of the application") args = Attribute("args", "Argument of the application") env = Attribute("env", "Environnement variable of the application") xmppSlice = Attribute("xmppSlice","Name of the slice", flags = Flags.Credential) xmppHost = Attribute("xmppHost", "Xmpp Server",flags = Flags.Credential) xmppPort = Attribute("xmppPort", "Xmpp Port",flags = Flags.Credential) xmppPassword = Attribute("xmppPassword", "Xmpp Port",flags = Flags.Credential) cls._register_attribute(appid) cls._register_attribute(path) cls._register_attribute(args) cls._register_attribute(env) cls._register_attribute(xmppSlice) cls._register_attribute(xmppHost) cls._register_attribute(xmppPort) cls._register_attribute(xmppPassword) def __init__(self, ec, guid): """ :param ec: The Experiment controller :type ec: ExperimentController :param guid: guid of the RM :type guid: int :param creds: Credentials to communicate with the rm (XmppClient for OMF) :type creds: dict """ super(OMFApplication, self).__init__(ec, guid) self.set('appid', "") self.set('path', "") self.set('args', "") self.set('env', "") self._node = None self._omf_api = None self._logger = logging.getLogger("neco.omf.omfApp ") self._logger.setLevel(neco.LOGLEVEL) def _validate_connection(self, guid): """Check if the connection is available. :param guid: Guid of the current RM :type guid: int :rtype: Boolean """ rm = self.ec.get_resource(guid) if rm.rtype() not in self._authorized_connections: self._logger.debug("Connection between %s %s and %s %s refused : An Application can be connected only to a Node" % (self.rtype(), self._guid, rm.rtype(), guid)) return False elif len(self.connections) != 0 : self._logger.debug("Connection between %s %s and %s %s refused : Already Connected" % (self.rtype(), self._guid, rm.rtype(), guid)) return False else : self._logger.debug("Connection between %s %s and %s %s accepted" % (self.rtype(), self._guid, rm.rtype(), guid)) return True def _get_nodes(self, conn_set): """Get the RM of the node to which the application is connected :param conn_set: Connections of the current Guid :type conn_set: set :rtype: ResourceManager """ for elt in conn_set: rm = self.ec.get_resource(elt) if rm.rtype() == "OMFNode": return rm return None def deploy_action(self): """Deploy the RM """ self._omf_api = OMFAPIFactory.get_api(self.get('xmppSlice'), self.get('xmppHost'), self.get('xmppPort'), self.get('xmppPassword')) super(OMFApplication, self).deploy_action() def start(self): """Send Xmpp Message Using OMF protocol to execute the application """ super(OMFApplication, self).start() self._logger.debug(" " + self.rtype() + " ( Guid : " + str(self._guid) +") : " + self.get('appid') + " : " + self.get('path') + " : " + self.get('args') + " : " + self.get('env')) if self.get('appid') and self.get('path') and self.get('args') and self.get('env'): rm_node = self._get_nodes(self._connections) self._omf_api.execute(rm_node.get('hostname'),self.get('appid'), self.get('args'), self.get('path'), self.get('env')) def stop(self): """Send Xmpp Message Using OMF protocol to kill the application """ rm_node = self._get_nodes(self._connections) self._omf_api.exit(rm_node.get('hostname'),self.get('appid')) super(OMFApplication, self).stop() def release(self): """Clean the RM at the end of the experiment """ OMFAPIFactory.release_api(self.get('xmppSlice'), self.get('xmppHost'), self.get('xmppPort'), self.get('xmppPassword'))