# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac from nepi.execution.attribute import Attribute, Flags, Types from nepi.execution.trace import Trace, TraceAttr from nepi.execution.resource import ResourceManager, clsinit_copy, ResourceState from nepi.resources.linux.application import LinuxApplication from nepi.resources.linux.node import OSType from nepi.util.sshfuncs import ProcStatus from nepi.util.timefuncs import strfnow, strfdiff import os @clsinit_copy class LinuxCCND(LinuxApplication): _rtype = "LinuxCCND" @classmethod def _register_attributes(cls): debug = Attribute("debug", "Sets the CCND_DEBUG environmental variable. " " Allowed values are : \n" " 0 - no messages \n" " 1 - basic messages (any non-zero value gets these) \n" " 2 - interest messages \n" " 4 - content messages \n" " 8 - matching details \n" " 16 - interest details \n" " 32 - gory interest details \n" " 64 - log occasional human-readable timestamps \n" " 128 - face registration debugging \n" " -1 - max logging \n" " Or apply bitwise OR to these values to get combinations of them", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) port = Attribute("port", "Sets the CCN_LOCAL_PORT environmental variable. " "Defaults to 9695 ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) sockname = Attribute("sockname", "Sets the CCN_LOCAL_SCOKNAME environmental variable. " "Defaults to /tmp/.ccnd.sock", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) capacity = Attribute("capacity", "Sets the CCND_CAP environmental variable. " "Capacity limit in terms of ContentObjects", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) mtu = Attribute("mtu", "Sets the CCND_MTU environmental variable. ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) data_pause = Attribute("dataPauseMicrosec", "Sets the CCND_DATA_PAUSE_MICROSEC environmental variable. ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) default_stale = Attribute("defaultTimeToStale", "Sets the CCND_DEFAULT_TIME_TO_STALE environmental variable. ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) max_stale = Attribute("maxTimeToStale", "Sets the CCND_MAX_TIME_TO_STALE environmental variable. ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) max_rte = Attribute("maxRteMicrosec", "Sets the CCND_MAX_RTE_MICROSEC environmental variable. ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) keystore = Attribute("keyStoreDirectory", "Sets the CCND_KEYSTORE_DIRECTORY environmental variable. ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) listen_on = Attribute("listenOn", "Sets the CCND_LISTEN_ON environmental variable. ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) autoreg = Attribute("autoreg", "Sets the CCND_AUTOREG environmental variable. ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) prefix = Attribute("prefix", "Sets the CCND_PREFIX environmental variable. ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) cls._register_attribute(debug) cls._register_attribute(port) cls._register_attribute(sockname) cls._register_attribute(capacity) cls._register_attribute(mtu) cls._register_attribute(data_pause) cls._register_attribute(default_stale) cls._register_attribute(max_stale) cls._register_attribute(max_rte) cls._register_attribute(keystore) cls._register_attribute(listen_on) cls._register_attribute(autoreg) cls._register_attribute(prefix) @classmethod def _register_traces(cls): log = Trace("log", "CCND log output") status = Trace("status", "ccndstatus output") cls._register_trace(log) cls._register_trace(status) def __init__(self, ec, guid): super(LinuxCCND, self).__init__(ec, guid) def deploy(self): if not self.get("command"): self.set("command", self._default_command) if not self.get("depends"): self.set("depends", self._default_dependencies) if not self.get("sources"): self.set("sources", self._default_sources) if not self.get("build"): self.set("build", self._default_build) if not self.get("install"): self.set("install", self._default_install) if not self.get("env"): self.set("env", self._default_environment) super(LinuxCCND, self).deploy() def stop(self): command = self.get('command') or '' state = self.state if state == ResourceState.STARTED: self.info("Stopping command '%s'" % command) command = "ccndstop" env = self.get("env") # replace application specific paths in the command command = self.replace_paths(command) env = env and self.replace_paths(env) # Upload the command to a file, and execute asynchronously self.node.run_and_wait(command, self.app_home, shfile = "ccndstop.sh", env = env, pidfile = "ccndstop_pidfile", ecodefile = "ccndstop_exitcode", stdout = "ccndstop_stdout", stderr = "ccndstop_stderr") super(LinuxCCND, self).stop() @property def state(self): if self._state == ResourceState.STARTED: # we executed the ccndstart command. This should have started # a remote ccnd daemon. The way we can query wheather ccnd is # still running is by executing the ccndstatus command. state_check_delay = 0.5 if strfdiff(strfnow(), self._last_state_check) > state_check_delay: env = self.get('env') or "" environ = self.node.format_environment(env, inline = True) command = environ + "; ccndstatus" command = self.replace_paths(command) (out, err), proc = self.node.execute(command) retcode = proc.poll() if retcode == 1 and err.find("No such file or directory") > -1: # ccnd is not running (socket not found) self._state = ResourceState.FINISHED elif retcode: # other error msg = " Failed to execute command '%s'" % command self.error(msg, out, err) self._state = ResourceState.FAILED self._last_state_check = strfnow() return self._state @property def _default_command(self): return "ccndstart" @property def _default_dependencies(self): if self.node.os in [ OSType.FEDORA_12 , OSType.FEDORA_14 ]: return ( " autoconf openssl-devel expat-devel libpcap-devel " " ecryptfs-utils-devel libxml2-devel automake gawk " " gcc gcc-c++ git pcre-devel make ") elif self.node.os in [ OSType.UBUNTU , OSType.DEBIAN]: return ( " autoconf libssl-dev libexpat-dev libpcap-dev " " libecryptfs0 libxml2-utils automake gawk gcc g++ " " git-core pkg-config libpcre3-dev make ") return "" @property def _default_sources(self): return "http://www.ccnx.org/releases/ccnx-0.7.1.tar.gz" @property def _default_build(self): sources = self.get("sources").split(" ")[0] sources = os.path.basename(sources) return ( # Evaluate if ccnx binaries are already installed " ( " " test -f ${EXP_HOME}/ccnx/bin/ccnd && " " echo 'sources found, nothing to do' " " ) || ( " # If not, untar and build " ( " " mkdir -p ${SOURCES}/ccnx && " " tar xf ${SOURCES}/%(sources)s --strip-components=1 -C ${SOURCES}/ccnx " " ) && " "cd ${SOURCES}/ccnx && " # Just execute and silence warnings... " ( ./configure && make ) " " )") % ({ 'sources': sources }) @property def _default_install(self): return ( # Evaluate if ccnx binaries are already installed " ( " " test -f ${EXP_HOME}/ccnx/bin/ccnd && " " echo 'sources found, nothing to do' " " ) || ( " # If not, install " mkdir -p ${EXP_HOME}/ccnx/bin && " " cp -r ${SOURCES}/ccnx ${EXP_HOME}" " )" ) @property def _default_environment(self): envs = dict({ "debug": "CCND_DEBUG", "port": "CCN_LOCAL_PORT", "sockname" : "CCN_LOCAL_SOCKNAME", "capacity" : "CCND_CAP", "mtu" : "CCND_MTU", "dataPauseMicrosec" : "CCND_DATA_PAUSE_MICROSEC", "defaultTimeToStale" : "CCND_DEFAULT_TIME_TO_STALE", "maxTimeToStale" : "CCND_MAX_TIME_TO_STALE", "maxRteMicrosec" : "CCND_MAX_RTE_MICROSEC", "keyStoreDirectory" : "CCND_KEYSTORE_DIRECTORY", "listenOn" : "CCND_LISTEN_ON", "autoreg" : "CCND_AUTOREG", "prefix" : "CCND_PREFIX", }) env = "PATH=$PATH:${EXP_HOME}/ccnx/bin " env += " ".join(map(lambda k: "%s=%s" % (envs.get(k), self.get(k)) \ if self.get(k) else "", envs.keys())) return env def valid_connection(self, guid): # TODO: Validate! return True