# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac from nepi.execution.attribute import Attribute, Flags, Types from nepi.execution.resource import clsinit_copy from nepi.resources.linux.application import LinuxApplication from nepi.util.timefuncs import tnow import os @clsinit_copy class LinuxNPing(LinuxApplication): _rtype = "LinuxNPing" @classmethod def _register_attributes(cls): c = Attribute("c", "Sets nping -c option. " "Stop after a given number of rounds. ", type = Types.Integer, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) e = Attribute("e", "Sets nping -e option. " "Set the network interface to be used.", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) delay = Attribute("delay", "Sets nping --delay option. " "Delay between probes ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) rate = Attribute("rate", "Sets nping --rate option. " "Send probes at a given rate ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) ttl = Attribute("ttl", "Sets nping --ttl option. " "Time To Live. ", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) p = Attribute("p", "Sets nping -p option. " "Target ports. ", type = Types.Integer, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) tcp = Attribute("tcp", "Sets nping --tcp option. " "TCP mode. ", type = Types.Bool, default = False, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) udp = Attribute("udp", "Sets nping --udp option. " "UDP mode. ", type = Types.Bool, default = False, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) icmp = Attribute("icmp", "Sets nping --icmp option. " "ICMP mode. ", type = Types.Bool, default = False, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) arp = Attribute("arp", "Sets nping --arp option. " "ARP mode. ", type = Types.Bool, default = False, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) traceroute = Attribute("traceroute", "Sets nping --traceroute option. " "Traceroute mode. ", type = Types.Bool, default = False, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) countinuous = Attribute("continuous", "Run nping in a while loop", type = Types.Bool, default = False, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) print_timestamp = Attribute("printTimestamp", "Print timestamp before running nping", type = Types.Bool, default = False, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) target = Attribute("target", "nping target host (host that will be pinged)", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) cls._register_attribute(c) cls._register_attribute(e) cls._register_attribute(delay) cls._register_attribute(rate) cls._register_attribute(ttl) cls._register_attribute(p) cls._register_attribute(tcp) cls._register_attribute(udp) cls._register_attribute(icmp) cls._register_attribute(arp) cls._register_attribute(traceroute) cls._register_attribute(countinuous) cls._register_attribute(print_timestamp) cls._register_attribute(target) def __init__(self, ec, guid): super(LinuxNPing, self).__init__(ec, guid) self._home = "nping-%s" % self.guid self._sudo_kill = True def do_deploy(self): if not self.get("command"): self.set("command", self._start_command) if not self.get("install"): self.set("install", self._install) if not self.get("env"): self.set("env", "PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin/") if not self.get("depends"): self.set("depends", "nmap") super(LinuxNPing, self).do_deploy() @property def _start_command(self): args = [] if self.get("continuous") == True: args.append("while true; do ") if self.get("printTimestamp") == True: args.append("""echo "`date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`";""") args.append("sudo -S nping ") if self.get("c"): args.append("-c %s" % self.get("c")) if self.get("e"): args.append("-e %s" % self.get("e")) if self.get("delay"): args.append("--delay %s" % self.get("delay")) if self.get("rate"): args.append("--rate %s" % self.get("rate")) if self.get("ttl"): args.append("--ttl %s" % self.get("ttl")) if self.get("p"): args.append("-p %s" % self.get("p")) if self.get("tcp") == True: args.append("--tcp") if self.get("udp") == True: args.append("--udp") if self.get("icmp") == True: args.append("--icmp") if self.get("arp") == True: args.append("--arp") if self.get("traceroute") == True: args.append("--traceroute") args.append(self.get("target")) if self.get("continuous") == True: args.append("; done ") command = " ".join(args) return command @property def _install(self): install = "echo 'nothing to do'" if self.node.use_rpm: install = ( " ( " " ( " " if [ `uname -m` == 'x86_64' ]; then " " wget -O nping.rpm http://nmap.org/dist/nping-0.6.25-1.x86_64.rpm ;" " else wget -O nping.rpm http://nmap.org/dist/nping-0.6.25-1.i386.rpm ;" " fi " " )" " && sudo -S rpm -vhU nping.rpm ) ") elif self.node.use_deb: from nepi.resources.linux import debfuncs install_alien = debfuncs.install_packages_command(self.node.os, "alien gcc") install = ( " ( " " ( " " if [ `uname -m` == 'x86_64' ]; then " " wget -O nping.rpm http://nmap.org/dist/nping-0.6.25-1.x86_64.rpm ;" " else wget -O nping.rpm http://nmap.org/dist/nping-0.6.25-1.i386.rpm ;" " fi " " )" " && %s && sudo alien -i nping.rpm ) " % install_alien) return ("( nping --version || %s )" % install) def valid_connection(self, guid): # TODO: Validate! return True