# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2014 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac from nepi.execution.attribute import Attribute, Flags, Types from nepi.execution.trace import Trace, TraceAttr from nepi.execution.resource import ResourceManager, clsinit_copy, \ ResourceState, reschedule_delay from nepi.resources.linux.application import LinuxApplication from nepi.util.timefuncs import tnow, tdiffsec from nepi.resources.ns3.ns3simulation import NS3Simulation from nepi.resources.ns3.ns3wrapper import SIMULATOR_UUID, GLOBAL_VALUE_UUID, \ IPV4_GLOBAL_ROUTING_HELPER_UUID from nepi.resources.linux.ns3.ns3client import LinuxNS3Client import os import time import threading @clsinit_copy class LinuxNS3Simulation(LinuxApplication, NS3Simulation): _rtype = "LinuxNS3Simulation" @classmethod def _register_attributes(cls): impl_type = Attribute("simulatorImplementationType", "The object class to use as the simulator implementation", allowed = ["ns3::DefaultSimulatorImpl", "ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl"], default = "ns3::DefaultSimulatorImpl", type = Types.Enumerate, flags = Flags.Design) sched_type = Attribute("schedulerType", "The object class to use as the scheduler implementation", allowed = ["ns3::MapScheduler", "ns3::ListScheduler", "ns3::HeapScheduler", "ns3::MapScheduler", "ns3::CalendarScheduler" ], default = "ns3::MapScheduler", type = Types.Enumerate, flags = Flags.Design) check_sum = Attribute("checksumEnabled", "A global switch to enable all checksums for all protocols", default = False, type = Types.Bool, flags = Flags.Design) ns_log = Attribute("nsLog", "NS_LOG environment variable. " \ " Will only generate output if ns-3 is compiled in DEBUG mode. ", flags = Flags.Design) verbose = Attribute("verbose", "True to output debugging info from the ns3 client-server communication", type = Types.Bool, flags = Flags.Design) build_mode = Attribute("buildMode", "Mode used to build ns-3 with waf. One if: debug, release, oprimized ", default = "optimized", allowed = ["debug", "release", "optimized"], type = Types.Enumerate, flags = Flags.Design) ns3_version = Attribute("ns3Version", "Version of ns-3 to install from nsam repo", #default = "ns-3.19", default = "ns-3-dev", flags = Flags.Design) enable_dce = Attribute("enableDCE", "Install DCE source code", default = False, type = Types.Bool, flags = Flags.Design) pybindgen_version = Attribute("pybindgenVersion", "Version of pybindgen to install from bazar repo", default = "868", flags = Flags.Design) populate_routing_tables = Attribute("populateRoutingTables", "Invokes Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper.PopulateRoutingTables() ", default = False, type = Types.Bool, flags = Flags.Design) cls._register_attribute(impl_type) cls._register_attribute(sched_type) cls._register_attribute(check_sum) cls._register_attribute(ns_log) cls._register_attribute(verbose) cls._register_attribute(build_mode) cls._register_attribute(ns3_version) cls._register_attribute(pybindgen_version) cls._register_attribute(populate_routing_tables) cls._register_attribute(enable_dce) def __init__(self, ec, guid): LinuxApplication.__init__(self, ec, guid) NS3Simulation.__init__(self) self._client = None self._home = "ns3-simu-%s" % self.guid self._socket_name = "ns3-%s.sock" % os.urandom(4).encode('hex') self._dce_manager_helper_uuid = None self._dce_application_helper_uuid = None # Lock used to synchronize usage of DceManagerHelper self.dce_manager_lock = threading.Lock() # Lock used to synchronize usage of DceApplicationHelper self.dce_application_lock = threading.Lock() @property def socket_name(self): return self._socket_name @property def remote_socket(self): return os.path.join(self.run_home, self.socket_name) @property def dce_manager_helper_uuid(self): return self._dce_manager_helper_uuid @property def dce_application_helper_uuid(self): return self._dce_application_helper_uuid @property def ns3_build_home(self): return os.path.join(self.node.bin_dir, "ns-3", self.get("ns3Version"), self.get("buildMode"), "build") def trace(self, name, attr = TraceAttr.ALL, block = 512, offset = 0): self._client.flush() return LinuxApplication.trace(self, name, attr, block, offset) def upload_sources(self): self.node.mkdir(os.path.join(self.node.src_dir, "ns3wrapper")) # upload ns3 wrapper python script ns3_wrapper = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "ns3", "ns3wrapper.py") self.node.upload(ns3_wrapper, os.path.join(self.node.src_dir, "ns3wrapper", "ns3wrapper.py"), overwrite = False) # upload ns3_server python script ns3_server = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "ns3", "ns3server.py") self.node.upload(ns3_server, os.path.join(self.node.src_dir, "ns3wrapper", "ns3server.py"), overwrite = False) if self.node.use_rpm: # upload pygccxml sources pygccxml_tar = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "dependencies", "%s.tar.gz" % self.pygccxml_version) self.node.upload(pygccxml_tar, os.path.join(self.node.src_dir, "%s.tar.gz" % self.pygccxml_version), overwrite = False) # Upload user defined ns-3 sources self.node.mkdir(os.path.join(self.node.src_dir, "ns-3")) src_dir = os.path.join(self.node.src_dir, "ns-3") super(LinuxNS3Simulation, self).upload_sources(src_dir = src_dir) def upload_start_command(self): command = self.get("command") env = self.get("env") # We want to make sure the ccnd is running # before the experiment starts. # Run the command as a bash script in background, # in the host ( but wait until the command has # finished to continue ) env = self.replace_paths(env) command = self.replace_paths(command) shfile = os.path.join(self.app_home, "start.sh") self.node.upload_command(command, shfile = shfile, env = env, overwrite = True) # Run the ns3wrapper self._run_in_background() def configure(self): if self.has_changed("simulatorImplementationType"): simu_type = self.get("simulatorImplementationType") stype = self.create("StringValue", simu_type) self.invoke(GLOBAL_VALUE_UUID, "Bind", "SimulatorImplementationType", stype) if self.has_changed("checksumEnabled"): check_sum = self.get("checksumEnabled") btrue = self.create("BooleanValue", check_sum) self.invoke(GLOBAL_VALUE_UUID, "Bind", "ChecksumEnabled", btrue) if self.has_changed("schedulerType"): sched_type = self.get("schedulerType") stype = self.create("StringValue", sched_type) self.invoke(GLOBAL_VALUE_UUID, "Bind", "SchedulerType", btrue) if self.get("enableDCE"): self._dce_manager_helper_uuid = self.create("DceManagerHelper") self._dce_application_helper_uuid = self.create("DceApplicationHelper") def do_deploy(self): if not self.node or self.node.state < ResourceState.READY: self.debug("---- RESCHEDULING DEPLOY ---- node state %s " % self.node.state ) # ccnd needs to wait until node is deployed and running self.ec.schedule(reschedule_delay, self.deploy) else: if not self.get("command"): self.set("command", self._start_command) if not self.get("depends"): self.set("depends", self._dependencies) if self.get("sources"): sources = self.get("sources") source = sources.split(" ")[0] basename = os.path.basename(source) version = ( basename.strip().replace(".tar.gz", "") .replace(".tar","") .replace(".gz","") .replace(".zip","") ) self.set("ns3Version", version) self.set("sources", source) if not self.get("build"): self.set("build", self._build) if not self.get("install"): self.set("install", self._install) if not self.get("env"): self.set("env", self._environment) self.do_discover() self.do_provision() # Create client self._client = LinuxNS3Client(self) self.configure() self.set_ready() def do_start(self): """ Starts simulation execution """ self.info("Starting") if self.state == ResourceState.READY: if self.get("populateRoutingTables") == True: self.invoke(IPV4_GLOBAL_ROUTING_HELPER_UUID, "PopulateRoutingTables") self._client.start() self.set_started() else: msg = " Failed to execute command '%s'" % command self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg def do_stop(self): """ Stops simulation execution """ if self.state == ResourceState.STARTED: self._client.stop() self.set_stopped() def do_release(self): self.info("Releasing resource") tear_down = self.get("tearDown") if tear_down: self.node.execute(tear_down) self.do_stop() self._client.shutdown() LinuxApplication.do_stop(self) super(LinuxApplication, self).do_release() @property def _start_command(self): command = [] command.append("PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${SRC}/ns3wrapper/") command.append("python ${SRC}/ns3wrapper/ns3server.py -S %s" % \ os.path.basename(self.remote_socket) ) ns_log = self.get("nsLog") if ns_log: command.append("-L '%s'" % ns_log) if self.get("verbose"): command.append("-v") command = " ".join(command) return command @property def _dependencies(self): if self.node.use_rpm: return ( " gcc gcc-c++ python python-devel mercurial bzr tcpdump socat gccxml unzip") elif self.node.use_deb: return ( " gcc g++ python python-dev mercurial bzr tcpdump socat gccxml python-pygccxml unzip") return "" @property def ns3_repo(self): return "http://code.nsnam.org" @property def pygccxml_version(self): return "pygccxml-1.0.0" @property def dce_repo(self): #return "http://code.nsnam.org/ns-3-dce" return "http://code.nsnam.org/epmancini/ns-3-dce" @property def _build(self): # If the user defined local sources for ns-3, we uncompress the sources # on the remote sources directory. Else we clone ns-3 from the official repo. source = self.get("sources") if not source: clone_ns3_cmd = "hg clone %(ns3_repo)s/%(ns3_version)s ${SRC}/ns-3/%(ns3_version)s" \ % { 'ns3_version': self.get("ns3Version"), 'ns3_repo': self.ns3_repo, } else: if source.find(".tar.gz") > -1: clone_ns3_cmd = ( "tar xzf ${SRC}/ns-3/%(basename)s " " --strip-components=1 -C ${SRC}/ns-3/%(ns3_version)s " ) % { 'basename': os.path.basename(source), 'ns3_version': self.get("ns3Version"), } elif source.find(".tar") > -1: clone_ns3_cmd = ( "tar xf ${SRC}/ns-3/%(basename)s " " --strip-components=1 -C ${SRC}/ns-3/%(ns3_version)s " ) % { 'basename': os.path.basename(source), 'ns3_version': self.get("ns3Version"), } elif source.find(".zip") > -1: basename = os.path.basename(source) bare_basename = basename.replace(".zip", "") \ .replace(".tar", "") \ .replace(".tar.gz", "") clone_ns3_cmd = ( "unzip ${SRC}/ns-3/%(basename)s && " "mv ${SRC}/ns-3/%(bare_basename)s ${SRC}/ns-3/%(ns3_version)s " ) % { 'bare_basename': basename_name, 'basename': basename, 'ns3_version': self.get("ns3Version"), } clone_dce_cmd = " echo 'DCE will not be built' " if self.get("enableDCE"): clone_dce_cmd = ( # DCE installation # Test if dce is alredy installed " ( " " ( " " ( test -d ${SRC}/dce/ns-3-dce ) " " && echo 'dce binaries found, nothing to do'" " ) " " ) " " || " # Get dce source code " ( " " mkdir -p ${SRC}/dce && " " hg clone %(dce_repo)s ${SRC}/dce/ns-3-dce" " ) " ) % { 'dce_repo': self.dce_repo } return ( # NS3 installation "( " " ( " # Test if ns-3 is alredy installed " ((( test -d ${SRC}/ns-3/%(ns3_version)s ) || " " ( test -d ${NS3BINDINGS:='None'} && test -d ${NS3LIBRARIES:='None'})) " " && echo 'ns-3 binaries found, nothing to do' )" " ) " " || " # If not, install ns-3 and its dependencies " ( " # Install pygccxml " ( " " ( " " python -c 'import pygccxml' && " " echo 'pygccxml not found' " " ) " " || " " ( " " tar xf ${SRC}/%(pygccxml_version)s.tar.gz -C ${SRC} && " " cd ${SRC}/%(pygccxml_version)s && " " python setup.py build && " " sudo -S python setup.py install " " ) " " ) " # Install pybindgen " && " " ( " " ( " " test -d ${SRC}/pybindgen/%(pybindgen_version)s && " " echo 'binaries found, nothing to do' " " ) " " || " # If not, clone and build " ( cd ${SRC} && " " mkdir -p ${SRC}/pybindgen && " " bzr checkout lp:pybindgen -r %(pybindgen_version)s ${SRC}/pybindgen/%(pybindgen_version)s && " " cd ${SRC}/pybindgen/%(pybindgen_version)s && " " ./waf configure && " " ./waf " " ) " " ) " " && " # Get ns-3 source code " ( " " mkdir -p ${SRC}/ns-3/%(ns3_version)s && " " %(clone_ns3_cmd)s " " ) " " ) " ") " " && " "( " " %(clone_dce_cmd)s " ") " ) % { 'ns3_version': self.get("ns3Version"), 'pybindgen_version': self.get("pybindgenVersion"), 'pygccxml_version': self.pygccxml_version, 'clone_ns3_cmd': clone_ns3_cmd, 'clone_dce_cmd': clone_dce_cmd, } @property def _install(self): install_dce_cmd = " echo 'DCE will not be installed' " if self.get("enableDCE"): install_dce_cmd = ( " ( " " ((test -d %(ns3_build_home)s/bin_dce ) && " " echo 'dce binaries found, nothing to do' )" " ) " " ||" " ( " # If not, copy ns-3 build to bin " cd ${SRC}/dce/ns-3-dce && " " ./waf configure %(enable_opt)s --with-pybindgen=${SRC}/pybindgen/%(pybindgen_version)s " " --prefix=%(ns3_build_home)s --with-ns3=%(ns3_build_home)s && " " ./waf build && " " ./waf install && " " mv %(ns3_build_home)s/lib*/python*/site-packages/ns/dce.so %(ns3_build_home)s/lib/python/site-packages/ns/ " " )" ) % { 'ns3_version': self.get("ns3Version"), 'pybindgen_version': self.get("pybindgenVersion"), 'ns3_build_home': self.ns3_build_home, 'build_mode': self.get("buildMode"), 'enable_opt': "--enable-opt" if self.get("buildMode") == "optimized" else "" } return ( # Test if ns-3 is alredy installed "(" " ( " " ( ( (test -d %(ns3_build_home)s/lib ) || " " (test -d ${NS3BINDINGS:='None'} && test -d ${NS3LIBRARIES:='None'}) ) && " " echo 'binaries found, nothing to do' )" " ) " " ||" " ( " # If not, copy ns-3 build to bin " mkdir -p %(ns3_build_home)s && " " cd ${SRC}/ns-3/%(ns3_version)s && " " ./waf configure -d %(build_mode)s --with-pybindgen=${SRC}/pybindgen/%(pybindgen_version)s " " --prefix=%(ns3_build_home)s && " " ./waf build && " " ./waf install && " " mv %(ns3_build_home)s/lib*/python* %(ns3_build_home)s/lib/python " " )" ") " " && " "( " " %(install_dce_cmd)s " ") " ) % { 'ns3_version': self.get("ns3Version"), 'pybindgen_version': self.get("pybindgenVersion"), 'build_mode': self.get("buildMode"), 'ns3_build_home': self.ns3_build_home, 'install_dce_cmd': install_dce_cmd } @property def _environment(self): env = [] env.append("PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${NS3BINDINGS:=%(ns3_build_home)s/lib/python/site-packages}" % { 'ns3_build_home': self.ns3_build_home }) env.append("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${NS3LIBRARIES:=%(ns3_build_home)s/lib/}" % { 'ns3_build_home': self.ns3_build_home }) env.append("DCE_PATH=$PATH:$NS3LIBRARIES/../bin_dce") env.append("DCE_ROOT=$PATH:$NS3LIBRARIES/..") return " ".join(env) def valid_connection(self, guid): # TODO: Validate! return True