# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac # Claudio Freire # import select import sys import os import struct import socket import threading import traceback import errno import fcntl import random import traceback import functools import collections import ctypes import time def ipfmt(ip): ipbytes = map(ord,ip.decode("hex")) return '.'.join(map(str,ipbytes)) tagtype = { '0806' : 'arp', '0800' : 'ipv4', '8870' : 'jumbo', '8863' : 'PPPoE discover', '8864' : 'PPPoE', '86dd' : 'ipv6', } def etherProto(packet, len=len): if len(packet) > 14: if packet[12] == "\x81" and packet[13] == "\x00": # tagged return packet[16:18] else: # untagged return packet[12:14] # default: ip return "\x08\x00" def formatPacket(packet, ether_mode): if ether_mode: stripped_packet = etherStrip(packet) if not stripped_packet: packet = packet.encode("hex") if len(packet) < 28: return "malformed eth " + packet.encode("hex") else: if packet[24:28] == "8100": # tagged ethertype = tagtype.get(packet[32:36], 'eth') return ethertype + " " + ( '-'.join( ( packet[0:12], # MAC dest packet[12:24], # MAC src packet[24:32], # VLAN tag packet[32:36], # Ethertype/len packet[36:], # Payload ) ) ) else: # untagged ethertype = tagtype.get(packet[24:28], 'eth') return ethertype + " " + ( '-'.join( ( packet[0:12], # MAC dest packet[12:24], # MAC src packet[24:28], # Ethertype/len packet[28:], # Payload ) ) ) else: packet = stripped_packet packet = packet.encode("hex") if len(packet) < 48: return "malformed ip " + packet else: return "ip " + ( '-'.join( ( packet[0:1], #version packet[1:2], #header length packet[2:4], #diffserv/ECN packet[4:8], #total length packet[8:12], #ident packet[12:16], #flags/fragment offs packet[16:18], #ttl packet[18:20], #ip-proto packet[20:24], #checksum ipfmt(packet[24:32]), # src-ip ipfmt(packet[32:40]), # dst-ip packet[40:48] if (int(packet[1],16) > 5) else "", # options packet[48:] if (int(packet[1],16) > 5) else packet[40:], # payload ) ) ) def _packetReady(buf, ether_mode=False, len=len, str=str): if not buf: return False rv = False while not rv: if len(buf[0]) < 4: rv = False elif ether_mode: rv = True else: _,totallen = struct.unpack('HH',buf[0][:4]) totallen = socket.htons(totallen) rv = len(buf[0]) >= totallen if not rv and len(buf) > 1: # collapse only first two buffers # as needed, to mantain len(buf) meaningful p1 = buf.popleft() buf[0] = p1+str(buf[0]) else: return rv return rv def _pullPacket(buf, ether_mode=False, len=len, buffer=buffer): if ether_mode: return buf.popleft() else: _,totallen = struct.unpack('HH',buf[0][:4]) totallen = socket.htons(totallen) if len(buf[0]) > totallen: rv = buffer(buf[0],0,totallen) buf[0] = buffer(buf[0],totallen) else: rv = buf.popleft() return rv def etherStrip(buf, buffer=buffer, len=len): if len(buf) < 14: return "" if buf[12:14] == '\x08\x10' and buf[16:18] == '\x08\x00': # tagged ethernet frame return buffer(buf, 18) elif buf[12:14] == '\x08\x00': # untagged ethernet frame return buffer(buf, 14) else: return "" def etherWrap(packet): return ''.join(( "\x00"*6*2 # bogus src and dst mac +"\x08\x00", # IPv4 packet, # payload "\x00"*4, # bogus crc )) def piStrip(buf, len=len): if len(buf) < 4: return buf else: return buffer(buf,4) def piWrap(buf, ether_mode, etherProto=etherProto): if ether_mode: proto = etherProto(buf) else: proto = "\x08\x00" return ''.join(( "\x00\x00", # PI: 16 bits flags proto, # 16 bits proto buf, )) _padmap = [ chr(padding) * padding for padding in xrange(127) ] del padding def encrypt(packet, crypter, len=len, padmap=_padmap): # pad padding = crypter.block_size - len(packet) % crypter.block_size packet += padmap[padding] # encrypt return crypter.encrypt(packet) def decrypt(packet, crypter, ord=ord): if packet: # decrypt packet = crypter.decrypt(packet) # un-pad padding = ord(packet[-1]) if not (0 < padding <= crypter.block_size): # wrong padding raise RuntimeError, "Truncated packet %s" packet = packet[:-padding] return packet def nonblock(fd): try: fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fl |= os.O_NONBLOCK fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl) return True except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) # Just ignore return False def tun_fwd(tun, remote, with_pi, ether_mode, cipher_key, udp, TERMINATE, SUSPEND, stderr = sys.stderr, reconnect = None, rwrite = None, rread = None, tunqueue = 1000, tunkqueue = 1000, cipher = 'AES', accept_local = None, accept_remote = None, slowlocal = True, queueclass = None, bwlimit = None, len = len, max = max, min = min, buffer = buffer, OSError = OSError, select = select.select, selecterror = select.error, os = os, socket = socket, retrycodes=(os.errno.EWOULDBLOCK, os.errno.EAGAIN, os.errno.EINTR) ): crypto_mode = False crypter = None try: if cipher_key and cipher: import Crypto.Cipher import hashlib __import__('Crypto.Cipher.'+cipher) ciphername = cipher cipher = getattr(Crypto.Cipher, cipher) hashed_key = hashlib.sha256(cipher_key).digest() if ciphername == 'AES': hashed_key = hashed_key[:16] elif ciphername == 'Blowfish': hashed_key = hashed_key[:24] elif ciphername == 'DES': hashed_key = hashed_key[:8] elif ciphername == 'DES3': hashed_key = hashed_key[:24] crypter = cipher.new( hashed_key, cipher.MODE_ECB) crypto_mode = True except: # We don't want decription to work only on one side, # This could break things really bad #crypto_mode = False #crypter = None traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) raise if stderr is not None: if crypto_mode: print >>stderr, "Packets are transmitted in CIPHER" else: print >>stderr, "Packets are transmitted in PLAINTEXT" if hasattr(remote, 'fileno'): remote_fd = remote.fileno() if rwrite is None: def rwrite(remote, packet, os_write=os.write): return os_write(remote_fd, packet) if rread is None: def rread(remote, maxlen, os_read=os.read): return os_read(remote_fd, maxlen) rnonblock = nonblock(remote) tnonblock = nonblock(tun) # Pick up TUN/TAP writing method if with_pi: try: import iovec # We have iovec, so we can skip PI injection # and use iovec which does it natively if ether_mode: twrite = iovec.ethpiwrite tread = iovec.piread2 else: twrite = iovec.ippiwrite tread = iovec.piread2 except ImportError: # We have to inject PI headers pythonically def twrite(fd, packet, oswrite=os.write, piWrap=piWrap, ether_mode=ether_mode): return oswrite(fd, piWrap(packet, ether_mode)) # For reading, we strip PI headers with buffer slicing and that's it def tread(fd, maxlen, osread=os.read, piStrip=piStrip): return piStrip(osread(fd, maxlen)) else: # No need to inject PI headers twrite = os.write tread = os.read encrypt_ = encrypt decrypt_ = decrypt xrange_ = xrange if accept_local is not None: def tread(fd, maxlen, _tread=tread, accept=accept_local): packet = _tread(fd, maxlen) if accept(packet, 0): return packet else: return None if accept_remote is not None: if crypto_mode: def decrypt_(packet, crypter, decrypt_=decrypt_, accept=accept_remote): packet = decrypt_(packet, crypter) if accept(packet, 1): return packet else: return None else: def rread(fd, maxlen, _rread=rread, accept=accept_remote): packet = _rread(fd, maxlen) if accept(packet, 1): return packet else: return None maxbkbuf = maxfwbuf = max(10,tunqueue-tunkqueue) tunhurry = max(0,maxbkbuf/2) if queueclass is None: queueclass = collections.deque maxbatch = 2000 maxtbatch = 50 else: maxfwbuf = maxbkbuf = 2000000000 maxbatch = 50 maxtbatch = 30 tunhurry = 30 fwbuf = queueclass() bkbuf = queueclass() nfwbuf = 0 nbkbuf = 0 # backwards queue functions # they may need packet inspection to # reconstruct packet boundaries if ether_mode or udp: packetReady = bool pullPacket = queueclass.popleft reschedule = queueclass.appendleft else: packetReady = _packetReady pullPacket = _pullPacket reschedule = queueclass.appendleft # forward queue functions # no packet inspection needed fpacketReady = bool fpullPacket = queueclass.popleft freschedule = queueclass.appendleft tunfd = tun.fileno() os_read = os.read os_write = os.write tget = time.time maxbwfree = bwfree = 1500 * tunqueue lastbwtime = tget() remoteok = True while not TERMINATE: # The SUSPEND flag has been set. This means we need to wait on # the SUSPEND condition until it is released. while SUSPEND and not TERMINATE: time.sleep(0.5) wset = [] if packetReady(bkbuf): wset.append(tun) if remoteok and fpacketReady(fwbuf) and (not bwlimit or bwfree > 0): wset.append(remote) rset = [] if len(fwbuf) < maxfwbuf: rset.append(tun) if remoteok and len(bkbuf) < maxbkbuf: rset.append(remote) if remoteok: eset = (tun,remote) else: eset = (tun,) try: rdrdy, wrdy, errs = select(rset,wset,eset,1) except selecterror, e: if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR: # just retry continue else: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) # If the SUSPEND flag has been set, then the TUN will be in a bad # state and the select error should be ignores. if SUSPEND: continue else: raise # check for errors if errs: if reconnect is not None and remote in errs and tun not in errs: remote = reconnect() if hasattr(remote, 'fileno'): remote_fd = remote.fileno() elif udp and remote in errs and tun not in errs: # In UDP mode, those are always transient errors # Usually, an error will imply a read-ready socket # that will raise an "Connection refused" error, so # disable read-readiness just for now, and retry # the select remoteok = False continue else: break else: remoteok = True # check to see if we can write #rr = wr = rt = wt = 0 if remote in wrdy: sent = 0 try: try: for x in xrange(maxbatch): packet = pullPacket(fwbuf) if crypto_mode: packet = encrypt_(packet, crypter) sentnow = rwrite(remote, packet) sent += sentnow #wr += 1 if not udp and 0 <= sentnow < len(packet): # packet partially sent # reschedule the remaining part # this doesn't happen ever in udp mode freschedule(fwbuf, buffer(packet,sentnow)) if not rnonblock or not fpacketReady(fwbuf): break except OSError,e: # This except handles the entire While block on PURPOSE # as an optimization (setting a try/except block is expensive) # The only operation that can raise this exception is rwrite if e.errno in retrycodes: # re-schedule packet freschedule(fwbuf, packet) else: raise except: if reconnect is not None: # in UDP mode, sometimes connected sockets can return a connection refused. # Give the caller a chance to reconnect remote = reconnect() if hasattr(remote, 'fileno'): remote_fd = remote.fileno() elif not udp: # in UDP mode, we ignore errors - packet loss man... raise #traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) if bwlimit: bwfree -= sent if tun in wrdy: try: for x in xrange(maxtbatch): packet = pullPacket(bkbuf) twrite(tunfd, packet) #wt += 1 # Do not inject packets into the TUN faster than they arrive, unless we're falling # behind. TUN devices discard packets if their queue is full (tunkqueue), but they # don't block either (they're always ready to write), so if we flood the device # we'll have high packet loss. if not tnonblock or (slowlocal and len(bkbuf) < tunhurry) or not packetReady(bkbuf): break else: if slowlocal: # Give some time for the kernel to process the packets time.sleep(0) except OSError,e: # This except handles the entire While block on PURPOSE # as an optimization (setting a try/except block is expensive) # The only operation that can raise this exception is os_write if e.errno in retrycodes: # re-schedule packet reschedule(bkbuf, packet) else: raise # check incoming data packets if tun in rdrdy: try: for x in xrange(maxbatch): packet = tread(tunfd,2000) # tun.read blocks until it gets 2k! if not packet: continue #rt += 1 fwbuf.append(packet) if not tnonblock or len(fwbuf) >= maxfwbuf: break except OSError,e: # This except handles the entire While block on PURPOSE # as an optimization (setting a try/except block is expensive) # The only operation that can raise this exception is os_read if e.errno not in retrycodes: raise if remote in rdrdy: try: try: for x in xrange(maxbatch): packet = rread(remote,2000) #rr += 1 if crypto_mode: packet = decrypt_(packet, crypter) if not packet: continue elif not packet: if not udp and packet == "": # Connection broken, try to reconnect (or just die) raise RuntimeError, "Connection broken" else: continue bkbuf.append(packet) if not rnonblock or len(bkbuf) >= maxbkbuf: break except OSError,e: # This except handles the entire While block on PURPOSE # as an optimization (setting a try/except block is expensive) # The only operation that can raise this exception is rread if e.errno not in retrycodes: raise except Exception, e: if reconnect is not None: # in UDP mode, sometimes connected sockets can return a connection refused # on read. Give the caller a chance to reconnect remote = reconnect() if hasattr(remote, 'fileno'): remote_fd = remote.fileno() elif not udp: # in UDP mode, we ignore errors - packet loss man... raise traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) if bwlimit: tnow = tget() delta = tnow - lastbwtime if delta > 0.001: delta = int(bwlimit * delta) if delta > 0: bwfree = min(bwfree+delta, maxbwfree) lastbwtime = tnow #print >>sys.stderr, "rr:%d\twr:%d\trt:%d\twt:%d" % (rr,wr,rt,wt) def udp_connect(TERMINATE, local_addr, local_port, peer_addr, peer_port): rsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0) retrydelay = 1.0 for i in xrange(30): # TERMINATE is a array. An item can be added to TERMINATE, from # outside this function to force termination of the loop if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" try: rsock.bind((local_addr, local_port)) break except socket.error: # wait a while, retry print >>sys.stderr, "%s: Could not bind. Retrying in a sec..." % (time.strftime('%c'),) time.sleep(min(30.0,retrydelay)) retrydelay *= 1.1 else: rsock.bind((local_addr, local_port)) print >>sys.stderr, "Listening UDP at: %s:%d" % (local_addr, local_port) print >>sys.stderr, "Connecting UDP to: %s:%d" % (peer_addr, peer_port) rsock.connect((peer_addr, peer_port)) return rsock def udp_handshake(TERMINATE, rsock): endme = False def keepalive(): while not endme and not TERMINATE: try: rsock.send('') except: pass time.sleep(1) try: rsock.send('') except: pass keepalive_thread = threading.Thread(target=keepalive) keepalive_thread.start() for i in xrange(900): if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" try: heartbeat = rsock.recv(10) break except: time.sleep(1) else: heartbeat = rsock.recv(10) endme = True keepalive_thread.join() def udp_establish(TERMINATE, local_addr, local_port, peer_addr, peer_port): rsock = udp_connect(TERMINATE, local_addr, local_port, peer_addr, peer_port) udp_handshake(TERMINATE, rsock) return rsock def tcp_connect(TERMINATE, stop, rsock, peer_addr, peer_port): sock = None retrydelay = 1.0 # The peer has a firewall that prevents a response to the connect, we # will be forever blocked in the connect, so we put a reasonable timeout. rsock.settimeout(10) # We wait for for i in xrange(30): if stop: break if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" try: rsock.connect((peer_addr, peer_port)) sock = rsock break except socket.error: # wait a while, retry print >>sys.stderr, "%s: Could not connect. Retrying in a sec..." % (time.strftime('%c'),) time.sleep(min(30.0,retrydelay)) retrydelay *= 1.1 else: rsock.connect((peer_addr, peer_port)) sock = rsock if sock: print >>sys.stderr, "tcp_connect: TCP sock connected to remote %s:%s" % (peer_addr, peer_port) sock.settimeout(0) print >>sys.stderr, "tcp_connect: disabling NAGLE" sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) return sock def tcp_listen(TERMINATE, stop, lsock, local_addr, local_port): sock = None retrydelay = 1.0 # We try to bind to the local virtual interface. # It might not exist yet so we wait in a loop. for i in xrange(30): if stop: break if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" try: lsock.bind((local_addr, local_port)) break except socket.error: # wait a while, retry print >>sys.stderr, "%s: Could not bind. Retrying in a sec..." % (time.strftime('%c'),) time.sleep(min(30.0,retrydelay)) retrydelay *= 1.1 else: lsock.bind((local_addr, local_port)) print >>sys.stderr, "tcp_listen: TCP sock listening in local sock %s:%s" % (local_addr, local_port) # Now we wait until the other side connects. # The other side might not be ready yet, so we also wait in a loop for timeouts. timeout = 1 lsock.listen(1) for i in xrange(30): if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select([lsock], [], [], timeout) if stop: break if lsock in rlist: sock,raddr = lsock.accept() print >>sys.stderr, "tcp_listen: TCP connection accepted in local sock %s:%s" % (local_addr, local_port) break timeout += 5 return sock def tcp_handshake(rsock, listen, hand): # we are going to use a barrier algorithm to decide wich side listen. # each side will "roll a dice" and send the resulting value to the other # side. win = False rsock.settimeout(10) try: rsock.send(hand) peer_hand = rsock.recv(4) if not peer_hand: print >>sys.stderr, "tcp_handshake: connection reset by peer" return False else: print >>sys.stderr, "tcp_handshake: hand %r, peer_hand %r" % (hand, peer_hand) if hand < peer_hand: if listen: win = True elif hand > peer_hand: if not listen: win = True finally: rsock.settimeout(0) return win def tcp_establish(TERMINATE, local_addr, local_port, peer_addr, peer_port): def listen(stop, hand, lsock, lresult): win = False rsock = tcp_listen(TERMINATE, stop, lsock, local_addr, local_port) if rsock: win = tcp_handshake(rsock, True, hand) stop.append(True) lresult.append((win, rsock)) def connect(stop, hand, rsock, rresult): win = False rsock = tcp_connect(TERMINATE, stop, rsock, peer_addr, peer_port) if rsock: win = tcp_handshake(rsock, False, hand) stop.append(True) rresult.append((win, rsock)) end = False sock = None for i in xrange(0, 50): if end: break if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" hand = struct.pack("!L", random.randint(0, 2**30)) stop = [] lresult = [] rresult = [] lsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) rsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) listen_thread = threading.Thread(target=listen, args=(stop, hand, lsock, lresult)) connect_thread = threading.Thread(target=connect, args=(stop, hand, rsock, rresult)) connect_thread.start() listen_thread.start() connect_thread.join() listen_thread.join() (lwin, lrsock) = lresult[0] (rwin, rrsock) = rresult[0] if not lrsock or not rrsock: if not lrsock: sock = rrsock if not rrsock: sock = lrsock end = True # both socket are connected else: if lwin: sock = lrsock end = True elif rwin: sock = rrsock end = True if not sock: raise OSError, "Error: tcp_establish could not establish connection." return sock