# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac from nepi.execution.attribute import Attribute, Flags, Types from nepi.execution.resource import clsinit_copy, ResourceState from nepi.resources.linux.application import LinuxApplication from nepi.resources.linux.node import LinuxNode from nepi.util.timefuncs import tnow, tdiffsec import os import time PYTHON_VSYS_VERSION = "1.0" @clsinit_copy class LinuxTap(LinuxApplication): _rtype = "linux::Tap" _help = "Creates a TAP device on a Linux host" IFF_TUN = 0x0001 IFF_TAP = 0x0002 @classmethod def _register_attributes(cls): ip = Attribute("ip", "IPv4 Address", flags = Flags.Design) mac = Attribute("mac", "MAC Address", flags = Flags.Design) prefix = Attribute("prefix", "IPv4 network prefix", flags = Flags.Design) mtu = Attribute("mtu", "Maximum transmition unit for device", type = Types.Integer) devname = Attribute("deviceName", "Name of the network interface (e.g. eth0, wlan0, etc)", flags = Flags.NoWrite) up = Attribute("up", "Link up", type = Types.Bool) pointopoint = Attribute("pointopoint", "Peer IP address", flags = Flags.Design) txqueuelen = Attribute("txqueuelen", "Length of transmission queue", flags = Flags.Design) txqueuelen = Attribute("txqueuelen", "Length of transmission queue", flags = Flags.Design) gre_key = Attribute("greKey", "GRE key to be used to configure GRE tunnel", default = "1", flags = Flags.Design) gre_remote = Attribute("greRemote", "Public IP of remote endpoint for GRE tunnel", flags = Flags.Design) pi = Attribute("pi", "Add PI (protocol information) header", default = False, type = Types.Bool) tear_down = Attribute("tearDown", "Bash script to be executed before releasing the resource", flags = Flags.Design) cls._register_attribute(ip) cls._register_attribute(mac) cls._register_attribute(prefix) cls._register_attribute(mtu) cls._register_attribute(devname) cls._register_attribute(up) cls._register_attribute(pointopoint) cls._register_attribute(txqueuelen) cls._register_attribute(gre_key) cls._register_attribute(gre_remote) cls._register_attribute(pi) cls._register_attribute(tear_down) def __init__(self, ec, guid): super(LinuxTap, self).__init__(ec, guid) self._home = "tap-%s" % self.guid self._gre_enabled = False self._tunnel_mode = False @property def node(self): node = self.get_connected(LinuxNode.get_rtype()) if node: return node[0] raise RuntimeError, "linux::TAP/TUN devices must be connected to a linux::Node" @property def gre_enabled(self): if not self._gre_enabled: from nepi.resources.linux.gretunnel import LinuxGRETunnel gre = self.get_connected(LinuxGRETunnel.get_rtype()) if gre: self._gre_enabled = True return self._gre_enabled @property def tunnel_mode(self): if not self._tunnel_mode: from nepi.resources.linux.tunnel import LinuxTunnel tunnel = self.get_connected(LinuxTunnel.get_rtype()) if tunnel: self._tunnel_mode = True return self._tunnel_mode def upload_sources(self): scripts = [] # udp-connect python script udp_connect = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "scripts", "linux-udp-connect.py") scripts.append(udp_connect) # tunnel creation python script tunchannel = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "scripts", "tunchannel.py") scripts.append(tunchannel) # Upload scripts scripts = ";".join(scripts) self.node.upload(scripts, os.path.join(self.node.src_dir), overwrite = False) # upload stop.sh script stop_command = self.replace_paths(self._stop_command) self.node.upload(stop_command, os.path.join(self.app_home, "stop.sh"), text = True, # Overwrite file every time. # The stop.sh has the path to the socket, which should change # on every experiment run. overwrite = True) def upload_start_command(self): # If GRE mode is enabled, TAP creation is delayed until the # tunnel is established if not self.tunnel_mode: # We want to make sure the device is up and running # before the deploy is over, so we execute the # start script now and wait until it finishes. command = self.get("command") command = self.replace_paths(command) shfile = os.path.join(self.app_home, "start.sh") self.node.run_and_wait(command, self.run_home, shfile = shfile, overwrite = True) def do_deploy(self): if not self.node or self.node.state < ResourceState.PROVISIONED: self.ec.schedule(self.reschedule_delay, self.deploy) else: if not self.get("deviceName"): self.set("deviceName", "%s%d" % (self.vif_prefix, self.guid)) if not self.get("command"): self.set("command", self._start_command) self.do_discover() self.do_provision() self.set_ready() def do_start(self): if self.state == ResourceState.READY: command = self.get("command") self.info("Starting command '%s'" % command) self.set_started() else: msg = " Failed to execute command '%s'" % command self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg def do_stop(self): command = self.get('command') or '' if self.state == ResourceState.STARTED: self.info("Stopping command '%s'" % command) command = "bash %s" % os.path.join(self.app_home, "stop.sh") (out, err), proc = self.execute_command(command, blocking = True) if err: msg = " Failed to stop command '%s' " % command self.error(msg, out, err) self.set_stopped() @property def state(self): state_check_delay = 0.5 if self._state == ResourceState.STARTED and \ tdiffsec(tnow(), self._last_state_check) > state_check_delay: if self.get("deviceName"): (out, err), proc = self.node.execute("ip a") if out.strip().find(self.get("deviceName")) == -1: # tap is not running is not running (socket not found) self.set_stopped() self._last_state_check = tnow() return self._state def do_release(self): # Node needs to wait until all associated RMs are released # to be released from nepi.resources.linux.tunnel import LinuxTunnel rms = self.get_connected(LinuxTunnel.get_rtype()) for rm in rms: if rm.state < ResourceState.STOPPED: self.ec.schedule(self.reschedule_delay, self.release) return super(LinuxTap, self).do_release() def gre_connect(self, remote_endpoint, connection_app_home, connection_run_home): gre_connect_command = self._gre_connect_command( remote_endpoint, connection_run_home) # upload command to connect.sh script shfile = os.path.join(connection_app_home, "gre-connect.sh") self.node.upload_command(gre_connect_command, shfile = shfile, overwrite = False) # invoke connect script cmd = "bash %s" % shfile (out, err), proc = self.node.run(cmd, connection_run_home) # check if execution errors occurred msg = " Failed to connect endpoints " if proc.poll() or err: self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg # Wait for pid file to be generated pid, ppid = self.node.wait_pid(connection_run_home) # If the process is not running, check for error information # on the remote machine if not pid or not ppid: (out, err), proc = self.node.check_errors(connection_run_home) # Out is what was written in the stderr file if err: msg = " Failed to start command '%s' " % command self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg return True def initiate_udp_connection(self, remote_endpoint, connection_app_home, connection_run_home, cipher, cipher_key, bwlimit, txqueuelen): port = self.udp_connect(remote_endpoint, connection_app_home, connection_run_home, cipher, cipher_key, bwlimit, txqueuelen) return port def udp_connect(self, remote_endpoint, connection_app_home, connection_run_home, cipher, cipher_key, bwlimit, txqueuelen): udp_connect_command = self._udp_connect_command( remote_endpoint, connection_run_home, cipher, cipher_key, bwlimit, txqueuelen) # upload command to connect.sh script shfile = os.path.join(self.app_home, "udp-connect.sh") self.node.upload_command(udp_connect_command, shfile = shfile, overwrite = False) # invoke connect script cmd = "bash %s" % shfile (out, err), proc = self.node.run(cmd, self.run_home) # check if execution errors occurred msg = "Failed to connect endpoints " if proc.poll(): self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg # Wait for pid file to be generated self._pid, self._ppid = self.node.wait_pid(self.run_home) # If the process is not running, check for error information # on the remote machine if not self._pid or not self._ppid: (out, err), proc = self.node.check_errors(self.run_home) # Out is what was written in the stderr file if err: msg = " Failed to start command '%s' " % command self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg port = self.wait_local_port() return port def _udp_connect_command(self, remote_endpoint, connection_run_home, cipher, cipher_key, bwlimit, txqueuelen): # Set the remote endpoint to the IP of the device self.set("pointopoint", remote_endpoint.get("ip")) # Planetlab TAPs always use PI headers from nepi.resources.planetlab.tap import PlanetlabTap if self.is_rm_instance(PlanetlabTap.get_rtype()): self.set("pi", True) # Public IP of the remote NODE to stablish tunnel remote_ip = remote_endpoint.node.get("ip") local_port_file = os.path.join(self.run_home, "local_port") remote_port_file = os.path.join(self.run_home, "remote_port") ret_file = os.path.join(self.run_home, "ret_file") # Generate UDP connect command # Use the start command to configure TAP with peer info start_command = self._start_command command = ["( "] command.append(start_command) # Use pl-vid-udp-connect.py to stablish the tunnel between endpoints command.append(") & (") command.append("sudo -S") command.append("PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${SRC}") command.append("python ${SRC}/linux-udp-connect.py") command.append("-N %s" % self.get("deviceName")) command.append("-t %s" % self.vif_type) if self.get("pi"): command.append("-p") command.append("-l %s " % local_port_file) command.append("-r %s " % remote_port_file) command.append("-H %s " % remote_ip) command.append("-R %s " % ret_file) if cipher: command.append("-c %s " % cipher) if cipher_key: command.append("-k %s " % cipher_key) if txqueuelen: command.append("-q %s " % txqueuelen) if bwlimit: command.append("-b %s " % bwlimit) command.append(")") command = " ".join(command) command = self.replace_paths(command) return command def _gre_connect_command(self, remote_endpoint, connection_run_home): # Set the remote endpoint to (private) device IP self.set("pointopoint", remote_endpoint.get("ip")) ## public node IP self.set("greRemote", remote_endpoint.node.get("ip")) # Generate GRE connect command command = ["("] command.append(self._stop_command) command.append(") ; (") command.append(self._start_gre_command) command.append(")") command = " ".join(command) command = self.replace_paths(command) return command def establish_udp_connection(self, remote_endpoint, connection_app_home, connection_run_home, port): # upload remote port number to file rem_port = "%s\n" % port self.node.upload(rem_port, os.path.join(self.run_home, "remote_port"), text = True, overwrite = False) def verify_connection(self): self.wait_result() def terminate_connection(self): if self._pid and self._ppid: (out, err), proc = self.node.kill(self._pid, self._ppid, sudo = True) # check if execution errors occurred if proc.poll() and err: msg = " Failed to Kill the Tap" self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg def check_status(self): return self.node.status(self._pid, self._ppid) def wait_local_port(self): """ Waits until the local_port file for the endpoint is generated, and returns the port number """ return self.wait_file("local_port") def wait_result(self): """ Waits until the return code file for the endpoint is generated """ return self.wait_file("ret_file") def wait_file(self, filename): """ Waits until file on endpoint is generated """ result = None delay = 1.0 for i in xrange(20): (out, err), proc = self.node.check_output( self.run_home, filename) if out: result = out.strip() break else: time.sleep(delay) delay = delay * 1.5 else: msg = "Couldn't retrieve %s" % filename self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg return result @property def _start_command(self): command = [] if not self.gre_enabled: # Make sure to clean TAP if it existed stop_command = self._stop_command start_command = [] start_command.append("sudo -S ip tuntap add %s mode %s %s" % ( self.get("deviceName"), self.vif_prefix, "pi" if self.get("pi") else "")) start_command.append("sudo -S ip link set %s up" % self.get("deviceName")) start_command.append("sudo -S ip addr add %s/%s dev %s" % ( self.get("ip"), self.get("prefix"), self.get("deviceName"), )) start_command = ";".join(start_command) command.append("(") command.append(stop_command) command.append(") ; (") command.append(start_command) command.append(")") return " ".join(command) @property def _stop_command(self): command = [] command.append("sudo -S ip link set %s down" % self.get("deviceName")) command.append("sudo -S ip link del %s" % self.get("deviceName")) return ";".join(command) @property def _start_gre_command(self): command = [] command.append("sudo -S modprobe ip_gre") command.append("sudo -S ip link add %s type gre remote %s local %s ttl 64 csum key %s" % ( self.get("deviceName"), self.get("greRemote"), self.node.get("ip"), self.get("greKey") )) command.append("sudo -S ip addr add %s/%s peer %s/%s dev %s" % ( self.get("ip"), self.get("prefix"), self.get("pointopoint"), self.get("prefix"), self.get("deviceName"), )) command.append("sudo -S ip link set %s up " % self.get("deviceName")) return ";".join(command) @property def vif_type(self): return "IFF_TAP" @property def vif_type_flag(self): return LinuxTap.IFF_TAP @property def vif_prefix(self): return "tap" def sock_name(self): return os.path.join(self.run_home, "tap.sock") def valid_connection(self, guid): # TODO: Validate! return True