# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac from nepi.execution.attribute import Attribute, Flags, Types from nepi.execution.resource import clsinit_copy, ResourceState, \ reschedule_delay from nepi.resources.linux.application import LinuxApplication from nepi.util.sshfuncs import ProcStatus from nepi.util.timefuncs import tnow, tdiffsec import os import socket import time @clsinit_copy class UdpTunnel(LinuxApplication): _rtype = "UdpTunnel" _help = "Constructs a tunnel between two Linux endpoints using a UDP connection " _backend = "linux" @classmethod def _register_attributes(cls): cipher = Attribute("cipher", "Cipher to encript communication. " "One of PLAIN, AES, Blowfish, DES, DES3. ", default = None, allowed = ["PLAIN", "AES", "Blowfish", "DES", "DES3"], type = Types.Enumerate, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) cipher_key = Attribute("cipherKey", "Specify a symmetric encryption key with which to protect " "packets across the tunnel. python-crypto must be installed " "on the system." , flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) txqueuelen = Attribute("txQueueLen", "Specifies the interface's transmission queue length. " "Defaults to 1000. ", type = Types.Integer, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) bwlimit = Attribute("bwLimit", "Specifies the interface's emulated bandwidth in bytes " "per second.", type = Types.Integer, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) cls._register_attribute(cipher) cls._register_attribute(cipher_key) cls._register_attribute(txqueuelen) cls._register_attribute(bwlimit) def __init__(self, ec, guid): super(UdpTunnel, self).__init__(ec, guid) self._home = "udp-tunnel-%s" % self.guid self._pid1 = None self._ppid1 = None self._pid2 = None self._ppid2 = None def log_message(self, msg): return " guid %d - tunnel %s - %s - %s " % (self.guid, self.endpoint1.node.get("hostname"), self.endpoint2.node.get("hostname"), msg) def get_endpoints(self): """ Returns the list of RM that are endpoints to the tunnel """ connected = [] for guid in self.connections: rm = self.ec.get_resource(guid) if hasattr(rm, "udp_connect_command"): connected.append(rm) return connected @property def endpoint1(self): endpoints = self.get_endpoints() if endpoints: return endpoints[0] return None @property def endpoint2(self): endpoints = self.get_endpoints() if endpoints and len(endpoints) > 1: return endpoints[1] return None def app_home(self, endpoint): return os.path.join(endpoint.node.exp_home, self._home) def run_home(self, endpoint): return os.path.join(self.app_home(endpoint), self.ec.run_id) def udp_connect(self, endpoint, remote_ip): # Get udp connect command local_port_file = os.path.join(self.run_home(endpoint), "local_port") remote_port_file = os.path.join(self.run_home(endpoint), "remote_port") ret_file = os.path.join(self.run_home(endpoint), "ret_file") cipher = self.get("cipher") cipher_key = self.get("cipherKey") bwlimit = self.get("bwLimit") txqueuelen = self.get("txQueueLen") udp_connect_command = endpoint.udp_connect_command( remote_ip, local_port_file, remote_port_file, ret_file, cipher, cipher_key, bwlimit, txqueuelen) # upload command to connect.sh script shfile = os.path.join(self.app_home(endpoint), "udp-connect.sh") endpoint.node.upload(udp_connect_command, shfile, text = True, overwrite = False) # invoke connect script cmd = "bash %s" % shfile (out, err), proc = endpoint.node.run(cmd, self.run_home(endpoint)) # check if execution errors occurred msg = " Failed to connect endpoints " if proc.poll(): self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg # Wait for pid file to be generated pid, ppid = endpoint.node.wait_pid(self.run_home(endpoint)) # If the process is not running, check for error information # on the remote machine if not pid or not ppid: (out, err), proc = endpoint.node.check_errors(self.run_home(endpoint)) # Out is what was written in the stderr file if err: msg = " Failed to start command '%s' " % command self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg # wait until port is written to file port = self.wait_local_port(endpoint) return (port, pid, ppid) def provision(self): # create run dir for tunnel on each node self.endpoint1.node.mkdir(self.run_home(self.endpoint1)) self.endpoint2.node.mkdir(self.run_home(self.endpoint2)) # Invoke connect script in endpoint 1 remote_ip1 = socket.gethostbyname(self.endpoint2.node.get("hostname")) (port1, self._pid1, self._ppid1) = self.udp_connect(self.endpoint1, remote_ip1) # Invoke connect script in endpoint 2 remote_ip2 = socket.gethostbyname(self.endpoint1.node.get("hostname")) (port2, self._pid2, self._ppid2) = self.udp_connect(self.endpoint2, remote_ip2) # upload file with port 2 to endpoint 1 self.upload_remote_port(self.endpoint1, port2) # upload file with port 1 to endpoint 2 self.upload_remote_port(self.endpoint2, port1) # check if connection was successful on both sides self.wait_result(self.endpoint1) self.wait_result(self.endpoint2) self.info("Provisioning finished") self.set_provisioned() def deploy(self): if (not self.endpoint1 or self.endpoint1.state < ResourceState.READY) or \ (not self.endpoint2 or self.endpoint2.state < ResourceState.READY): self.ec.schedule(reschedule_delay, self.deploy) else: try: self.discover() self.provision() except: self.fail() return self.debug("----- READY ---- ") self.set_ready() def start(self): if self.state == ResourceState.READY: command = self.get("command") self.info("Starting command '%s'" % command) self.set_started() else: msg = " Failed to execute command '%s'" % command self.error(msg, out, err) self.fail() def stop(self): """ Stops application execution """ if self.state == ResourceState.STARTED: self.info("Stopping tunnel") # Only try to kill the process if the pid and ppid # were retrieved if self._pid1 and self._ppid1 and self._pid2 and self._ppid2: (out1, err1), proc1 = self.endpoint1.node.kill(self._pid1, self._ppid1, sudo = True) (out2, err2), proc2 = self.endpoint2.node.kill(self._pid2, self._ppid2, sudo = True) if err1 or err2 or proc1.poll() or proc2.poll(): # check if execution errors occurred msg = " Failed to STOP tunnel" self.error(msg, err1, err2) self.fail() return self.set_stopped() @property def state(self): """ Returns the state of the application """ if self._state == ResourceState.STARTED: # In order to avoid overwhelming the remote host and # the local processor with too many ssh queries, the state is only # requested every 'state_check_delay' seconds. state_check_delay = 0.5 if tdiffsec(tnow(), self._last_state_check) > state_check_delay: if self._pid1 and self._ppid1 and self._pid2 and self._ppid2: # Make sure the process is still running in background # No execution errors occurred. Make sure the background # process with the recorded pid is still running. status1 = self.endpoint1.node.status(self._pid1, self._ppid1) status2 = self.endpoint2.node.status(self._pid2, self._ppid2) if status1 == ProcStatus.FINISHED and \ status2 == ProcStatus.FINISHED: # check if execution errors occurred (out1, err1), proc1 = self.endpoint1.node.check_errors( self.run_home(self.endpoint1)) (out2, err2), proc2 = self.endpoint2.node.check_errors( self.run_home(self.endpoint2)) if err1 or err2: msg = "Error occurred in tunnel" self.error(msg, err1, err2) self.fail() else: self.set_finished() self._last_state_check = tnow() return self._state def wait_local_port(self, endpoint): """ Waits until the local_port file for the endpoint is generated, and returns the port number """ return self.wait_file(endpoint, "local_port") def wait_result(self, endpoint): """ Waits until the return code file for the endpoint is generated """ return self.wait_file(endpoint, "ret_file") def wait_file(self, endpoint, filename): """ Waits until file on endpoint is generated """ result = None delay = 1.0 for i in xrange(4): (out, err), proc = endpoint.node.check_output( self.run_home(endpoint), filename) if out: result = out.strip() break else: time.sleep(delay) delay = delay * 1.5 else: msg = "Couldn't retrieve %s" % filename self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg return result def upload_remote_port(self, endpoint, port): # upload remote port number to file port = "%s\n" % port endpoint.node.upload(port, os.path.join(self.run_home(endpoint), "remote_port"), text = True, overwrite = False) def valid_connection(self, guid): # TODO: Validate! return True