# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation; # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac import logging import time import os import sys import uuid class NetNSWrapper(object): def __init__(self, loglevel = logging.INFO, enable_dump = False): super(NetNSWrapper, self).__init__() # holds reference to all C++ objects and variables in the simulation self._objects = dict() # Logging self._logger = logging.getLogger("netnswrapper") self._logger.setLevel(loglevel) # Object to dump instructions to reproduce and debug experiment from nepi.resources.netns.netnswrapper_debug import NetNSWrapperDebuger self._debuger = NetNSWrapperDebuger(enabled = enable_dump) @property def debuger(self): return self._debuger @property def logger(self): return self._logger def make_uuid(self): return "uuid%s" % uuid.uuid4() def get_object(self, uuid): return self._objects.get(uuid) def create(self, clazzname, *args): """ This method should be used to construct netns objects """ import netns if clazzname not in ['open'] and not hasattr(netns, clazzname): msg = "Type %s not supported" % (clazzname) self.logger.error(msg) uuid = self.make_uuid() ### DEBUG self.logger.debug("CREATE %s( %s )" % (clazzname, str(args))) self.debuger.dump_create(uuid, clazzname, args) ######## if clazzname == "open": path = args[0] mode = args[1] # xxx Thierry: not sure where this gets closed obj = open(path, mode) else: clazz = getattr(netns, clazzname) # arguments starting with 'uuid' identify ns-3 C++ # objects and must be replaced by the actual object realargs = self.replace_args(args) obj = clazz(*realargs) self._objects[uuid] = obj ### DEBUG self.logger.debug("RET CREATE ( uuid %s ) %s = %s( %s )" % (str(uuid), str(obj), clazzname, str(args))) ######## return uuid def invoke(self, uuid, operation, *args, **kwargs): newuuid = self.make_uuid() ### DEBUG self.logger.debug("INVOKE %s -> %s( %s, %s ) " % ( uuid, operation, str(args), str(kwargs))) self.debuger.dump_invoke(newuuid, uuid, operation, args, kwargs) ######## obj = self.get_object(uuid) method = getattr(obj, operation) # arguments starting with 'uuid' identify netns # objects and must be replaced by the actual object realargs = self.replace_args(args) realkwargs = self.replace_kwargs(kwargs) result = method(*realargs, **realkwargs) # If the result is an object (not a base value), # then keep track of the object a return the object # reference (newuuid) # xxx the two instances of `int` are from 2to3 if not (result is None or type(result) in [ bool, float, int, str, int]): self._objects[newuuid] = result result = newuuid ### DEBUG self.logger.debug("RET INVOKE %s%s = %s -> %s(%s, %s) " % ( "(uuid %s) " % str(newuuid) if newuuid else "", str(result), uuid, operation, str(args), str(kwargs))) ######## return result def set(self, uuid, name, value): ### DEBUG self.logger.debug("SET %s %s %s" % (uuid, name, str(value))) self.debuger.dump_set(uuid, name, value) ######## obj = self.get_object(uuid) setattr(obj, name, value) ### DEBUG self.logger.debug("RET SET %s = %s -> set(%s, %s)" % (str(value), uuid, name, str(value))) ######## return value def get(self, uuid, name): ### DEBUG self.logger.debug("GET %s %s" % (uuid, name)) self.debuger.dump_get(uuid, name) ######## obj = self.get_object(uuid) result = getattr(obj, name) ### DEBUG self.logger.debug("RET GET %s = %s -> get(%s)" % (str(result), uuid, name)) ######## return result def shutdown(self): ### DEBUG self.debuger.dump_shutdown() ######## ### FLUSH PIPES sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() ### RELEASE OBJECTS del self._objects ### DEBUG self.logger.debug("SHUTDOWN") ######## def replace_args(self, args): realargs = [self.get_object(arg) if \ str(arg).startswith("uuid") else arg for arg in args] return realargs def replace_kwargs(self, kwargs): realkwargs = dict([(k, self.get_object(v) \ if str(v).startswith("uuid") else v) \ for k,v in kwargs.items()]) return realkwargs