# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2014 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from nepi.execution.attribute import Attribute, Flags, Types from nepi.execution.trace import Trace, TraceAttr from nepi.execution.resource import ResourceManager, clsinit_copy, \ ResourceState, reschedule_delay from nepi.resources.ns3.ns3wifimac import NS3BaseWifiMac @clsinit_copy class NS3MeshWifiInterfaceMac(NS3BaseWifiMac): _rtype = "ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac" @classmethod def _register_attributes(cls): attr_beaconinterval = Attribute("BeaconInterval", "Beacon Interval", type = Types.String, default = "+500000000.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_beaconinterval) attr_randomstart = Attribute("RandomStart", "Window when beacon generating starts (uniform random) in seconds", type = Types.String, default = "+500000000.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_randomstart) attr_beacongeneration = Attribute("BeaconGeneration", "Enable/Disable Beaconing.", type = Types.Bool, default = "True", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_beacongeneration) attr_qossupported = Attribute("QosSupported", "This Boolean attribute is set to enable 802.11e/WMM-style QoS support at this STA", type = Types.Bool, default = "False", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_qossupported) attr_htsupported = Attribute("HtSupported", "This Boolean attribute is set to enable 802.11n support at this STA", type = Types.Bool, default = "False", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_htsupported) attr_ctstoselfsupported = Attribute("CtsToSelfSupported", "Use CTS to Self when using a rate that is not in the basic set rate", type = Types.Bool, default = "False", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_ctstoselfsupported) attr_ctstimeout = Attribute("CtsTimeout", "When this timeout expires, the RTS/CTS handshake has failed.", type = Types.String, default = "+75000.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_ctstimeout) attr_acktimeout = Attribute("AckTimeout", "When this timeout expires, the DATA/ACK handshake has failed.", type = Types.String, default = "+75000.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_acktimeout) attr_basicblockacktimeout = Attribute("BasicBlockAckTimeout", "When this timeout expires, the BASIC_BLOCK_ACK_REQ/BASIC_BLOCK_ACK handshake has failed.", type = Types.String, default = "+281000.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_basicblockacktimeout) attr_compressedblockacktimeout = Attribute("CompressedBlockAckTimeout", "When this timeout expires, the COMPRESSED_BLOCK_ACK_REQ/COMPRESSED_BLOCK_ACK handshake has failed.", type = Types.String, default = "+107000.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_compressedblockacktimeout) attr_sifs = Attribute("Sifs", "The value of the SIFS constant.", type = Types.String, default = "+16000.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_sifs) attr_eifsnodifs = Attribute("EifsNoDifs", "The value of EIFS-DIFS", type = Types.String, default = "+60000.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_eifsnodifs) attr_slot = Attribute("Slot", "The duration of a Slot.", type = Types.String, default = "+9000.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_slot) attr_pifs = Attribute("Pifs", "The value of the PIFS constant.", type = Types.String, default = "+25000.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_pifs) attr_rifs = Attribute("Rifs", "The value of the RIFS constant.", type = Types.String, default = "+2000.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_rifs) attr_maxpropagationdelay = Attribute("MaxPropagationDelay", "The maximum propagation delay. Unused for now.", type = Types.String, default = "+3333.0ns", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_maxpropagationdelay) attr_ssid = Attribute("Ssid", "The ssid we want to belong to.", type = Types.String, default = "default", allowed = None, range = None, flags = Flags.Reserved | Flags.Construct) cls._register_attribute(attr_ssid) @classmethod def _register_traces(cls): txokheader = Trace("TxOkHeader", "The header of successfully transmitted packet") cls._register_trace(txokheader) txerrheader = Trace("TxErrHeader", "The header of unsuccessfully transmitted packet") cls._register_trace(txerrheader) mactx = Trace("MacTx", "A packet has been received from higher layers and is being processed in preparation for queueing for transmission.") cls._register_trace(mactx) mactxdrop = Trace("MacTxDrop", "A packet has been dropped in the MAC layer before being queued for transmission.") cls._register_trace(mactxdrop) macpromiscrx = Trace("MacPromiscRx", "A packet has been received by this device, has been passed up from the physical layer and is being forwarded up the local protocol stack. This is a promiscuous trace,") cls._register_trace(macpromiscrx) macrx = Trace("MacRx", "A packet has been received by this device, has been passed up from the physical layer and is being forwarded up the local protocol stack. This is a non-promiscuous trace,") cls._register_trace(macrx) macrxdrop = Trace("MacRxDrop", "A packet has been dropped in the MAC layer after it has been passed up from the physical layer.") cls._register_trace(macrxdrop) def __init__(self, ec, guid): super(NS3MeshWifiInterfaceMac, self).__init__(ec, guid) self._home = "ns3-mesh-wifi-interface-mac-%s" % self.guid