# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac import logging import os import sys import threading import time import uuid SINGLETON = "singleton::" def load_ns3_module(): import ctypes import re bindings = os.environ.get("NS3BINDINGS") libdir = os.environ.get("NS3LIBRARIES") # Load the ns-3 modules shared libraries if libdir: files = os.listdir(libdir) regex = re.compile("(.*\.so)$") libs = [m.group(1) for filename in files for m in [regex.search(filename)] if m] initial_size = len(libs) # Try to load the libraries in the right order by trial and error. # Loop until all libraries are loaded. while len(libs) > 0: for lib in libs: libfile = os.path.join(libdir, lib) try: ctypes.CDLL(libfile, ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL) libs.remove(lib) except: #import traceback #err = traceback.format_exc() #print err pass # if did not load any libraries in the last iteration break # to prevent infinit loop if initial_size == len(libs): raise RuntimeError("Imposible to load shared libraries %s" % str(libs)) initial_size = list(libs) # import the python bindings for the ns-3 modules if bindings: sys.path.append(bindings) import pkgutil import imp import ns # create a Python module to add all ns3 classes ns3mod = imp.new_module("ns3") sys.modules["ns3"] = ns3mod for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(ns.__path__): if modname in [ "visualizer" ]: continue fullmodname = "ns.%s" % modname module = __import__(fullmodname, globals(), locals(), ['*']) for sattr in dir(module): if sattr.startswith("_"): continue attr = getattr(module, sattr) # netanim.Config and lte.Config singleton overrides ns3::Config if sattr == "Config" and modname in ['netanim', 'lte']: sattr = "%s.%s" % (modname, sattr) setattr(ns3mod, sattr, attr) return ns3mod class NS3Wrapper(object): def __init__(self, loglevel = logging.INFO): super(NS3Wrapper, self).__init__() # Thread used to run the simulation self._simulation_thread = None self._condition = None # True if Simulator::Run was invoked self._started = False # holds reference to all C++ objects and variables in the simulation self._objects = dict() # Logging self._logger = logging.getLogger("ns3wrapper") self._logger.setLevel(loglevel) ## NOTE that the reason to create a handler to the ns3 module, # that is re-loaded each time a ns-3 wrapper is instantiated, # is that else each unit test for the ns3wrapper class would need # a separate file. Several ns3wrappers would be created in the # same unit test (single process), leading to inchorences in the # state of ns-3 global objects # # Handler to ns3 classes self._ns3 = None # Collection of allowed ns3 classes self._allowed_types = None @property def ns3(self): if not self._ns3: # load ns-3 libraries and bindings self._ns3 = load_ns3_module() return self._ns3 @property def allowed_types(self): if not self._allowed_types: self._allowed_types = set() type_id = self.ns3.TypeId() tid_count = type_id.GetRegisteredN() base = type_id.LookupByName("ns3::Object") for i in xrange(tid_count): tid = type_id.GetRegistered(i) if tid.MustHideFromDocumentation() or \ not tid.HasConstructor() or \ not tid.IsChildOf(base): continue type_name = tid.GetName() self._allowed_types.add(type_name) return self._allowed_types @property def logger(self): return self._logger @property def is_running(self): return self._started and self.ns3.Simulator.IsFinished() def make_uuid(self): return "uuid%s" % uuid.uuid4() def get_object(self, uuid): return self._objects.get(uuid) def factory(self, type_name, **kwargs): if type_name not in self.allowed_types: msg = "Type %s not supported" % (type_name) self.logger.error(msg) factory = self.ns3.ObjectFactory() factory.SetTypeId(type_name) for name, value in kwargs.iteritems(): ns3_value = self._attr_from_string_to_ns3_value(type_name, name, value) factory.Set(name, ns3_value) obj = factory.Create() uuid = self.make_uuid() self._objects[uuid] = obj return uuid def create(self, clazzname, *args): if not hasattr(self.ns3, clazzname): msg = "Type %s not supported" % (clazzname) self.logger.error(msg) clazz = getattr(self.ns3, clazzname) # arguments starting with 'uuid' identify ns-3 C++ # objects and must be replaced by the actual object realargs = self.replace_args(args) obj = clazz(*realargs) uuid = self.make_uuid() self._objects[uuid] = obj return uuid def invoke(self, uuid, operation, *args): if operation == "isAppRunning": return self._is_app_running(uuid) if uuid.startswith(SINGLETON): obj = self._singleton(uuid) else: obj = self.get_object(uuid) method = getattr(obj, operation) # arguments starting with 'uuid' identify ns-3 C++ # objects and must be replaced by the actual object realargs = self.replace_args(args) result = method(*realargs) if not result: return result newuuid = self.make_uuid() self._objects[newuuid] = result return newuuid def _set_attr(self, obj, name, ns3_value): obj.SetAttribute(name, ns3_value) def set(self, uuid, name, value): obj = self.get_object(uuid) type_name = obj.GetInstanceTypeId().GetName() ns3_value = self._attr_from_string_to_ns3_value(type_name, name, value) # If the Simulation thread is not running, # then there will be no thread-safety problems # in changing the value of an attribute directly. # However, if the simulation is running we need # to set the value by scheduling an event, else # we risk to corrupt the state of the # simulation. event_executed = [False] if self.is_running: # schedule the event in the Simulator self._schedule_event(self._condition, event_executed, self._set_attr, obj, name, ns3_value) if not event_executed[0]: self._set_attr(obj, name, ns3_value) return value def _get_attr(self, obj, name, ns3_value): obj.GetAttribute(name, ns3_value) def get(self, uuid, name): obj = self.get_object(uuid) type_name = obj.GetInstanceTypeId().GetName() ns3_value = self._create_attr_ns3_value(type_name, name) event_executed = [False] if self.is_running: # schedule the event in the Simulator self._schedule_event(self._condition, event_executed, self._get_attr, obj, name, ns3_value) if not event_executed[0]: self._get_attr(obj, name, ns3_value) return self._attr_from_ns3_value_to_string(type_name, name, ns3_value) def start(self): # Launch the simulator thread and Start the # simulator in that thread self._condition = threading.Condition() self._simulator_thread = threading.Thread( target = self._simulator_run, args = [self._condition]) self._simulator_thread.setDaemon(True) self._simulator_thread.start() self._started = True def stop(self, time = None): if time is None: self.ns3.Simulator.Stop() else: self.ns3.Simulator.Stop(self.ns3.Time(time)) def shutdown(self): while not self.ns3.Simulator.IsFinished(): #self.logger.debug("Waiting for simulation to finish") time.sleep(0.5) if self._simulator_thread: self._simulator_thread.join() self.ns3.Simulator.Destroy() # Remove all references to ns-3 objects self._objects.clear() sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() def _simulator_run(self, condition): # Run simulation self.ns3.Simulator.Run() # Signal condition to indicate simulation ended and # notify waiting threads condition.acquire() condition.notifyAll() condition.release() def _schedule_event(self, condition, event_executed, func, *args): """ Schedules event on running simulation, and wait until event is executed""" def execute_event(contextId, condition, event_executed, func, *args): try: func(*args) event_executed[0] = True finally: # notify condition indicating event was executed condition.acquire() condition.notifyAll() condition.release() # contextId is defined as general context contextId = long(0xffffffff) # delay 0 means that the event is expected to execute inmediately delay = self.ns3.Seconds(0) # Mark event as not executed event_executed[0] = False condition.acquire() try: self.ns3.Simulator.ScheduleWithContext(contextId, delay, execute_event, condition, event_executed, func, *args) if not self.ns3.Simulator.IsFinished(): condition.wait() finally: condition.release() def _create_attr_ns3_value(self, type_name, name): TypeId = self.ns3.TypeId() tid = TypeId.LookupByName(type_name) info = TypeId.AttributeInformation() if not tid.LookupAttributeByName(name, info): msg = "TypeId %s has no attribute %s" % (type_name, name) self.logger.error(msg) checker = info.checker ns3_value = checker.Create() return ns3_value def _attr_from_ns3_value_to_string(self, type_name, name, ns3_value): TypeId = self.ns3.TypeId() tid = TypeId.LookupByName(type_name) info = TypeId.AttributeInformation() if not tid.LookupAttributeByName(name, info): msg = "TypeId %s has no attribute %s" % (type_name, name) self.logger.error(msg) checker = info.checker value = ns3_value.SerializeToString(checker) type_name = checker.GetValueTypeName() if type_name in ["ns3::UintegerValue", "ns3::IntegerValue"]: return int(value) if type_name == "ns3::DoubleValue": return float(value) if type_name == "ns3::BooleanValue": return value == "true" return value def _attr_from_string_to_ns3_value(self, type_name, name, value): TypeId = self.ns3.TypeId() tid = TypeId.LookupByName(type_name) info = TypeId.AttributeInformation() if not tid.LookupAttributeByName(name, info): msg = "TypeId %s has no attribute %s" % (type_name, name) self.logger.error(msg) str_value = str(value) if isinstance(value, bool): str_value = str_value.lower() checker = info.checker ns3_value = checker.Create() ns3_value.DeserializeFromString(str_value, checker) return ns3_value # singletons are identified as "ns3::ClassName" def _singleton(self, ident): if not ident.startswith(SINGLETON): return None clazzname = ident[ident.find("::")+2:] if not hasattr(self.ns3, clazzname): msg = "Type %s not supported" % (clazzname) self.logger.error(msg) return getattr(self.ns3, clazzname) # replace uuids and singleton references for the real objects def replace_args(self, args): realargs = [self.get_object(arg) if \ str(arg).startswith("uuid") else arg for arg in args] realargs = [self._singleton(arg) if \ str(arg).startswith(SINGLETON) else arg for arg in realargs] return realargs def _is_app_running(self, uuid): now = self.ns3.Simulator.Now() if now.IsZero(): return False stop_value = self.get(uuid, "StopTime") stop_time = self.ns3.Time(stop_value) start_value = self.get(uuid, "StartTime") start_time = self.ns3.Time(start_value) if now.Compare(start_time) >= 0 and now.Compare(stop_time) <= 0: return True return False