# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation; # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac # Julien Tribino import os from nepi.util.timefuncs import tnow from nepi.execution.resource import ResourceManager, clsinit_copy, \ ResourceState from nepi.execution.trace import Trace, TraceAttr from nepi.execution.attribute import Attribute, Flags from nepi.resources.omf.omf_resource import ResourceGateway, OMFResource from nepi.resources.omf.node import OMFNode, confirmation_counter, reschedule_check from nepi.resources.omf.omf_api_factory import OMFAPIFactory from nepi.util import sshfuncs @clsinit_copy class OMFApplication(OMFResource): """ .. class:: Class Args : :param ec: The Experiment controller :type ec: ExperimentController :param guid: guid of the RM :type guid: int """ _rtype = "omf::Application" _authorized_connections = ["omf::Node", "wilabt::sfa::Node"] @classmethod def _register_attributes(cls): """ Register the attributes of an OMF application """ command = Attribute("command", "Command to execute") env = Attribute("env", "Environnement variable of the application") # For OMF 5: appid = Attribute("appid", "Name of the application") stdin = Attribute("stdin", "Input of the application", default = "") sources = Attribute("sources", "Sources of the application", flags = Flags.Design) sshuser = Attribute("sshUser", "user to connect with ssh", flags = Flags.Design) sshkey = Attribute("sshKey", "key to use for ssh", flags = Flags.Design) cls._register_attribute(appid) cls._register_attribute(command) cls._register_attribute(env) cls._register_attribute(stdin) cls._register_attribute(sources) cls._register_attribute(sshuser) cls._register_attribute(sshkey) def __init__(self, ec, guid): """ :param ec: The Experiment controller :type ec: ExperimentController :param guid: guid of the RM :type guid: int :param creds: Credentials to communicate with the rm (XmppClient for OMF) :type creds: dict """ super(OMFApplication, self).__init__(ec, guid) self.set('command', "") self.set('appid', "") self._path= "" self._args = "" self.set('env', "") self._node = None self._omf_api = None self._topic_app = None self.create_id = None self._create_cnt = 0 self._start_cnt = 0 self.release_id = None self._release_cnt = 0 # For performance tests self.begin_deploy_time = None self.begin_start_time = None self.begin_release_time = None self.dperf = True self.sperf = True self.rperf = True self.add_set_hook() def _init_command(self): comm = self.get('command').split(' ') self._path= comm[0] if len(comm)>1: self._args = ' '.join(comm[1:]) @property def exp_id(self): return self.ec.exp_id @property def node(self): rm_list = self.get_connected(OMFNode.get_rtype()) if rm_list: return rm_list[0] return None def stdin_hook(self, old_value, new_value): """ Set a hook to the stdin attribute in order to send a message at each time the value of this parameter is changed. Used ofr OMF 5.4 only """ self._omf_api.send_stdin(self.node.get('hostname'), new_value, self.get('appid')) return new_value def add_set_hook(self): """ Initialize the hooks for OMF 5.4 only """ attr = self._attrs["stdin"] attr.set_hook = self.stdin_hook def valid_connection(self, guid): """ Check if the connection with the guid in parameter is possible. Only meaningful connections are allowed. :param guid: Guid of RM it will be connected :type guid: int :rtype: Boolean """ rm = self.ec.get_resource(guid) if rm.get_rtype() not in self._authorized_connections: msg = ("Connection between %s %s and %s %s refused: " "An Application can be connected only to a Node" ) % \ (self.get_rtype(), self._guid, rm.get_rtype(), guid) self.debug(msg) return False elif len(self.connections) != 0 : msg = ("Connection between %s %s and %s %s refused: " "This Application is already connected" ) % \ (self.get_rtype(), self._guid, rm.get_rtype(), guid) self.debug(msg) return False else : msg = "Connection between %s %s and %s %s accepted" % ( self.get_rtype(), self._guid, rm.get_rtype(), guid) self.debug(msg) return True def do_deploy(self): """ Deploy the RM. It means nothing special for an application for now (later it will be upload sources, ...) It becomes DEPLOYED after the topic for the application has been created """ if not self.node or self.node.state < ResourceState.READY: self.debug("---- RESCHEDULING DEPLOY ---- node state %s " % self.node.state ) self.ec.schedule(self.reschedule_delay, self.deploy) return ## For performance test if self.dperf: self.begin_deploy_time = tnow() self.dperf = False self._init_command() self.set('xmppUser',self.node.get('xmppUser')) self.set('xmppServer',self.node.get('xmppServer')) self.set('xmppPort',self.node.get('xmppPort')) self.set('xmppPassword',self.node.get('xmppPassword')) self.set('version',self.node.get('version')) if not self.get('xmppServer'): msg = "XmppServer is not initialzed. XMPP Connections impossible" self.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) if not (self.get('xmppUser') or self.get('xmppPort') or self.get('xmppPassword')): msg = "Credentials are not all initialzed. Default values will be used" self.warn(msg) if not self.get('command') : msg = "Application's Command is not initialized" self.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) if not self._omf_api : self._omf_api = OMFAPIFactory.get_api(self.get('version'), self.get('xmppServer'), self.get('xmppUser'), self.get('xmppPort'), self.get('xmppPassword'), exp_id = self.exp_id) if self.get('version') == "5": self.begin_deploy_time = tnow() if self.get('sources'): gateway = ResourceGateway.AMtoGateway[self.get('xmppServer')] user = self.get('sshUser') or self.get('xmppUser') dst = user + "@"+ gateway + ":" (out, err), proc = sshfuncs.rcopy(self.get('sources'), dst) else : # For OMF 6 : if not self.create_id: props = {} if self.get('command'): props['application:binary_path'] = self.get('command') props['application:hrn'] = self.get('command') props['application:membership'] = self._topic_app props['application:type'] = "application" self.create_id = os.urandom(16).encode('hex') self._omf_api.frcp_create( self.create_id, self.node.get('hostname'), "application", props = props) if self._create_cnt > confirmation_counter: msg = "Couldn't retrieve the confirmation of the creation" self.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) uid = self.check_deploy(self.create_id) if not uid: self._create_cnt +=1 self.ec.schedule(reschedule_check, self.deploy) return self._topic_app = uid self._omf_api.enroll_topic(self._topic_app) super(OMFApplication, self).do_deploy() def check_deploy(self, cid): """ Check, through the mail box in the parser, if the confirmation of the creation has been received :param cid: the id of the original message :type guid: string """ uid = self._omf_api.check_mailbox("create", cid) if uid : return uid return False def trace(self, name, attr = TraceAttr.ALL, block = 512, offset = 0): self.info("Retrieving '%s' trace %s " % (name, attr)) if name == 'stdout' : suffix = '.out' elif name == 'stderr' : suffix = '.err' else : suffix = '.misc' trace_path = '/tmp/'+ self._topic_app + suffix if attr == TraceAttr.PATH: return trace_path if attr == TraceAttr.ALL: try: with open(trace_path ,'r') as f: return f.read() except IOError: print("File with traces has not been found") return False def do_start(self): """ Start the RM. It means : Send Xmpp Message Using OMF protocol to execute the application. """ ## For performance test if self.sperf: self.begin_start_time = tnow() self.sperf = False if not self.get('env'): self.set('env', " ") if self.get('version') == "5": self.begin_start_time = tnow() # Some information to check the command for OMF5 msg = " " + self.get_rtype() + " ( Guid : " + str(self._guid) +") : " + \ self.get('appid') + " : " + self._path + " : " + \ self._args + " : " + self.get('env') self.debug(msg) self._omf_api.execute(self.node.get('hostname'),self.get('appid'), \ self._args, self._path, self.get('env')) else: #For OMF 6 if self._start_cnt == 0: props = {} props['state'] = "running" guards = {} guards['type'] = "application" guards['name'] = self.get('command') self._omf_api.frcp_configure(self._topic_app, props = props, guards = guards ) if self._start_cnt > confirmation_counter: msg = "Couldn't retrieve the confirmation that the application started" self.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) res = self.check_start(self._topic_app) if not res: self._start_cnt +=1 self.ec.schedule(reschedule_check, self.start) return super(OMFApplication, self).do_start() def check_start(self, uid): """ Check, through the mail box in the parser, if the confirmation of the start has been received :param uid: the id of the original message :type guid: string """ res = self._omf_api.check_mailbox("started", uid) if res : return True return False def do_stop(self): """ Stop the RM. It means : Send Xmpp Message Using OMF protocol to kill the application. State is set to STOPPED after the message is sent. """ if self.get('version') == 5: self._omf_api.exit(self.node.get('hostname'),self.get('appid')) super(OMFApplication, self).do_stop() def check_release(self, cid): """ Check, through the mail box in the parser, if the confirmation of the release has been received :param cid: the id of the original message :type guid: string """ res = self._omf_api.check_mailbox("release", cid) if res : return res return False def do_release(self): """ Clean the RM at the end of the experiment and release the API. """ ## For performance test if self.rperf: self.begin_release_time = tnow() self.rperf = False if self._omf_api: if self.get('version') == "6" and self._topic_app: if not self.release_id: self.release_id = os.urandom(16).encode('hex') self._omf_api.frcp_release( self.release_id, self.node.get('hostname'),self._topic_app, res_id=self._topic_app) if self._release_cnt < confirmation_counter: cid = self.check_release(self.release_id) if not cid: self._release_cnt +=1 self.ec.schedule(reschedule_check, self.release) return else: msg = "Couldn't retrieve the confirmation of the release" self.error(msg) # Remove the stdout and stderr of the application try: os.remove('/tmp/'+self._topic_app +'.out') os.remove('/tmp/'+self._topic_app +'.err') except OSError: pass OMFAPIFactory.release_api(self.get('version'), self.get('xmppServer'), self.get('xmppUser'), self.get('xmppPort'), self.get('xmppPassword'), exp_id = self.exp_id) super(OMFApplication, self).do_release()