# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac # Alexandros Kouvakas from nepi.execution.attribute import Attribute, Flags, Types from nepi.execution.resource import ResourceManager, ResourceFactory, clsinit_copy, \ ResourceState from nepi.resources.linux.application import LinuxApplication from nepi.resources.planetlab.node import PlanetlabNode from nepi.resources.planetlab.openvswitch.ovs import OVSWitch from nepi.util.timefuncs import tnow, tdiffsec from nepi.resources.planetlab.vroute import PlanetlabVroute from nepi.resources.planetlab.tap import PlanetlabTap import os import time import socket reschedule_delay = "0.5s" @clsinit_copy class OVSTunnel(LinuxApplication): """ .. class:: Class Args : :param ec: The Experiment controller :type ec: ExperimentController :param guid: guid of the RM :type guid: int :param creds: Credentials to communicate with the rm :type creds: dict """ _rtype = "OVSTunnel" _authorized_connections = ["OVSPort", "PlanetlabTap"] @classmethod def _register_attributes(cls): """ Register the attributes of Connection RM """ network = Attribute("network", "IPv4 Network Address", flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) cipher = Attribute("cipher", "Cipher to encript communication. " "One of PLAIN, AES, Blowfish, DES, DES3. ", default = None, allowed = ["PLAIN", "AES", "Blowfish", "DES", "DES3"], type = Types.Enumerate, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) cipher_key = Attribute("cipherKey", "Specify a symmetric encryption key with which to protect " "packets across the tunnel. python-crypto must be installed " "on the system." , flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) txqueuelen = Attribute("txQueueLen", "Specifies the interface's transmission queue length. " "Defaults to 1000. ", type = Types.Integer, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) bwlimit = Attribute("bwLimit", "Specifies the interface's emulated bandwidth in bytes " "per second.", type = Types.Integer, flags = Flags.ExecReadOnly) cls._register_attribute(network) cls._register_attribute(cipher) cls._register_attribute(cipher_key) cls._register_attribute(txqueuelen) cls._register_attribute(bwlimit) def __init__(self, ec, guid): """ :param ec: The Experiment controller :type ec: ExperimentController :param guid: guid of the RM :type guid: int """ super(OVSTunnel, self).__init__(ec, guid) self._home = "tunnel-%s" % self.guid self.port_info_tunl = [] self._nodes = [] self._pid = None self._ppid = None self._vroute = None def log_message(self, msg): return " guid %d - Tunnel - %s " % (self.guid, msg) @property def node(self): if self._nodes: return self._nodes[0] def app_home(self, node): return os.path.join(self.node.exp_home, self._home) def run_home(self, node): return os.path.join(self.app_home(node), self.ec.run_id) def port_endpoints(self): # Switch-Switch connection connected = [] for guid in self.connections: rm = self.ec.get_resource(guid) if hasattr(rm, "create_port"): connected.append(rm) return connected def mixed_endpoints(self): # Switch-Host connection connected = [1, 2] for guid in self.connections: rm = self.ec.get_resource(guid) if hasattr(rm, "create_port"): connected[0] = rm elif hasattr(rm, "udp_connect_command"): connected[1] = rm return connected def get_node(self, endpoint): # Get connected to the nodes res = [] if hasattr(endpoint, "create_port"): rm_list = endpoint.get_connected(OVSWitch.get_rtype()) if rm_list: rm = rm_list[0].get_connected(PlanetlabNode.get_rtype()) else: rm = endpoint.get_connected(PlanetlabNode.get_rtype()) if rm : res.append(rm[0]) return res @property def endpoint1(self): if self.check_endpoints: port_endpoints = self.port_endpoints() if port_endpoints: return port_endpoints[0] else: mixed_endpoints = self.mixed_endpoints() if mixed_endpoints: return mixed_endpoints[0] @property def endpoint2(self): if self.check_endpoints: port_endpoints = self.port_endpoints() if port_endpoints: return port_endpoints[1] else: mixed_endpoints = self.mixed_endpoints() if mixed_endpoints: return mixed_endpoints[1] @property def check_endpoints(self): """ Check if the links are between switches or switch-host. Return False for latter. """ port_endpoints = self.port_endpoints() if len(port_endpoints) == 2: return True return False def get_port_info(self, endpoint, rem_endpoint): """ Retrieve the port_info list for each port :param port_info_tunl: [hostname, publ_IP_addr, port_name, virtual_ip, local_port_Numb] :type port_info_tunl: list """ self.port_info_tunl = [] if self.check_endpoints: # Use for the link switch-->switch self.port_info_tunl.append(endpoint.port_info) host0, ip0, pname0, virt_ip0, pnumber0 = self.port_info_tunl[0] self.port_info_tunl.append(rem_endpoint.port_info) host1, ip1, pname1, virt_ip1, pnumber1 = self.port_info_tunl[1] return (pname0, ip1, pnumber1) # Use for the link host-->switch self.port_info_tunl.append(endpoint.port_info) host0, ip0, pname0, virt_ip0, pnumber0 = self.port_info_tunl[0] return pnumber0 def udp_connect(self, endpoint, rem_endpoint): # Collect info from rem_endpoint self._nodes = self.get_node(rem_endpoint) remote_ip = socket.gethostbyname(self.node.get("hostname")) # Collect info from endpoint self._nodes = self.get_node(endpoint) local_port_file = os.path.join(self.run_home(self.node), "local_port") remote_port_file = os.path.join(self.run_home(self.node), "remote_port") ret_file = os.path.join(self.run_home(self.node), "ret_file") cipher = self.get("cipher") cipher_key = self.get("cipherKey") bwlimit = self.get("bwLimit") txqueuelen = self.get("txQueueLen") rem_port = str(self.get_port_info(rem_endpoint, endpoint)) # Upload the remote port in a file self.node.upload(rem_port, remote_port_file, text = True, overwrite = False) udp_connect_command = endpoint.udp_connect_command( remote_ip, local_port_file, remote_port_file, ret_file, cipher, cipher_key, bwlimit, txqueuelen) # upload command to host_connect.sh script shfile = os.path.join(self.app_home(self.node), "host_connect.sh") self.node.upload(udp_connect_command, shfile, text = True, overwrite = False) # invoke connect script cmd = "bash %s" % shfile (out, err), proc = self.node.run(cmd, self.run_home(self.node), sudo = True, stdout = "udp_stdout", stderr = "udp_stderr") # check if execution errors msg = "Failed to connect endpoints" if proc.poll(): self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg msg = "Connection on host %s configured" \ % self.node.get("hostname") self.debug(msg) # Wait for pid file to be generated self._nodes = self.get_node(endpoint) pid, ppid = self.node.wait_pid(self.run_home(self.node)) # If the process is not running, check for error information # on the remote machine if not pid or not ppid: (out, err), proc = self.node.check_errors(self.run_home(self.node)) # Out is what was written in the stderr file if err: msg = " Failed to start command '%s' " % command self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg return (pid, ppid) def switch_connect(self, endpoint, rem_endpoint): """ Get switch connect command """ # Get and configure switch connection command (local_port_name, remote_ip, remote_port_num) = self.get_port_info( endpoint, rem_endpoint) switch_connect_command = endpoint.switch_connect_command( local_port_name, remote_ip, remote_port_num) self._nodes = self.get_node(endpoint) # Upload command to the file sw_connect.sh shfile = os.path.join(self.app_home(self.node), "sw_connect.sh") self.node.upload(switch_connect_command, shfile, text = True, overwrite = False) #invoke connect script cmd = "bash %s" % shfile (out, err), proc = self.node.run(cmd, self.run_home(self.node), sudo = True, stdout = "sw_stdout", stderr = "sw_stderr") # check if execution errors occured if proc.poll(): msg = "Failed to connect endpoints" self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg # For debugging msg = "Connection on port %s configured" % local_port_name self.info(msg) def wait_local_port(self): """ Waits until the if_name file for the command is generated, and returns the if_name for the device """ local_port = None delay = 1.0 for i in xrange(10): (out, err), proc = self.node.check_output(self.run_home(self.node), 'local_port') if out: local_port = int(out) break else: time.sleep(delay) delay = delay * 1.5 else: msg = "Couldn't retrieve local_port" self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg return local_port def sw_host_connect(self, endpoint, rem_endpoint): """Link switch--> host """ # Retrieve remote port number from rem_endpoint local_port_name = endpoint.get('port_name') self._nodes = self.get_node(rem_endpoint) # time.sleep(4) # Without this, sometimes I get nothing in remote_port_num out = err= '' remote_port_num = self.wait_local_port() remote_ip = socket.gethostbyname(self.node.get("hostname")) switch_connect_command = endpoint.switch_connect_command( local_port_name, remote_ip, remote_port_num) # Upload command to the file sw_connect.sh self._nodes = self.get_node(endpoint) shfile = os.path.join(self.app_home(self.node), "sw_connect.sh") self.node.upload(switch_connect_command, shfile, text = True, overwrite = False) # Invoke connect script cmd = "bash %s" % shfile (out, err), proc = self.node.run(cmd, self.run_home(self.node), sudo = True, stdout = "sw_stdout", stderr = "sw_stderr") # Check if execution errors occured if proc.poll(): msg = "Failed to connect endpoints" self.error(msg, out, err) raise RuntimeError, msg # For debugging msg = "Connection on port %s configured" % local_port_name self.debug(msg) def do_provision(self): """ Provision the tunnel """ # Create folders self._nodes = self.get_node(self.endpoint1) self.node.mkdir(self.run_home(self.node)) self._nodes = self.get_node(self.endpoint2) self.node.mkdir(self.run_home(self.node)) if self.check_endpoints: #Invoke connect script between switches self.switch_connect(self.endpoint1, self.endpoint2) self.switch_connect(self.endpoint2, self.endpoint1) else: # Invoke connect script between switch & host (self._pid, self._ppid) = self.udp_connect(self.endpoint2, self.endpoint1) self.sw_host_connect(self.endpoint1, self.endpoint2) super(OVSTunnel, self).do_provision() @property def tap(self): rclass = ResourceFactory.get_resource_type(PlanetlabTap.get_rtype()) for guid in self.connections: rm = self.ec.get_resource(guid) if isinstance(rm, rclass): return rm @property def ovswitch(self): for guid in self.connections: rm_port = self.ec.get_resource(guid) if hasattr(rm_port, "create_port"): rm_list = rm_port.get_connected(OVSWitch.get_rtype()) if rm_list: return rm_list[0] def configure(self): if not self.check_endpoints: self._vroute = self.ec.register_resource("PlanetlabVroute") self.ec.set(self._vroute, "action", "add") self.ec.set(self._vroute, "network", self.get("network")) self.ec.register_connection(self._vroute, self.tap.guid) # schedule deploy self.ec.deploy(guids=[self._vroute], group = self.deployment_group) def do_deploy(self): if (not self.endpoint1 or self.endpoint1.state < ResourceState.READY) or \ (not self.endpoint2 or self.endpoint2.state < ResourceState.READY): self.ec.schedule(reschedule_delay, self.deploy) return self.do_discover() self.do_provision() self.configure() super(OVSTunnel, self).do_deploy() def do_release(self): """ Release the udp_tunnel on endpoint2. On endpoint1 means nothing special. """ if not self.check_endpoints: # Kill the TAP devices # TODO: Make more generic Release method of PLTAP if self._pid and self._ppid: self._nodes = self.get_node(self.endpoint2) (out, err), proc = self.node.kill(self._pid, self._ppid, sudo = True) if err or proc.poll(): # check if execution errors occurred msg = " Failed to delete TAP device" self.error(msg, err, err) super(OVSTunnel, self).do_release()