# # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac import functools import hashlib import socket import os import time import threading import xmlrpclib def _retry(fn): def rv(*p, **kw): for x in xrange(5): try: return fn(*p, **kw) except (socket.error, IOError, OSError): time.sleep(x*5+5) else: return fn (*p, **kw) return rv class PLCAPI(object): _expected_methods = set( ['AddNodeTag', 'AddConfFile', 'DeletePersonTag', 'AddNodeType', 'DeleteBootState', 'SliceListNames', 'DeleteKey','SliceGetTicket', 'SliceUsersList', 'SliceUpdate', 'GetNodeGroups', 'SliceCreate', 'GetNetworkMethods', 'GetNodeFlavour', 'DeleteNode', 'BootNotifyOwners', 'AddPersonKey', 'AddNode', 'UpdateNodeGroup', 'GetAddressTypes', 'AddIlink', 'DeleteNetworkType', 'GetInitScripts', 'GenerateNodeConfFile', 'AddSite', 'BindObjectToPeer', 'SliceListUserSlices', 'GetPeers', 'AddPeer', 'DeletePeer', 'AddRole', 'DeleteRole', 'SetPersonPrimarySite', 'AddSiteAddress', 'SliceDelete', 'NotifyPersons', 'GetKeyTypes', 'GetConfFiles', 'GetIlinks', 'AddTagType', 'GetNodes', 'DeleteNodeTag', 'DeleteSliceFromNodesWhitelist', 'UpdateAddress', 'ResetPassword', 'AddSliceToNodesWhitelist', 'AddRoleToTagType', 'AddLeases', 'GetAddresses', 'AddInitScript', 'RebootNode', 'GetPCUTypes', 'RefreshPeer', 'GetBootMedium', 'UpdateKey', 'UpdatePCU', 'GetSession', 'AddInterfaceTag', 'UpdatePCUType', 'GetInterfaces', 'SliceExtendedInfo', 'SliceNodesList', 'DeleteRoleFromTagType', 'DeleteSlice', 'GetSites', 'DeleteMessage', 'GetSliceFamily', 'GetPlcRelease', 'UpdateTagType', 'AddSliceInstantiation', 'ResolveSlices', 'GetSlices', 'DeleteRoleFromPerson', 'GetSessions', 'UpdatePeer', 'VerifyPerson', 'GetPersonTags', 'DeleteKeyType', 'AddSlice', 'SliceUserAdd', 'DeleteSession', 'GetMessages', 'DeletePCU', 'GetPeerData', 'DeletePersonFromSite', 'DeleteTagType', 'GetPCUs', 'UpdateLeases', 'AddMessage', 'DeletePCUProtocolType', 'DeleteInterfaceTag', 'AddPersonToSite', 'GetSlivers', 'SliceNodesDel', 'DeleteAddressTypeFromAddress', 'AddNodeGroup', 'GetSliceTags', 'DeleteSite', 'GetSiteTags', 'UpdateMessage', 'DeleteSliceFromNodes', 'SliceRenew', 'UpdatePCUProtocolType', 'DeleteSiteTag', 'GetPCUProtocolTypes', 'GetEvents', 'GetSliceTicket', 'AddPersonTag', 'BootGetNodeDetails', 'DeleteInterface', 'DeleteNodeGroup', 'AddPCUProtocolType', 'BootCheckAuthentication', 'AddSiteTag', 'AddAddressTypeToAddress', 'DeleteConfFile', 'DeleteInitScript', 'DeletePerson', 'DeleteIlink', 'DeleteAddressType', 'AddBootState', 'AuthCheck', 'NotifySupport', 'GetSliceInstantiations', 'AddPCUType', 'AddPCU', 'AddSession', 'GetEventObjects', 'UpdateSiteTag', 'UpdateNodeTag', 'AddPerson', 'BlacklistKey', 'UpdateInitScript', 'AddSliceToNodes', 'RebootNodeWithPCU', 'GetNodeTags', 'GetSliceKeys', 'GetSliceSshKeys', 'AddNetworkMethod', 'SliceNodesAdd', 'DeletePersonFromSlice', 'ReportRunlevel', 'GetNetworkTypes', 'UpdateSite', 'DeleteConfFileFromNodeGroup', 'UpdateNode', 'DeleteSliceInstantiation', 'DeleteSliceTag', 'BootUpdateNode', 'UpdatePerson', 'UpdateConfFile', 'SliceUserDel', 'DeleteLeases', 'AddConfFileToNodeGroup', 'UpdatePersonTag', 'DeleteConfFileFromNode', 'AddPersonToSlice', 'UnBindObjectFromPeer', 'AddNodeToPCU', 'GetLeaseGranularity', 'DeletePCUType', 'GetTagTypes', 'GetNodeTypes', 'UpdateInterfaceTag', 'GetRoles', 'UpdateSlice', 'UpdateSliceTag', 'AddSliceTag', 'AddNetworkType', 'AddInterface', 'AddAddressType', 'AddRoleToPerson', 'DeleteNodeType', 'GetLeases', 'UpdateInterface', 'SliceInfo', 'DeleteAddress', 'SliceTicketGet', 'GetPersons', 'GetWhitelist', 'AddKeyType', 'UpdateAddressType', 'GetPeerName', 'DeleteNetworkMethod', 'UpdateIlink', 'AddConfFileToNode', 'GetKeys', 'DeleteNodeFromPCU', 'GetInterfaceTags', 'GetBootStates', 'SetInterfaceSens', 'SetNodeLoadm', 'GetInterfaceRate', 'GetNodeLoadw', 'SetInterfaceKey', 'GetNodeSlices', 'GetNodeLoadm', 'SetSliceVref', 'GetInterfaceIwpriv', 'SetNodeLoadw', 'SetNodeSerial', 'GetNodePlainBootstrapfs', 'SetNodeMEMw', 'GetNodeResponse', 'SetInterfaceRate', 'SetSliceInitscript', 'SetNodeFcdistro', 'GetNodeLoady', 'SetNodeArch', 'SetNodeKargs', 'SetNodeMEMm', 'SetNodeBWy', 'SetNodeBWw', 'SetInterfaceSecurityMode', 'SetNodeBWm', 'SetNodeASType', 'GetNodeKargs', 'GetPersonColumnconf', 'GetNodeResponsem', 'GetNodeCPUy', 'GetNodeCramfs', 'SetNodeSlicesw', 'SetPersonColumnconf', 'SetNodeSlicesy', 'GetNodeCPUw', 'GetNodeBWy', 'GetNodeCPUm', 'GetInterfaceDriver', 'GetNodeLoad', 'GetInterfaceMode', 'GetNodeSerial', 'SetNodeSlicesm', 'SetNodeLoady', 'GetNodeReliabilityw', 'SetSliceFcdistro', 'GetNodeReliabilityy', 'SetInterfaceEssid', 'SetSliceInitscriptCode', 'GetNodeExtensions', 'GetSliceOmfControl', 'SetNodeCity', 'SetInterfaceIfname', 'SetNodeHrn', 'SetNodeNoHangcheck', 'GetNodeNoHangcheck', 'GetSliceFcdistro', 'SetNodeCountry', 'SetNodeKvariant', 'GetNodeKvariant', 'GetNodeMEMy', 'SetInterfaceIwpriv', 'GetNodeMEMw', 'SetInterfaceBackdoor', 'GetInterfaceFreq', 'SetInterfaceChannel', 'SetInterfaceNw', 'GetPersonShowconf', 'GetSliceInitscriptCode', 'SetNodeMEM', 'GetInterfaceEssid', 'GetNodeMEMm', 'SetInterfaceMode', 'SetInterfaceIwconfig', 'GetNodeSlicesm', 'GetNodeBWm', 'SetNodePlainBootstrapfs', 'SetNodeRegion', 'SetNodeCPU', 'GetNodeSlicesw', 'SetNodeBW', 'SetNodeSlices', 'SetNodeCramfs', 'GetNodeSlicesy', 'GetInterfaceKey', 'GetSliceInitscript', 'SetNodeCPUm', 'SetSliceArch', 'SetNodeLoad', 'SetNodeResponse', 'GetSliceSliverHMAC', 'GetNodeBWw', 'GetNodeRegion', 'SetNodeMEMy', 'GetNodeASType', 'SetNodePldistro', 'GetSliceArch', 'GetNodeCountry', 'SetSliceOmfControl', 'GetNodeHrn', 'GetNodeCity', 'SetInterfaceAlias', 'GetNodeBW', 'GetNodePldistro', 'GetSlicePldistro', 'SetNodeASNumber', 'GetSliceHmac', 'SetSliceHmac', 'GetNodeMEM', 'GetNodeASNumber', 'GetInterfaceAlias', 'GetSliceVref', 'GetNodeArch', 'GetSliceSshKey', 'GetInterfaceKey4', 'GetInterfaceKey2', 'GetInterfaceKey3', 'GetInterfaceKey1', 'GetInterfaceBackdoor', 'GetInterfaceIfname', 'SetSliceSliverHMAC', 'SetNodeReliability', 'GetNodeCPU', 'SetPersonShowconf', 'SetNodeExtensions', 'SetNodeCPUy', 'SetNodeCPUw', 'GetNodeResponsew', 'SetNodeResponsey', 'GetInterfaceSens', 'SetNodeResponsew', 'GetNodeResponsey', 'GetNodeReliability', 'GetNodeReliabilitym', 'SetNodeResponsem', 'SetInterfaceDriver', 'GetInterfaceSecurityMode', 'SetNodeDeployment', 'SetNodeReliabilitym', 'GetNodeFcdistro', 'SetInterfaceFreq', 'GetInterfaceNw', 'SetNodeReliabilityy', 'SetNodeReliabilityw', 'GetInterfaceIwconfig', 'SetSlicePldistro', 'SetSliceSshKey', 'GetNodeDeployment', 'GetInterfaceChannel', 'SetInterfaceKey2', 'SetInterfaceKey3', 'SetInterfaceKey1', 'SetInterfaceKey4']) _required_methods = set() def __init__(self, username, password, hostname, urlpattern, ec, proxy, session_key = None, local_peer = "PLE"): self._blacklist = set() self._reserved = set() self._nodes_cache = None self._already_cached = False self._ecobj = ec self.count = 1 if session_key is not None: self.auth = dict(AuthMethod='session', session=session_key) elif username is not None and password is not None: self.auth = dict(AuthMethod='password', Username=username, AuthString=password) else: self.auth = dict(AuthMethod='anonymous') self._local_peer = local_peer self._url = urlpattern % {'hostname':hostname} if (proxy is not None): import urllib2 class HTTPSProxyTransport(xmlrpclib.Transport): def __init__(self, proxy, use_datetime=0): opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.ProxyHandler({"https" : proxy})) xmlrpclib.Transport.__init__(self, use_datetime) self.opener = opener def request(self, host, handler, request_body, verbose=0): req = urllib2.Request('https://%s%s' % (host, handler), request_body) req.add_header('User-agent', self.user_agent) self.verbose = verbose return self.parse_response(self.opener.open(req)) self._proxy_transport = lambda : HTTPSProxyTransport(proxy) else: self._proxy_transport = lambda : None self.threadlocal = threading.local() # Load blacklist from file if self._ecobj.get_global('PlanetlabNode', 'persist_blacklist'): self._set_blacklist() @property def api(self): # Cannot reuse same proxy in all threads, py2.7 is not threadsafe return xmlrpclib.ServerProxy( self._url , transport = self._proxy_transport(), allow_none = True) @property def mcapi(self): try: return self.threadlocal.mc except AttributeError: return self.api def test(self): # TODO: Use nepi utils Logger instead of warning!! import warnings # validate XMLRPC server checking supported API calls methods = set(_retry(self.mcapi.system.listMethods)()) if self._required_methods - methods: warnings.warn("Unsupported REQUIRED methods: %s" % ( ", ".join(sorted(self._required_methods - methods)), ) ) return False if self._expected_methods - methods: warnings.warn("Unsupported EXPECTED methods: %s" % ( ", ".join(sorted(self._expected_methods - methods)), ) ) try: # test authorization network_types = _retry(self.mcapi.GetNetworkTypes)(self.auth) except (xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, xmlrpclib.Fault),e: warnings.warn(str(e)) return True def _set_blacklist(self): nepi_home = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".nepi") plblacklist_file = os.path.join(nepi_home, "plblacklist.txt") with open(plblacklist_file, 'r') as f: hosts_tobl = f.read().splitlines() if hosts_tobl: nodes_id = self.get_nodes(hosts_tobl, ['node_id']) for node_id in nodes_id: self._blacklist.add(node_id['node_id']) @property def network_types(self): try: return self._network_types except AttributeError: self._network_types = _retry(self.mcapi.GetNetworkTypes)(self.auth) return self._network_types @property def peer_map(self): try: return self._peer_map except AttributeError: peers = _retry(self.mcapi.GetPeers)(self.auth, {}, ['shortname','peername','peer_id']) self._peer_map = dict( (peer['shortname'], peer['peer_id']) for peer in peers ) self._peer_map.update( (peer['peername'], peer['peer_id']) for peer in peers ) self._peer_map.update( (peer['peer_id'], peer['shortname']) for peer in peers ) self._peer_map[None] = self._local_peer return self._peer_map def get_node_flavour(self, node): """ Returns detailed information on a given node's flavour, i.e. its base installation. This depends on the global PLC settings in the PLC_FLAVOUR area, optionnally overridden by any of the following tags if set on that node: 'arch', 'pldistro', 'fcdistro', 'deployment', 'extensions' Params: * node : int or string - int, Node identifier - string, Fully qualified hostname Returns: struct * extensions : array of string, extensions to add to the base install * fcdistro : string, the fcdistro this node should be based upon * nodefamily : string, the nodefamily this node should be based upon * plain : boolean, use plain bootstrapfs image if set (for tests) """ if not isinstance(node, (str, int, long)): raise ValueError, "Node must be either a non-unicode string or an int" return _retry(self.mcapi.GetNodeFlavour)(self.auth, node) def get_nodes(self, node_id_or_name = None, fields = None, **kw): """ Returns an array of structs containing details about nodes. If node_id_or_name is specified and is an array of node identifiers or hostnames, or the filters keyword argument with struct of node attributes, or node attributes by keyword argument, only nodes matching the filter will be returned. If fields is specified, only the specified details will be returned. NOTE that if fields is unspecified, the complete set of native fields are returned, which DOES NOT include tags at this time. Some fields may only be viewed by admins. Special params: fields: an optional list of fields to retrieve. The default is all. filters: an optional mapping with custom filters, which is the only way to support complex filters like negation and numeric comparisons. peer: a string (or sequence of strings) with the name(s) of peers to filter - or None for local nodes. """ if fields is not None: fieldstuple = (fields,) else: fieldstuple = () if node_id_or_name is not None: return _retry(self.mcapi.GetNodes)(self.auth, node_id_or_name, *fieldstuple) else: filters = kw.pop('filters',{}) if 'peer' in kw: peer = kw.pop('peer') name_to_id = self.peer_map.get if hasattr(peer, '__iter__'): # we can't mix local and external nodes, so # split and re-issue recursively in that case if None in peer or self._local_peer in peer: if None in peer: peer.remove(None) if self._local_peer in peer: peer.remove(self._local_peer) return ( self.get_nodes(node_id_or_name, fields, filters = filters, peer=peer, **kw) + \ self.get_nodes(node_id_or_name, fields, filters = filters, peer=None, **kw) ) else: peer_filter = map(name_to_id, peer) elif peer is None or peer == self._local_peer: peer_filter = None else: peer_filter = name_to_id(peer) filters['peer_id'] = peer_filter filters.update(kw) if not filters and not fieldstuple: if not self._nodes_cache and not self._already_cached: self._already_cached = True self._nodes_cache = _retry(self.mcapi.GetNodes)(self.auth) elif not self._nodes_cache: while not self._nodes_cache: time.sleep(10) return self._nodes_cache return _retry(self.mcapi.GetNodes)(self.auth, filters, *fieldstuple) def get_node_tags(self, node_tag_id = None, fields = None, **kw): if fields is not None: fieldstuple = (fields,) else: fieldstuple = () if node_tag_id is not None: return _retry(self.mcapi.GetNodeTags)(self.auth, node_tag_id, *fieldstuple) else: filters = kw.pop('filters',{}) filters.update(kw) return _retry(self.mcapi.GetNodeTags)(self.auth, filters, *fieldstuple) def get_slice_tags(self, slice_tag_id = None, fields = None, **kw): if fields is not None: fieldstuple = (fields,) else: fieldstuple = () if slice_tag_id is not None: return _retry(self.mcapi.GetSliceTags)(self.auth, slice_tag_id, *fieldstuple) else: filters = kw.pop('filters',{}) filters.update(kw) return _retry(self.mcapi.GetSliceTags)(self.auth, filters, *fieldstuple) def get_interfaces(self, interface_id_or_ip = None, fields = None, **kw): if fields is not None: fieldstuple = (fields,) else: fieldstuple = () if interface_id_or_ip is not None: return _retry(self.mcapi.GetInterfaces)(self.auth, interface_id_or_ip, *fieldstuple) else: filters = kw.pop('filters',{}) filters.update(kw) return _retry(self.mcapi.GetInterfaces)(self.auth, filters, *fieldstuple) def get_slices(self, slice_id_or_name = None, fields = None, **kw): if fields is not None: fieldstuple = (fields,) else: fieldstuple = () if slice_id_or_name is not None: return _retry(self.mcapi.GetSlices)(self.auth, slice_id_or_name, *fieldstuple) else: filters = kw.pop('filters',{}) filters.update(kw) return _retry(self.mcapi.GetSlices)(self.auth, filters, *fieldstuple) def update_slice(self, slice_id_or_name, **kw): return _retry(self.mcapi.UpdateSlice)(self.auth, slice_id_or_name, kw) def delete_slice_node(self, slice_id_or_name, node_id_or_hostname): return _retry(self.mcapi.DeleteSliceFromNodes)(self.auth, slice_id_or_name, node_id_or_hostname) def start_multicall(self): self.threadlocal.mc = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(self.mcapi) def finish_multicall(self): mc = self.threadlocal.mc del self.threadlocal.mc return _retry(mc)() def get_slice_nodes(self, slicename): return self.get_slices(slicename, ['node_ids'])[0]['node_ids'] def add_slice_nodes(self, slicename, nodes): self.update_slice(slicename, nodes=nodes) def get_node_info(self, node_id): self.start_multicall() info = self.get_nodes(node_id) tags = self.get_node_tags(node_id=node_id, fields=('tagname','value')) info, tags = self.finish_multicall() return info, tags def get_slice_id(self, slicename): slice_id = None slices = self.get_slices(slicename, fields=('slice_id',)) if slices: slice_id = slices[0]['slice_id'] # If it wasn't found, don't remember this failure, keep trying return slice_id def get_slice_vnet_sys_tag(self, slicename): slicetags = self.get_slice_tags( name = slicename, tagname = 'vsys_vnet', fields=('value',)) if slicetags: return slicetags[0]['value'] else: return None def blacklist_host(self, node_id): self._blacklist.add(node_id) def blacklisted(self): return self._blacklist def unblacklist_host(self, node_id): del self._blacklist[node_id] def reserve_host(self, node_id): self._reserved.add(node_id) def reserved(self): return self._reserved def unreserve_host(self, node_id): del self._reserved[node_id] def release(self): self.count -= 1 if self.count == 0: blacklist = self._blacklist self._blacklist = set() self._reserved = set() if self._ecobj.get_global('PlanetlabNode', 'persist_blacklist'): if blacklist: to_blacklist = list() hostnames = self.get_nodes(list(blacklist), ['hostname']) for hostname in hostnames: to_blacklist.append(hostname['hostname']) nepi_home = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".nepi") plblacklist_file = os.path.join(nepi_home, "plblacklist.txt") with open(plblacklist_file, 'w') as f: for host in to_blacklist: f.write("%s\n" % host) class PLCAPIFactory(object): """ .. note:: It allows PlanetLab RMs sharing a same slice, to use a same plcapi instance, and to sincronize blacklisted and reserved hosts. """ # use lock to avoid concurrent access to the Api list at the same times by 2 different threads _lock = threading.Lock() _apis = dict() @classmethod def get_api(cls, pl_user, pl_pass, pl_host, pl_ptn, ec, proxy = None): """ Get existing PLCAPI instance :param pl_user: Planelab user name (used for web login) :type pl_user: str :param pl_pass: Planetlab password (used for web login) :type pl_pass: str :param pl_host: Planetlab registry host (e.g. "www.planet-lab.eu") :type pl_host: str :param pl_ptn: XMLRPC service pattern (e.g. https://%(hostname)s:443/PLCAPI/) :type pl_ptn: str :param proxy: Proxy service url :type pl_ptn: str """ if pl_user and pl_pass and pl_host: key = cls._make_key(pl_user, pl_host) with cls._lock: api = cls._apis.get(key) if not api: api = cls.create_api(pl_user, pl_pass, pl_host, pl_ptn, ec, proxy) else: api.count += 1 return api return None @classmethod def create_api(cls, pl_user, pl_pass, pl_host, pl_ptn, ec, proxy = None): """ Create an PLCAPI instance :param pl_user: Planelab user name (used for web login) :type pl_user: str :param pl_pass: Planetlab password (used for web login) :type pl_pass: str :param pl_host: Planetlab registry host (e.g. "www.planet-lab.eu") :type pl_host: str :param pl_ptn: XMLRPC service pattern (e.g. https://%(hostname)s:443/PLCAPI/) :type pl_ptn: str :param proxy: Proxy service url :type pl_ptn: str """ api = PLCAPI(username = pl_user, password = pl_pass, hostname = pl_host, urlpattern = pl_ptn, ec = ec, proxy = proxy) key = cls._make_key(pl_user, pl_host) cls._apis[key] = api return api @classmethod def _make_key(cls, *args): """ Hash the credentials in order to create a key :param args: list of arguments used to create the hash (user, host, port, ...) :type args: list of args """ skey = "".join(map(str, args)) return hashlib.md5(skey).hexdigest()