# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from constants import TESTBED_ID, TESTBED_VERSION from nepi.core import metadata from nepi.core.attributes import Attribute from nepi.util import tags, validation from nepi.util.constants import ApplicationStatus as AS, \ FactoryCategories as FC, DeploymentConfiguration as DC from nepi.util.tunchannel_impl import \ preconfigure_tunchannel, postconfigure_tunchannel, \ prestart_tunchannel, create_tunchannel, \ crossconnect_tunchannel_peer_init, \ crossconnect_tunchannel_peer_compl import functools # Factories NODE = "Node" P2PIFACE = "P2PNodeInterface" TAPIFACE = "TapNodeInterface" TUNIFACE = "TunNodeInterface" NODEIFACE = "NodeInterface" SWITCH = "Switch" APPLICATION = "Application" TUNCHANNEL = "TunChannel" NS3_TESTBED_ID = "ns3" FDNETDEV = "ns3::FdNetDevice" def _follow_trace(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id, filename): filepath = testbed_instance.trace_filepath(guid, trace_id, filename) trace = open(filepath, "wb") testbed_instance.follow_trace(guid, trace_id, trace, filename) return trace ### Connection functions #### def connect_switch(testbed_instance, switch_guid, interface_guid): switch = testbed_instance._elements[switch_guid] interface = testbed_instance._elements[interface_guid] switch.connect(interface) def connect_fd(testbed_instance, tap_guid, cross_data): import passfd import socket tap = testbed_instance._elements[tap_guid] address = cross_data["tun_addr"] sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.connect(address) passfd.sendfd(sock, tap.fd, '0') # TODO: after succesful transfer, the tap device should close the fd def connect_tunchannel_tun(testbed_instance, chan_guid, tap_guid): connect_tunchannel_tap(testbed_instance, chan_guid, tap_guid, ethernet_mode=False) def connect_tunchannel_tap(testbed_instance, chan_guid, tap_guid, ethernet_mode=True): tap = testbed_instance._elements[tap_guid] chan = testbed_instance._elements[chan_guid] # Create a file object for the tap's interface device # and send it to the channel. It should comply with all the # requirements for the channel's tun_socket. import os chan.tun_socket = os.fdopen(tap.fd) # Set the channel to ethernet mode (it's a tap) chan.ethernet_mode = ethernet_mode # Check to see if the device uses PI headers # It's normally so with_pi = True try: import fcntl import struct TUNGETIFF = 0x800454d2 IFF_NO_PI = 0x00001000 struct_ifreq = "x"*16+"H"+"x"*22 flags = struct.unpack(struct_ifreq, fcntl.ioctl(tap.fd, TUNGETIFF, struct.pack(struct_ifreq,0)) )[0] with_pi = (0 == (flags & IFF_NO_PI)) except: # maybe the kernel doesn't support the IOCTL, # in which case, we assume it uses PI headers (as is usual) pass chan.with_pi = with_pi ### Trace functions ### def nodepcap_trace(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id): node = testbed_instance._elements[guid] parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) filename = "%d-pcap.stdout" % guid stdout = _follow_trace(testbed_instance, guid, "pcap_stdout", filename) filename = "%d-pcap.stderr" % guid stderr = _follow_trace(testbed_instance, guid, "pcap_stderr", filename) filename = "%d-node.pcap" % guid filepath = testbed_instance.trace_filepath(guid, trace_id, filename) command = "tcpdump -i 'any' -w %s" % filepath user = "root" trace = node.Popen(command, shell = True, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr, user = user) testbed_instance.follow_trace(guid, trace_id, trace, filename) trace_functions = dict({ "pcap": nodepcap_trace, }) ### Creation functions ### def create_node(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) forward_X11 = False if "forward_X11" in parameters: forward_X11 = parameters["forward_X11"] del parameters["forward_X11"] element = testbed_instance.netns.Node(forward_X11 = forward_X11) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_p2piface(testbed_instance, guid): if guid in testbed_instance.elements: # The interface pair was already instantiated return # search for the node asociated with the p2piface node1_guid = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "node", "devs") if len(node1_guid) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't instantiate interface %d outside netns \ node" % guid) node1 = testbed_instance.elements[node1_guid[0]] # search for the pair p2piface p2p_guid = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "p2p","p2p") if len(p2p_guid) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't instantiate p2p interface %d. \ Missing interface pair" % guid) guid2 = p2p_guid[0] node2_guid = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid2, "node", "devs") if len(node2_guid) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't instantiate interface %d outside netns \ node" % guid2) node2 = testbed_instance.elements[node2_guid[0]] element1, element2 = testbed_instance.netns.P2PInterface.create_pair( node1, node2) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element1 testbed_instance.elements[guid2] = element2 def create_tapiface(testbed_instance, guid): node_guid = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "node", "devs") if len(node_guid) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't instantiate interface %d outside netns \ node" % guid) node = testbed_instance.elements[node_guid[0]] element = node.add_tap() testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_tuniface(testbed_instance, guid): node_guid = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "node", "devs") if len(node_guid) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't instantiate interface %d outside netns \ node" % guid) node = testbed_instance.elements[node_guid[0]] element = node.add_tun() testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_nodeiface(testbed_instance, guid): node_guid = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "node", "devs") if len(node_guid) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't instantiate interface %d outside netns \ node" % guid) node = testbed_instance.elements[node_guid[0]] element = node.add_if() testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_switch(testbed_instance, guid): element = testbed_instance.netns.Switch() testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_application(testbed_instance, guid): testbed_instance.elements[guid] = None # Delayed construction ### Start/Stop functions ### def start_application(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) traces = testbed_instance._get_traces(guid) command = parameters["command"] user = None if "user" in parameters: user = parameters["user"] stdout = stderr = None if "stdout" in traces: filename = "%d-stdout.trace" % guid stdout = _follow_trace(testbed_instance, guid, "stdout", filename) if "stderr" in traces: filename = "%d-stderr.trace" % guid stderr = _follow_trace(testbed_instance, guid, "stderr", filename) node_guid = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "node", "apps") if len(node_guid) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't instantiate interface %d outside netns \ node" % guid) node = testbed_instance.elements[node_guid[0]] element = node.Popen(command, shell = True, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr, user = user) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def stop_application(testbed_instance, guid): #app = testbed_instance.elements[guid] #app.signal() pass ### Status functions ### def status_application(testbed_instance, guid): if guid not in testbed_instance.elements.keys(): return AS.STATUS_NOT_STARTED app = testbed_instance.elements[guid] if app.poll() == None: return AS.STATUS_RUNNING return AS.STATUS_FINISHED ### Configure functions ### def configure_traces(testbed_instance, guid): traces = testbed_instance._get_traces(guid) for trace_id in traces: if trace_id not in trace_functions: continue trace_func = trace_functions[trace_id] trace_func(testbed_instance, guid, trace_id) def configure_device(testbed_instance, guid): configure_traces(testbed_instance, guid) element = testbed_instance._elements[guid] if not guid in testbed_instance._add_address: return addresses = testbed_instance._add_address[guid] for address in addresses: (address, netprefix, broadcast) = address # TODO: Decide if we should add a ipv4 or ipv6 address element.add_v4_address(address, netprefix) def configure_node(testbed_instance, guid): configure_traces(testbed_instance, guid) element = testbed_instance._elements[guid] if not guid in testbed_instance._add_route: return routes = testbed_instance._add_route[guid] for route in routes: (destination, netprefix, nexthop, metric, device) = route element.add_route(prefix = destination, prefix_len = netprefix, nexthop = nexthop, metric = metric) ### Factory information ### connector_types = dict({ "apps": dict({ "help": "Connector from node to applications", "name": "apps", "max": -1, "min": 0 }), "devs": dict({ "help": "Connector from node to network interfaces", "name": "devs", "max": -1, "min": 0 }), "node": dict({ "help": "Connector to a Node", "name": "node", "max": 1, "min": 1 }), "p2p": dict({ "help": "Connector to a P2PInterface", "name": "p2p", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), "->fd": dict({ "help": "File descriptor receptor for devices with file descriptors", "name": "->fd", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), "fd->": dict({ "help": "File descriptor provider for devices with file descriptors", "name": "fd->", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), "switch": dict({ "help": "Connector to a switch", "name": "switch", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), "tcp": dict({ "help": "ip-ip tunneling over TCP link", "name": "tcp", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), "udp": dict({ "help": "ip-ip tunneling over UDP datagrams", "name": "udp", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), }) connections = [ dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "devs"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, P2PIFACE, "node"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "devs"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "node"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "devs"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "node"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "devs"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, NODEIFACE, "node"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, P2PIFACE, "p2p"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, P2PIFACE, "p2p"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "fd->"), "to": (None, None, "->fd"), "compl_code": connect_fd, "can_cross": True }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "fd->"), "to": (None, None, "->fd"), "compl_code": connect_fd, "can_cross": True }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, SWITCH, "devs"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, NODEIFACE, "switch"), "init_code": connect_switch, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "apps"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, APPLICATION, "node"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNCHANNEL, "->fd" ), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "fd->" ), "init_code": connect_tunchannel_tap, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNCHANNEL, "->fd" ), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "fd->" ), "init_code": connect_tunchannel_tun, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNCHANNEL, "tcp"), "to": (None, None, "tcp"), "init_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tunchannel_peer_init,"tcp"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tunchannel_peer_compl,"tcp"), "can_cross": True }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNCHANNEL, "udp"), "to": (None, None, "udp"), "init_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tunchannel_peer_init,"udp"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tunchannel_peer_compl,"udp"), "can_cross": True }), ] attributes = dict({ "forward_X11": dict({ "name": "forward_X11", "help": "Forward x11 from main namespace to the node", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": False, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "lladdr": dict({ "name": "lladdr", "help": "Mac address", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_mac_address }), "up": dict({ "name": "up", "help": "Link up", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": True, "flags": Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "device_name": dict({ "name": "name", "help": "Device name", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "mtu": dict({ "name": "mtu", "help": "Maximum transmition unit for device", "type": Attribute.INTEGER, "validation_function": validation.is_integer }), "broadcast": dict({ "name": "broadcast", "help": "Broadcast address", "type": Attribute.STRING, "validation_function": validation.is_string # TODO: should be is address! }), "multicast": dict({ "name": "multicast", "help": "Multicast enabled", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": False, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "arp": dict({ "name": "arp", "help": "ARP enabled", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": False, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "command": dict({ "name": "command", "help": "Command line string", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "user": dict({ "name": "user", "help": "System user", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "stdin": dict({ "name": "stdin", "help": "Standard input", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), }) traces = dict({ "stdout": dict({ "name": "stdout", "help": "Standard output stream" }), "stderr": dict({ "name": "stderr", "help": "Application standard error", }), "node_pcap": dict({ "name": "pcap", "help": "tcpdump at all node interfaces", }) }) create_order = [ NODE, P2PIFACE, NODEIFACE, TAPIFACE, TUNIFACE, TUNCHANNEL, SWITCH, APPLICATION ] configure_order = [ P2PIFACE, NODEIFACE, TAPIFACE, TUNIFACE, TUNCHANNEL, SWITCH, NODE, APPLICATION ] factories_info = dict({ NODE: dict({ "help": "Emulated Node with virtualized network stack", "category": FC.CATEGORY_NODES, "create_function": create_node, "configure_function": configure_node, "box_attributes": ["forward_X11"], "connector_types": ["devs", "apps"], "traces": ["node_pcap"], "tags": [tags.NODE, tags.ALLOW_ROUTES], }), P2PIFACE: dict({ "help": "Point to point network interface", "category": FC.CATEGORY_DEVICES, "create_function": create_p2piface, "configure_function": configure_device, "box_attributes": ["lladdr", "up", "device_name", "mtu", "multicast", "broadcast", "arp"], "connector_types": ["node", "p2p"], "tags": [tags.INTERFACE, tags.ALLOW_ADDRESSES], }), TAPIFACE: dict({ "help": "Tap device network interface", "category": FC.CATEGORY_DEVICES, "create_function": create_tapiface, "configure_function": configure_device, "box_attributes": ["lladdr", "up", "device_name", "mtu", "multicast", "broadcast", "arp"], "connector_types": ["node", "fd->"], "tags": [tags.INTERFACE, tags.ALLOW_ADDRESSES], }), TUNIFACE: dict({ "help": "Tun device network interface", "category": FC.CATEGORY_DEVICES, "create_function": create_tuniface, "configure_function": configure_device, "box_attributes": ["lladdr", "up", "device_name", "mtu", "multicast", "broadcast", "arp"], "connector_types": ["node", "fd->"], "tags": [tags.INTERFACE, tags.ALLOW_ADDRESSES], }), NODEIFACE: dict({ "help": "Node network interface", "category": FC.CATEGORY_DEVICES, "create_function": create_nodeiface, "configure_function": configure_device, "box_attributes": ["lladdr", "up", "device_name", "mtu", "multicast", "broadcast", "arp"], "connector_types": ["node", "switch"], "tags": [tags.INTERFACE, tags.ALLOW_ADDRESSES], }), SWITCH: dict({ "display_name": "Switch", "help": "Switch interface", "category": FC.CATEGORY_DEVICES, "create_function": create_switch, "box_attributes": ["up", "device_name", "mtu", "multicast"], #TODO: Add attribute ("Stp", help, type, value, range, allowed, readonly, validation_function), #TODO: Add attribute ("ForwarddDelay", help, type, value, range, allowed, readonly, validation_function), #TODO: Add attribute ("HelloTime", help, type, value, range, allowed, readonly, validation_function), #TODO: Add attribute ("AgeingTime", help, type, value, range, allowed, readonly, validation_function), #TODO: Add attribute ("MaxAge", help, type, value, range, allowed, readonly, validation_function) "connector_types": ["devs"], "tags": [tags.SWITCH], }), APPLICATION: dict({ "help": "Generic executable command line application", "category": FC.CATEGORY_APPLICATIONS, "create_function": create_application, "start_function": start_application, "stop_function": stop_application, "status_function": status_application, "box_attributes": ["command", "user"], "connector_types": ["node"], "traces": ["stdout", "stderr"], "tags": [tags.APPLICATION], }), TUNCHANNEL : dict({ "category": FC.CATEGORY_TUNNELS, "create_function": create_tunchannel, "preconfigure_function": preconfigure_tunchannel, "configure_function": postconfigure_tunchannel, "prestart_function": prestart_tunchannel, "help": "Channel to forward "+TAPIFACE+" data to " "other TAP interfaces supporting the NEPI tunneling protocol.", "connector_types": ["->fd", "udp", "tcp"], "allow_addresses": False, "box_attributes": ["tun_proto", "tun_addr", "tun_port", "tun_key", "tun_cipher"], "tags": [tags.TUNNEL], }), }) testbed_attributes = dict({ "enable_debug": dict({ "name": "enableDebug", "help": "Enable netns debug output", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": False, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), }) supported_recovery_policies = [ DC.POLICY_FAIL, ] class MetadataInfo(metadata.MetadataInfo): @property def connector_types(self): return connector_types @property def connections(self): return connections @property def attributes(self): return attributes @property def traces(self): return traces @property def create_order(self): return create_order @property def configure_order(self): return configure_order @property def factories_info(self): return factories_info @property def testbed_attributes(self): return testbed_attributes @property def testbed_id(self): return TESTBED_ID @property def testbed_version(self): return TESTBED_VERSION @property def supported_recover_policies(self): return supported_recovery_policies