#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from nepi.core import testbed_impl from nepi.core.attributes import Attribute from constants import TESTBED_ID from nepi.util.constants import TIME_NOW, \ TESTBED_STATUS_STARTED import os import sys import threading import random import socket import weakref class TestbedController(testbed_impl.TestbedController): from nepi.util.tunchannel_impl import TunChannel LOCAL_FACTORIES = { 'ns3::Nepi::TunChannel' : TunChannel, } LOCAL_TYPES = tuple(LOCAL_FACTORIES.values()) def __init__(self, testbed_version): super(TestbedController, self).__init__(TESTBED_ID, testbed_version) self._ns3 = None self._home_directory = None self._traces = dict() self._simulator_thread = None self._condition = None @property def home_directory(self): return self._home_directory @property def ns3(self): return self._ns3 def do_setup(self): self._home_directory = self._attributes.\ get_attribute_value("homeDirectory") self._ns3 = self._load_ns3_module() # create home... home = os.path.normpath(self.home_directory) if not os.path.exists(home): os.makedirs(home, 0755) super(TestbedController, self).do_setup() def start(self): super(TestbedController, self).start() self._condition = threading.Condition() self._simulator_thread = threading.Thread(target = self._simulator_run, args = [self._condition]) self._simulator_thread.start() def stop(self, time = TIME_NOW): super(TestbedController, self).stop(time) #self.ns3.Simulator.Stop() self._stop_simulation(time) def set(self, guid, name, value, time = TIME_NOW): super(TestbedController, self).set(guid, name, value, time) # TODO: take on account schedule time for the task factory_id = self._create[guid] factory = self._factories[factory_id] if factory.box_attributes.is_attribute_design_only(name): return element = self._elements[guid] if factory_id in self.LOCAL_FACTORIES: setattr(element, name, value) elif factory.box_attributes.is_attribute_invisible(name): return else: ns3_value = self._to_ns3_value(guid, name, value) self._set_attribute(name, ns3_value, element) def get(self, guid, name, time = TIME_NOW): value = super(TestbedController, self).get(guid, name, time) # TODO: take on account schedule time for the task factory_id = self._create[guid] factory = self._factories[factory_id] element = self._elements[guid] if factory_id in self.LOCAL_FACTORIES: if hasattr(element, name): return getattr(element, name) else: return value if factory.box_attributes.is_attribute_design_only(name) or \ factory.box_attributes.is_attribute_invisible(name): return value TypeId = self.ns3.TypeId() typeid = TypeId.LookupByName(factory_id) info = TypeId.AttributeInfo() if not typeid or not typeid.LookupAttributeByName(name, info): raise AttributeError("Invalid attribute %s for element type %d" % \ (name, guid)) checker = info.checker ns3_value = checker.Create() self._get_attribute(name, ns3_value, element) value = ns3_value.SerializeToString(checker) attr_type = factory.box_attributes.get_attribute_type(name) if attr_type == Attribute.INTEGER: return int(value) if attr_type == Attribute.DOUBLE: return float(value) if attr_type == Attribute.BOOL: return value == "true" return value def action(self, time, guid, action): raise NotImplementedError def trace_filename(self, guid, trace_id): # TODO: Need to be defined inside a home!!!! with and experiment id_code filename = self._traces[guid][trace_id] return os.path.join(self.home_directory, filename) def follow_trace(self, guid, trace_id, filename): if guid not in self._traces: self._traces[guid] = dict() self._traces[guid][trace_id] = filename def shutdown(self): for element in self._elements.itervalues(): if isinstance(element, self.LOCAL_TYPES): # graceful shutdown of locally-implemented objects element.Cleanup() self._elements.clear() if self.ns3: #self.ns3.Simulator.Stop() self._stop_simulation("0s") if self._simulator_thread: self._simulator_thread.join() self.ns3.Simulator.Destroy() self._ns3 = None sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() def _simulator_run(self, condition): # Run simulation self.ns3.Simulator.Run() # Signal condition on simulation end to notify waiting threads condition.acquire() condition.notifyAll() condition.release() def _schedule_event(self, condition, func, *args): """Schedules event on running experiment""" def execute_event(condition, has_event_occurred, func, *args): # exec func try: func(*args) finally: # flag event occured has_event_occurred[0] = True # notify condition indicating attribute was set condition.acquire() condition.notifyAll() condition.release() # contextId is defined as general context contextId = long(0xffffffff) # delay 0 means that the event is expected to execute inmediately delay = self.ns3.Seconds(0) # flag to indicate that the event occured # because bool is an inmutable object in python, in order to create a # bool flag, a list is used as wrapper has_event_occurred = [False] condition.acquire() if not self.ns3.Simulator.IsFinished(): self.ns3.Simulator.ScheduleWithContext(contextId, delay, execute_event, condition, has_event_occurred, func, *args) while not has_event_occurred[0] and not self.ns3.Simulator.IsFinished(): condition.wait() condition.release() def _set_attribute(self, name, ns3_value, element): if self.status() == TESTBED_STATUS_STARTED: # schedule the event in the Simulator self._schedule_event(self._condition, self._set_ns3_attribute, name, ns3_value, element) else: self._set_ns3_attribute(name, ns3_value, element) def _get_attribute(self, name, ns3_value, element): if self.status() == TESTBED_STATUS_STARTED: # schedule the event in the Simulator self._schedule_event(self._condition, self._get_ns3_attribute, name, ns3_value, element) else: self._get_ns3_attribute(name, ns3_value, element) def _set_ns3_attribute(self, name, ns3_value, element): element.SetAttribute(name, ns3_value) def _get_ns3_attribute(self, name, ns3_value, element): element.GetAttribute(name, ns3_value) def _stop_simulation(self, time): if self.status() == TESTBED_STATUS_STARTED: # schedule the event in the Simulator self._schedule_event(self._condition, self._stop_ns3_simulation, time) else: self._stop_ns3_simulation(time) def _stop_simulation(self, time = TIME_NOW): if not self.ns3: return if time == TIME_NOW: self.ns3.Simulator.Stop() else: self.ns3.Simulator.Stop(self.ns3.Time(time)) def _to_ns3_value(self, guid, name, value): factory_id = self._create[guid] TypeId = self.ns3.TypeId() typeid = TypeId.LookupByName(factory_id) info = TypeId.AttributeInfo() if not typeid.LookupAttributeByName(name, info): raise RuntimeError("Attribute %s doesn't belong to element %s" \ % (name, factory_id)) str_value = str(value) if isinstance(value, bool): str_value = str_value.lower() checker = info.checker ns3_value = checker.Create() ns3_value.DeserializeFromString(str_value, checker) return ns3_value def _load_ns3_module(self): import ctypes import imp simu_impl_type = self._attributes.get_attribute_value( "SimulatorImplementationType") checksum = self._attributes.get_attribute_value("ChecksumEnabled") stop_time = self._attributes.get_attribute_value("StopTime") bindings = os.environ["NEPI_NS3BINDINGS"] \ if "NEPI_NS3BINDINGS" in os.environ else None libfile = os.environ["NEPI_NS3LIBRARY"] \ if "NEPI_NS3LIBRARY" in os.environ else None if libfile: ctypes.CDLL(libfile, ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL) path = [ os.path.dirname(__file__) ] + sys.path if bindings: path = [ bindings ] + path try: module = imp.find_module ('ns3', path) mod = imp.load_module ('ns3', *module) except ImportError: # In some environments, ns3 per-se does not exist, # only the low-level _ns3 module = imp.find_module ('_ns3', path) mod = imp.load_module ('_ns3', *module) sys.modules["ns3"] = mod # install it as ns3 too # When using _ns3, we have to make sure we destroy # the simulator when the process finishes import atexit atexit.register(mod.Simulator.Destroy) if simu_impl_type: value = mod.StringValue(simu_impl_type) mod.GlobalValue.Bind ("SimulatorImplementationType", value) if checksum: value = mod.BooleanValue(checksum) mod.GlobalValue.Bind ("ChecksumEnabled", value) if stop_time: value = mod.Time(stop_time) mod.Simulator.Stop (value) return mod def _get_construct_parameters(self, guid): params = self._get_parameters(guid) construct_params = dict() factory_id = self._create[guid] TypeId = self.ns3.TypeId() typeid = TypeId.LookupByName(factory_id) for name, value in params.iteritems(): info = self.ns3.TypeId.AttributeInfo() found = typeid.LookupAttributeByName(name, info) if found and \ (info.flags & TypeId.ATTR_CONSTRUCT == TypeId.ATTR_CONSTRUCT): construct_params[name] = value return construct_params