# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import functools import random import weakref from constants import TESTBED_ID, TESTBED_VERSION from nepi.core import metadata from nepi.core.attributes import Attribute from nepi.util import tags, validation, ipaddr2 from nepi.util.constants import ApplicationStatus as AS, \ FactoryCategories as FC, DeploymentConfiguration as DC ############################################################################## class OmfResource(object): def __init__(self, guid, tc): super(OmfResource, self).__init__() self._tc = weakref.ref(tc) self._guid = guid @property def tc(self): return self._tc and self._tc() @property def guid(self): return self._guid def configure(self): pass def start(self): pass def stop(self): pass def status(self): pass def shutdown(self): pass ## NODE ####################################################################### class OmfNode(OmfResource): def __init__(self, guid, tc): super(OmfNode, self).__init__(guid, tc) self.hostname = self.tc._get_parameters(guid)['hostname'] self.tc.api.enroll_host(self.hostname) def configure(self): routes = self.tc._add_route.get(self.guid, []) iface_guids = self.tc.get_connected(self.guid, "devs", "node") for route in routes: (destination, netprefix, nexthop, metric, device) = route netmask = ipaddr2.ipv4_mask2dot(netprefix) # Validate that the interface is associated to the node for iface_guid in iface_guids: iface = self.tc.elements.get(iface_guid) if iface.devname == device: self.tc.api.execute(self.hostname, "Id#%s" % str(random.getrandbits(128)), "add -net %s netmask %s dev %s" % (destination, netmask, iface.devname), "/sbin/route", # path None, # env ) break ## APPLICATION ################################################################ class OmfApplication(OmfResource): def __init__(self, guid, tc): super(OmfApplication, self).__init__(guid, tc) node_guids = tc.get_connected(guid, "node", "apps") if len(node_guids) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't instantiate interface %d outside node" % guid) self._node_guid = node_guids[0] self.app_id = None self.arguments = None self.path = None self.env = None def start(self): node = self.tc.elements.get(self._node_guid) self.tc.api.execute(node.hostname, self.appId, self.arguments, self.path, self.env) def stop(self): node = self.tc.elements.get(self._node_guid) self.tc.api.exit(node.hostname, self.appId) def status(self): if guid not in testbed_instance.elements.keys(): return AS.STATUS_NOT_STARTED return AS.STATUS_RUNNING # TODO!!!! #return AS.STATUS_FINISHED ## WIFIIFACE ######################################################## class OmfWifiInterface(OmfResource): alias2name = dict({'w0':'wlan0', 'w1':'wlan1'}) def __init__(self, guid, tc): super(OmfWifiInterface, self).__init__(guid, tc) node_guids = tc.get_connected(guid, "node", "devs") if len(node_guids) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Can't instantiate interface %d outside node" % guid) self._node_guid = node_guids[0] self.alias = None self.mode = None self.type = None self.essid = None self.channel = None self.ip = None self.devname = None def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == "alias": self.devname = self.alias2name.get(value) if name in ["ip", "mode", "type", "essid", "channel"]: node = self.tc.elements.get(self._node_guid) attribute = "net/%s/%s" % (self.alias, name) self._tc().api.configure(node.hostname, attribute, value) super(OmfWifiInterface, self).__setattr__(name, value) # Factories NODE = "Node" WIFIIFACE = "WifiInterface" CHANNEL = "Channel" OMFAPPLICATION = "OmfApplication" def create(factory, testbed_instance, guid): clazz = OmfResource if factory == NODE: clazz = OmfNode elif factory == OMFAPPLICATION: clazz = OmfApplication elif factory == WIFIIFACE: clazz = OmfWifiInterface element = clazz(guid, testbed_instance) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() testbed_instance._elements[guid] = element def start(testbed_instance, guid): element = testbed_instance.elements.get(guid) element.start() def stop(testbed_instance, guid): element = testbed_instance.elements.get(guid) element.stop() def status(testbed_instance, guid): element = testbed_instance.elements.get(guid) return element.status() def configure(testbed_instance, guid): element = testbed_instance.elements.get(guid) return element.configure() ### Factory information ### connector_types = dict({ "apps": dict({ "help": "Connector from node to applications", "name": "apps", "max": -1, "min": 0 }), "devs": dict({ "help": "Connector to network interfaces", "name": "devs", "max": -1, "min": 0 }), "chan": dict({ "help": "Connector from a device to a channel", "name": "chan", "max": 1, "min": 1 }), "node": dict({ "help": "Connector to a Node", "name": "node", "max": 1, "min": 1 }), }) connections = [ dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "devs"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, WIFIIFACE, "node"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, WIFIIFACE, "chan"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, CHANNEL, "devs"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "apps"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, OMFAPPLICATION, "node"), "can_cross": False }), ] attributes = dict({ "appId": dict({ "name": "appId", "help": "Application id", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "arguments": dict({ "name": "arguments", "help": "Application arguments", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "path": dict({ "name": "path", "help": "Path to binary (e.g '/opt/vlc-1.1.13/vlc')", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "env": dict({ "name": "env", "help": "String with space separated values of environment variables to set before starting application (e.g 'FOO=foo BAR=bar')", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "hostname": dict({ "name": "hostname", "help": "Hostname for the target OMF node", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "mode": dict({ "name": "mode", "help": "Corresponds to the OMF attributes net/w0/mode", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "type": dict({ "name": "type", "help": "Corresponds to the OMF attributes net/w0/type", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "channel": dict({ "name": "channel", "help": "Corresponds to the OMF attributes net/w0/channel", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "essid": dict({ "name": "essid", "help": "Corresponds to the OMF attributes net/w0/essid", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "ip": dict({ "name": "ip", "help": "Corresponds to the OMF attributes net/w0/ip", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_ip4_address }), "alias": dict({ "name": "alias", "help": "Alias for device (e.g. w0, w1, etc)", "type": Attribute.STRING, "value": "w0", "flags": Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), }) traces = dict() create_order = [ NODE, WIFIIFACE, CHANNEL, OMFAPPLICATION ] configure_order = [ WIFIIFACE, NODE, CHANNEL, OMFAPPLICATION ] factories_info = dict({ NODE: dict({ "help": "OMF Node", "category": FC.CATEGORY_NODES, "create_function": functools.partial(create, NODE), "configure_function": configure, "box_attributes": ["hostname"], "connector_types": ["devs", "apps"], "tags": [tags.NODE, tags.ALLOW_ROUTES], }), WIFIIFACE: dict({ "help": "Wireless network interface", "category": FC.CATEGORY_DEVICES, "create_function": functools.partial(create, WIFIIFACE), "configure_function": configure, "box_attributes": ["mode", "type", "channel", "essid", "ip", "alias"], "connector_types": ["node", "chan"], "tags": [tags.INTERFACE, tags.HAS_ADDRESSES], }), CHANNEL: dict({ "help": "Wireless channel", "category": FC.CATEGORY_DEVICES, "create_function": create, "create_function": functools.partial(create, CHANNEL), "box_attributes": ["mode", "type", "channel", "essid"], "connector_types": ["devs"], }), OMFAPPLICATION: dict({ "help": "Generic executable command line application", "category": FC.CATEGORY_APPLICATIONS, "create_function": functools.partial(create, OMFAPPLICATION), "start_function": start, "stop_function": stop, "status_function": status, "box_attributes": ["appId", "arguments", "path", "env"], "connector_types": ["node"], "tags": [tags.APPLICATION], }), }) testbed_attributes = dict({ "enable_debug": dict({ "name": "enableDebug", "help": "Enable netns debug output", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": False, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "xmppSlice": dict({ "name": "xmppSlice", "help": "OMF slice", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "xmppHost": dict({ "name": "xmppHost", "help": "OMF XMPP server host", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "xmppPort": dict({ "name": "xmppPort", "help": "OMF XMPP service port", "type": Attribute.INTEGER, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_integer }), "xmppPassword": dict({ "name": "xmppPassword", "help": "OMF XMPP slice password", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "xmppRoot": dict({ "name": "xmppRoot", "help": "Root node of the xmpp server pubsub tree", "type": Attribute.STRING, "value": "OMF", "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), }) supported_recovery_policies = [ DC.POLICY_FAIL, ] class MetadataInfo(metadata.MetadataInfo): @property def connector_types(self): return connector_types @property def connections(self): return connections @property def attributes(self): return attributes @property def traces(self): return traces @property def create_order(self): return create_order @property def configure_order(self): return configure_order @property def factories_info(self): return factories_info @property def testbed_attributes(self): return testbed_attributes @property def testbed_id(self): return TESTBED_ID @property def testbed_version(self): return TESTBED_VERSION @property def supported_recover_policies(self): return supported_recovery_policies