#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from constants import TESTBED_ID import plcapi import operator import os import os.path import sys import nepi.util.server as server import cStringIO import subprocess import rspawn import random import time import socket import threading import logging from nepi.util.constants import ApplicationStatus as AS class Dependency(object): """ A Dependency is in every respect like an application. It depends on some packages, it may require building binaries, it must deploy them... But it has no command. Dependencies aren't ever started, or stopped, and have no status. """ TRACES = ('buildlog') def __init__(self, api=None): if not api: api = plcapi.PLCAPI() self._api = api # Attributes self.command = None self.sudo = False self.build = None self.install = None self.depends = None self.buildDepends = None self.sources = None self.rpmFusion = False self.env = {} self.stdin = None self.stdout = None self.stderr = None self.buildlog = None self.add_to_path = True # Those are filled when the app is configured self.home_path = None # Those are filled when an actual node is connected self.node = None # Those are filled when the app is started # Having both pid and ppid makes it harder # for pid rollover to induce tracking mistakes self._started = False self._setup = False self._setuper = None self._pid = None self._ppid = None # Spanning tree deployment self._master = None self._master_passphrase = None self._master_prk = None self._master_puk = None self._master_token = ''.join(map(chr,[rng.randint(0,255) for rng in (random.SystemRandom(),) for i in xrange(8)] )).encode("hex") self._build_pid = None self._build_ppid = None # Logging self._logger = logging.getLogger('nepi.testbeds.planetlab') def __str__(self): return "%s<%s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, ' '.join(filter(bool,(self.depends, self.sources))) ) def validate(self): if self.home_path is None: raise AssertionError, "Misconfigured application: missing home path" if self.node.ident_path is None or not os.access(self.node.ident_path, os.R_OK): raise AssertionError, "Misconfigured application: missing slice SSH key" if self.node is None: raise AssertionError, "Misconfigured application: unconnected node" if self.node.hostname is None: raise AssertionError, "Misconfigured application: misconfigured node" if self.node.slicename is None: raise AssertionError, "Misconfigured application: unspecified slice" def remote_trace_path(self, whichtrace): if whichtrace in self.TRACES: tracefile = os.path.join(self.home_path, whichtrace) else: tracefile = None return tracefile def sync_trace(self, local_dir, whichtrace): tracefile = self.remote_trace_path(whichtrace) if not tracefile: return None local_path = os.path.join(local_dir, tracefile) # create parent local folders proc = subprocess.Popen( ["mkdir", "-p", os.path.dirname(local_path)], stdout = open("/dev/null","w"), stdin = open("/dev/null","r")) if proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError, "Failed to synchronize trace" # sync files try: self._popen_scp( '%s@%s:%s' % (self.node.slicename, self.node.hostname, tracefile), local_path ) except RuntimeError, e: raise RuntimeError, "Failed to synchronize trace: %s %s" \ % (e.args[0], e.args[1],) return local_path def setup(self): self._logger.info("Setting up %s", self) self._make_home() self._launch_build() self._finish_build() self._setup = True def async_setup(self): if not self._setuper: def setuper(): try: self.setup() except: self._setuper._exc.append(sys.exc_info()) self._setuper = threading.Thread( target = setuper) self._setuper._exc = [] self._setuper.start() def async_setup_wait(self): if not self._setup: self._logger.info("Waiting for %s to be setup", self) if self._setuper: self._setuper.join() if not self._setup: if self._setuper._exc: exctyp,exval,exctrace = self._setuper._exc[0] raise exctyp,exval,exctrace else: raise RuntimeError, "Failed to setup application" else: self.setup() def _make_home(self): # Make sure all the paths are created where # they have to be created for deployment # sync files try: self._popen_ssh_command( "mkdir -p %(home)s && ( rm -f %(home)s/{pid,build-pid,nepi-build.sh} >/dev/null 2>&1 || /bin/true )" \ % { 'home' : server.shell_escape(self.home_path) } ) except RuntimeError, e: raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up application %s: %s %s" % (self.home_path, e.args[0], e.args[1],) if self.stdin: # Write program input try: self._popen_scp( cStringIO.StringIO(self.stdin), '%s@%s:%s' % (self.node.slicename, self.node.hostname, os.path.join(self.home_path, 'stdin') ), ) except RuntimeError, e: raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up application %s: %s %s" \ % (self.home_path, e.args[0], e.args[1],) def _replace_paths(self, command): """ Replace all special path tags with shell-escaped actual paths. """ # need to append ${HOME} if paths aren't absolute, to MAKE them absolute. root = '' if self.home_path.startswith('/') else "${HOME}/" return ( command .replace("${SOURCES}", root+server.shell_escape(self.home_path)) .replace("${BUILD}", root+server.shell_escape(os.path.join(self.home_path,'build'))) ) def _launch_build(self): if self._master is not None: self._do_install_keys() buildscript = self._do_build_slave() else: buildscript = self._do_build_master() if buildscript is not None: self._logger.info("Building %s", self) # upload build script try: self._popen_scp( buildscript, '%s@%s:%s' % (self.node.slicename, self.node.hostname, os.path.join(self.home_path, 'nepi-build.sh') ) ) except RuntimeError, e: raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up application %s: %s %s" \ % (self.home_path, e.args[0], e.args[1],) # launch build self._do_launch_build() def _finish_build(self): self._do_wait_build() self._do_install() def _do_build_slave(self): if not self.sources and not self.build: return None # Create build script files = set() if self.sources: sources = self.sources.split(' ') files.update( "%s@%s:%s" % (self._master.node.slicename, self._master.node.hostname, os.path.join(self._master.home_path, os.path.basename(source)),) for source in sources ) if self.build: files.add( "%s@%s:%s" % (self._master.node.slicename, self._master.node.hostname, os.path.join(self._master.home_path, 'build.tar.gz'),) ) launch_agent = "{ ( echo -e '#!/bin/sh\\ncat' > .ssh-askpass ) && chmod u+x .ssh-askpass"\ " && export SSH_ASKPASS=$(pwd)/.ssh-askpass "\ " && ssh-agent > .ssh-agent.sh ; } && . ./.ssh-agent.sh && ( echo $NEPI_MASTER_PASSPHRASE | ssh-add %(prk)s ) && rm -rf %(prk)s %(puk)s" % \ { 'prk' : server.shell_escape(self._master_prk_name), 'puk' : server.shell_escape(self._master_puk_name), } kill_agent = "kill $SSH_AGENT_PID" waitmaster = "{ . ./.ssh-agent.sh ; while [[ $(ssh -q -o UserKnownHostsFile=%(hostkey)s %(master)s cat %(token_path)s) != %(token)s ]] ; do sleep 5 ; done ; }" % { 'hostkey' : 'master_known_hosts', 'master' : "%s@%s" % (self._master.node.slicename, self._master.node.hostname), 'token_path' : os.path.join(self._master.home_path, 'build.token'), 'token' : server.shell_escape(self._master._master_token), } syncfiles = "scp -p -o UserKnownHostsFile=%(hostkey)s %(files)s ." % { 'hostkey' : 'master_known_hosts', 'files' : ' '.join(files), } if self.build: syncfiles += " && tar xzf build.tar.gz" syncfiles += " && ( echo %s > build.token )" % (server.shell_escape(self._master_token),) syncfiles = "{ . ./.ssh-agent.sh ; %s ; }" % (syncfiles,) cleanup = "{ . ./.ssh-agent.sh ; kill $SSH_AGENT_PID ; rm -rf %(prk)s %(puk)s master_known_hosts .ssh-askpass ; }" % { 'prk' : server.shell_escape(self._master_prk_name), 'puk' : server.shell_escape(self._master_puk_name), } slavescript = "( ( %(launch_agent)s && %(waitmaster)s && %(syncfiles)s && %(kill_agent)s && %(cleanup)s ) || %(cleanup)s )" % { 'waitmaster' : waitmaster, 'syncfiles' : syncfiles, 'cleanup' : cleanup, 'kill_agent' : kill_agent, 'launch_agent' : launch_agent, 'home' : server.shell_escape(self.home_path), } return cStringIO.StringIO(slavescript) def _do_launch_build(self): script = "bash ./nepi-build.sh" if self._master_passphrase: script = "NEPI_MASTER_PASSPHRASE=%s %s" % ( server.shell_escape(self._master_passphrase), script ) (out,err),proc = rspawn.remote_spawn( script, pidfile = 'build-pid', home = self.home_path, stdin = '/dev/null', stdout = 'buildlog', stderr = rspawn.STDOUT, host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up build slave %s: %s %s" % (self.home_path, out,err,) pid = ppid = None delay = 1.0 for i in xrange(5): pidtuple = rspawn.remote_check_pid( os.path.join(self.home_path,'build-pid'), host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if pidtuple: pid, ppid = pidtuple self._build_pid, self._build_ppid = pidtuple break else: time.sleep(delay) delay = min(30,delay*1.2) else: raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up build slave %s: cannot get pid" % (self.home_path,) self._logger.info("Deploying %s", self) def _do_wait_build(self): pid = self._build_pid ppid = self._build_ppid if pid and ppid: delay = 1.0 first = True while True: status = rspawn.remote_status( pid, ppid, host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if status is not rspawn.RUNNING: self._build_pid = self._build_ppid = None break else: if first: self._logger.info("Waiting for %s to finish building %s", self, "(build slave)" if self._master is not None else "(build master)") first = False time.sleep(delay*(0.5+random.random())) delay = min(30,delay*1.2) # check build token (out, err), proc = self._popen_ssh_command( "cat %(token_path)s" % { 'token_path' : os.path.join(self.home_path, 'build.token'), }, noerrors = True) slave_token = "" if not proc.wait() and out: slave_token = out.strip() if slave_token != self._master_token: # Get buildlog for the error message (buildlog, err), proc = self._popen_ssh_command( "cat %(buildlog)s" % { 'buildlog' : os.path.join(self.home_path, 'buildlog'), 'buildscript' : os.path.join(self.home_path, 'nepi-build.sh'), }, noerrors = True) proc.wait() raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up application %s: "\ "build failed, got wrong token from pid %s/%s "\ "(expected %r, got %r), see buildlog: %s" % ( self.home_path, pid, ppid, self._master_token, slave_token, buildlog) self._logger.info("Built %s", self) def _do_kill_build(self): pid = self._build_pid ppid = self._build_ppid if pid and ppid: self._logger.info("Killing build of %s", self) rspawn.remote_kill( pid, ppid, host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path ) def _do_build_master(self): if not self.sources and not self.build and not self.buildDepends: return None if self.sources: sources = self.sources.split(' ') # Copy all sources try: self._popen_scp( sources, "%s@%s:%s" % (self.node.slicename, self.node.hostname, os.path.join(self.home_path,'.'),) ) except RuntimeError, e: raise RuntimeError, "Failed upload source file %r: %s %s" \ % (sources, e.args[0], e.args[1],) buildscript = cStringIO.StringIO() if self.buildDepends: # Install build dependencies buildscript.write( "sudo -S yum -y install %(packages)s\n" % { 'packages' : self.buildDepends } ) if self.build: # Build sources buildscript.write( "mkdir -p build && ( cd build && ( %(command)s ) )\n" % { 'command' : self._replace_paths(self.build), 'home' : server.shell_escape(self.home_path), } ) # Make archive buildscript.write("tar czf build.tar.gz build\n") # Write token buildscript.write("echo %(master_token)s > build.token" % { 'master_token' : server.shell_escape(self._master_token) }) buildscript.seek(0) return buildscript def _do_install(self): if self.install: self._logger.info("Installing %s", self) # Install application try: self._popen_ssh_command( "cd %(home)s && cd build && ( %(command)s ) > ${HOME}/%(home)s/installlog 2>&1 || ( tail ${HOME}/%(home)s/{install,build}log >&2 && false )" % \ { 'command' : self._replace_paths(self.install), 'home' : server.shell_escape(self.home_path), }, ) except RuntimeError, e: raise RuntimeError, "Failed install build sources: %s %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1],) def set_master(self, master): self._master = master def install_keys(self, prk, puk, passphrase): # Install keys self._master_passphrase = passphrase self._master_prk = prk self._master_puk = puk self._master_prk_name = os.path.basename(prk.name) self._master_puk_name = os.path.basename(puk.name) def _do_install_keys(self): prk = self._master_prk puk = self._master_puk try: self._popen_scp( [ prk.name, puk.name ], '%s@%s:%s' % (self.node.slicename, self.node.hostname, self.home_path ) ) except RuntimeError, e: raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up application deployment keys: %s %s" \ % (e.args[0], e.args[1],) try: self._popen_scp( cStringIO.StringIO('%s,%s %s\n' % ( self._master.node.hostname, socket.gethostbyname(self._master.node.hostname), self._master.node.server_key)), '%s@%s:%s' % (self.node.slicename, self.node.hostname, os.path.join(self.home_path,"master_known_hosts") ) ) except RuntimeError, e: raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up application deployment keys: %s %s" \ % (e.args[0], e.args[1],) # No longer need'em self._master_prk = None self._master_puk = None def cleanup(self): # make sure there's no leftover build processes self._do_kill_build() @server.eintr_retry def _popen_scp(self, src, dst, retry = True): (out,err),proc = server.popen_scp( src, dst, port = None, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if server.eintr_retry(proc.wait)(): raise RuntimeError, (out, err) return (out, err), proc @server.eintr_retry def _popen_ssh_command(self, command, retry = True, noerrors=False): (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( command, host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if server.eintr_retry(proc.wait)(): if not noerrors: raise RuntimeError, (out, err) return (out, err), proc class Application(Dependency): """ An application also has dependencies, but also a command to be ran and monitored. It adds the output of that command as traces. """ TRACES = ('stdout','stderr','buildlog') def __init__(self, api=None): super(Application,self).__init__(api) # Attributes self.command = None self.sudo = False self.stdin = None self.stdout = None self.stderr = None # Those are filled when the app is started # Having both pid and ppid makes it harder # for pid rollover to induce tracking mistakes self._started = False self._pid = None self._ppid = None # Do not add to the python path of nodes self.add_to_path = False def __str__(self): return "%s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, "sudo " if self.sudo else "", self.command, ) def start(self): self._logger.info("Starting %s", self) # Create shell script with the command # This way, complex commands and scripts can be ran seamlessly # sync files command = cStringIO.StringIO() command.write('export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:%s\n' % ( ':'.join(["${HOME}/"+server.shell_escape(s) for s in self.node.pythonpath]) )) command.write('export PATH=$PATH:%s\n' % ( ':'.join(["${HOME}/"+server.shell_escape(s) for s in self.node.pythonpath]) )) if self.node.env: for envkey, envvals in self.node.env.iteritems(): for envval in envvals: command.write('export %s=%s\n' % (envkey, envval)) command.write(self.command) command.seek(0) try: self._popen_scp( command, '%s@%s:%s' % (self.node.slicename, self.node.hostname, os.path.join(self.home_path, "app.sh")) ) except RuntimeError, e: raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up application: %s %s" \ % (e.args[0], e.args[1],) # Start process in a "daemonized" way, using nohup and heavy # stdin/out redirection to avoid connection issues (out,err),proc = rspawn.remote_spawn( self._replace_paths("bash ./app.sh"), pidfile = './pid', home = self.home_path, stdin = 'stdin' if self.stdin is not None else '/dev/null', stdout = 'stdout' if self.stdout else '/dev/null', stderr = 'stderr' if self.stderr else '/dev/null', sudo = self.sudo, host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up application: %s %s" % (out,err,) self._started = True def checkpid(self): # Get PID/PPID # NOTE: wait a bit for the pidfile to be created if self._started and not self._pid or not self._ppid: pidtuple = rspawn.remote_check_pid( os.path.join(self.home_path,'pid'), host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if pidtuple: self._pid, self._ppid = pidtuple def status(self): self.checkpid() if not self._started: return AS.STATUS_NOT_STARTED elif not self._pid or not self._ppid: return AS.STATUS_NOT_STARTED else: status = rspawn.remote_status( self._pid, self._ppid, host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if status is rspawn.NOT_STARTED: return AS.STATUS_NOT_STARTED elif status is rspawn.RUNNING: return AS.STATUS_RUNNING elif status is rspawn.FINISHED: return AS.STATUS_FINISHED else: # WTF? return AS.STATUS_NOT_STARTED def kill(self): status = self.status() if status == AS.STATUS_RUNNING: # kill by ppid+pid - SIGTERM first, then try SIGKILL rspawn.remote_kill( self._pid, self._ppid, host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) self._logger.info("Killed %s", self) class NepiDependency(Dependency): """ This dependency adds nepi itself to the python path, so that you may run testbeds within PL nodes. """ # Class attribute holding a *weak* reference to the shared NEPI tar file # so that they may share it. Don't operate on the file itself, it would # be a mess, just use its path. _shared_nepi_tar = None def __init__(self, api = None): super(NepiDependency, self).__init__(api) self._tarball = None self.depends = 'python python-ipaddr python-setuptools' # our sources are in our ad-hoc tarball self.sources = self.tarball.name tarname = os.path.basename(self.tarball.name) # it's already built - just move the tarball into place self.build = "mv -f ${SOURCES}/%s ." % (tarname,) # unpack it into sources, and we're done self.install = "tar xzf ${BUILD}/%s -C .." % (tarname,) @property def tarball(self): if self._tarball is None: shared_tar = self._shared_nepi_tar and self._shared_nepi_tar() if shared_tar is not None: self._tarball = shared_tar else: # Build an ad-hoc tarball # Prebuilt import nepi import tempfile shared_tar = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='nepi-src-', suffix='.tar.gz') proc = subprocess.Popen( ["tar", "czf", shared_tar.name, '-C', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(nepi.__file__)),'.'), 'nepi'], stdout = open("/dev/null","w"), stdin = open("/dev/null","r")) if proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError, "Failed to create nepi tarball" self._tarball = self._shared_nepi_tar = shared_tar return self._tarball class NS3Dependency(Dependency): """ This dependency adds NS3 libraries to the library paths, so that you may run the NS3 testbed within PL nodes. You'll also need the NepiDependency. """ def __init__(self, api = None): super(NS3Dependency, self).__init__(api) self.buildDepends = 'make waf gcc gcc-c++ gccxml unzip' # We have to download the sources, untar, build... pybindgen_source_url = "http://yans.pl.sophia.inria.fr/trac/nepi/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/pybindgen-r794.tar.gz" pygccxml_source_url = "http://leaseweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pygccxml/pygccxml/pygccxml-1.0/pygccxml-1.0.0.zip" ns3_source_url = "http://yans.pl.sophia.inria.fr/code/hgwebdir.cgi/ns-3.11-nepi/archive/tip.tar.gz" passfd_source_url = "http://yans.pl.sophia.inria.fr/code/hgwebdir.cgi/python-passfd/archive/tip.tar.gz" self.build =( " ( " " cd .. && " " python -c 'import pygccxml, pybindgen, passfd' && " " test -f lib/ns/_core.so && " " test -f lib/ns/__init__.py && " " test -f lib/ns/core.py && " " test -f lib/libns3-core.so && " " LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib PYTHONPATH=lib python -c 'import ns.core' " " ) || ( " # Not working, rebuild # Archive SHA1 sums to check "echo '7158877faff2254e6c094bf18e6b4283cac19137 pygccxml-1.0.0.zip' > archive_sums.txt && " "echo 'a18c2ccffd0df517bc37e2f3a2475092517c43f2 pybindgen-src.tar.gz' >> archive_sums.txt && " " ( " # check existing files " sha1sum -c archive_sums.txt && " " test -f passfd-src.tar.gz && " " test -f ns3-src.tar.gz " " ) || ( " # nope? re-download " rm -f pybindgen-src.zip pygccxml-1.0.0.zip passfd-src.tar.gz ns3-src.tar.gz && " " wget -q -c -O pybindgen-src.tar.gz %(pybindgen_source_url)s && " # continue, to exploit the case when it has already been dl'ed " wget -q -c -O pygccxml-1.0.0.zip %(pygccxml_source_url)s && " " wget -q -c -O passfd-src.tar.gz %(passfd_source_url)s && " " wget -q -c -O ns3-src.tar.gz %(ns3_source_url)s && " " sha1sum -c archive_sums.txt " # Check SHA1 sums when applicable " ) && " "unzip -n pygccxml-1.0.0.zip && " "mkdir -p pybindgen-src && " "mkdir -p ns3-src && " "mkdir -p passfd-src && " "tar xzf ns3-src.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C ns3-src && " "tar xzf passfd-src.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C passfd-src && " "tar xzf pybindgen-src.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C pybindgen-src && " "rm -rf target && " # mv doesn't like unclean targets "mkdir -p target && " "cd pygccxml-1.0.0 && " "rm -rf unittests docs && " # pygccxml has ~100M of unit tests - excessive - docs aren't needed either "python setup.py build && " "python setup.py install --install-lib ${BUILD}/target && " "python setup.py clean && " "cd ../pybindgen-src && " "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${BUILD}/target && " "./waf configure --prefix=${BUILD}/target -d release && " "./waf && " "./waf install && " "./waf clean && " "mv -f ${BUILD}/target/lib/python*/site-packages/pybindgen ${BUILD}/target/. && " "rm -rf ${BUILD}/target/lib && " "cd ../passfd-src && " "python setup.py build && " "python setup.py install --install-lib ${BUILD}/target && " "python setup.py clean && " "cd ../ns3-src && " "./waf configure --prefix=${BUILD}/target --with-pybindgen=../pybindgen-src -d release --disable-examples --disable-tests --enable-threading && " "./waf &&" "./waf install && " "rm -f ${BUILD}/target/lib/*.so && " "cp -a ${BUILD}/ns3-src/build/release/libns3*.so ${BUILD}/target/lib && " "cp -a ${BUILD}/ns3-src/build/release/bindings/python/ns ${BUILD}/target/lib &&" "./waf clean " " )" % dict( pybindgen_source_url = server.shell_escape(pybindgen_source_url), pygccxml_source_url = server.shell_escape(pygccxml_source_url), ns3_source_url = server.shell_escape(ns3_source_url), passfd_source_url = server.shell_escape(passfd_source_url), )) # Just move ${BUILD}/target self.install = ( " ( " " cd .. && " " python -c 'import pygccxml, pybindgen, passfd' && " " test -f lib/ns/_core.so && " " test -f lib/ns/__init__.py && " " test -f lib/ns/core.py && " " test -f lib/libns3-core.so && " " LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib PYTHONPATH=lib python -c 'import ns.core' " " ) || ( " # Not working, reinstall "test -d ${BUILD}/target && " "[[ \"x\" != \"x$(find ${BUILD}/target -mindepth 1 -print -quit)\" ]] &&" "( for i in ${BUILD}/target/* ; do rm -rf ${SOURCES}/${i##*/} ; done ) && " # mv doesn't like unclean targets "mv -f ${BUILD}/target/* ${SOURCES}" " )" ) # Set extra environment paths self.env['NEPI_NS3BINDINGS'] = "${SOURCES}/lib" self.env['NEPI_NS3LIBRARY'] = "${SOURCES}/lib" @property def tarball(self): if self._tarball is None: shared_tar = self._shared_nepi_tar and self._shared_nepi_tar() if shared_tar is not None: self._tarball = shared_tar else: # Build an ad-hoc tarball # Prebuilt import nepi import tempfile shared_tar = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='nepi-src-', suffix='.tar.gz') proc = subprocess.Popen( ["tar", "czf", shared_tar.name, '-C', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(nepi.__file__)),'.'), 'nepi'], stdout = open("/dev/null","w"), stdin = open("/dev/null","r")) if proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError, "Failed to create nepi tarball" self._tarball = self._shared_nepi_tar = shared_tar return self._tarball class YumDependency(Dependency): """ This dependency is an internal helper class used to efficiently distribute yum-downloaded rpms. It temporarily sets the yum cache as persistent in the build master, and installs all the required packages. The rpm packages left in the yum cache are gathered and distributed by the underlying Dependency in an efficient manner. Build slaves will then install those rpms back in the cache before issuing the install command. When packages have been installed already, nothing but an empty tar is distributed. """ # Class attribute holding a *weak* reference to the shared NEPI tar file # so that they may share it. Don't operate on the file itself, it would # be a mess, just use its path. _shared_nepi_tar = None def _build_get(self): # canonical representation of dependencies depends = ' '.join( sorted( (self.depends or "").split(' ') ) ) # download rpms and pack into a tar archive return ( "sudo -S sed -i -r 's/keepcache *= *0/keepcache=1/' /etc/yum.conf && " " ( ( " "sudo -S yum -y install %s ; " "rm -f ${BUILD}/packages.tar ; " "tar -C /var/cache/yum -rf ${BUILD}/packages.tar $(find /var/cache/yum -iname '*.rpm')" " ) || /bin/true ) && " "sudo -S sed -i -r 's/keepcache *= *1/keepcache=0/' /etc/yum.conf && " "sudo -S yum -y clean packages " ) % ( depends, ) def _build_set(self, value): # ignore return build = property(_build_get, _build_set) def _install_get(self): # canonical representation of dependencies depends = ' '.join( sorted( (self.depends or "").split(' ') ) ) # unpack cached rpms into yum cache, install, and cleanup return ( "tar -k --keep-newer-files -C /var/cache/yum xzf packages.tar && " "yum -y install %s && " "yum -y clean packages " ) % ( depends, ) def _install_set(self, value): # ignore return isntall = property(_install_get, _install_set)