# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from constants import TESTBED_ID import nepi.util.ipaddr2 as ipaddr2 import nepi.util.server as server import plcapi import subprocess import os import os.path import random import ipaddr import functools import tunproto class NodeIface(object): def __init__(self, api=None): if not api: api = plcapi.PLCAPI() self._api = api # Attributes self.primary = True # These get initialized at configuration time self.address = None self.lladdr = None self.netprefix = None self.netmask = None self.broadcast = True self._interface_id = None # These get initialized when the iface is connected to its node self.node = None # These get initialized when the iface is connected to the internet self.has_internet = False def __str__(self): return "%s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.address, self.netmask, self.lladdr, ) __repr__ = __str__ def add_address(self, address, netprefix, broadcast): raise RuntimeError, "Cannot add explicit addresses to public interface" def pick_iface(self, siblings): """ Picks an interface using the PLCAPI to query information about the node. Needs an assigned node. Params: siblings: other NodeIface elements attached to the same node """ if self.node is None or self.node._node_id is None: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot pick interface without an assigned node" # HACK: SFA doesnt give the node_id!! if not isinstance(self.node._node_id, int): node_data = self._api.GetNodes(filters={'hostname':self.node.hostname}, fields=('node_id',))[0] node_id = node_data['node_id'] else: node_id = self.node._node_id avail = self._api.GetInterfaces( node_id=node_id, is_primary=self.primary, fields=('interface_id','mac','netmask','ip') ) used = set([sibling._interface_id for sibling in siblings if sibling._interface_id is not None]) for candidate in avail: candidate_id = candidate['interface_id'] if candidate_id not in used: # pick it! self._interface_id = candidate_id self.address = candidate['ip'] self.lladdr = candidate['mac'] self.netprefix = candidate['netmask'] self.netmask = ipaddr2.ipv4_dot2mask(self.netprefix) if self.netprefix else None return else: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot configure interface: cannot find suitable interface in PlanetLab node" def validate(self): if not self.has_internet: raise RuntimeError, "All external interface devices must be connected to the Internet" class _CrossIface(object): def __init__(self, proto, addr, port, cipher): self.tun_proto = proto self.tun_addr = addr self.tun_port = port self.tun_cipher = cipher # Attributes self.address = None self.netprefix = None self.netmask = None # Cannot access cross peers self.peer_proto_impl = None def __str__(self): return "%s%r" % ( self.__class__.__name__, ( self.tun_proto, self.tun_addr, self.tun_port, self.tun_cipher ) ) __repr__ = __str__ class TunIface(object): _PROTO_MAP = tunproto.TUN_PROTO_MAP _KIND = 'TUN' def __init__(self, api=None): if not api: api = plcapi.PLCAPI() self._api = api # Attributes self.address = None self.netprefix = None self.netmask = None self.up = None self.mtu = None self.snat = False self.txqueuelen = 1000 self.pointopoint = None self.multicast = False self.bwlimit = None # Enabled traces self.capture = False # These get initialized when the iface is connected to its node self.node = None # These get initialized when the iface is connected to any filter self.filter_module = None self.multicast_forwarder = None # These get initialized when the iface is configured self.external_iface = None # These get initialized when the iface is configured # They're part of the TUN standard attribute set self.tun_port = None self.tun_addr = None self.tun_cipher = "AES" # These get initialized when the iface is connected to its peer self.peer_iface = None self.peer_proto = None self.peer_addr = None self.peer_port = None self.peer_proto_impl = None self._delay_recover = False # same as peer proto, but for execute-time standard attribute lookups self.tun_proto = None # Generate an initial random cryptographic key to use for tunnelling # Upon connection, both endpoints will agree on a common one based on # this one. self.tun_key = ( ''.join(map(chr, [ r.getrandbits(8) for i in xrange(32) for r in (random.SystemRandom(),) ]) ).encode("base64").strip() ) def __str__(self): return "%s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.address, self.netprefix, " up" if self.up else " down", " snat" if self.snat else "", (" p2p %s" % (self.pointopoint,)) if self.pointopoint else "", ) __repr__ = __str__ @property def if_name(self): if self.peer_proto_impl: return self.peer_proto_impl.if_name def if_up(self): if self.peer_proto_impl: return self.peer_proto_impl.if_up() def if_down(self): if self.peer_proto_impl: return self.peer_proto_impl.if_down() def routes_here(self, route): """ Returns True if the route should be attached to this interface (ie, it references a gateway in this interface's network segment) """ if self.address and self.netprefix: addr, prefix = self.address, self.netprefix pointopoint = self.pointopoint if not pointopoint and self.peer_iface: pointopoint = self.peer_iface.address if pointopoint: prefix = 32 dest, destprefix, nexthop, metric, device = route myNet = ipaddr.IPv4Network("%s/%d" % (addr, prefix)) gwIp = ipaddr.IPv4Network(nexthop) if pointopoint: peerIp = ipaddr.IPv4Network(pointopoint) if gwIp == peerIp: return True else: if gwIp in myNet: return True return False def add_address(self, address, netprefix, broadcast): if (self.address or self.netprefix or self.netmask) is not None: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot add more than one address to %s interfaces" % (self._KIND,) if broadcast: raise ValueError, "%s interfaces cannot broadcast in PlanetLab (%s)" % (self._KIND,broadcast) self.address = address self.netprefix = netprefix self.netmask = ipaddr2.ipv4_mask2dot(netprefix) def validate(self): if not self.node: raise RuntimeError, "Unconnected %s iface - missing node" % (self._KIND,) if self.peer_iface and self.peer_proto not in self._PROTO_MAP: raise RuntimeError, "Unsupported tunnelling protocol: %s" % (self.peer_proto,) if not self.address or not self.netprefix or not self.netmask: raise RuntimeError, "Misconfigured %s iface - missing address" % (self._KIND,) if self.filter_module and self.peer_proto not in ('udp','tcp',None): raise RuntimeError, "Miscofnigured TUN: %s - filtered tunnels only work with udp or tcp links" % (self,) if self.tun_cipher != 'PLAIN' and self.peer_proto not in ('udp','tcp',None): raise RuntimeError, "Miscofnigured TUN: %s - ciphered tunnels only work with udp or tcp links" % (self,) def _impl_instance(self, home_path): impl = self._PROTO_MAP[self.peer_proto]( self, self.peer_iface, home_path, self.tun_key) impl.port = self.tun_port impl.cross_slice = not self.peer_iface or isinstance(self.peer_iface, _CrossIface) return impl def recover(self): if self.peer_proto: self.peer_proto_impl = self._impl_instance( self._home_path) self.peer_proto_impl.recover() else: self._delay_recover = True def prepare(self, home_path): if not self.peer_iface and (self.peer_proto and self.peer_addr): # Ad-hoc peer_iface self.peer_iface = _CrossIface( self.peer_proto, self.peer_addr, self.peer_port, self.peer_cipher) if self.peer_iface: if not self.peer_proto_impl: self.peer_proto_impl = self._impl_instance(home_path) if self._delay_recover: self.peer_proto_impl.recover() def launch(self): if self.peer_proto_impl: self.peer_proto_impl.launch() def cleanup(self): if self.peer_proto_impl: self.peer_proto_impl.shutdown() def destroy(self): if self.peer_proto_impl: self.peer_proto_impl.destroy() self.peer_proto_impl = None def wait(self): if self.peer_proto_impl: self.peer_proto_impl.wait() def sync_trace(self, local_dir, whichtrace, tracemap = None): if self.peer_proto_impl: return self.peer_proto_impl.sync_trace(local_dir, whichtrace, tracemap) else: return None def remote_trace_path(self, whichtrace, tracemap = None): if self.peer_proto_impl: return self.peer_proto_impl.remote_trace_path(whichtrace, tracemap) else: return None def remote_trace_name(self, whichtrace): return whichtrace class TapIface(TunIface): _PROTO_MAP = tunproto.TAP_PROTO_MAP _KIND = 'TAP' # Yep, it does nothing - yet class Internet(object): def __init__(self, api=None): if not api: api = plcapi.PLCAPI() self._api = api class NetPipe(object): def __init__(self, api=None): if not api: api = plcapi.PLCAPI() self._api = api # Attributes self.mode = None self.addrList = None self.portList = None self.plrIn = None self.bwIn = None self.delayIn = None self.plrOut = None self.bwOut = None self.delayOut = None # These get initialized when the pipe is connected to its node self.node = None self.configured = False def validate(self): if not self.mode: raise RuntimeError, "Undefined NetPipe mode" if not self.portList: raise RuntimeError, "Undefined NetPipe port list - must always define the scope" if not (self.plrIn or self.bwIn or self.delayIn): raise RuntimeError, "Undefined NetPipe inbound characteristics" if not (self.plrOut or self.bwOut or self.delayOut): raise RuntimeError, "Undefined NetPipe outbound characteristics" if not self.node: raise RuntimeError, "Unconnected NetPipe" def _add_pipedef(self, bw, plr, delay, options): if delay: options.extend(("delay","%dms" % (delay,))) if bw: options.extend(("bw","%.8fMbit/s" % (bw,))) if plr: options.extend(("plr","%.8f" % (plr,))) def _get_ruledef(self): scope = "%s%s%s" % ( self.portList, "@" if self.addrList else "", self.addrList or "", ) options = [] if self.bwIn or self.plrIn or self.delayIn: options.append("IN") self._add_pipedef(self.bwIn, self.plrIn, self.delayIn, options) if self.bwOut or self.plrOut or self.delayOut: options.append("OUT") self._add_pipedef(self.bwOut, self.plrOut, self.delayOut, options) options = ' '.join(options) return (scope,options) def recover(self): # Rules are safe on their nodes self.configured = True def configure(self): # set up rule scope, options = self._get_ruledef() command = "sudo -S netconfig config %s %s %s" % (self.mode, scope, options) (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( command, host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError, "Failed instal build sources: %s %s" % (out,err,) # we have to clean up afterwards self.configured = True def refresh(self): if self.configured: # refresh rule scope, options = self._get_ruledef() command = "sudo -S netconfig refresh %s %s %s" % (self.mode, scope, options) (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( command, host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError, "Failed instal build sources: %s %s" % (out,err,) def cleanup(self): if self.configured: # remove rule scope, options = self._get_ruledef() command = "sudo -S netconfig delete %s %s" % (self.mode, scope) (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( command, host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError, "Failed instal build sources: %s %s" % (out,err,) self.configured = False def sync_trace(self, local_dir, whichtrace): if whichtrace != 'netpipeStats': raise ValueError, "Unsupported trace %s" % (whichtrace,) local_path = os.path.join(local_dir, "netpipe_stats_%s" % (self.mode,)) # create parent local folders proc = subprocess.Popen( ["mkdir", "-p", os.path.dirname(local_path)], stdout = open("/dev/null","w"), stdin = open("/dev/null","r")) if proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError, "Failed to synchronize trace: %s %s" % (out,err,) (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( "echo 'Rules:' ; sudo -S netconfig show rules ; echo 'Pipes:' ; sudo -S netconfig show pipes", host = self.node.hostname, port = None, user = self.node.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.node.ident_path, server_key = self.node.server_key ) if proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError, "Failed to synchronize trace: %s %s" % (out,err,) # dump results to file f = open(local_path, "wb") f.write(err or "") f.write(out or "") f.close() return local_path class TunFilter(object): _TRACEMAP = { # tracename : (remotename, localname) } def __init__(self, api=None): if not api: api = plcapi.PLCAPI() self._api = api # Attributes self.module = None self.args = None # These get initialised when the filter is connected self.peer_guid = None self.peer_proto = None self.iface_guid = None self.peer = None self.iface = None def _get(what, self): wref = self.iface if wref: wref = wref() if wref: return getattr(wref, what) else: return None def _set(what, self, val): wref = self.iface if wref: wref = wref() if wref: setattr(wref, what, val) tun_proto = property( functools.partial(_get, 'tun_proto'), functools.partial(_set, 'tun_proto') ) tun_addr = property( functools.partial(_get, 'tun_addr'), functools.partial(_set, 'tun_addr') ) tun_port = property( functools.partial(_get, 'tun_port'), functools.partial(_set, 'tun_port') ) tun_key = property( functools.partial(_get, 'tun_key'), functools.partial(_set, 'tun_key') ) tun_cipher = property( functools.partial(_get, 'tun_cipher'), functools.partial(_set, 'tun_cipher') ) del _get del _set def remote_trace_path(self, whichtrace): iface = self.iface() if iface is not None: return iface.remote_trace_path(whichtrace, self._TRACEMAP) return None def remote_trace_name(self, whichtrace): iface = self.iface() if iface is not None: return iface.remote_trace_name(whichtrace, self._TRACEMAP) return None def sync_trace(self, local_dir, whichtrace): iface = self.iface() if iface is not None: return iface.sync_trace(local_dir, whichtrace, self._TRACEMAP) return None class ClassQueueFilter(TunFilter): _TRACEMAP = { # tracename : (remotename, localname) 'dropped_stats' : ('dropped_stats', 'dropped_stats') } def __init__(self, api=None): super(ClassQueueFilter, self).__init__(api) # Attributes self.module = "classqueue.py" class LoggingClassQueueFilter(ClassQueueFilter): _TRACEMAP = ClassQueueFilter._TRACEMAP.copy() _TRACEMAP.update({ # tracename : (remotename, localname) 'queue_stats_f' : ('queue_stats_f', 'queue_stats_f'), 'queue_stats_b' : ('queue_stats_b', 'queue_stats_b'), }) def __init__(self, api=None): super(LoggingClassQueueFilter, self).__init__(api) # Attributes self.module = "loggingclassqueue.py classqueue.py" def _args_get(self): # Inject outpath args = dict(filter(lambda x:len(x)>1, map(lambda x:x.split('=',1),(self._args or "").split(',')))) args["outpath"] = "queue_stats" return ",".join(map("=".join, args.iteritems())) def _args_set(self, value): self._args = value args = property(_args_get, _args_set) class ToSQueueFilter(TunFilter): def __init__(self, api=None): super(ToSQueueFilter, self).__init__(api) # Attributes self.module = "tosqueue.py"