# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time from constants import TESTBED_ID, TESTBED_VERSION from nepi.core import metadata from nepi.core.metadata import Parallel from nepi.core.attributes import Attribute from nepi.util import tags, validation from nepi.util.constants import ApplicationStatus as AS, \ FactoryCategories as FC, \ ATTR_NEPI_TESTBED_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP, \ DeploymentConfiguration as DC import functools import os import os.path import weakref NODE = "Node" NODEIFACE = "NodeInterface" TUNIFACE = "TunInterface" TAPIFACE = "TapInterface" APPLICATION = "Application" CCNXDAEMON = "CCNxDaemon" DEPENDENCY = "Dependency" NEPIDEPENDENCY = "NepiDependency" NS3DEPENDENCY = "NS3Dependency" INTERNET = "Internet" NETPIPE = "NetPipe" TUNFILTER = "TunFilter" CLASSQUEUEFILTER = "ClassQueueFilter" TOSQUEUEFILTER = "TosQueueFilter" MULTICASTFORWARDER = "MulticastForwarder" MULTICASTANNOUNCER = "MulticastAnnouncer" MULTICASTROUTER = "MulticastRouter" TUNFILTERS = (TUNFILTER, CLASSQUEUEFILTER, TOSQUEUEFILTER) TAPFILTERS = (TUNFILTER, ) ALLFILTERS = (TUNFILTER, CLASSQUEUEFILTER, TOSQUEUEFILTER) PL_TESTBED_ID = "planetlab" ### Custom validation functions ### def is_addrlist(attribute, value): if not validation.is_string(attribute, value): return False if not value: # No empty strings return False components = value.split(',') for component in components: if '/' in component: addr, mask = component.split('/',1) else: addr, mask = component, '32' if mask is not None and not (mask and mask.isdigit()): # No empty or nonnumeric masks return False if not validation.is_ip4_address(attribute, addr): # Address part must be ipv4 return False return True def is_portlist(attribute, value): if not validation.is_string(attribute, value): return False if not value: # No empty strings return False components = value.split(',') for component in components: if '-' in component: pfrom, pto = component.split('-',1) else: pfrom = pto = component if not pfrom or not pto or not pfrom.isdigit() or not pto.isdigit(): # No empty or nonnumeric ports return False return True ### Connection functions #### def connect_node_iface_node(testbed_instance, node_guid, iface_guid): node = testbed_instance._elements[node_guid] iface = testbed_instance._elements[iface_guid] iface.node = node def connect_node_iface_inet(testbed_instance, iface_guid, inet_guid): iface = testbed_instance._elements[iface_guid] iface.has_internet = True def connect_tun_iface_node(testbed_instance, node_guid, iface_guid): node = testbed_instance._elements[node_guid] iface = testbed_instance._elements[iface_guid] iface.node = node node.required_vsys.update(('fd_tuntap', 'vif_up', 'vif_down')) node.required_packages.update(('python', 'python-crypto', 'python-setuptools', 'gcc')) def connect_tun_iface_peer(proto, testbed_instance, iface_guid, peer_iface_guid): iface = testbed_instance._elements[iface_guid] peer_iface = testbed_instance._elements[peer_iface_guid] iface.peer_iface = peer_iface peer_iface.peer_iface = iface iface.peer_proto = \ iface.tun_proto = \ peer_iface.peer_proto = \ peer_iface.tun_proto = proto iface.tun_key = peer_iface.tun_key def connect_tun_iface_filter(testbed_instance, iface_guid, filter_guid): iface = testbed_instance._elements[iface_guid] filt = testbed_instance._elements[filter_guid] traces = testbed_instance._get_traces(filter_guid) if 'dropped_stats' in traces: args = filt.args if filt.args else "" filt.args = ','.join(filt.args.split(',') + ["logdropped=true",]) iface.filter_module = filt filt.iface_guid = iface_guid filt.iface = weakref.ref(iface) if filt.peer_guid: connect_tun_iface_peer(filt.peer_proto, testbed_instance, filt.iface_guid, filt.peer_guid) def connect_filter_peer(proto, testbed_instance, filter_guid, peer_guid): peer = testbed_instance._elements[peer_guid] filt = testbed_instance._elements[filter_guid] filt.peer_proto = proto filt.peer_guid = peer_guid if filt.iface_guid: connect_tun_iface_peer(filt.peer_proto, testbed_instance, filt.iface_guid, filt.peer_guid) def connect_filter_filter(proto, testbed_instance, filter_guid, peer_guid): peer = testbed_instance._elements[peer_guid] filt = testbed_instance._elements[filter_guid] filt.peer_proto = proto peer.peer_proto = proto if filt.iface_guid: peer.peer_guid = filt.iface_guid if peer.iface_guid: filt.peer_guid = peer.iface_guid if filt.iface_guid and filt.peer_guid: connect_tun_iface_peer(filt.peer_proto, testbed_instance, filt.iface_guid, filt.peer_guid) def crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_init(proto, testbed_instance, iface_guid, peer_iface_data): iface = testbed_instance._elements[iface_guid] iface.peer_iface = None iface.peer_addr = peer_iface_data.get("tun_addr") iface.peer_proto = peer_iface_data.get("tun_proto") or proto iface.peer_port = peer_iface_data.get("tun_port") iface.peer_cipher = peer_iface_data.get("tun_cipher") iface.tun_key = min(iface.tun_key, peer_iface_data.get("tun_key")) iface.tun_proto = proto preconfigure_tuniface(testbed_instance, iface_guid) def crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_compl(proto, testbed_instance, iface_guid, peer_iface_data): # refresh (refreshable) attributes for second-phase iface = testbed_instance._elements[iface_guid] iface.peer_addr = peer_iface_data.get("tun_addr") iface.peer_proto = peer_iface_data.get("tun_proto") or proto iface.peer_port = peer_iface_data.get("tun_port") iface.peer_cipher = peer_iface_data.get("tun_cipher") postconfigure_tuniface(testbed_instance, iface_guid) def crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_both(proto, testbed_instance, iface_guid, peer_iface_data): crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_init(proto, testbed_instance, iface_guid, peer_iface_data) crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_compl(proto, testbed_instance, iface_guid, peer_iface_data) def crossconnect_filter_peer_init(proto, testbed_instance, filter_guid, peer_data): filt = testbed_instance._elements[filter_guid] filt.peer_proto = proto crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_init(filt.peer_proto, testbed_instance, filt.iface_guid, peer_data) def crossconnect_filter_peer_compl(proto, testbed_instance, filter_guid, peer_data): filt = testbed_instance._elements[filter_guid] filt.peer_proto = proto crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_compl(filt.peer_proto, testbed_instance, filt.iface_guid, peer_data) def crossconnect_filter_peer_both(proto, testbed_instance, filter_guid, peer_data): crossconnect_filter_peer_init(proto, testbed_instance, iface_guid, peer_iface_data) crossconnect_filter_peer_compl(proto, testbed_instance, iface_guid, peer_iface_data) def connect_dep(testbed_instance, node_guid, app_guid, node=None, app=None): node = node or testbed_instance._elements[node_guid] app = app or testbed_instance._elements[app_guid] app.node = node if app.depends: node.required_packages.update(set( app.depends.split() )) if app.add_to_path: if app.home_path and app.home_path not in node.pythonpath: node.pythonpath.append(app.home_path) if app.env: for envkey, envval in app.env.iteritems(): envval = app._replace_paths(envval) node.env[envkey].append(envval) if app.rpmFusion: node.rpmFusion = True def connect_forwarder(testbed_instance, node_guid, fwd_guid): node = testbed_instance._elements[node_guid] fwd = testbed_instance._elements[fwd_guid] node.multicast_forwarder = fwd if fwd.router: connect_dep(testbed_instance, node_guid, None, app=fwd.router) connect_dep(testbed_instance, node_guid, fwd_guid) def connect_router(testbed_instance, fwd_guid, router_guid): fwd = testbed_instance._elements[fwd_guid] router = testbed_instance._elements[router_guid] fwd.router = router if fwd.node: connect_dep(testbed_instance, None, router_guid, node=fwd.node) def connect_node_netpipe(testbed_instance, node_guid, netpipe_guid): node = testbed_instance._elements[node_guid] netpipe = testbed_instance._elements[netpipe_guid] netpipe.node = node node.required_vsys.add('ipfw-be') node.required_packages.add('ipfwslice') ### Creation functions ### def create_node(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) # create element with basic attributes element = testbed_instance._make_node(parameters) # add constraint on number of (real) interfaces # by counting connected devices dev_guids = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "devs", "node") num_open_ifaces = sum( # count True values NODEIFACE == testbed_instance._get_factory_id(guid) for guid in dev_guids ) element.min_num_external_ifaces = num_open_ifaces # require vroute vsys if we have routes to set up routes = testbed_instance._add_route.get(guid) if routes: vsys = element.routing_method(routes, testbed_instance.vsys_vnet) element.required_vsys.add(vsys) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_nodeiface(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_node_iface(parameters) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_tuniface(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_tun_iface(parameters) # Set custom addresses, if there are any already # Setting this early helps set up P2P links if guid in testbed_instance._add_address and not (element.address or element.netmask or element.netprefix): addresses = testbed_instance._add_address[guid] for address in addresses: (address, netprefix, broadcast) = address element.add_address(address, netprefix, broadcast) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_tapiface(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_tap_iface(parameters) # Set custom addresses, if there are any already # Setting this early helps set up P2P links if guid in testbed_instance._add_address and not (element.address or element.netmask or element.netprefix): addresses = testbed_instance._add_address[guid] for address in addresses: (address, netprefix, broadcast) = address element.add_address(address, netprefix, broadcast) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_tunfilter(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_tun_filter(parameters) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_classqueuefilter(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_class_queue_filter(parameters) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_tosqueuefilter(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_tos_queue_filter(parameters) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_application(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_application(parameters) # Just inject configuration stuff element.home_path = "nepi-app-%s" % (guid,) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_ccnxdaemon(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_application(parameters, clazz = testbed_instance._app.CCNxDaemon ) # Just inject configuration stuff element.home_path = "nepi-ccnd-%s" % (guid,) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_dependency(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_dependency(parameters) # Just inject configuration stuff element.home_path = "nepi-dep-%s" % (guid,) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_nepi_dependency(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_nepi_dependency(parameters) # Just inject configuration stuff element.home_path = "nepi-nepi-%s" % (guid,) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_ns3_dependency(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_ns3_dependency(parameters) # Just inject configuration stuff element.home_path = "nepi-ns3-%s" % (guid,) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_multicast_forwarder(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_multicast_forwarder(parameters) # Just inject configuration stuff element.home_path = "nepi-mcfwd-%s" % (guid,) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_multicast_announcer(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_multicast_announcer(parameters) # Just inject configuration stuff element.home_path = "nepi-mcann-%s" % (guid,) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_multicast_router(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_multicast_router(parameters) # Just inject configuration stuff element.home_path = "nepi-mcrt-%s" % (guid,) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_internet(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_internet(parameters) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element def create_netpipe(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) element = testbed_instance._make_netpipe(parameters) testbed_instance.elements[guid] = element ### Start/Stop functions ### def prestart_ccnxdaemon(testbed_instance, guid): # ccnx daemon needs to start before the rest of the # ccn applications start_application(testbed_instance, guid) def stop_ccndaemon(testbed_instance, guid): app = testbed_instance.elements[guid] app.kill() def start_application(testbed_instance, guid): parameters = testbed_instance._get_parameters(guid) traces = testbed_instance._get_traces(guid) app = testbed_instance.elements[guid] app.stdout = "stdout" in traces app.stderr = "stderr" in traces app.buildlog = "buildlog" in traces app.outout = "output" in traces app.start() def stop_application(testbed_instance, guid): app = testbed_instance.elements[guid] app.kill() ### Status functions ### def status_application(testbed_instance, guid): if guid not in testbed_instance.elements.keys(): return AS.STATUS_NOT_STARTED app = testbed_instance.elements[guid] return app.status() ### Configure functions ### def configure_nodeiface(testbed_instance, guid): element = testbed_instance._elements[guid] # Cannot explicitly configure addresses if guid in testbed_instance._add_address: raise ValueError, "Cannot explicitly set address of public PlanetLab interface" # Get siblings node_guid = testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "node", "devs")[0] dev_guids = testbed_instance.get_connected(node_guid, "node", "devs") siblings = [ self._element[dev_guid] for dev_guid in dev_guids if dev_guid != guid ] # Fetch address from PLC api element.pick_iface(siblings) # Do some validations element.validate() def preconfigure_tuniface(testbed_instance, guid): element = testbed_instance._elements[guid] # Set custom addresses if any, and if not set already if guid in testbed_instance._add_address and not (element.address or element.netmask or element.netprefix): addresses = testbed_instance._add_address[guid] for address in addresses: (address, netprefix, broadcast) = address element.add_address(address, netprefix, broadcast) # Link to external interface, if any for iface in testbed_instance._elements.itervalues(): if isinstance(iface, testbed_instance._interfaces.NodeIface) and iface.node is element.node and iface.has_internet: element.external_iface = iface break # Set standard TUN attributes if (not element.tun_addr or not element.tun_port) and element.external_iface: element.tun_addr = element.external_iface.address element.tun_port = testbed_instance.tapPortBase + int(guid) # Set enabled traces traces = testbed_instance._get_traces(guid) for capmode in ('pcap', 'packets'): if capmode in traces: element.capture = capmode break else: element.capture = False # Do some validations element.validate() # First-phase setup element.prepare('tun-%s' % (guid,)) def postconfigure_tuniface(testbed_instance, guid): element = testbed_instance._elements[guid] # Second-phase setup element.launch() def prestart_tuniface(testbed_instance, guid): element = testbed_instance._elements[guid] # Second-phase setup element.wait() def configure_node(testbed_instance, guid): node = testbed_instance._elements[guid] # Just inject configuration stuff node.home_path = "nepi-node-%s" % (guid,) node.ident_path = testbed_instance.sliceSSHKey node.slicename = testbed_instance.slicename # Do some validations node.validate() # this will be done in parallel in all nodes # this call only spawns the process node.install_dependencies() def configure_node_routes(testbed_instance, guid): node = testbed_instance._elements[guid] routes = testbed_instance._add_route.get(guid) if routes: devs = [ dev for dev_guid in testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "devs", "node") for dev in ( testbed_instance._elements.get(dev_guid) ,) if dev and isinstance(dev, testbed_instance._interfaces.TunIface) ] vsys = testbed_instance.vsys_vnet node.configure_routes(routes, devs, vsys) def configure_application(testbed_instance, guid): app = testbed_instance._elements[guid] # Do some validations app.validate() # Wait for dependencies app.node.wait_dependencies() # Install stuff app.async_setup() def configure_dependency(testbed_instance, guid): dep = testbed_instance._elements[guid] # Do some validations dep.validate() # Wait for dependencies dep.node.wait_dependencies() # Install stuff dep.async_setup() def configure_announcer(testbed_instance, guid): # Link ifaces fwd = testbed_instance._elements[guid] fwd.ifaces = [ dev for node_guid in testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "node", "apps") for dev_guid in testbed_instance.get_connected(node_guid, "devs", "node") for dev in ( testbed_instance._elements.get(dev_guid) ,) if dev and isinstance(dev, testbed_instance._interfaces.TunIface) and dev.multicast ] # Install stuff configure_dependency(testbed_instance, guid) def configure_forwarder(testbed_instance, guid): configure_announcer(testbed_instance, guid) # Link ifaces to forwarder fwd = testbed_instance._elements[guid] for iface in fwd.ifaces: iface.multicast_forwarder = '/var/run/mcastfwd' def configure_router(testbed_instance, guid): # Link ifaces rt = testbed_instance._elements[guid] rt.nonifaces = [ dev for fwd_guid in testbed_instance.get_connected(guid, "fwd", "router") for node_guid in testbed_instance.get_connected(fwd_guid, "node", "apps") for dev_guid in testbed_instance.get_connected(node_guid, "devs", "node") for dev in ( testbed_instance._elements.get(dev_guid) ,) if dev and isinstance(dev, testbed_instance._interfaces.TunIface) and not dev.multicast ] # Install stuff configure_dependency(testbed_instance, guid) def configure_netpipe(testbed_instance, guid): netpipe = testbed_instance._elements[guid] # Do some validations netpipe.validate() # Wait for dependencies netpipe.node.wait_dependencies() # Install rules netpipe.configure() ### Factory information ### connector_types = dict({ "apps": dict({ "help": "Connector from node to applications", "name": "apps", "max": -1, "min": 0 }), "devs": dict({ "help": "Connector from node to network interfaces", "name": "devs", "max": -1, "min": 0 }), "deps": dict({ "help": "Connector from node to application dependencies " "(packages and applications that need to be installed)", "name": "deps", "max": -1, "min": 0 }), "inet": dict({ "help": "Connector from network interfaces to the internet", "name": "inet", "max": 1, "min": 1 }), "node": dict({ "help": "Connector to a Node", "name": "node", "max": 1, "min": 1 }), "router": dict({ "help": "Connector to a routing daemon", "name": "router", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), "fwd": dict({ "help": "Forwarder this routing daemon communicates with", "name": "fwd", "max": 1, "min": 1 }), "pipes": dict({ "help": "Connector to a NetPipe", "name": "pipes", "max": 2, "min": 0 }), "tcp": dict({ "help": "ip-ip tunneling over TCP link", "name": "tcp", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), "udp": dict({ "help": "ip-ip tunneling over UDP datagrams", "name": "udp", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), "gre": dict({ "help": "IP or Ethernet tunneling using the GRE protocol", "name": "gre", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), "fd->": dict({ "help": "TUN device file descriptor provider", "name": "fd->", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), "->fd": dict({ "help": "TUN device file descriptor slot", "name": "->fd", "max": 1, "min": 0 }), }) connections = [ dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "devs"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, NODEIFACE, "node"), "init_code": connect_node_iface_node, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "devs"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "node"), "init_code": connect_tun_iface_node, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "devs"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "node"), "init_code": connect_tun_iface_node, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODEIFACE, "inet"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, INTERNET, "devs"), "init_code": connect_node_iface_inet, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "apps"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, (APPLICATION, CCNXDAEMON, MULTICASTANNOUNCER), "node"), "init_code": connect_dep, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "deps"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, (DEPENDENCY, NEPIDEPENDENCY, NS3DEPENDENCY), "node"), "init_code": connect_dep, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "pipes"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, NETPIPE, "node"), "init_code": connect_node_netpipe, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, NODE, "apps"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, MULTICASTFORWARDER, "node"), "init_code": connect_forwarder, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, MULTICASTFORWARDER, "router"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, MULTICASTROUTER, "fwd"), "init_code": connect_router, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "tcp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "tcp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_tun_iface_peer,"tcp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "udp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "udp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_tun_iface_peer,"udp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "gre"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "gre"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_tun_iface_peer,"gre"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "fd->"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TUNFILTERS, "->fd"), "init_code": connect_tun_iface_filter, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNFILTERS, "tcp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "tcp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_filter_peer,"tcp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNFILTERS, "udp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "udp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_filter_peer,"udp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "tcp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "tcp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_tun_iface_peer,"tcp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "udp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "udp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_tun_iface_peer,"udp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "gre"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "gre"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_tun_iface_peer,"gre"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "fd->"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TAPFILTERS, "->fd"), "init_code": connect_tun_iface_filter, "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPFILTERS, "tcp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "tcp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_filter_peer,"tcp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPFILTERS, "udp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "udp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_filter_peer,"udp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNFILTERS, "tcp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TUNFILTERS, "tcp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_filter_filter,"tcp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNFILTERS, "udp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TUNFILTERS, "udp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_filter_filter,"udp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPFILTERS, "tcp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TAPFILTERS, "tcp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_filter_filter,"tcp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPFILTERS, "udp"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, TAPFILTERS, "udp"), "init_code": functools.partial(connect_filter_filter,"udp"), "can_cross": False }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "tcp"), "to": (None, None, "tcp"), "init_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_init,"tcp"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_compl,"tcp"), "can_cross": True }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "udp"), "to": (None, None, "udp"), "init_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_init,"udp"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_compl,"udp"), "can_cross": True }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "fd->"), "to": (None, None, "->fd"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_both,"fd"), "can_cross": True }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TUNIFACE, "gre"), "to": (None, None, "gre"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_both,"gre"), "can_cross": True }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "tcp"), "to": (None, None, "tcp"), "init_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_init,"tcp"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_compl,"tcp"), "can_cross": True }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "udp"), "to": (None, None, "udp"), "init_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_init,"udp"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_compl,"udp"), "can_cross": True }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "fd->"), "to": (None, None, "->fd"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_both,"fd"), "can_cross": True }), # EGRE is an extension of PlanetLab, so we can't connect externally # if the other testbed isn't another PlanetLab dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, TAPIFACE, "gre"), "to": (TESTBED_ID, None, "gre"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_tun_iface_peer_both,"gre"), "can_cross": True }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, ALLFILTERS, "tcp"), "to": (None, None, "tcp"), "init_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_filter_peer_init,"tcp"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_filter_peer_compl,"tcp"), "can_cross": True }), dict({ "from": (TESTBED_ID, ALLFILTERS, "udp"), "to": (None, None, "udp"), "init_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_filter_peer_init,"udp"), "compl_code": functools.partial(crossconnect_filter_peer_compl,"udp"), "can_cross": True }), ] attributes = dict({ "forward_X11": dict({ "name": "forward_X11", "help": "Forward x11 from main namespace to the node", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": False, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_bool, }), "hostname": dict({ "name": "hostname", "help": "Constrain hostname during resource discovery. May use wildcards.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string, }), "city": dict({ "name": "city", "help": "Constrain location (city) during resource discovery. May use wildcards.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string, }), "country": dict({ "name": "hostname", "help": "Constrain location (country) during resource discovery. May use wildcards.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string, }), "region": dict({ "name": "hostname", "help": "Constrain location (region) during resource discovery. May use wildcards.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string, }), "architecture": dict({ "name": "architecture", "help": "Constrain architexture during resource discovery.", "type": Attribute.ENUM, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "allowed": ["x86_64", "i386"], "validation_function": validation.is_enum, }), "operating_system": dict({ "name": "operatingSystem", "help": "Constrain operating system during resource discovery.", "type": Attribute.ENUM, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "allowed": ["f8", "f12", "f14", "centos", "other"], "validation_function": validation.is_enum, }), "site": dict({ "name": "site", "help": "Constrain the PlanetLab site this node should reside on.", "type": Attribute.ENUM, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "allowed": ["PLE", "PLC", "PLJ"], "validation_function": validation.is_enum, }), "min_reliability": dict({ "name": "minReliability", "help": "Constrain reliability while picking PlanetLab nodes. Specifies a lower acceptable bound.", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "range": (0,100), "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "max_reliability": dict({ "name": "maxReliability", "help": "Constrain reliability while picking PlanetLab nodes. Specifies an upper acceptable bound.", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "range": (0,100), "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "min_bandwidth": dict({ "name": "minBandwidth", "help": "Constrain available bandwidth while picking PlanetLab nodes. Specifies a lower acceptable bound.", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "range": (0,2**31), "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "max_bandwidth": dict({ "name": "maxBandwidth", "help": "Constrain available bandwidth while picking PlanetLab nodes. Specifies an upper acceptable bound.", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "range": (0,2**31), "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "min_load": dict({ "name": "minLoad", "help": "Constrain node load average while picking PlanetLab nodes. Specifies a lower acceptable bound.", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "range": (0,2**31), "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "max_load": dict({ "name": "maxLoad", "help": "Constrain node load average while picking PlanetLab nodes. Specifies an upper acceptable bound.", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "range": (0,2**31), "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "min_cpu": dict({ "name": "minCpu", "help": "Constrain available cpu time while picking PlanetLab nodes. Specifies a lower acceptable bound.", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "range": (0,100), "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "max_cpu": dict({ "name": "maxCpu", "help": "Constrain available cpu time while picking PlanetLab nodes. Specifies an upper acceptable bound.", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "range": (0,100), "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "up": dict({ "name": "up", "help": "Link up", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": False, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "primary": dict({ "name": "primary", "help": "This is the primary interface for the attached node", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": True, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "if_name": dict({ "name": "if_name", "help": "Device name", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "mtu": dict({ "name": "mtu", "help": "Maximum transmition unit for device", "type": Attribute.INTEGER, "range": (0,1500), "validation_function": validation.is_integer_range(0,1500) }), "mask": dict({ "name": "mask", "help": "Network mask for the device (eg: 24 for /24 network)", "type": Attribute.INTEGER, "validation_function": validation.is_integer_range(8,24) }), "snat": dict({ "name": "snat", "help": "Enable SNAT (source NAT to the internet) no this device", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": False, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "multicast": dict({ "name": "multicast", "help": "Enable multicast forwarding on this device. " "Note that you still need a multicast routing daemon " "in the node.", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": False, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "pointopoint": dict({ "name": "pointopoint", "help": "If the interface is a P2P link, the remote endpoint's IP " "should be set on this attribute.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "bwlimit": dict({ "name": "bwlimit", "help": "Emulated transmission speed (in kbytes per second)", "type": Attribute.INTEGER, "range" : (1,10*2**20), "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_integer }), "txqueuelen": dict({ "name": "txqueuelen", "help": "Transmission queue length (in packets)", "type": Attribute.INTEGER, "value": 1000, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "range" : (1,10000), "validation_function": validation.is_integer }), "command": dict({ "name": "command", "help": "Command line string", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "ccnroutes": dict({ "name": "ccnRoutes", "help": "Route can be static (e.g. udp ip) or multicast (e.g. udp 2869). To separate different route use '|' ", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "sudo": dict({ "name": "sudo", "help": "Run with root privileges", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "value": False, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "stdin": dict({ "name": "stdin", "help": "Standard input", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "depends": dict({ "name": "depends", "help": "Space-separated list of packages required to run the application", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "build-depends": dict({ "name": "buildDepends", "help": "Space-separated list of packages required to build the application", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "rpm-fusion": dict({ "name": "rpmFusion", "help": "True if required packages can be found in the RpmFusion repository", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "value": False, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "sources": dict({ "name": "sources", "help": "Space-separated list of regular files to be deployed in the working path prior to building. " "Archives won't be expanded automatically.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "ccnxversion": dict({ "name": "ccnxVersion", "help": "Version of ccnx source code to install in the node.", "type": Attribute.ENUM, "value": "ccnx-0.6.0", "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "allowed": ["ccnx-0.6.0", "ccnx-0.5.1"], "validation_function": validation.is_enum, }), "ccnlocalport" : dict({ "name" : "ccnLocalPort", "help" : "Local port to bind the ccn daemon. (i.e. CCN_LOCAL_PORT=)", "type" : Attribute.INTEGER, "flags" : Attribute.DesignInvisible | \ Attribute.ExecInvisible | \ Attribute.ExecImmutable | \ Attribute.Metadata, "validation_function" : validation.is_integer, }), "build": dict({ "name": "build", "help": "Build commands to execute after deploying the sources. " "Sources will be in the ${SOURCES} folder. " "Example: tar xzf ${SOURCES}/my-app.tgz && cd my-app && ./configure && make && make clean.\n" "Try to make the commands return with a nonzero exit code on error.\n" "Also, do not install any programs here, use the 'install' attribute. This will " "help keep the built files constrained to the build folder (which may " "not be the home folder), and will result in faster deployment. Also, " "make sure to clean up temporary files, to reduce bandwidth usage between " "nodes when transferring built packages.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "install": dict({ "name": "install", "help": "Commands to transfer built files to their final destinations. " "Sources will be in the initial working folder, and a special " "tag ${SOURCES} can be used to reference the experiment's " "home folder (where the application commands will run).\n" "ALL sources and targets needed for execution must be copied there, " "if building has been enabled.\n" "That is, 'slave' nodes will not automatically get any source files. " "'slave' nodes don't get build dependencies either, so if you need " "make and other tools to install, be sure to provide them as " "actual dependencies instead.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "netpipe_mode": dict({ "name": "mode", "help": "Link mode:\n" " * SERVER: applies to incoming connections\n" " * CLIENT: applies to outgoing connections\n" " * SERVICE: applies to both", "type": Attribute.ENUM, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "allowed": ["SERVER", "CLIENT", "SERVICE"], "validation_function": validation.is_enum, }), "port_list": dict({ "name": "portList", "help": "Port list or range. Eg: '22', '22,23,27', '20-2000'", "type": Attribute.STRING, "validation_function": is_portlist, }), "addr_list": dict({ "name": "addrList", "help": "Address list or range. Eg: '', ',', ''", "type": Attribute.STRING, "validation_function": is_addrlist, }), "bw_in": dict({ "name": "bwIn", "help": "Inbound bandwidth limit (in Mbit/s)", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "bw_out": dict({ "name": "bwOut", "help": "Outbound bandwidth limit (in Mbit/s)", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "plr_in": dict({ "name": "plrIn", "help": "Inbound packet loss rate (0 = no loss, 1 = 100% loss)", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "plr_out": dict({ "name": "plrOut", "help": "Outbound packet loss rate (0 = no loss, 1 = 100% loss)", "type": Attribute.DOUBLE, "validation_function": validation.is_number, }), "delay_in": dict({ "name": "delayIn", "help": "Inbound packet delay (in milliseconds)", "type": Attribute.INTEGER, "range": (0,60000), "validation_function": validation.is_integer, }), "delay_out": dict({ "name": "delayOut", "help": "Outbound packet delay (in milliseconds)", "type": Attribute.INTEGER, "range": (0,60000), "validation_function": validation.is_integer, }), "module": dict({ "name": "module", "help": "Path to a .c or .py source for a filter module, or a binary .so", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "args": dict({ "name": "args", "help": "Module arguments - comma-separated list of name=value pairs", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "routing_algorithm": dict({ "name": "algorithm", "help": "Routing algorithm.", "value": "dvmrp", "type": Attribute.ENUM, "allowed": ["dvmrp"], "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_enum, }), }) traces = dict({ "stdout": dict({ "name": "stdout", "help": "Standard output stream" }), "stderr": dict({ "name": "stderr", "help": "Application standard error", }), "buildlog": dict({ "name": "buildlog", "help": "Output of the build process", }), "netpipe_stats": dict({ "name": "netpipeStats", "help": "Information about rule match counters, packets dropped, etc.", }), "packets": dict({ "name": "packets", "help": "Detailled log of all packets going through the interface", }), "pcap": dict({ "name": "pcap", "help": "PCAP trace of all packets going through the interface", }), "output": dict({ "name": "output", "help": "Extra output trace for applications. When activated this trace can be referenced with wildcard a reference from an Application command line. Ex: command: 'tcpdump -w {#[elemet-label].trace[trace-id].[name|path]#}' ", }), "dropped_stats": dict({ "name": "dropped_stats", "help": "Information on dropped packets on a filer or queue associated to a network interface", }), }) create_order = [ INTERNET, NODE, NODEIFACE, CLASSQUEUEFILTER, TOSQUEUEFILTER, MULTICASTANNOUNCER, MULTICASTFORWARDER, MULTICASTROUTER, TUNFILTER, TAPIFACE, TUNIFACE, NETPIPE, NEPIDEPENDENCY, NS3DEPENDENCY, DEPENDENCY, CCNXDAEMON, APPLICATION ] configure_order = [ INTERNET, Parallel(NODE), NODEIFACE, Parallel(MULTICASTANNOUNCER), Parallel(MULTICASTFORWARDER), Parallel(MULTICASTROUTER), Parallel(TAPIFACE), Parallel(TUNIFACE), NETPIPE, Parallel(NEPIDEPENDENCY), Parallel(NS3DEPENDENCY), Parallel(DEPENDENCY), Parallel(CCNXDAEMON), Parallel(APPLICATION)] # Start (and prestart) node after ifaces, because the node needs the ifaces in order to set up routes start_order = [ INTERNET, NODEIFACE, Parallel(TAPIFACE), Parallel(TUNIFACE), Parallel(NODE), NETPIPE, Parallel(MULTICASTANNOUNCER), Parallel(MULTICASTFORWARDER), Parallel(MULTICASTROUTER), Parallel(NEPIDEPENDENCY), Parallel(NS3DEPENDENCY), Parallel(DEPENDENCY), Parallel(CCNXDAEMON), Parallel(APPLICATION)] # cleanup order shutdown_order = [ Parallel(APPLICATION), Parallel (CCNXDAEMON), Parallel(MULTICASTROUTER), Parallel(MULTICASTFORWARDER), Parallel(MULTICASTANNOUNCER), Parallel(TAPIFACE), Parallel(TUNIFACE), Parallel(NETPIPE), Parallel(NEPIDEPENDENCY), Parallel(NS3DEPENDENCY), Parallel(DEPENDENCY), NODEIFACE, Parallel(NODE) ] factories_info = dict({ NODE: dict({ "help": "Virtualized Node (V-Server style)", "category": FC.CATEGORY_NODES, "create_function": create_node, "preconfigure_function": configure_node, "prestart_function": configure_node_routes, "box_attributes": [ "forward_X11", "hostname", "architecture", "operating_system", "site", "min_reliability", "max_reliability", "min_bandwidth", "max_bandwidth", "min_load", "max_load", "min_cpu", "max_cpu", # NEPI-in-NEPI attributes ATTR_NEPI_TESTBED_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP, ], "connector_types": ["devs", "apps", "pipes", "deps"], "tags": [tags.NODE, tags.ALLOW_ROUTES], }), NODEIFACE: dict({ "help": "External network interface - they cannot be brought up or down, and they MUST be connected to the internet.", "category": FC.CATEGORY_DEVICES, "create_function": create_nodeiface, "preconfigure_function": configure_nodeiface, "box_attributes": [ ], "connector_types": ["node", "inet"], "tags": [tags.INTERFACE, tags.HAS_ADDRESSES], }), TUNIFACE: dict({ "help": "Virtual TUN network interface (layer 3)", "category": FC.CATEGORY_DEVICES, "create_function": create_tuniface, "preconfigure_function": preconfigure_tuniface, "configure_function": postconfigure_tuniface, "prestart_function": prestart_tuniface, "box_attributes": [ "up", "if_name", "mtu", "snat", "pointopoint", "multicast", "bwlimit", "txqueuelen", "tun_proto", "tun_addr", "tun_port", "tun_key", "tun_cipher", ], "traces": ["packets", "pcap"], "connector_types": ["node","udp","tcp","fd->","gre"], "tags": [tags.INTERFACE, tags.ALLOW_ADDRESSES], }), TAPIFACE: dict({ "help": "Virtual TAP network interface (layer 2)", "category": FC.CATEGORY_DEVICES, "create_function": create_tapiface, "preconfigure_function": preconfigure_tuniface, "configure_function": postconfigure_tuniface, "prestart_function": prestart_tuniface, "box_attributes": [ "up", "if_name", "mtu", "snat", "pointopoint", "multicast", "bwlimit", "txqueuelen", "tun_proto", "tun_addr", "tun_port", "tun_key", "tun_cipher", ], "traces": ["packets", "pcap"], "connector_types": ["node","udp","tcp","fd->","gre"], "tags": [tags.INTERFACE, tags.ALLOW_ADDRESSES], }), TUNFILTER: dict({ "help": "TUN/TAP stream filter\n\n" "If specified, it should be either a .py or .so module. " "It will be loaded, and all incoming and outgoing packets " "will be routed through it. The filter will not be responsible " "for buffering, packet queueing is performed in tun_connect " "already, so it should not concern itself with it. It should " "not, however, block in one direction if the other is congested.\n" "\n" "Modules are expected to have the following methods:\n" "\tinit(**args)\n" "\t\tIf arguments are given, this method will be called with the\n" "\t\tgiven arguments (as keyword args in python modules, or a single\n" "\taccept_packet(packet, direction):\n" "\t\tDecide whether to drop the packet. Direction is 0 for packets " "coming from the local side to the remote, and 1 is for packets " "coming from the remote side to the local. Return a boolean, " "true if the packet is not to be dropped.\n" "\tfilter_init():\n" "\t\tInitializes a filtering pipe (filter_run). It should " "return two file descriptors to use as a bidirectional " "pipe: local and remote. 'local' is where packets from the " "local side will be written to. After filtering, those packets " "should be written to 'remote', where tun_connect will read " "from, and it will forward them to the remote peer. " "Packets from the remote peer will be written to 'remote', " "where the filter is expected to read from, and eventually " "forward them to the local side. If the file descriptors are " "not nonblocking, they will be set to nonblocking. So it's " "better to set them from the start like that.\n" "\tfilter_run(local, remote):\n" "\t\tIf filter_init is provided, it will be called repeatedly, " "in a separate thread until the process is killed. It should " "sleep at most for a second.\n" "\tfilter_close(local, remote):\n" "\t\tCalled then the process is killed, if filter_init was provided. " "It should, among other things, close the file descriptors.\n" "\n" "Python modules are expected to return a tuple in filter_init, " "either of file descriptors or file objects, while native ones " "will receive two int*.\n" "\n" "Python modules can additionally contain a custom queue class " "that will replace the FIFO used by default. The class should " "be named 'queueclass' and contain an interface compatible with " "collections.deque. That is, indexing (especiall for q[0]), " "bool(q), popleft, appendleft, pop (right), append (right), " "len(q) and clear.", "category": FC.CATEGORY_CHANNELS, "create_function": create_tunfilter, "box_attributes": [ "module", "args", "tun_proto", "tun_addr", "tun_port", "tun_key", "tun_cipher", ], "connector_types": ["->fd","udp","tcp"], }), CLASSQUEUEFILTER : dict({ "help": "TUN classfull queue, uses a separate queue for each user-definable class.\n\n" "It takes two arguments, both of which have sensible defaults:\n" "\tsize: the base size of each class' queue\n" "\tclasses: the class definitions, which follow the following syntax:\n" '\t ::= ":" CLASSLIST\n' '\t | \n' '\t ::= "*" \n' '\t | \n' '\t ::= "*" \n' '\t ::= "." \n' '\t | \n' '\t ::= | \n' '\t ::= --see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IP_protocol_numbers --\n' '\t --only in lowercase, with special characters removed--\n' '\t --or see below--\n' '\t ::= [0-9]+\n' '\t ::= [ "#" ] [ "p" ]\n' '\t ::= NUMBER -- default 1\n' '\t ::= NUMBER -- default 0\n' '\t ::= NUMBER -- default 1\n' "\n" "Size, thoughput and priority are all relative terms. " "Sizes are multipliers for the size argument, thoughput " "is applied relative to other classes and the same with " "priority.", "category": FC.CATEGORY_CHANNELS, "create_function": create_classqueuefilter, "box_attributes": [ "args", "tun_proto", "tun_addr", "tun_port", "tun_key", "tun_cipher", ], "connector_types": ["->fd","udp","tcp"], "traces": ["dropped_stats"], }), TOSQUEUEFILTER : dict({ "help": "TUN classfull queue that classifies according to the TOS (RFC 791) IP field.\n\n" "It takes a size argument that specifies the size of each class. As TOS is a " "subset of DiffServ, this queue half-implements DiffServ.", "category": FC.CATEGORY_CHANNELS, "create_function": create_tosqueuefilter, "box_attributes": [ "args", "tun_proto", "tun_addr", "tun_port", "tun_key", "tun_cipher", ], "connector_types": ["->fd","udp","tcp"], }), APPLICATION: dict({ "help": "Generic executable command line application", "category": FC.CATEGORY_APPLICATIONS, "create_function": create_application, "start_function": start_application, "status_function": status_application, "stop_function": stop_application, "configure_function": configure_application, "box_attributes": ["command", "sudo", "stdin", "depends", "build-depends", "build", "install", "sources", "rpm-fusion" ], "connector_types": ["node"], "traces": ["stdout", "stderr", "buildlog", "output"], "tags": [tags.APPLICATION], }), CCNXDAEMON: dict({ "help": "CCNx daemon", "category": FC.CATEGORY_APPLICATIONS, "create_function": create_ccnxdaemon, "prestart_function": prestart_ccnxdaemon, "status_function": status_application, "stop_function": stop_application, "configure_function": configure_application, "box_attributes": ["ccnroutes", "build", "ccnlocalport", "install", "ccnxversion", "sources"], "connector_types": ["node"], "traces": ["stdout", "stderr", "buildlog", "output"], "tags": [tags.APPLICATION], }), DEPENDENCY: dict({ "help": "Requirement for package or application to be installed on some node", "category": FC.CATEGORY_APPLICATIONS, "create_function": create_dependency, "preconfigure_function": configure_dependency, "box_attributes": ["depends", "build-depends", "build", "install", "sources", "rpm-fusion" ], "connector_types": ["node"], "traces": ["buildlog"], }), NEPIDEPENDENCY: dict({ "help": "Requirement for NEPI inside NEPI - required to run testbed instances inside a node", "category": FC.CATEGORY_APPLICATIONS, "create_function": create_nepi_dependency, "preconfigure_function": configure_dependency, "box_attributes": [], "connector_types": ["node"], "traces": ["buildlog"], }), NS3DEPENDENCY: dict({ "help": "Requirement for NS3 inside NEPI - required to run NS3 testbed instances inside a node. It also needs NepiDependency.", "category": FC.CATEGORY_APPLICATIONS, "create_function": create_ns3_dependency, "preconfigure_function": configure_dependency, "box_attributes": [ ], "connector_types": ["node"], "traces": ["buildlog"], }), MULTICASTFORWARDER: dict({ "help": "This application installs a userspace packet forwarder " "that, when connected to a node, filters all packets " "flowing through multicast-capable virtual interfaces " "and applies custom-specified routing policies.", "category": FC.CATEGORY_APPLICATIONS, "create_function": create_multicast_forwarder, "preconfigure_function": configure_forwarder, "start_function": start_application, "status_function": status_application, "stop_function": stop_application, "box_attributes": [ ], "connector_types": ["node","router"], "traces": ["buildlog","stderr"], }), MULTICASTANNOUNCER: dict({ "help": "This application installs a userspace daemon that " "monitors multicast membership and announces it on all " "multicast-capable interfaces.\n" "This does not usually happen automatically on PlanetLab slivers.", "category": FC.CATEGORY_APPLICATIONS, "create_function": create_multicast_announcer, "preconfigure_function": configure_announcer, "start_function": start_application, "status_function": status_application, "stop_function": stop_application, "box_attributes": [ ], "connector_types": ["node"], "traces": ["buildlog","stderr"], }), MULTICASTROUTER: dict({ "help": "This application installs a userspace daemon that " "monitors multicast membership and announces it on all " "multicast-capable interfaces.\n" "This does not usually happen automatically on PlanetLab slivers.", "category": FC.CATEGORY_APPLICATIONS, "create_function": create_multicast_router, "preconfigure_function": configure_router, "start_function": start_application, "status_function": status_application, "stop_function": stop_application, "box_attributes": ["routing_algorithm"], "connector_types": ["fwd"], "traces": ["buildlog","stdout","stderr"], }), INTERNET: dict({ "help": "Internet routing", "category": FC.CATEGORY_CHANNELS, "create_function": create_internet, "connector_types": ["devs"], "tags": [tags.INTERNET], }), NETPIPE: dict({ "help": "Link emulation", "category": FC.CATEGORY_CHANNELS, "create_function": create_netpipe, "configure_function": configure_netpipe, "box_attributes": ["netpipe_mode", "addr_list", "port_list", "bw_in","plr_in","delay_in", "bw_out","plr_out","delay_out"], "connector_types": ["node"], "traces": ["netpipe_stats"], }), }) testbed_attributes = dict({ "slice_hrn": dict({ "name": "sliceHrn", "help": "The hierarchical Resource Name (HRN) for the PlanetLab slice.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable | Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "sfa": dict({ "name": "sfa", "help": "Activates the use of SFA for node reservation.", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable | Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "slice": dict({ "name": "slice", "help": "The name of the PlanetLab slice to use", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable | Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "auth_user": dict({ "name": "authUser", "help": "The name of the PlanetLab user to use for API calls - it must have at least a User role.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable | Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "auth_pass": dict({ "name": "authPass", "help": "The PlanetLab user's password.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable | Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "plc_host": dict({ "name": "plcHost", "help": "The PlanetLab PLC API host", "type": Attribute.STRING, "value": "www.planet-lab.eu", "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "plc_url": dict({ "name": "plcUrl", "help": "The PlanetLab PLC API url pattern - %(hostname)s is replaced by plcHost.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "value": "https://%(hostname)s:443/PLCAPI/", "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "p2p_deployment": dict({ "name": "p2pDeployment", "help": "Enable peer-to-peer deployment of applications and dependencies. " "When enabled, dependency packages and applications are " "deployed in a P2P fashion, picking a single node to do " "the building or repo download, while all the others " "cooperatively exchange resulting binaries or rpms. " "When deploying to many nodes, this is a far more efficient " "use of resources. It does require re-encrypting and distributing " "the slice's private key. Though it is implemented in a secure " "fashion, if they key's sole purpose is not PlanetLab, then this " "feature should be disabled.", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": True, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "slice_ssh_key": dict({ "name": "sliceSSHKey", "help": "The controller-local path to the slice user's ssh private key. " "It is the user's responsability to deploy this file where the controller " "will run, it won't be done automatically because it's sensitive information. " "It is recommended that a NEPI-specific user be created for this purpose and " "this purpose alone.", "type": Attribute.STRING, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable | Attribute.NoDefaultValue, "validation_function": validation.is_string }), "pl_log_level": dict({ "name": "plLogLevel", "help": "Verbosity of logging of planetlab events.", "value": "ERROR", "type": Attribute.ENUM, "allowed": ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], "validation_function": validation.is_enum, }), "tap_port_base": dict({ "name": "tapPortBase", "help": "Base port to use when connecting TUN/TAPs. Effective port will be BASE + GUID.", "type": Attribute.INTEGER, "value": 15000, "range": (2000,30000), "validation_function": validation.is_integer_range(2000,30000) }), "clean_proc": dict({ "name": "cleanProc", "help": "Set to True if the slice will be dedicated to this experiment. " "NEPI will perform node and slice process cleanup, making sure slices are " "in a clean, repeatable state before running the experiment.", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": False, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), "clean_home": dict({ "name": "cleanHome", "help": "Set to True all preexistent directories in the home " "directory of each sliver will be removed before the " "start of the experiment.", "type": Attribute.BOOL, "value": False, "flags": Attribute.ExecReadOnly | Attribute.ExecImmutable, "validation_function": validation.is_bool }), }) supported_recovery_policies = [ DC.POLICY_FAIL, DC.POLICY_RESTART, DC.POLICY_RECOVER, ] class MetadataInfo(metadata.MetadataInfo): @property def connector_types(self): return connector_types @property def connections(self): return connections @property def attributes(self): return attributes @property def traces(self): return traces @property def create_order(self): return create_order @property def configure_order(self): return configure_order @property def prestart_order(self): return start_order @property def start_order(self): return start_order @property def factories_info(self): return factories_info @property def testbed_attributes(self): return testbed_attributes @property def testbed_id(self): return TESTBED_ID @property def testbed_version(self): return TESTBED_VERSION @property def supported_recovery_policies(self): return supported_recovery_policies