# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from constants import TESTBED_ID import plcapi import operator import rspawn import time import os import collections import cStringIO import resourcealloc import socket import sys import logging import ipaddr import operator import re from nepi.util import server from nepi.util import parallel import application MAX_VROUTE_ROUTES = 5 class UnresponsiveNodeError(RuntimeError): pass def _castproperty(typ, propattr): def _get(self): return getattr(self, propattr) def _set(self, value): if value is not None or (isinstance(value, basestring) and not value): value = typ(value) return setattr(self, propattr, value) def _del(self, value): return delattr(self, propattr) _get.__name__ = propattr + '_get' _set.__name__ = propattr + '_set' _del.__name__ = propattr + '_del' return property(_get, _set, _del) class Node(object): BASEFILTERS = { # Map Node attribute to plcapi filter name 'hostname' : 'hostname', } TAGFILTERS = { # Map Node attribute to (, ) # There are replacements that are applied with string formatting, # so '%' has to be escaped as '%%'. 'architecture' : ('arch','value'), 'operatingSystem' : ('fcdistro','value'), 'pl_distro' : ('pldistro','value'), 'city' : ('city','value'), 'country' : ('country','value'), 'region' : ('region','value'), 'minReliability' : ('reliability%(timeframe)s', ']value'), 'maxReliability' : ('reliability%(timeframe)s', '[value'), 'minBandwidth' : ('bw%(timeframe)s', ']value'), 'maxBandwidth' : ('bw%(timeframe)s', '[value'), 'minLoad' : ('load%(timeframe)s', ']value'), 'maxLoad' : ('load%(timeframe)s', '[value'), 'minCpu' : ('cpu%(timeframe)s', ']value'), 'maxCpu' : ('cpu%(timeframe)s', '[value'), } RATE_FACTORS = ( # (, , ) ('bw%(timeframe)s', -0.001, 1024.0), ('cpu%(timeframe)s', 0.1, 40.0), ('load%(timeframe)s', -0.2, 3.0), ('reliability%(timeframe)s', 1, 100.0), ) DEPENDS_PIDFILE = '/tmp/nepi-depends.pid' DEPENDS_LOGFILE = '/tmp/nepi-depends.log' RPM_FUSION_URL = 'http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm' RPM_FUSION_URL_F12 = 'http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/releases/12/Everything/x86_64/os/rpmfusion-free-release-12-1.noarch.rpm' minReliability = _castproperty(float, '_minReliability') maxReliability = _castproperty(float, '_maxReliability') minBandwidth = _castproperty(float, '_minBandwidth') maxBandwidth = _castproperty(float, '_maxBandwidth') minCpu = _castproperty(float, '_minCpu') maxCpu = _castproperty(float, '_maxCpu') minLoad = _castproperty(float, '_minLoad') maxLoad = _castproperty(float, '_maxLoad') def __init__(self, api=None, sliceapi=None): if not api: api = plcapi.PLCAPI() self._api = api self._sliceapi = sliceapi or api # Attributes self.hostname = None self.architecture = None self.operatingSystem = None self.pl_distro = None self.site = None self.city = None self.country = None self.region = None self.minReliability = None self.maxReliability = None self.minBandwidth = None self.maxBandwidth = None self.minCpu = None self.maxCpu = None self.minLoad = None self.maxLoad = None self.min_num_external_ifaces = None self.max_num_external_ifaces = None self._timeframe = 'w' # Applications and routes add requirements to connected nodes self.required_packages = set() self.required_vsys = set() self.pythonpath = [] self.rpmFusion = False self.env = collections.defaultdict(list) # Some special applications - initialized when connected self.multicast_forwarder = None # Testbed-derived attributes self.slicename = None self.ident_path = None self.server_key = None self.home_path = None self.enable_proc_cleanup = False self.enable_home_cleanup = False # Those are filled when an actual node is allocated self._node_id = None self._yum_dependencies = None self._installed = False # Logging self._logger = logging.getLogger('nepi.testbeds.planetlab') def set_timeframe(self, timeframe): if timeframe == "latest": self._timeframe = "" elif timeframe == "month": self._timeframe = "m" elif timeframe == "year": self._timeframe = "y" else: self._timeframe = "w" def get_timeframe(self): if self._timeframe == "": return "latest" if self._timeframe == "m": return "month" if self._timeframe == "y": return "year" return "week" timeframe = property(get_timeframe, set_timeframe) def _nepi_testbed_environment_setup_get(self): command = cStringIO.StringIO() command.write('export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:%s' % ( ':'.join(["${HOME}/"+server.shell_escape(s) for s in self.pythonpath]) )) command.write(' ; export PATH=$PATH:%s' % ( ':'.join(["${HOME}/"+server.shell_escape(s) for s in self.pythonpath]) )) if self.env: for envkey, envvals in self.env.iteritems(): for envval in envvals: command.write(' ; export %s=%s' % (envkey, envval)) return command.getvalue() def _nepi_testbed_environment_setup_set(self, value): pass _nepi_testbed_environment_setup = property( _nepi_testbed_environment_setup_get, _nepi_testbed_environment_setup_set) def build_filters(self, target_filters, filter_map): for attr, tag in filter_map.iteritems(): value = getattr(self, attr, None) if value is not None: target_filters[tag] = value return target_filters @property def applicable_filters(self): has = lambda att : getattr(self,att,None) is not None return ( filter(has, self.BASEFILTERS.iterkeys()) + filter(has, self.TAGFILTERS.iterkeys()) ) def find_candidates(self, filter_slice_id=None): self._logger.info("Finding candidates for %s", self.make_filter_description()) fields = ('node_id',) replacements = {'timeframe':self._timeframe} # get initial candidates (no tag filters) basefilters = self.build_filters({}, self.BASEFILTERS) rootfilters = basefilters.copy() if filter_slice_id: basefilters['|slice_ids'] = (filter_slice_id,) # only pick healthy nodes basefilters['run_level'] = 'boot' basefilters['boot_state'] = 'boot' basefilters['node_type'] = 'regular' # nepi can only handle regular nodes (for now) basefilters['>last_contact'] = int(time.time()) - 5*3600 # allow 5h out of contact, for timezone discrepancies # keyword-only "pseudofilters" extra = {} if self.site: extra['peer'] = self.site candidates = set(map(operator.itemgetter('node_id'), self._sliceapi.GetNodes(filters=basefilters, fields=fields, **extra))) # filter by tag, one tag at a time applicable = self.applicable_filters for tagfilter in self.TAGFILTERS.iteritems(): attr, (tagname, expr) = tagfilter # don't bother if there's no filter defined if attr in applicable: tagfilter = rootfilters.copy() tagfilter['tagname'] = tagname % replacements tagfilter[expr % replacements] = str(getattr(self,attr)) tagfilter['node_id'] = list(candidates) candidates &= set(map(operator.itemgetter('node_id'), self._sliceapi.GetNodeTags(filters=tagfilter, fields=fields))) # filter by vsys tags - special case since it doesn't follow # the usual semantics if self.required_vsys: newcandidates = collections.defaultdict(set) vsys_tags = self._sliceapi.GetNodeTags( tagname='vsys', node_id = list(candidates), fields = ['node_id','value']) vsys_tags = map( operator.itemgetter(['node_id','value']), vsys_tags) required_vsys = self.required_vsys for node_id, value in vsys_tags: if value in required_vsys: newcandidates[value].add(node_id) # take only those that have all the required vsys tags newcandidates = reduce( lambda accum, new : accum & new, newcandidates.itervalues(), candidates) # filter by iface count if self.min_num_external_ifaces is not None or self.max_num_external_ifaces is not None: # fetch interfaces for all, in one go filters = basefilters.copy() filters['node_id'] = list(candidates) ifaces = dict(map(operator.itemgetter('node_id','interface_ids'), self._sliceapi.GetNodes(filters=basefilters, fields=('node_id','interface_ids')) )) # filter candidates by interface count if self.min_num_external_ifaces is not None and self.max_num_external_ifaces is not None: predicate = ( lambda node_id : self.min_num_external_ifaces <= len(ifaces.get(node_id,())) <= self.max_num_external_ifaces ) elif self.min_num_external_ifaces is not None: predicate = ( lambda node_id : self.min_num_external_ifaces <= len(ifaces.get(node_id,())) ) else: predicate = ( lambda node_id : len(ifaces.get(node_id,())) <= self.max_num_external_ifaces ) candidates = set(filter(predicate, candidates)) # make sure hostnames are resolvable hostnames = dict() if candidates: self._logger.info(" Found %s candidates. Checking for reachability...", len(candidates)) hostnames = dict(map(operator.itemgetter('node_id','hostname'), self._sliceapi.GetNodes(list(candidates), ['node_id','hostname']) )) def resolvable(node_id): try: addr = server.gethostbyname(hostnames[node_id]) return addr is not None except: return False candidates = set(parallel.pfilter(resolvable, candidates, maxthreads = 16)) self._logger.info(" Found %s reachable candidates.", len(candidates)) for h in hostnames.keys(): if h not in candidates: del hostnames[h] hostnames = dict((v,k) for k, v in hostnames.iteritems()) return hostnames def make_filter_description(self): """ Makes a human-readable description of filtering conditions for find_candidates. """ # get initial candidates (no tag filters) filters = self.build_filters({}, self.BASEFILTERS) # keyword-only "pseudofilters" if self.site: filters['peer'] = self.site # filter by tag, one tag at a time applicable = self.applicable_filters for tagfilter in self.TAGFILTERS.iteritems(): attr, (tagname, expr) = tagfilter # don't bother if there's no filter defined if attr in applicable: filters[attr] = getattr(self,attr) # filter by vsys tags - special case since it doesn't follow # the usual semantics if self.required_vsys: filters['vsys'] = ','.join(list(self.required_vsys)) # filter by iface count if self.min_num_external_ifaces is not None or self.max_num_external_ifaces is not None: filters['num_ifaces'] = '-'.join([ str(self.min_num_external_ifaces or '0'), str(self.max_num_external_ifaces or 'inf') ]) return '; '.join(map('%s: %s'.__mod__,filters.iteritems())) def assign_node_id(self, node_id): self._node_id = node_id self.fetch_node_info() def unassign_node(self): self._node_id = None self.hostip = None try: orig_attrs = self.__orig_attrs except AttributeError: return for key, value in orig_attrs.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value) del self.__orig_attrs def rate_nodes(self, nodes): rates = collections.defaultdict(int) tags = collections.defaultdict(dict) replacements = {'timeframe':self._timeframe} tagnames = [ tagname % replacements for tagname, weight, default in self.RATE_FACTORS ] taginfo = self._sliceapi.GetNodeTags( node_id=list(nodes), tagname=tagnames, fields=('node_id','tagname','value')) unpack = operator.itemgetter('node_id','tagname','value') for value in taginfo: node, tagname, value = unpack(value) if value and value.lower() != 'n/a': tags[tagname][node] = float(value) for tagname, weight, default in self.RATE_FACTORS: taginfo = tags[tagname % replacements].get for node in nodes: rates[node] += weight * taginfo(node,default) return map(rates.__getitem__, nodes) def fetch_node_info(self): orig_attrs = {} info, tags = self._sliceapi.GetNodeInfo(self._node_id) info = info[0] tags = dict( (t['tagname'],t['value']) for t in tags ) orig_attrs['min_num_external_ifaces'] = self.min_num_external_ifaces orig_attrs['max_num_external_ifaces'] = self.max_num_external_ifaces self.min_num_external_ifaces = None self.max_num_external_ifaces = None if not self._timeframe: self._timeframe = 'w' replacements = {'timeframe':self._timeframe} for attr, tag in self.BASEFILTERS.iteritems(): if tag in info: value = info[tag] if hasattr(self, attr): orig_attrs[attr] = getattr(self, attr) setattr(self, attr, value) for attr, (tag,_) in self.TAGFILTERS.iteritems(): tag = tag % replacements if tag in tags: value = tags[tag] if hasattr(self, attr): orig_attrs[attr] = getattr(self, attr) if not value or value.lower() == 'n/a': value = None setattr(self, attr, value) if 'peer_id' in info: orig_attrs['site'] = self.site self.site = self._sliceapi.peer_map[info['peer_id']] if 'interface_ids' in info: self.min_num_external_ifaces = \ self.max_num_external_ifaces = len(info['interface_ids']) if 'ssh_rsa_key' in info: orig_attrs['server_key'] = self.server_key self.server_key = info['ssh_rsa_key'] self.hostip = server.gethostbyname(self.hostname) try: self.__orig_attrs except AttributeError: self.__orig_attrs = orig_attrs def validate(self): if self.home_path is None: raise AssertionError, "Misconfigured node: missing home path" if self.ident_path is None or not os.access(self.ident_path, os.R_OK): raise AssertionError, "Misconfigured node: missing slice SSH key" if self.slicename is None: raise AssertionError, "Misconfigured node: unspecified slice" def recover(self): # Mark dependencies installed self._installed = True # Clear load attributes, they impair re-discovery self.minReliability = \ self.maxReliability = \ self.minBandwidth = \ self.maxBandwidth = \ self.minCpu = \ self.maxCpu = \ self.minLoad = \ self.maxLoad = None def install_dependencies(self): if self.required_packages and not self._installed: # If we need rpmfusion, we must install the repo definition and the gpg keys if self.rpmFusion: if self.operatingSystem == 'f12': # Fedora 12 requires a different rpmfusion package RPM_FUSION_URL = self.RPM_FUSION_URL_F12 else: # This one works for f13+ RPM_FUSION_URL = self.RPM_FUSION_URL rpmFusion = ( 'rpm -q rpmfusion-free-release || sudo -S rpm -i %(RPM_FUSION_URL)s' ) % { 'RPM_FUSION_URL' : RPM_FUSION_URL } else: rpmFusion = '' if rpmFusion: (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( rpmFusion, host = self.hostip, port = None, user = self.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.ident_path, server_key = self.server_key, timeout = 600, ) if proc.wait(): if self.check_bad_host(out,err): self.blacklist() raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up application on host %s: %s %s" % (self.hostname, out,err,) # Launch p2p yum dependency installer self._yum_dependencies.async_setup() def wait_provisioning(self, timeout = 20*60): # Wait for the p2p installer sleeptime = 1.0 totaltime = 0.0 while not self.is_alive(): time.sleep(sleeptime) totaltime += sleeptime sleeptime = min(30.0, sleeptime*1.5) if totaltime > timeout: # PlanetLab has a 15' delay on configuration propagation # If we're above that delay, the unresponsiveness is not due # to this delay. if not self.is_alive(verbose=True): raise UnresponsiveNodeError, "Unresponsive host %s" % (self.hostname,) # Ensure the node is clean (no apps running that could interfere with operations) if self.enable_proc_cleanup: self.do_proc_cleanup() if self.enable_home_cleanup: self.do_home_cleanup() def wait_dependencies(self, pidprobe=1, probe=0.5, pidmax=10, probemax=10): # Wait for the p2p installer if self._yum_dependencies and not self._installed: self._yum_dependencies.async_setup_wait() self._installed = True def is_alive(self, verbose = False): # Make sure all the paths are created where # they have to be created for deployment (out,err),proc = server.eintr_retry(server.popen_ssh_command)( "echo 'ALIVE'", host = self.hostip, port = None, user = self.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.ident_path, server_key = self.server_key, timeout = 60, err_on_timeout = False, persistent = False ) if proc.wait(): if verbose: self._logger.warn("Unresponsive node %s got:\n%s%s", self.hostname, out, err) return False elif not err and out.strip() == 'ALIVE': return True else: if verbose: self._logger.warn("Unresponsive node %s got:\n%s%s", self.hostname, out, err) return False def destroy(self): if self.enable_proc_cleanup: self.do_proc_cleanup() def blacklist(self): if self._node_id: self._logger.warn("Blacklisting malfunctioning node %s", self.hostname) import util util.appendBlacklist(self.hostname) def do_proc_cleanup(self): if self.testbed().recovering: # WOW - not now return self._logger.info("Cleaning up processes on %s", self.hostname) cmds = [ "sudo -S killall python tcpdump || /bin/true ; " "sudo -S killall python tcpdump || /bin/true ; " "sudo -S kill $(ps -N -T -o pid --no-heading | grep -v $PPID | sort) || /bin/true ", "sudo -S killall -u %(slicename)s || /bin/true ", "sudo -S killall -u root || /bin/true ", "sudo -S killall -u %(slicename)s || /bin/true ", "sudo -S killall -u root || /bin/true ", ] for cmd in cmds: (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( # Some apps need two kills cmd % { 'slicename' : self.slicename , }, host = self.hostip, port = None, user = self.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.ident_path, server_key = self.server_key, tty = True, # so that ps -N -T works as advertised... timeout = 60, retry = 3 ) proc.wait() def do_home_cleanup(self): if self.testbed().recovering: # WOW - not now return self._logger.info("Cleaning up home on %s", self.hostname) cmds = [ "find . -maxdepth 1 \( -name '.cache' -o -name '.local' -o -name '.config' -o -name 'nepi-*' \) -execdir rm -rf {} + " ] for cmd in cmds: (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( # Some apps need two kills cmd, host = self.hostip, port = None, user = self.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.ident_path, server_key = self.server_key, tty = True, # so that ps -N -T works as advertised... timeout = 60, retry = 3 ) proc.wait() def prepare_dependencies(self): # Configure p2p yum dependency installer if self.required_packages and not self._installed: self._yum_dependencies = application.YumDependency(self._api) self._yum_dependencies.node = self self._yum_dependencies.home_path = "nepi-yumdep" self._yum_dependencies.depends = ' '.join(self.required_packages) def routing_method(self, routes, vsys_vnet): """ There are two methods, vroute and sliceip. vroute: Modifies the node's routing table directly, validating that the IP range lies within the network given by the slice's vsys_vnet tag. This method is the most scalable for very small routing tables that need not modify other routes (including the default) sliceip: Uses policy routing and iptables filters to create per-sliver routing tables. It's the most flexible way, but it doesn't scale as well since only 155 routing tables can be created this way. This method will return the most appropriate routing method, which will prefer vroute for small routing tables. """ # For now, sliceip results in kernel panics # so we HAVE to use vroute return 'vroute' # We should not make the routing table grow too big if len(routes) > MAX_VROUTE_ROUTES: return 'sliceip' vsys_vnet = ipaddr.IPv4Network(vsys_vnet) for route in routes: dest, prefix, nexthop, metric, device = route dest = ipaddr.IPv4Network("%s/%d" % (dest,prefix)) nexthop = ipaddr.IPAddress(nexthop) if dest not in vsys_vnet or nexthop not in vsys_vnet: return 'sliceip' return 'vroute' def format_route(self, route, dev, method, action): dest, prefix, nexthop, metric, device = route if method == 'vroute': return ( "%s %s%s gw %s %s" % ( action, dest, (("/%d" % (prefix,)) if prefix and prefix != 32 else ""), nexthop, dev, ) ) elif method == 'sliceip': return ( "route %s to %s%s via %s metric %s dev %s" % ( action, dest, (("/%d" % (prefix,)) if prefix and prefix != 32 else ""), nexthop, metric or 1, dev, ) ) else: raise AssertionError, "Unknown method" def _annotate_routes_with_devs(self, routes, devs, method): dev_routes = [] for route in routes: for dev in devs: if dev.routes_here(route): dev_routes.append(tuple(route) + (dev.if_name,)) # Stop checking break else: if method == 'sliceip': dev_routes.append(tuple(route) + ('eth0',)) else: raise RuntimeError, "Route %s cannot be bound to any virtual interface " \ "- PL can only handle rules over virtual interfaces. Candidates are: %s" % (route,devs) return dev_routes def configure_routes(self, routes, devs, vsys_vnet): """ Add the specified routes to the node's routing table """ rules = [] method = self.routing_method(routes, vsys_vnet) tdevs = set() # annotate routes with devices dev_routes = self._annotate_routes_with_devs(routes, devs, method) for route in dev_routes: route, dev = route[:-1], route[-1] # Schedule rule tdevs.add(dev) rules.append(self.format_route(route, dev, method, 'add')) if method == 'sliceip': rules = map('enable '.__add__, tdevs) + rules self._logger.info("Setting up routes for %s using %s", self.hostname, method) self._logger.debug("Routes for %s:\n\t%s", self.hostname, '\n\t'.join(rules)) self.apply_route_rules(rules, method) self._configured_routes = set(routes) self._configured_devs = tdevs self._configured_method = method def reconfigure_routes(self, routes, devs, vsys_vnet): """ Updates the routes in the node's routing table to match the given route list """ method = self._configured_method dev_routes = self._annotate_routes_with_devs(routes, devs, method) current = self._configured_routes current_devs = self._configured_devs new = set(dev_routes) new_devs = set(map(operator.itemgetter(-1), dev_routes)) deletions = current - new insertions = new - current dev_deletions = current_devs - new_devs dev_insertions = new_devs - current_devs # Generate rules rules = [] # Rule deletions first for route in deletions: route, dev = route[:-1], route[-1] rules.append(self.format_route(route, dev, method, 'del')) if method == 'sliceip': # Dev deletions now rules.extend(map('disable '.__add__, dev_deletions)) # Dev insertions now rules.extend(map('enable '.__add__, dev_insertions)) # Rule insertions now for route in insertions: route, dev = route[:-1], dev[-1] rules.append(self.format_route(route, dev, method, 'add')) # Apply self.apply_route_rules(rules, method) self._configured_routes = dev_routes self._configured_devs = new_devs def apply_route_rules(self, rules, method): (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( "( sudo -S bash -c 'cat /vsys/%(method)s.out >&2' & ) ; sudo -S bash -c 'cat > /vsys/%(method)s.in' ; sleep 0.5" % dict( home = server.shell_escape(self.home_path), method = method), host = self.hostip, port = None, user = self.slicename, agent = None, ident_key = self.ident_path, server_key = self.server_key, stdin = '\n'.join(rules), timeout = 300 ) if proc.wait() or err: raise RuntimeError, "Could not set routes (%s) errors: %s%s" % (rules,out,err) elif out or err: logger.debug("%s said: %s%s", method, out, err) def check_bad_host(self, out, err): badre = re.compile(r'(?:' #r"curl: [(]\d+[)] Couldn't resolve host 'download1[.]rpmfusion[.]org'" r'|Error: disk I/O error' r')', re.I) return badre.search(out) or badre.search(err)