# Utility library for spawning remote asynchronous tasks from nepi.util import server import getpass class STDOUT: """ Special value that when given to remote_spawn in stderr causes stderr to redirect to whatever stdout was redirected to. """ class RUNNING: """ Process is still running """ class FINISHED: """ Process is finished """ class NOT_STARTED: """ Process hasn't started running yet (this should be very rare) """ def remote_spawn(command, pidfile, stdout='/dev/null', stderr=STDOUT, stdin='/dev/null', home=None, create_home=False, sudo=False, host = None, port = None, user = None, agent = None, ident_key = None, server_key = None, tty = False): """ Spawn a remote command such that it will continue working asynchronously. Parameters: command: the command to run - it should be a single line. pidfile: path of a (ideally unique to this task) pidfile for tracking the process. stdout: path of a file to redirect standard output to - must be a string. Defaults to /dev/null stderr: path of a file to redirect standard error to - string or the special STDOUT value to redirect to the same file stdout was redirected to. Defaults to STDOUT. stdin: path of a file with input to be piped into the command's standard input home: path of a folder to use as working directory - should exist, unless you specify create_home create_home: if True, the home folder will be created first with mkdir -p sudo: whether the command needs to be executed as root host/port/user/agent/ident_key: see nepi.util.server.popen_ssh_command Returns: (stdout, stderr), process Of the spawning process, which only captures errors at spawning time. Usually only useful for diagnostics. """ # Start process in a "daemonized" way, using nohup and heavy # stdin/out redirection to avoid connection issues if stderr is STDOUT: stderr = '&1' else: stderr = ' ' + stderr daemon_command = '{ { %(command)s > %(stdout)s 2>%(stderr)s < %(stdin)s & } ; echo $! 1 > %(pidfile)s ; }' % { 'command' : command, 'pidfile' : server.shell_escape(pidfile), 'stdout' : stdout, 'stderr' : stderr, 'stdin' : stdin, } cmd = "%(create)s%(gohome)s rm -f %(pidfile)s ; %(sudo)s nohup bash -c %(command)s " % { 'command' : server.shell_escape(daemon_command), 'sudo' : 'sudo -S' if sudo else '', 'pidfile' : server.shell_escape(pidfile), 'gohome' : 'cd %s ; ' % (server.shell_escape(home),) if home else '', 'create' : 'mkdir -p %s ; ' % (server.shell_escape,) if create_home else '', } (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( cmd, host = host, port = port, user = user, agent = agent, ident_key = ident_key, server_key = server_key, tty = tty ) if proc.wait(): raise RuntimeError, "Failed to set up application: %s %s" % (out,err,) return (out,err),proc @server.eintr_retry def remote_check_pid(pidfile, host = None, port = None, user = None, agent = None, ident_key = None, server_key = None): """ Check the pidfile of a process spawned with remote_spawn. Parameters: pidfile: the pidfile passed to remote_span host/port/user/agent/ident_key: see nepi.util.server.popen_ssh_command Returns: A (pid, ppid) tuple useful for calling remote_status and remote_kill, or None if the pidfile isn't valid yet (maybe the process is still starting). """ (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( "cat %(pidfile)s" % { 'pidfile' : pidfile, }, host = host, port = port, user = user, agent = agent, ident_key = ident_key, server_key = server_key ) if proc.wait(): return None if out: try: return map(int,out.strip().split(' ',1)) except: # Ignore, many ways to fail that don't matter that much return None @server.eintr_retry def remote_status(pid, ppid, host = None, port = None, user = None, agent = None, ident_key = None, server_key = None): """ Check the status of a process spawned with remote_spawn. Parameters: pid/ppid: pid and parent-pid of the spawned process. See remote_check_pid host/port/user/agent/ident_key: see nepi.util.server.popen_ssh_command Returns: One of NOT_STARTED, RUNNING, FINISHED """ (out,err),proc = server.popen_ssh_command( "ps --ppid %(ppid)d -o pid | grep -c %(pid)d ; true" % { 'ppid' : ppid, 'pid' : pid, }, host = host, port = port, user = user, agent = agent, ident_key = ident_key, server_key = server_key ) if proc.wait(): return NOT_STARTED status = False if out: try: status = bool(int(out.strip())) except: # Ignore, many ways to fail that don't matter that much return NOT_STARTED return RUNNING if status else FINISHED @server.eintr_retry def remote_kill(pid, ppid, sudo = False, host = None, port = None, user = None, agent = None, ident_key = None, server_key = None, nowait = False): """ Kill a process spawned with remote_spawn. First tries a SIGTERM, and if the process does not end in 10 seconds, it sends a SIGKILL. Parameters: pid/ppid: pid and parent-pid of the spawned process. See remote_check_pid sudo: whether the command was run with sudo - careful killing like this. host/port/user/agent/ident_key: see nepi.util.server.popen_ssh_command Returns: Nothing, should have killed the process """ cmd = """ %(sudo)s kill %(pid)d for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ; do sleep 0.2 if [ `ps --ppid %(ppid)d -o pid | grep -c %(pid)d` == '0' ]; then break else %(sudo)s kill %(pid)d fi sleep 1.8 done if [ `ps --ppid %(ppid)d -o pid | grep -c %(pid)d` != '0' ]; then %(sudo)s kill -9 -- -%(pid)d || /bin/true %(sudo)s kill -9 %(pid)d || /bin/true fi """ if nowait: cmd = "( %s ) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null