# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import base64 import nepi.core.execute import nepi.util.environ from nepi.core.attributes import AttributesMap, Attribute from nepi.util import server, validation from nepi.util.constants import TIME_NOW, ATTR_NEPI_TESTBED_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP, DeploymentConfiguration as DC import getpass import cPickle import sys import time import tempfile import shutil import functools import os # PROTOCOL REPLIES OK = 0 ERROR = 1 # PROTOCOL INSTRUCTION MESSAGES XML = 2 TRACE = 4 FINISHED = 5 START = 6 STOP = 7 SHUTDOWN = 8 CONFIGURE = 9 CREATE = 10 CREATE_SET = 11 FACTORY_SET = 12 CONNECT = 13 CROSS_CONNECT = 14 ADD_TRACE = 15 ADD_ADDRESS = 16 ADD_ROUTE = 17 DO_SETUP = 18 DO_CREATE = 19 DO_CONNECT_INIT = 20 DO_CONFIGURE = 21 DO_CROSS_CONNECT_INIT = 22 GET = 23 SET = 24 ACTION = 25 STATUS = 26 GUIDS = 27 GET_ROUTE = 28 GET_ADDRESS = 29 RECOVER = 30 DO_PRECONFIGURE = 31 GET_ATTRIBUTE_LIST = 32 DO_CONNECT_COMPL = 33 DO_CROSS_CONNECT_COMPL = 34 TESTBED_ID = 35 TESTBED_VERSION = 36 DO_PRESTART = 37 GET_FACTORY_ID = 38 GET_TESTBED_ID = 39 GET_TESTBED_VERSION = 40 TRACES_INFO = 41 EXEC_XML = 42 TESTBED_STATUS = 43 STARTED_TIME = 44 STOPPED_TIME = 45 CURRENT = 46 ACCESS_CONFIGURATIONS = 47 CURRENT_ACCESS_CONFIG = 48 instruction_text = dict({ OK: "OK", ERROR: "ERROR", XML: "XML", EXEC_XML: "EXEC_XML", TRACE: "TRACE", FINISHED: "FINISHED", START: "START", STOP: "STOP", RECOVER: "RECOVER", SHUTDOWN: "SHUTDOWN", CONFIGURE: "CONFIGURE", CREATE: "CREATE", CREATE_SET: "CREATE_SET", FACTORY_SET: "FACTORY_SET", CONNECT: "CONNECT", CROSS_CONNECT: "CROSS_CONNECT", ADD_TRACE: "ADD_TRACE", ADD_ADDRESS: "ADD_ADDRESS", ADD_ROUTE: "ADD_ROUTE", DO_SETUP: "DO_SETUP", DO_CREATE: "DO_CREATE", DO_CONNECT_INIT: "DO_CONNECT_INIT", DO_CONNECT_COMPL: "DO_CONNECT_COMPL", DO_CONFIGURE: "DO_CONFIGURE", DO_PRECONFIGURE: "DO_PRECONFIGURE", DO_CROSS_CONNECT_INIT: "DO_CROSS_CONNECT_INIT", DO_CROSS_CONNECT_COMPL: "DO_CROSS_CONNECT_COMPL", GET: "GET", SET: "SET", GET_ROUTE: "GET_ROUTE", GET_ADDRESS: "GET_ADDRESS", GET_ATTRIBUTE_LIST: "GET_ATTRIBUTE_LIST", GET_FACTORY_ID: "GET_FACTORY_ID", GET_TESTBED_ID: "GET_TESTBED_ID", GET_TESTBED_VERSION: "GET_TESTBED_VERSION", ACTION: "ACTION", STATUS: "STATUS", GUIDS: "GUIDS", TESTBED_ID: "TESTBED_ID", TESTBED_VERSION: "TESTBED_VERSION", TRACES_INFO: "TRACES_INFO", STARTED_TIME: "STARTED_TIME", STOPPED_TIME: "STOPPED_TIME", CURRENT: "CURRENT", ACCESS_CONFIGURATIONS: "ACCESS_CONFIGURATIONS", CURRENT_ACCESS_CONFIG: "CURRENT_ACCESS_CONFIG" }) def log_msg(server, params): try: instr = int(params[0]) instr_txt = instruction_text[instr] server.log_debug("%s - msg: %s [%s]" % (server.__class__.__name__, instr_txt, ", ".join(map(str, params[1:])))) except: # don't die for logging pass def log_reply(server, reply): try: res = reply.split("|") code = int(res[0]) code_txt = instruction_text[code] try: txt = base64.b64decode(res[1]) except: txt = res[1] server.log_debug("%s - reply: %s %s" % (server.__class__.__name__, code_txt, txt)) except: # don't die for logging server.log_debug("%s - reply: %s" % (server.__class__.__name__, reply)) pass def to_server_log_level(log_level): return ( DC.DEBUG_LEVEL if log_level == DC.DEBUG_LEVEL else DC.ERROR_LEVEL ) def get_access_config_params(access_config): mode = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_MODE) launch = not access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.RECOVER) root_dir = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.ROOT_DIRECTORY) log_level = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.LOG_LEVEL) log_level = to_server_log_level(log_level) communication = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_COMMUNICATION) environment_setup = ( access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP) if access_config.has_attribute(DC.DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP) else "" ) user = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_USER) host = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_HOST) port = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_PORT) agent = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.USE_AGENT) sudo = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.USE_SUDO) key = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_KEY) communication = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_COMMUNICATION) clean_root = access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.CLEAN_ROOT) return (mode, launch, root_dir, log_level, communication, user, host, port, key, agent, sudo, environment_setup, clean_root) class AccessConfiguration(AttributesMap): def __init__(self, params = None): super(AccessConfiguration, self).__init__() from nepi.core.metadata import Metadata for _,attr_info in Metadata.PROXY_ATTRIBUTES.iteritems(): self.add_attribute(**attr_info) if params: for attr_name, attr_value in params.iteritems(): parser = Attribute.type_parsers[self.get_attribute_type(attr_name)] attr_value = parser(attr_value) self.set_attribute_value(attr_name, attr_value) class TempDir(object): def __init__(self): self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp() def __del__(self): shutil.rmtree(self.path) class PermDir(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def create_experiment_suite(xml, access_config, repetitions = None, duration = None, wait_guids = None): mode = None if access_config : (mode, launch, root_dir, log_level, communication, user, host, port, key, agent, sudo, environment_setup, clean_root) \ = get_access_config_params(access_config) if not mode or mode == DC.MODE_SINGLE_PROCESS: from nepi.core.execute import ExperimentSuite if not root_dir: root_dir = TempDir() else: root_dir = PermDir(access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.ROOT_DIRECTORY)) exp_suite = ExperimentSuite(xml, access_config, repetitions, duration, wait_guids) # inject reference to temporary dir, so that it gets cleaned # up at destruction time. exp_suite._tempdir = root_dir return exp_suite elif mode == DC.MODE_DAEMON: return ExperimentSuiteProxy(root_dir, log_level, xml, repetitions = repetitions, duration = duration, wait_guids = wait_guids, communication = communication, host = host, port = port, user = user, ident_key = key, agent = agent, sudo = sudo, environment_setup = environment_setup, clean_root = clean_root) raise RuntimeError("Unsupported access configuration '%s'" % mode) def create_experiment_controller(xml, access_config = None): mode = None launch = True log_level = DC.ERROR_LEVEL if access_config: (mode, launch, root_dir, log_level, communication, user, host, port, key, agent, sudo, environment_setup, clean_root) \ = get_access_config_params(access_config) os.environ["NEPI_CONTROLLER_LOGLEVEL"] = log_level if not mode or mode == DC.MODE_SINGLE_PROCESS: from nepi.core.execute import ExperimentController if not access_config or not access_config.has_attribute(DC.ROOT_DIRECTORY): root_dir = TempDir() else: root_dir = PermDir(access_config.get_attribute_value(DC.ROOT_DIRECTORY)) controller = ExperimentController(xml, root_dir.path) # inject reference to temporary dir, so that it gets cleaned # up at destruction time. controller._tempdir = root_dir if not launch: # try to recover controller.recover() return controller elif mode == DC.MODE_DAEMON: try: return ExperimentControllerProxy(root_dir, log_level, experiment_xml = xml, communication = communication, host = host, port = port, user = user, ident_key = key, agent = agent, sudo = sudo, launch = launch, environment_setup = environment_setup, clean_root = clean_root) except: if not launch: # Maybe controller died, recover from persisted testbed information if possible controller = ExperimentControllerProxy(root_dir, log_level, experiment_xml = xml, communication = communication, host = host, port = port, user = user, ident_key = key, agent = agent, sudo = sudo, launch = True, environment_setup = environment_setup, clean_root = clean_root) controller.recover() return controller else: raise raise RuntimeError("Unsupported access configuration '%s'" % mode) def create_testbed_controller(testbed_id, testbed_version, access_config): mode = None launch = True log_level = DC.ERROR_LEVEL if access_config: (mode, launch, root_dir, log_level, communication, user, host, port, key, agent, sudo, environment_setup, clean_root) \ = get_access_config_params(access_config) os.environ["NEPI_CONTROLLER_LOGLEVEL"] = log_level if not mode or mode == DC.MODE_SINGLE_PROCESS: if not launch: raise ValueError, "Unsupported instantiation mode: %s with launch=False" % (mode,) return _build_testbed_controller(testbed_id, testbed_version) elif mode == DC.MODE_DAEMON: return TestbedControllerProxy(root_dir, log_level, testbed_id = testbed_id, testbed_version = testbed_version, communication = communication, host = host, port = port, ident_key = key, user = user, agent = agent, sudo = sudo, launch = launch, environment_setup = environment_setup, clean_root = clean_root) raise RuntimeError("Unsupported access configuration '%s'" % mode) def _build_testbed_controller(testbed_id, testbed_version): mod_name = nepi.util.environ.find_testbed(testbed_id) if not mod_name in sys.modules: try: __import__(mod_name) except ImportError: raise ImportError, "Cannot find module %s in %r" % (mod_name, sys.path) module = sys.modules[mod_name] tc = module.TestbedController() if tc.testbed_version != testbed_version: raise RuntimeError("Bad testbed version on testbed %s. Asked for %s, got %s" % \ (testbed_id, testbed_version, tc.testbed_version)) return tc # Just a namespace class class Marshalling: class Decoders: @staticmethod def pickled_data(sdata): return cPickle.loads(base64.b64decode(sdata)) @staticmethod def base64_data(sdata): return base64.b64decode(sdata) @staticmethod def nullint(sdata): return None if sdata == "None" else int(sdata) @staticmethod def bool(sdata): return sdata == 'True' class Encoders: @staticmethod def pickled_data(data): return base64.b64encode(cPickle.dumps(data)) @staticmethod def base64_data(data): if not data: return "" return base64.b64encode(data) @staticmethod def nullint(data): return "None" if data is None else int(data) @staticmethod def bool(data): return str(bool(data)) # import into Marshalling all the decoders # they act as types locals().update([ (typname, typ) for typname, typ in vars(Decoders).iteritems() if not typname.startswith('_') ]) _TYPE_ENCODERS = dict([ # id(type) -> (, ) (typname, (getattr(Encoders,typname),"%s")) for typname in vars(Decoders) if not typname.startswith('_') and hasattr(Encoders,typname) ]) # Builtins _TYPE_ENCODERS["float"] = (float, "%r") _TYPE_ENCODERS["int"] = (int, "%d") _TYPE_ENCODERS["long"] = (int, "%d") _TYPE_ENCODERS["str"] = (str, "%s") _TYPE_ENCODERS["unicode"] = (str, "%s") # Generic encoder _TYPE_ENCODERS[None] = (str, "%s") @staticmethod def args(*types): """ Decorator that converts the given function into one that takes a single "params" list, with each parameter marshalled according to the given factory callable (type constructors are accepted). The first argument (self) is left untouched. eg: @Marshalling.args(int,int,str,base64_data) def somefunc(self, someint, otherint, somestr, someb64): return someretval """ def decor(f): @functools.wraps(f) def rv(self, params): return f(self, *[ ctor(val) for ctor,val in zip(types, params[1:]) ]) rv._argtypes = types # Derive type encoders by looking up types in _TYPE_ENCODERS # make_proxy will use it to encode arguments in command strings argencoders = [] TYPE_ENCODERS = Marshalling._TYPE_ENCODERS for typ in types: if typ.__name__ in TYPE_ENCODERS: argencoders.append(TYPE_ENCODERS[typ.__name__]) else: # generic encoder argencoders.append(TYPE_ENCODERS[None]) rv._argencoders = tuple(argencoders) rv._retval = getattr(f, '_retval', None) return rv return decor @staticmethod def retval(typ=Decoders.base64_data): """ Decorator that converts the given function into one that returns a properly encoded return string, given that the undecorated function returns suitable input for the encoding function. The optional typ argument specifies a type. For the default of base64_data, return values should be strings. The return value of the encoding method should be a string always. eg: @Marshalling.args(int,int,str,base64_data) @Marshalling.retval(str) def somefunc(self, someint, otherint, somestr, someb64): return someint """ encode, fmt = Marshalling._TYPE_ENCODERS.get( typ.__name__, Marshalling._TYPE_ENCODERS[None]) fmt = "%d|"+fmt def decor(f): @functools.wraps(f) def rv(self, *p, **kw): data = f(self, *p, **kw) return fmt % ( OK, encode(data) ) rv._retval = typ rv._argtypes = getattr(f, '_argtypes', None) rv._argencoders = getattr(f, '_argencoders', None) return rv return decor @staticmethod def retvoid(f): """ Decorator that converts the given function into one that always return an encoded empty string. Useful for null-returning functions. """ OKRV = "%d|" % (OK,) @functools.wraps(f) def rv(self, *p, **kw): f(self, *p, **kw) return OKRV rv._retval = None rv._argtypes = getattr(f, '_argtypes', None) rv._argencoders = getattr(f, '_argencoders', None) return rv @staticmethod def handles(whichcommand): """ Associates the method with a given command code for servers. It should always be the topmost decorator. """ def decor(f): f._handles_command = whichcommand return f return decor class BaseServer(server.Server): def reply_action(self, msg): if not msg: result = base64.b64encode("Invalid command line") reply = "%d|%s" % (ERROR, result) else: params = msg.split("|") instruction = int(params[0]) log_msg(self, params) try: for mname,meth in vars(self.__class__).iteritems(): if not mname.startswith('_'): cmd = getattr(meth, '_handles_command', None) if cmd == instruction: meth = getattr(self, mname) reply = meth(params) break else: error = "Invalid instruction %s" % instruction self.log_error(error) result = base64.b64encode(error) reply = "%d|%s" % (ERROR, result) except: error = self.log_error() result = base64.b64encode(error) reply = "%d|%s" % (ERROR, result) log_reply(self, reply) return reply class ExperimentSuiteServer(BaseServer): def __init__(self, root_dir, log_level, xml, repetitions, duration, wait_guids, communication = DC.ACCESS_LOCAL, host = None, port = None, user = None, ident_key = None, agent = None, sudo = False, environment_setup = "", clean_root = False): super(ExperimentSuiteServer, self).__init__(root_dir, log_level, environment_setup = environment_setup, clean_root = clean_root) access_config = AccessConfiguration() access_config.set_attribute_value(DC.ROOT_DIRECTORY, root_dir) access_config.set_attribute_value(DC.LOG_LEVEL, log_level) access_config.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP, environment_setup) if user: access_config.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_USER, user) if host: access_config.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_HOST, host) if port: access_config.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_PORT, port) if agent: access_config.set_attribute_value(DC.USE_AGENT, agent) if sudo: acess_config.set_attribute_value(DC.USE_SUDO, sudo) if ident_key: access_config.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_KEY, ident_key) if communication: access_config.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_COMMUNICATION, communication) if clean_root: access_config.set_attribute_value(DC.CLEAN_ROOT, clean_root) self._experiment_xml = xml self._duration = duration self._repetitions = repetitions self._wait_guids = wait_guids self._access_config = access_config self._experiment_suite = None def post_daemonize(self): from nepi.core.execute import ExperimentSuite self._experiment_suite = ExperimentSuite( self._experiment_xml, self._access_config, self._repetitions, self._duration, self._wait_guids) @Marshalling.handles(CURRENT) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval(int) def current(self): return self._experiment_suite.current() @Marshalling.handles(STATUS) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval(int) def status(self): return self._experiment_suite.status() @Marshalling.handles(FINISHED) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval(Marshalling.bool) def is_finished(self): return self._experiment_suite.is_finished() @Marshalling.handles(ACCESS_CONFIGURATIONS) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval( Marshalling.pickled_data ) def get_access_configurations(self): return self._experiment_suite.get_access_configurations() @Marshalling.handles(START) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def start(self): self._experiment_suite.start() @Marshalling.handles(SHUTDOWN) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def shutdown(self): self._experiment_suite.shutdown() @Marshalling.handles(CURRENT_ACCESS_CONFIG) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval( Marshalling.pickled_data ) def get_current_access_config(self): return self._experiment_suite.get_current_access_config() class TestbedControllerServer(BaseServer): def __init__(self, root_dir, log_level, testbed_id, testbed_version, environment_setup, clean_root): super(TestbedControllerServer, self).__init__(root_dir, log_level, environment_setup = environment_setup, clean_root = clean_root) self._testbed_id = testbed_id self._testbed_version = testbed_version self._testbed = None def post_daemonize(self): self._testbed = _build_testbed_controller(self._testbed_id, self._testbed_version) @Marshalling.handles(GUIDS) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval( Marshalling.pickled_data ) def guids(self): return self._testbed.guids @Marshalling.handles(TESTBED_ID) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval() def testbed_id(self): return str(self._testbed.testbed_id) @Marshalling.handles(TESTBED_VERSION) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval() def testbed_version(self): return str(self._testbed.testbed_version) @Marshalling.handles(CREATE) @Marshalling.args(int, str) @Marshalling.retvoid def defer_create(self, guid, factory_id): self._testbed.defer_create(guid, factory_id) @Marshalling.handles(TRACE) @Marshalling.args(int, str, Marshalling.base64_data) @Marshalling.retval() def trace(self, guid, trace_id, attribute): return self._testbed.trace(guid, trace_id, attribute) @Marshalling.handles(TRACES_INFO) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval( Marshalling.pickled_data ) def traces_info(self): return self._testbed.traces_info() @Marshalling.handles(START) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def start(self): self._testbed.start() @Marshalling.handles(STOP) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def stop(self): self._testbed.stop() @Marshalling.handles(SHUTDOWN) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def shutdown(self): self._testbed.shutdown() @Marshalling.handles(CONFIGURE) @Marshalling.args(Marshalling.base64_data, Marshalling.pickled_data) @Marshalling.retvoid def defer_configure(self, name, value): self._testbed.defer_configure(name, value) @Marshalling.handles(CREATE_SET) @Marshalling.args(int, Marshalling.base64_data, Marshalling.pickled_data) @Marshalling.retvoid def defer_create_set(self, guid, name, value): self._testbed.defer_create_set(guid, name, value) @Marshalling.handles(FACTORY_SET) @Marshalling.args(Marshalling.base64_data, Marshalling.pickled_data) @Marshalling.retvoid def defer_factory_set(self, name, value): self._testbed.defer_factory_set(name, value) @Marshalling.handles(CONNECT) @Marshalling.args(int, str, int, str) @Marshalling.retvoid def defer_connect(self, guid1, connector_type_name1, guid2, connector_type_name2): self._testbed.defer_connect(guid1, connector_type_name1, guid2, connector_type_name2) @Marshalling.handles(CROSS_CONNECT) @Marshalling.args(int, str, int, int, str, str, str) @Marshalling.retvoid def defer_cross_connect(self, guid, connector_type_name, cross_guid, cross_testbed_guid, cross_testbed_id, cross_factory_id, cross_connector_type_name): self._testbed.defer_cross_connect(guid, connector_type_name, cross_guid, cross_testbed_guid, cross_testbed_id, cross_factory_id, cross_connector_type_name) @Marshalling.handles(ADD_TRACE) @Marshalling.args(int, str) @Marshalling.retvoid def defer_add_trace(self, guid, trace_id): self._testbed.defer_add_trace(guid, trace_id) @Marshalling.handles(ADD_ADDRESS) @Marshalling.args(int, str, int, Marshalling.pickled_data) @Marshalling.retvoid def defer_add_address(self, guid, address, netprefix, broadcast): self._testbed.defer_add_address(guid, address, netprefix, broadcast) @Marshalling.handles(ADD_ROUTE) @Marshalling.args(int, str, int, str, int) @Marshalling.retvoid def defer_add_route(self, guid, destination, netprefix, nexthop, metric, device): self._testbed.defer_add_route(guid, destination, netprefix, nexthop, metric, device) @Marshalling.handles(DO_SETUP) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def do_setup(self): self._testbed.do_setup() @Marshalling.handles(DO_CREATE) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def do_create(self): self._testbed.do_create() @Marshalling.handles(DO_CONNECT_INIT) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def do_connect_init(self): self._testbed.do_connect_init() @Marshalling.handles(DO_CONNECT_COMPL) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def do_connect_compl(self): self._testbed.do_connect_compl() @Marshalling.handles(DO_CONFIGURE) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def do_configure(self): self._testbed.do_configure() @Marshalling.handles(DO_PRECONFIGURE) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def do_preconfigure(self): self._testbed.do_preconfigure() @Marshalling.handles(DO_PRESTART) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def do_prestart(self): self._testbed.do_prestart() @Marshalling.handles(DO_CROSS_CONNECT_INIT) @Marshalling.args( Marshalling.Decoders.pickled_data ) @Marshalling.retvoid def do_cross_connect_init(self, cross_data): self._testbed.do_cross_connect_init(cross_data) @Marshalling.handles(DO_CROSS_CONNECT_COMPL) @Marshalling.args( Marshalling.Decoders.pickled_data ) @Marshalling.retvoid def do_cross_connect_compl(self, cross_data): self._testbed.do_cross_connect_compl(cross_data) @Marshalling.handles(GET) @Marshalling.args(int, Marshalling.base64_data, str) @Marshalling.retval( Marshalling.pickled_data ) def get(self, guid, name, time): return self._testbed.get(guid, name, time) @Marshalling.handles(SET) @Marshalling.args(int, Marshalling.base64_data, Marshalling.pickled_data, str) @Marshalling.retvoid def set(self, guid, name, value, time): self._testbed.set(guid, name, value, time) @Marshalling.handles(GET_ADDRESS) @Marshalling.args(int, int, Marshalling.base64_data) @Marshalling.retval() def get_address(self, guid, index, attribute): return str(self._testbed.get_address(guid, index, attribute)) @Marshalling.handles(GET_ROUTE) @Marshalling.args(int, int, Marshalling.base64_data) @Marshalling.retval() def get_route(self, guid, index, attribute): return str(self._testbed.get_route(guid, index, attribute)) @Marshalling.handles(ACTION) @Marshalling.args(str, int, Marshalling.base64_data) @Marshalling.retvoid def action(self, time, guid, command): self._testbed.action(time, guid, command) @Marshalling.handles(STATUS) @Marshalling.args(Marshalling.nullint) @Marshalling.retval(int) def status(self, guid): return self._testbed.status(guid) @Marshalling.handles(TESTBED_STATUS) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval(int) def testbed_status(self): return self._testbed.testbed_status() @Marshalling.handles(GET_ATTRIBUTE_LIST) @Marshalling.args(int, Marshalling.nullint, Marshalling.bool) @Marshalling.retval( Marshalling.pickled_data ) def get_attribute_list(self, guid, filter_flags = None, exclude = False): return self._testbed.get_attribute_list(guid, filter_flags, exclude) @Marshalling.handles(GET_FACTORY_ID) @Marshalling.args(int) @Marshalling.retval() def get_factory_id(self, guid): return self._testbed.get_factory_id(guid) @Marshalling.handles(RECOVER) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def recover(self): self._testbed.recover() class ExperimentControllerServer(BaseServer): def __init__(self, root_dir, log_level, experiment_xml, environment_setup, clean_root): super(ExperimentControllerServer, self).__init__(root_dir, log_level, environment_setup = environment_setup, clean_root = clean_root) self._experiment_xml = experiment_xml self._experiment = None def post_daemonize(self): from nepi.core.execute import ExperimentController self._experiment = ExperimentController(self._experiment_xml, root_dir = self._root_dir) @Marshalling.handles(GUIDS) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval( Marshalling.pickled_data ) def guids(self): return self._experiment.guids @Marshalling.handles(STARTED_TIME) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval( Marshalling.pickled_data ) def started_time(self): return self._experiment.started_time @Marshalling.handles(STOPPED_TIME) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval( Marshalling.pickled_data ) def stopped_time(self): return self._experiment.stopped_time @Marshalling.handles(XML) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval() def experiment_design_xml(self): return self._experiment.experiment_design_xml @Marshalling.handles(EXEC_XML) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval() def experiment_execute_xml(self): return self._experiment.experiment_execute_xml @Marshalling.handles(TRACE) @Marshalling.args(int, str, Marshalling.base64_data) @Marshalling.retval() def trace(self, guid, trace_id, attribute): return str(self._experiment.trace(guid, trace_id, attribute)) @Marshalling.handles(TRACES_INFO) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retval( Marshalling.pickled_data ) def traces_info(self): return self._experiment.traces_info() @Marshalling.handles(FINISHED) @Marshalling.args(int) @Marshalling.retval(Marshalling.bool) def is_finished(self, guid): return self._experiment.is_finished(guid) @Marshalling.handles(STATUS) @Marshalling.args(int) @Marshalling.retval(int) def status(self, guid): return self._experiment.status(guid) @Marshalling.handles(GET) @Marshalling.args(int, Marshalling.base64_data, str) @Marshalling.retval( Marshalling.pickled_data ) def get(self, guid, name, time): return self._experiment.get(guid, name, time) @Marshalling.handles(SET) @Marshalling.args(int, Marshalling.base64_data, Marshalling.pickled_data, str) @Marshalling.retvoid def set(self, guid, name, value, time): self._experiment.set(guid, name, value, time) @Marshalling.handles(START) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def start(self): self._experiment.start() @Marshalling.handles(STOP) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def stop(self): self._experiment.stop() @Marshalling.handles(RECOVER) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def recover(self): self._experiment.recover() @Marshalling.handles(SHUTDOWN) @Marshalling.args() @Marshalling.retvoid def shutdown(self): self._experiment.shutdown() @Marshalling.handles(GET_TESTBED_ID) @Marshalling.args(int) @Marshalling.retval() def get_testbed_id(self, guid): return self._experiment.get_testbed_id(guid) @Marshalling.handles(GET_FACTORY_ID) @Marshalling.args(int) @Marshalling.retval() def get_factory_id(self, guid): return self._experiment.get_factory_id(guid) @Marshalling.handles(GET_TESTBED_VERSION) @Marshalling.args(int) @Marshalling.retval() def get_testbed_version(self, guid): return self._experiment.get_testbed_version(guid) class BaseProxy(object): _ServerClass = None _ServerClassModule = "nepi.util.proxy" def __init__(self, ctor_args, root_dir, launch = True, communication = DC.ACCESS_LOCAL, host = None, port = None, user = None, ident_key = None, agent = None, sudo = False, environment_setup = "", clean_root = False): if launch: python_code = ( "from %(classmodule)s import %(classname)s;" "s = %(classname)s%(ctor_args)r;" "s.run()" % dict( classname = self._ServerClass.__name__, classmodule = self._ServerClassModule, ctor_args = ctor_args ) ) proc = server.popen_python(python_code, communication = communication, host = host, port = port, user = user, agent = agent, ident_key = ident_key, sudo = sudo, environment_setup = environment_setup) # Wait for the server to be ready, otherwise nobody # will be able to connect to it err = [] helo = "nope" while helo: helo = proc.stderr.readline() if helo == 'SERVER_READY.\n': break err.append(helo) else: raise AssertionError, "Expected 'SERVER_READY.', got: %s" % (''.join(err),) # connect client to server self._client = server.Client(root_dir, communication = communication, host = host, port = port, user = user, agent = agent, sudo = sudo, environment_setup = environment_setup) @staticmethod def _make_message(argtypes, argencoders, command, methname, classname, *args): if len(argtypes) != len(argencoders): raise ValueError, "Invalid arguments for _make_message: "\ "in stub method %s of class %s "\ "argtypes and argencoders must match in size" % ( methname, classname ) if len(argtypes) != len(args): raise ValueError, "Invalid arguments for _make_message: "\ "in stub method %s of class %s "\ "expected %d arguments, got %d" % ( methname, classname, len(argtypes), len(args)) buf = [] for argnum, (typ, (encode, fmt), val) in enumerate(zip(argtypes, argencoders, args)): try: buf.append(fmt % encode(val)) except: import traceback raise TypeError, "Argument %d of stub method %s of class %s "\ "requires a value of type %s, but got %s - nested error: %s" % ( argnum, methname, classname, getattr(typ, '__name__', typ), type(val), traceback.format_exc() ) return "%d|%s" % (command, '|'.join(buf)) @staticmethod def _parse_reply(rvtype, methname, classname, reply): if not reply: raise RuntimeError, "Invalid reply: %r "\ "for stub method %s of class %s" % ( reply, methname, classname) try: result = reply.split("|") code = int(result[0]) text = result[1] except: import traceback raise TypeError, "Return value of stub method %s of class %s "\ "cannot be parsed: must be of type %s, got %r - nested error: %s" % ( methname, classname, getattr(rvtype, '__name__', rvtype), reply, traceback.format_exc() ) if code == ERROR: text = base64.b64decode(text) raise RuntimeError(text) elif code == OK: try: if rvtype is None: return else: return rvtype(text) except: import traceback raise TypeError, "Return value of stub method %s of class %s "\ "cannot be parsed: must be of type %s - nested error: %s" % ( methname, classname, getattr(rvtype, '__name__', rvtype), traceback.format_exc() ) else: raise RuntimeError, "Invalid reply: %r "\ "for stub method %s of class %s - unknown code" % ( reply, methname, classname) @staticmethod def _make_stubs(server_class, template_class): """ Returns a dictionary method_name -> method with stub methods. Usage: class SomeProxy(BaseProxy): ... locals().update( BaseProxy._make_stubs( ServerClass, TemplateClass ) ) ServerClass is the corresponding Server class, as specified in the _ServerClass class method (_make_stubs is static and can't access the method), and TemplateClass is the ultimate implementation class behind the server, from which argument names and defaults are taken, to maintain meaningful interfaces. """ rv = {} class NONE: pass import os.path func_template_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'proxy_stub.tpl') func_template_file = open(func_template_path, "r") func_template = func_template_file.read() func_template_file.close() for methname in vars(template_class).copy(): if methname.endswith('_deferred'): # cannot wrap deferreds... continue dmethname = methname+'_deferred' if hasattr(server_class, methname) and not methname.startswith('_'): template_meth = getattr(template_class, methname) server_meth = getattr(server_class, methname) command = getattr(server_meth, '_handles_command', None) argtypes = getattr(server_meth, '_argtypes', None) argencoders = getattr(server_meth, '_argencoders', None) rvtype = getattr(server_meth, '_retval', None) doprop = False if hasattr(template_meth, 'fget'): # property getter template_meth = template_meth.fget doprop = True if command is not None and argtypes is not None and argencoders is not None: # We have an interface method... code = template_meth.func_code argnames = code.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount] argdefaults = ( (NONE,) * (len(argnames) - len(template_meth.func_defaults or ())) + (template_meth.func_defaults or ()) ) func_globals = dict( BaseProxy = BaseProxy, argtypes = argtypes, argencoders = argencoders, rvtype = rvtype, functools = functools, ) context = dict() func_text = func_template % dict( self = argnames[0], args = '%s' % (','.join(argnames[1:])), argdefs = ','.join([ argname if argdef is NONE else "%s=%r" % (argname, argdef) for argname, argdef in zip(argnames[1:], argdefaults[1:]) ]), command = command, methname = methname, classname = server_class.__name__ ) func_text = compile( func_text, func_template_path, 'exec') exec func_text in func_globals, context if doprop: rv[methname] = property(context[methname]) rv[dmethname] = property(context[dmethname]) else: rv[methname] = context[methname] rv[dmethname] = context[dmethname] # inject _deferred into core classes if hasattr(template_class, methname) and not hasattr(template_class, dmethname): def freezename(methname, dmethname): def dmeth(self, *p, **kw): return getattr(self, methname)(*p, **kw) dmeth.__name__ = dmethname return dmeth dmeth = freezename(methname, dmethname) setattr(template_class, dmethname, dmeth) return rv class ExperimentSuiteProxy(BaseProxy): _ServerClass = ExperimentSuiteServer def __init__(self, root_dir, log_level, xml, repetitions, duration, wait_guids, communication = DC.ACCESS_LOCAL, host = None, port = None, user = None, ident_key = None, agent = None, sudo = False, environment_setup = "", clean_root = False): super(ExperimentSuiteProxy,self).__init__( ctor_args = (root_dir, log_level, xml, repetitions, duration, wait_guids, communication, host, port, user, ident_key, agent, sudo, environment_setup, clean_root), root_dir = root_dir, launch = True, #launch communication = communication, host = host, port = port, user = user, ident_key = ident_key, agent = agent, sudo = sudo, environment_setup = environment_setup) locals().update( BaseProxy._make_stubs( server_class = ExperimentSuiteServer, template_class = nepi.core.execute.ExperimentSuite, ) ) # Shutdown stops the serverside... def shutdown(self, _stub = shutdown): rv = _stub(self) self._client.send_stop() self._client.read_reply() # wait for it return rv class TestbedControllerProxy(BaseProxy): _ServerClass = TestbedControllerServer def __init__(self, root_dir, log_level, testbed_id = None, testbed_version = None, launch = True, communication = DC.ACCESS_LOCAL, host = None, port = None, user = None, ident_key = None, agent = None, sudo = False, environment_setup = "", clean_root = False): if launch and (testbed_id == None or testbed_version == None): raise RuntimeError("To launch a TesbedControllerServer a " "testbed_id and testbed_version are required") super(TestbedControllerProxy,self).__init__( ctor_args = (root_dir, log_level, testbed_id, testbed_version, environment_setup, clean_root), root_dir = root_dir, launch = launch, communication = communication, host = host, port = port, user = user, ident_key = ident_key, agent = agent, sudo = sudo, environment_setup = environment_setup) locals().update( BaseProxy._make_stubs( server_class = TestbedControllerServer, template_class = nepi.core.execute.TestbedController, ) ) # Shutdown stops the serverside... def shutdown(self, _stub = shutdown): rv = _stub(self) self._client.send_stop() self._client.read_reply() # wait for it return rv class ExperimentControllerProxy(BaseProxy): _ServerClass = ExperimentControllerServer def __init__(self, root_dir, log_level, experiment_xml = None, launch = True, communication = DC.ACCESS_LOCAL, host = None, port = None, user = None, ident_key = None, agent = None, sudo = False, environment_setup = "", clean_root = False): super(ExperimentControllerProxy,self).__init__( ctor_args = (root_dir, log_level, experiment_xml, environment_setup, clean_root), root_dir = root_dir, launch = launch, communication = communication, host = host, port = port, user = user, ident_key = ident_key, agent = agent, sudo = sudo, environment_setup = environment_setup, clean_root = clean_root) locals().update( BaseProxy._make_stubs( server_class = ExperimentControllerServer, template_class = nepi.core.execute.ExperimentController, ) ) # Shutdown stops the serverside... def shutdown(self, _stub = shutdown): rv = _stub(self) self._client.send_stop() self._client.read_reply() # wait for it return rv