# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from nepi.util.constants import DeploymentConfiguration as DC import base64 import errno import os import os.path import resource import select import shutil import signal import socket import sys import subprocess import threading import time import traceback import re import tempfile import defer import functools import collections import hashlib CTRL_SOCK = "ctrl.sock" CTRL_PID = "ctrl.pid" STD_ERR = "stderr.log" MAX_FD = 1024 STOP_MSG = "STOP" TRACE = os.environ.get("NEPI_TRACE", "false").lower() in ("true", "1", "on") OPENSSH_HAS_PERSIST = None if hasattr(os, "devnull"): DEV_NULL = os.devnull else: DEV_NULL = "/dev/null" SHELL_SAFE = re.compile('^[-a-zA-Z0-9_=+:.,/]*$') hostbyname_cache = dict() def openssh_has_persist(): global OPENSSH_HAS_PERSIST if OPENSSH_HAS_PERSIST is None: proc = subprocess.Popen(["ssh","-v"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, stdin = open("/dev/null","r") ) out,err = proc.communicate() proc.wait() vre = re.compile(r'OpenSSH_(?:[6-9]|5[.][8-9]|5[.][1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]).*', re.I) OPENSSH_HAS_PERSIST = bool(vre.match(out)) return OPENSSH_HAS_PERSIST def shell_escape(s): """ Escapes strings so that they are safe to use as command-line arguments """ if SHELL_SAFE.match(s): # safe string - no escaping needed return s else: # unsafe string - escape def escp(c): if (32 <= ord(c) < 127 or c in ('\r','\n','\t')) and c not in ("'",'"'): return c else: return "'$'\\x%02x''" % (ord(c),) s = ''.join(map(escp,s)) return "'%s'" % (s,) def eintr_retry(func): import functools @functools.wraps(func) def rv(*p, **kw): retry = kw.pop("_retry", False) for i in xrange(0 if retry else 4): try: return func(*p, **kw) except (select.error, socket.error), args: if args[0] == errno.EINTR: continue else: raise except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.EINTR: continue else: raise else: return func(*p, **kw) return rv class Server(object): def __init__(self, root_dir = ".", log_level = DC.ERROR_LEVEL, environment_setup = "", clean_root = False): self._root_dir = root_dir self._clean_root = clean_root self._stop = False self._ctrl_sock = None self._log_level = log_level self._rdbuf = "" self._environment_setup = environment_setup def run(self): try: if self.daemonize(): self.post_daemonize() self.loop() self.cleanup() # ref: "os._exit(0)" # can not return normally after fork beacuse no exec was done. # This means that if we don't do a os._exit(0) here the code that # follows the call to "Server.run()" in the "caller code" will be # executed... but by now it has already been executed after the # first process (the one that did the first fork) returned. os._exit(0) except: print >>sys.stderr, "SERVER_ERROR." self.log_error() self.cleanup() os._exit(0) print >>sys.stderr, "SERVER_READY." def daemonize(self): # pipes for process synchronization (r, w) = os.pipe() # build root folder root = os.path.normpath(self._root_dir) if self._root_dir not in [".", ""] and os.path.exists(root) \ and self._clean_root: shutil.rmtree(root) if not os.path.exists(root): os.makedirs(root, 0755) pid1 = os.fork() if pid1 > 0: os.close(w) while True: try: os.read(r, 1) except OSError, e: # pragma: no cover if e.errno == errno.EINTR: continue else: raise break os.close(r) # os.waitpid avoids leaving a (zombie) process st = os.waitpid(pid1, 0)[1] if st: raise RuntimeError("Daemonization failed") # return 0 to inform the caller method that this is not the # daemonized process return 0 os.close(r) # Decouple from parent environment. os.chdir(self._root_dir) os.umask(0) os.setsid() # fork 2 pid2 = os.fork() if pid2 > 0: # see ref: "os._exit(0)" os._exit(0) # close all open file descriptors. max_fd = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1] if (max_fd == resource.RLIM_INFINITY): max_fd = MAX_FD for fd in range(3, max_fd): if fd != w: try: os.close(fd) except OSError: pass # Redirect standard file descriptors. stdin = open(DEV_NULL, "r") stderr = stdout = open(STD_ERR, "a", 0) os.dup2(stdin.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) # NOTE: sys.stdout.write will still be buffered, even if the file # was opened with 0 buffer os.dup2(stdout.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(stderr.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) # setup environment if self._environment_setup: # parse environment variables and pass to child process # do it by executing shell commands, in case there's some heavy setup involved envproc = subprocess.Popen( [ "bash", "-c", "( %s python -c 'import os,sys ; print \"\\x01\".join(\"\\x02\".join(map(str,x)) for x in os.environ.iteritems())' ) | tail -1" % ( self._environment_setup, ) ], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE ) out,err = envproc.communicate() # parse new environment if out: environment = dict(map(lambda x:x.split("\x02"), out.split("\x01"))) # apply to current environment for name, value in environment.iteritems(): os.environ[name] = value # apply pythonpath if 'PYTHONPATH' in environment: sys.path = environment['PYTHONPATH'].split(':') + sys.path # create control socket self._ctrl_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: self._ctrl_sock.bind(CTRL_SOCK) except socket.error: # Address in use, check pidfile pid = None try: pidfile = open(CTRL_PID, "r") pid = pidfile.read() pidfile.close() pid = int(pid) except: # no pidfile pass if pid is not None: # Check process liveliness if not os.path.exists("/proc/%d" % (pid,)): # Ok, it's dead, clean the socket os.remove(CTRL_SOCK) # try again self._ctrl_sock.bind(CTRL_SOCK) self._ctrl_sock.listen(0) # Save pidfile pidfile = open(CTRL_PID, "w") pidfile.write(str(os.getpid())) pidfile.close() # let the parent process know that the daemonization is finished os.write(w, "\n") os.close(w) return 1 def post_daemonize(self): os.environ["NEPI_CONTROLLER_LOGLEVEL"] = self._log_level # QT, for some strange reason, redefines the SIGCHILD handler to write # a \0 to a fd (lets say fileno 'x'), when ever a SIGCHILD is received. # Server dameonization closes all file descriptors from fileno '3', # but the overloaded handler (inherited by the forked process) will # keep trying to write the \0 to fileno 'x', which might have been reused # after closing, for other operations. This is bad bad bad when fileno 'x' # is in use for communication pouroses, because unexpected \0 start # appearing in the communication messages... this is exactly what happens # when using netns in daemonized form. Thus, be have no other alternative than # restoring the SIGCHLD handler to the default here. import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL) def loop(self): while not self._stop: conn, addr = self._ctrl_sock.accept() self.log_error("ACCEPTED CONNECTION: %s" % (addr,)) conn.settimeout(5) while not self._stop: try: msg = self.recv_msg(conn) except socket.timeout, e: #self.log_error("SERVER recv_msg: connection timedout ") continue if not msg: self.log_error("CONNECTION LOST") break if msg == STOP_MSG: self._stop = True reply = self.stop_action() else: reply = self.reply_action(msg) try: self.send_reply(conn, reply) except socket.error: self.log_error() self.log_error("NOTICE: Awaiting for reconnection") break try: conn.close() except: # Doesn't matter self.log_error() def recv_msg(self, conn): data = [self._rdbuf] chunk = data[0] while '\n' not in chunk: try: chunk = conn.recv(1024) except (OSError, socket.error), e: if e[0] != errno.EINTR: raise else: continue if chunk: data.append(chunk) else: # empty chunk = EOF break data = ''.join(data).split('\n',1) while len(data) < 2: data.append('') data, self._rdbuf = data decoded = base64.b64decode(data) return decoded.rstrip() def send_reply(self, conn, reply): encoded = base64.b64encode(reply) conn.send("%s\n" % encoded) def cleanup(self): try: self._ctrl_sock.close() os.remove(CTRL_SOCK) except: self.log_error() def stop_action(self): return "Stopping server" def reply_action(self, msg): return "Reply to: %s" % msg def log_error(self, text = None, context = ''): if text == None: text = traceback.format_exc() date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if context: context = " (%s)" % (context,) sys.stderr.write("ERROR%s: %s\n%s\n" % (context, date, text)) return text def log_debug(self, text): if self._log_level == DC.DEBUG_LEVEL: date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") sys.stderr.write("DEBUG: %s\n%s\n" % (date, text)) class Forwarder(object): def __init__(self, root_dir = "."): self._ctrl_sock = None self._root_dir = root_dir self._stop = False self._rdbuf = "" def forward(self): self.connect() print >>sys.stderr, "FORWARDER_READY." while not self._stop: data = self.read_data() if not data: # Connection to client lost break self.send_to_server(data) data = self.recv_from_server() if not data: # Connection to server lost raise IOError, "Connection to server lost while "\ "expecting response" self.write_data(data) self.disconnect() def read_data(self): return sys.stdin.readline() def write_data(self, data): sys.stdout.write(data) # sys.stdout.write is buffered, this is why we need to do a flush() sys.stdout.flush() def send_to_server(self, data): try: self._ctrl_sock.send(data) except (IOError, socket.error), e: if e[0] == errno.EPIPE: self.connect() self._ctrl_sock.send(data) else: raise e encoded = data.rstrip() msg = base64.b64decode(encoded) if msg == STOP_MSG: self._stop = True def recv_from_server(self): data = [self._rdbuf] chunk = data[0] while '\n' not in chunk: try: chunk = self._ctrl_sock.recv(1024) except (OSError, socket.error), e: if e[0] != errno.EINTR: raise continue if chunk: data.append(chunk) else: # empty chunk = EOF break data = ''.join(data).split('\n',1) while len(data) < 2: data.append('') data, self._rdbuf = data return data+'\n' def connect(self): self.disconnect() self._ctrl_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock_addr = os.path.join(self._root_dir, CTRL_SOCK) self._ctrl_sock.connect(sock_addr) def disconnect(self): try: self._ctrl_sock.close() except: pass class Client(object): def __init__(self, root_dir = ".", host = None, port = None, user = None, agent = None, sudo = False, communication = DC.ACCESS_LOCAL, environment_setup = ""): self.root_dir = root_dir self.addr = (host, port) self.user = user self.agent = agent self.sudo = sudo self.communication = communication self.environment_setup = environment_setup self._stopped = False self._deferreds = collections.deque() self.connect() def __del__(self): if self._process.poll() is None: os.kill(self._process.pid, signal.SIGTERM) self._process.wait() def connect(self): root_dir = self.root_dir (host, port) = self.addr user = self.user agent = self.agent sudo = self.sudo communication = self.communication python_code = "from nepi.util import server;c=server.Forwarder(%r);\ c.forward()" % (root_dir,) self._process = popen_python(python_code, communication = communication, host = host, port = port, user = user, agent = agent, sudo = sudo, environment_setup = self.environment_setup) # Wait for the forwarder to be ready, otherwise nobody # will be able to connect to it err = [] helo = "nope" while helo: helo = self._process.stderr.readline() if helo == 'FORWARDER_READY.\n': break err.append(helo) else: raise AssertionError, "Expected 'FORWARDER_READY.', got: %s" % (''.join(err),) def send_msg(self, msg): encoded = base64.b64encode(msg) data = "%s\n" % encoded try: self._process.stdin.write(data) except (IOError, ValueError): # dead process, poll it to un-zombify self._process.poll() # try again after reconnect # If it fails again, though, give up self.connect() self._process.stdin.write(data) def send_stop(self): self.send_msg(STOP_MSG) self._stopped = True def defer_reply(self, transform=None): defer_entry = [] self._deferreds.append(defer_entry) return defer.Defer( functools.partial(self.read_reply, defer_entry, transform) ) def _read_reply(self): data = self._process.stdout.readline() encoded = data.rstrip() if not encoded: # empty == eof == dead process, poll it to un-zombify self._process.poll() raise RuntimeError, "Forwarder died while awaiting reply: %s" % (self._process.stderr.read(),) return base64.b64decode(encoded) def read_reply(self, which=None, transform=None): # Test to see if someone did it already if which is not None and len(which): # Ok, they did it... # ...just return the deferred value if transform: return transform(which[0]) else: return which[0] # Process all deferreds until the one we're looking for # or until the queue is empty while self._deferreds: try: deferred = self._deferreds.popleft() except IndexError: # emptied break deferred.append(self._read_reply()) if deferred is which: # We reached the one we were looking for if transform: return transform(deferred[0]) else: return deferred[0] if which is None: # They've requested a synchronous read if transform: return transform(self._read_reply()) else: return self._read_reply() def _make_server_key_args(server_key, host, port, args): """ Returns a reference to the created temporary file, and adds the corresponding arguments to the given argument list. Make sure to hold onto it until the process is done with the file """ if port is not None: host = '%s:%s' % (host,port) # Create a temporary server key file tmp_known_hosts = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() hostbyname = hostbyname_cache.get(host) if not hostbyname: hostbyname = socket.gethostbyname(host) hostbyname_cache[host] = hostbyname # Add the intended host key tmp_known_hosts.write('%s,%s %s\n' % (host, hostbyname, server_key)) # If we're not in strict mode, add user-configured keys if os.environ.get('NEPI_STRICT_AUTH_MODE',"").lower() not in ('1','true','on'): user_hosts_path = '%s/.ssh/known_hosts' % (os.environ.get('HOME',""),) if os.access(user_hosts_path, os.R_OK): f = open(user_hosts_path, "r") tmp_known_hosts.write(f.read()) f.close() tmp_known_hosts.flush() args.extend(['-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=%s' % (tmp_known_hosts.name,)]) return tmp_known_hosts def make_connkey(user, host, port): connkey = repr((user,host,port)).encode("base64").strip().replace('/','.') if len(connkey) > 60: connkey = hashlib.sha1(connkey).hexdigest() return connkey def popen_ssh_command(command, host, port, user, agent, stdin="", ident_key = None, server_key = None, tty = False, timeout = None, retry = 0, err_on_timeout = True, connect_timeout = 90, persistent = True, hostip = None): """ Executes a remote commands, returns ((stdout,stderr),process) """ if TRACE: print "ssh", host, command tmp_known_hosts = None connkey = make_connkey(user,host,port) args = ['ssh', '-C', # Don't bother with localhost. Makes test easier '-o', 'NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=%d' % (int(connect_timeout),), '-o', 'ConnectionAttempts=3', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', 'TCPKeepAlive=yes', '-l', user, hostip or host] if persistent and openssh_has_persist(): args.extend([ '-o', 'ControlMaster=auto', '-o', 'ControlPath=/tmp/nepi_ssh_pl_%s' % ( connkey, ), '-o', 'ControlPersist=60' ]) if agent: args.append('-A') if port: args.append('-p%d' % port) if ident_key: args.extend(('-i', ident_key)) if tty: args.append('-t') if server_key: # Create a temporary server key file tmp_known_hosts = _make_server_key_args( server_key, host, port, args) args.append(command) for x in xrange(retry or 3): # connects to the remote host and starts a remote connection proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) # attach tempfile object to the process, to make sure the file stays # alive until the process is finished with it proc._known_hosts = tmp_known_hosts try: out, err = _communicate(proc, stdin, timeout, err_on_timeout) if proc.poll(): if err.strip().startswith('ssh: ') or err.strip().startswith('mux_client_hello_exchange: '): # SSH error, can safely retry continue elif retry: # Probably timed out or plain failed but can retry continue break except RuntimeError,e: if retry <= 0: raise if TRACE: print " timedout -> ", e.args retry -= 1 if TRACE: print " -> ", out, err return ((out, err), proc) def popen_scp(source, dest, port = None, agent = None, recursive = False, ident_key = None, server_key = None): """ Copies from/to remote sites. Source and destination should have the user and host encoded as per scp specs. If source is a file object, a special mode will be used to create the remote file with the same contents. If dest is a file object, the remote file (source) will be read and written into dest. In these modes, recursive cannot be True. Source can be a list of files to copy to a single destination, in which case it is advised that the destination be a folder. """ if TRACE: print "scp", source, dest if isinstance(source, file) and source.tell() == 0: source = source.name elif hasattr(source, 'read'): tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() while True: buf = source.read(65536) if buf: tmp.write(buf) else: break tmp.seek(0) source = tmp.name if isinstance(source, file) or isinstance(dest, file) \ or hasattr(source, 'read') or hasattr(dest, 'write'): assert not recursive # Parse source/destination as @: if isinstance(dest, basestring) and ':' in dest: remspec, path = dest.split(':',1) elif isinstance(source, basestring) and ':' in source: remspec, path = source.split(':',1) else: raise ValueError, "Both endpoints cannot be local" user,host = remspec.rsplit('@',1) tmp_known_hosts = None connkey = make_connkey(user,host,port) args = ['ssh', '-l', user, '-C', # Don't bother with localhost. Makes test easier '-o', 'NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=90', '-o', 'ConnectionAttempts=3', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', 'TCPKeepAlive=yes', host ] if openssh_has_persist(): args.extend([ '-o', 'ControlMaster=auto', '-o', 'ControlPath=/tmp/nepi_ssh_pl_%s' % ( connkey, ), '-o', 'ControlPersist=60' ]) if port: args.append('-P%d' % port) if ident_key: args.extend(('-i', ident_key)) if server_key: # Create a temporary server key file tmp_known_hosts = _make_server_key_args( server_key, host, port, args) if isinstance(source, file) or hasattr(source, 'read'): args.append('cat > %s' % (shell_escape(path),)) elif isinstance(dest, file) or hasattr(dest, 'write'): args.append('cat %s' % (shell_escape(path),)) else: raise AssertionError, "Unreachable code reached! :-Q" # connects to the remote host and starts a remote connection if isinstance(source, file): proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = open('/dev/null','w'), stderr = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = source) err = proc.stderr.read() proc._known_hosts = tmp_known_hosts eintr_retry(proc.wait)() return ((None,err), proc) elif isinstance(dest, file): proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = open('/dev/null','w'), stderr = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = source) err = proc.stderr.read() proc._known_hosts = tmp_known_hosts eintr_retry(proc.wait)() return ((None,err), proc) elif hasattr(source, 'read'): # file-like (but not file) source proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = open('/dev/null','w'), stderr = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE) buf = None err = [] while True: if not buf: buf = source.read(4096) if not buf: #EOF break rdrdy, wrdy, broken = select.select( [proc.stderr], [proc.stdin], [proc.stderr,proc.stdin]) if proc.stderr in rdrdy: # use os.read for fully unbuffered behavior err.append(os.read(proc.stderr.fileno(), 4096)) if proc.stdin in wrdy: proc.stdin.write(buf) buf = None if broken: break proc.stdin.close() err.append(proc.stderr.read()) proc._known_hosts = tmp_known_hosts eintr_retry(proc.wait)() return ((None,''.join(err)), proc) elif hasattr(dest, 'write'): # file-like (but not file) dest proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = open('/dev/null','w')) buf = None err = [] while True: rdrdy, wrdy, broken = select.select( [proc.stderr, proc.stdout], [], [proc.stderr, proc.stdout]) if proc.stderr in rdrdy: # use os.read for fully unbuffered behavior err.append(os.read(proc.stderr.fileno(), 4096)) if proc.stdout in rdrdy: # use os.read for fully unbuffered behavior buf = os.read(proc.stdout.fileno(), 4096) dest.write(buf) if not buf: #EOF break if broken: break err.append(proc.stderr.read()) proc._known_hosts = tmp_known_hosts eintr_retry(proc.wait)() return ((None,''.join(err)), proc) else: raise AssertionError, "Unreachable code reached! :-Q" else: # Parse destination as @: if isinstance(dest, basestring) and ':' in dest: remspec, path = dest.split(':',1) elif isinstance(source, basestring) and ':' in source: remspec, path = source.split(':',1) else: raise ValueError, "Both endpoints cannot be local" user,host = remspec.rsplit('@',1) # plain scp tmp_known_hosts = None args = ['scp', '-q', '-p', '-C', # Don't bother with localhost. Makes test easier '-o', 'NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=90', '-o', 'ConnectionAttempts=3', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', 'TCPKeepAlive=yes' ] if port: args.append('-P%d' % port) if recursive: args.append('-r') if ident_key: args.extend(('-i', ident_key)) if server_key: # Create a temporary server key file tmp_known_hosts = _make_server_key_args( server_key, host, port, args) if isinstance(source,list): args.extend(source) else: if openssh_has_persist(): connkey = make_connkey(user,host,port) args.extend([ '-o', 'ControlMaster=no', '-o', 'ControlPath=/tmp/nepi_ssh_pl_%s' % ( connkey, ) ]) args.append(source) args.append(dest) # connects to the remote host and starts a remote connection proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) proc._known_hosts = tmp_known_hosts comm = proc.communicate() eintr_retry(proc.wait)() return (comm, proc) def decode_and_execute(): # The python code we want to execute might have characters that # are not compatible with the 'inline' mode we are using. To avoid # problems we receive the encoded python code in base64 as a input # stream and decode it for execution. import base64, os cmd = "" while True: try: cmd += os.read(0, 1)# one byte from stdin except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.EINTR: continue else: raise if cmd[-1] == "\n": break cmd = base64.b64decode(cmd) # Uncomment for debug #os.write(2, "Executing python code: %s\n" % cmd) os.write(1, "OK\n") # send a sync message exec(cmd) def popen_python(python_code, communication = DC.ACCESS_LOCAL, host = None, port = None, user = None, agent = False, python_path = None, ident_key = None, server_key = None, tty = False, sudo = False, environment_setup = ""): cmd = "" if python_path: python_path.replace("'", r"'\''") cmd = """PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH":'%s' """ % python_path cmd += " ; " if environment_setup: cmd += environment_setup cmd += " ; " # Uncomment for debug (to run everything under strace) # We had to verify if strace works (cannot nest them) #cmd += "if strace echo >/dev/null 2>&1; then CMD='strace -ff -tt -s 200 -o strace.out'; else CMD=''; fi\n" #cmd += "$CMD " #cmd += "strace -f -tt -s 200 -o strace$$.out " import nepi cmd += "python -c 'import sys; sys.path.insert(0,%s); from nepi.util import server; server.decode_and_execute()'" % ( repr(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(nepi.__file__))).replace("'",'"'), ) if sudo: if ';' in cmd: cmd = "sudo bash -c " + shell_escape(cmd) else: cmd = "sudo " + cmd if communication == DC.ACCESS_SSH: tmp_known_hosts = None args = ['ssh', '-C', # Don't bother with localhost. Makes test easier '-o', 'NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes', '-o', 'ConnectionAttempts=3', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', 'TCPKeepAlive=yes', '-l', user, host] if agent: args.append('-A') if port: args.append('-p%d' % port) if ident_key: args.extend(('-i', ident_key)) if tty: args.append('-t') if server_key: # Create a temporary server key file tmp_known_hosts = _make_server_key_args( server_key, host, port, args) args.append(cmd) else: args = [ "/bin/bash", "-c", cmd ] # connects to the remote host and starts a remote proc = subprocess.Popen(args, shell = False, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) if communication == DC.ACCESS_SSH: proc._known_hosts = tmp_known_hosts # send the command to execute os.write(proc.stdin.fileno(), base64.b64encode(python_code) + "\n") while True: try: msg = os.read(proc.stdout.fileno(), 3) break except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.EINTR: continue else: raise if msg != "OK\n": raise RuntimeError, "Failed to start remote python interpreter: \nout:\n%s%s\nerr:\n%s" % ( msg, proc.stdout.read(), proc.stderr.read()) return proc # POSIX def _communicate(self, input, timeout=None, err_on_timeout=True): read_set = [] write_set = [] stdout = None # Return stderr = None # Return killed = False if timeout is not None: timelimit = time.time() + timeout killtime = timelimit + 4 bailtime = timelimit + 4 if self.stdin: # Flush stdio buffer. This might block, if the user has # been writing to .stdin in an uncontrolled fashion. self.stdin.flush() if input: write_set.append(self.stdin) else: self.stdin.close() if self.stdout: read_set.append(self.stdout) stdout = [] if self.stderr: read_set.append(self.stderr) stderr = [] input_offset = 0 while read_set or write_set: if timeout is not None: curtime = time.time() if timeout is None or curtime > timelimit: if curtime > bailtime: break elif curtime > killtime: signum = signal.SIGKILL else: signum = signal.SIGTERM # Lets kill it os.kill(self.pid, signum) select_timeout = 0.5 else: select_timeout = timelimit - curtime + 0.1 else: select_timeout = 1.0 if select_timeout > 1.0: select_timeout = 1.0 try: rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select(read_set, write_set, [], select_timeout) except select.error,e: if e[0] != 4: raise else: continue if not rlist and not wlist and not xlist and self.poll() is not None: # timeout and process exited, say bye break if self.stdin in wlist: # When select has indicated that the file is writable, # we can write up to PIPE_BUF bytes without risk # blocking. POSIX defines PIPE_BUF >= 512 bytes_written = os.write(self.stdin.fileno(), buffer(input, input_offset, 512)) input_offset += bytes_written if input_offset >= len(input): self.stdin.close() write_set.remove(self.stdin) if self.stdout in rlist: data = os.read(self.stdout.fileno(), 1024) if data == "": self.stdout.close() read_set.remove(self.stdout) stdout.append(data) if self.stderr in rlist: data = os.read(self.stderr.fileno(), 1024) if data == "": self.stderr.close() read_set.remove(self.stderr) stderr.append(data) # All data exchanged. Translate lists into strings. if stdout is not None: stdout = ''.join(stdout) if stderr is not None: stderr = ''.join(stderr) # Translate newlines, if requested. We cannot let the file # object do the translation: It is based on stdio, which is # impossible to combine with select (unless forcing no # buffering). if self.universal_newlines and hasattr(file, 'newlines'): if stdout: stdout = self._translate_newlines(stdout) if stderr: stderr = self._translate_newlines(stderr) if killed and err_on_timeout: errcode = self.poll() raise RuntimeError, ("Operation timed out", errcode, stdout, stderr) else: if killed: self.poll() else: self.wait() return (stdout, stderr)