import select import sys import os import struct import socket import threading import errno import fcntl import random import traceback import functools import collections import ctypes import time def ipfmt(ip): ipbytes = map(ord,ip.decode("hex")) return '.'.join(map(str,ipbytes)) tagtype = { '0806' : 'arp', '0800' : 'ipv4', '8870' : 'jumbo', '8863' : 'PPPoE discover', '8864' : 'PPPoE', '86dd' : 'ipv6', } def etherProto(packet, len=len): if len(packet) > 14: if packet[12] == "\x81" and packet[13] == "\x00": # tagged return packet[16:18] else: # untagged return packet[12:14] # default: ip return "\x08\x00" def formatPacket(packet, ether_mode): if ether_mode: stripped_packet = etherStrip(packet) if not stripped_packet: packet = packet.encode("hex") if len(packet) < 28: return "malformed eth " + packet.encode("hex") else: if packet[24:28] == "8100": # tagged ethertype = tagtype.get(packet[32:36], 'eth') return ethertype + " " + ( '-'.join( ( packet[0:12], # MAC dest packet[12:24], # MAC src packet[24:32], # VLAN tag packet[32:36], # Ethertype/len packet[36:], # Payload ) ) ) else: # untagged ethertype = tagtype.get(packet[24:28], 'eth') return ethertype + " " + ( '-'.join( ( packet[0:12], # MAC dest packet[12:24], # MAC src packet[24:28], # Ethertype/len packet[28:], # Payload ) ) ) else: packet = stripped_packet packet = packet.encode("hex") if len(packet) < 48: return "malformed ip " + packet else: return "ip " + ( '-'.join( ( packet[0:1], #version packet[1:2], #header length packet[2:4], #diffserv/ECN packet[4:8], #total length packet[8:12], #ident packet[12:16], #flags/fragment offs packet[16:18], #ttl packet[18:20], #ip-proto packet[20:24], #checksum ipfmt(packet[24:32]), # src-ip ipfmt(packet[32:40]), # dst-ip packet[40:48] if (int(packet[1],16) > 5) else "", # options packet[48:] if (int(packet[1],16) > 5) else packet[40:], # payload ) ) ) def _packetReady(buf, ether_mode=False, len=len): if not buf: return False rv = False while not rv: if len(buf[0]) < 4: rv = False elif ether_mode: rv = True else: _,totallen = struct.unpack('HH',buf[0][:4]) totallen = socket.htons(totallen) rv = len(buf[0]) >= totallen if not rv and len(buf) > 1: nbuf = ''.join(buf) buf.clear() buf.append(nbuf) else: return rv return rv def _pullPacket(buf, ether_mode=False, len=len): if ether_mode: return buf.popleft() else: _,totallen = struct.unpack('HH',buf[0][:4]) totallen = socket.htons(totallen) if len(buf[0]) < totallen: rv = buf[0][:totallen] buf[0] = buf[0][totallen:] else: rv = buf.popleft() return rv def etherStrip(buf): if len(buf) < 14: return "" if buf[12:14] == '\x08\x10' and buf[16:18] == '\x08\x00': # tagged ethernet frame return buf[18:] elif buf[12:14] == '\x08\x00': # untagged ethernet frame return buf[14:] else: return "" def etherWrap(packet): return ''.join(( "\x00"*6*2 # bogus src and dst mac +"\x08\x00", # IPv4 packet, # payload "\x00"*4, # bogus crc )) def piStrip(buf, len=len): if len(buf) < 4: return buf else: return buffer(buf,4) def piWrap(buf, ether_mode, etherProto=etherProto): if ether_mode: proto = etherProto(buf) else: proto = "\x08\x00" return ''.join(( "\x00\x00", # PI: 16 bits flags proto, # 16 bits proto buf, )) _padmap = [ chr(padding) * padding for padding in xrange(127) ] del padding def encrypt(packet, crypter, len=len, padmap=_padmap): # pad padding = crypter.block_size - len(packet) % crypter.block_size packet += padmap[padding] # encrypt return crypter.encrypt(packet) def decrypt(packet, crypter, ord=ord): if packet: # decrypt packet = crypter.decrypt(packet) # un-pad padding = ord(packet[-1]) if not (0 < padding <= crypter.block_size): # wrong padding raise RuntimeError, "Truncated packet" packet = packet[:-padding] return packet def nonblock(fd): try: fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fl |= os.O_NONBLOCK fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl) return True except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) # Just ignore return False def tun_fwd(tun, remote, with_pi, ether_mode, cipher_key, udp, TERMINATE, stderr=sys.stderr, reconnect=None, rwrite=None, rread=None, tunqueue=1000, tunkqueue=1000, cipher='AES', accept_local=None, accept_remote=None, slowlocal=True, queueclass=None, bwlimit=None, len=len, max=max, min=min, OSError=OSError,, selecterror=select.error, os=os, socket=socket, retrycodes=(os.errno.EWOULDBLOCK, os.errno.EAGAIN, os.errno.EINTR) ): crypto_mode = False crypter = None try: if cipher_key and cipher: import Crypto.Cipher import hashlib __import__('Crypto.Cipher.'+cipher) ciphername = cipher cipher = getattr(Crypto.Cipher, cipher) hashed_key = hashlib.sha256(cipher_key).digest() if getattr(cipher, 'key_size'): hashed_key = hashed_key[:cipher.key_size] elif ciphername == 'DES3': hashed_key = hashed_key[:24] crypter = hashed_key, cipher.MODE_ECB) crypto_mode = True except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) crypto_mode = False crypter = None if stderr is not None: if crypto_mode: print >>stderr, "Packets are transmitted in CIPHER" else: print >>stderr, "Packets are transmitted in PLAINTEXT" if hasattr(remote, 'fileno'): remote_fd = remote.fileno() if rwrite is None: def rwrite(remote, packet, os_write=os.write): return os_write(remote_fd, packet) if rread is None: def rread(remote, maxlen, return os_read(remote_fd, maxlen) rnonblock = nonblock(remote) tnonblock = nonblock(tun) # Pick up TUN/TAP writing method if with_pi: try: import iovec # We have iovec, so we can skip PI injection # and use iovec which does it natively if ether_mode: twrite = iovec.ethpiwrite tread = iovec.piread2 else: twrite = iovec.ippiwrite tread = iovec.piread2 except ImportError: # We have to inject PI headers pythonically def twrite(fd, packet, oswrite=os.write, piWrap=piWrap, ether_mode=ether_mode): return oswrite(fd, piWrap(packet, ether_mode)) # For reading, we strip PI headers with buffer slicing and that's it def tread(fd, maxlen,, piStrip=piStrip): return piStrip(osread(fd, maxlen)) else: # No need to inject PI headers twrite = os.write tread = encrypt_ = encrypt decrypt_ = decrypt xrange_ = xrange if accept_local is not None: def tread(fd, maxlen, _tread=tread, accept=accept_local): packet = _tread(fd, maxlen) if accept(packet, 0): return packet else: return None if accept_remote is not None: if crypto_mode: def decrypt_(packet, crypter, decrypt_=decrypt_, accept=accept_remote): packet = decrypt_(packet, crypter) if accept(packet, 1): return packet else: return None else: def rread(fd, maxlen, _rread=rread, accept=accept_remote): packet = _rread(fd, maxlen) if accept(packet, 1): return packet else: return None maxbkbuf = maxfwbuf = max(10,tunqueue-tunkqueue) tunhurry = max(0,maxbkbuf/2) if queueclass is None: queueclass = collections.deque maxbatch = 2000 maxtbatch = 50 else: maxfwbuf = maxbkbuf = 2000000000 maxbatch = 50 maxtbatch = 30 tunhurry = 30 fwbuf = queueclass() bkbuf = queueclass() nfwbuf = 0 nbkbuf = 0 if ether_mode or udp: packetReady = bool pullPacket = queueclass.popleft reschedule = queueclass.appendleft else: packetReady = _packetReady pullPacket = _pullPacket reschedule = queueclass.appendleft tunfd = tun.fileno() os_read = os_write = os.write tget = time.time maxbwfree = bwfree = 1500 * tunqueue lastbwtime = tget() remoteok = True while not TERMINATE: wset = [] if packetReady(bkbuf): wset.append(tun) if remoteok and packetReady(fwbuf) and (not bwlimit or bwfree > 0): wset.append(remote) rset = [] if len(fwbuf) < maxfwbuf: rset.append(tun) if remoteok and len(bkbuf) < maxbkbuf: rset.append(remote) if remoteok: eset = (tun,remote) else: eset = (tun,) try: rdrdy, wrdy, errs = select(rset,wset,eset,1) except selecterror, e: if e.args[0] == errno.EINTR: # just retry continue else: raise # check for errors if errs: if reconnect is not None and remote in errs and tun not in errs: remote = reconnect() if hasattr(remote, 'fileno'): remote_fd = remote.fileno() elif udp and remote in errs and tun not in errs: # In UDP mode, those are always transient errors # Usually, an error will imply a read-ready socket # that will raise an "Connection refused" error, so # disable read-readiness just for now, and retry # the select remoteok = False continue else: break else: remoteok = True # check to see if we can write #rr = wr = rt = wt = 0 if remote in wrdy: sent = 0 try: try: for x in xrange(maxbatch): packet = pullPacket(fwbuf) if crypto_mode: packet = encrypt_(packet, crypter) sent += rwrite(remote, packet) #wr += 1 if not rnonblock or not packetReady(fwbuf): break except OSError,e: # This except handles the entire While block on PURPOSE # as an optimization (setting a try/except block is expensive) # The only operation that can raise this exception is rwrite if e.errno in retrycodes: # re-schedule packet reschedule(fwbuf, packet) else: raise except: if reconnect is not None: # in UDP mode, sometimes connected sockets can return a connection refused. # Give the caller a chance to reconnect remote = reconnect() if hasattr(remote, 'fileno'): remote_fd = remote.fileno() elif not udp: # in UDP mode, we ignore errors - packet loss man... raise #traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) if bwlimit: bwfree -= sent if tun in wrdy: try: for x in xrange(maxtbatch): packet = pullPacket(bkbuf) twrite(tunfd, packet) #wt += 1 # Do not inject packets into the TUN faster than they arrive, unless we're falling # behind. TUN devices discard packets if their queue is full (tunkqueue), but they # don't block either (they're always ready to write), so if we flood the device # we'll have high packet loss. if not tnonblock or (slowlocal and len(bkbuf) < tunhurry) or not packetReady(bkbuf): break else: if slowlocal: # Give some time for the kernel to process the packets time.sleep(0) except OSError,e: # This except handles the entire While block on PURPOSE # as an optimization (setting a try/except block is expensive) # The only operation that can raise this exception is os_write if e.errno in retrycodes: # re-schedule packet reschedule(bkbuf, packet) else: raise # check incoming data packets if tun in rdrdy: try: for x in xrange(maxbatch): packet = tread(tunfd,2000) # blocks until it gets 2k! if not packet: continue #rt += 1 fwbuf.append(packet) if not tnonblock or len(fwbuf) >= maxfwbuf: break except OSError,e: # This except handles the entire While block on PURPOSE # as an optimization (setting a try/except block is expensive) # The only operation that can raise this exception is os_read if e.errno not in retrycodes: raise if remote in rdrdy: try: try: for x in xrange(maxbatch): packet = rread(remote,2000) #rr += 1 if crypto_mode: packet = decrypt_(packet, crypter) if not packet: continue elif not packet: if not udp and packet == "": # Connection broken, try to reconnect (or just die) raise RuntimeError, "Connection broken" else: continue bkbuf.append(packet) if not rnonblock or len(bkbuf) >= maxbkbuf: break except OSError,e: # This except handles the entire While block on PURPOSE # as an optimization (setting a try/except block is expensive) # The only operation that can raise this exception is rread if e.errno not in retrycodes: raise except Exception, e: if reconnect is not None: # in UDP mode, sometimes connected sockets can return a connection refused # on read. Give the caller a chance to reconnect remote = reconnect() if hasattr(remote, 'fileno'): remote_fd = remote.fileno() elif not udp: # in UDP mode, we ignore errors - packet loss man... raise traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) if bwlimit: tnow = tget() delta = tnow - lastbwtime if delta > 0.001: delta = int(bwlimit * delta) if delta > 0: bwfree = min(bwfree+delta, maxbwfree) lastbwtime = tnow #print >>sys.stderr, "rr:%d\twr:%d\trt:%d\twt:%d" % (rr,wr,rt,wt) def udp_connect(TERMINATE, local_addr, local_port, peer_addr, peer_port): rsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0) retrydelay = 1.0 for i in xrange(30): # TERMINATE is a array. An item can be added to TERMINATE, from # outside this function to force termination of the loop if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" try: rsock.bind((local_addr, local_port)) break except socket.error: # wait a while, retry print >>sys.stderr, "%s: Could not bind. Retrying in a sec..." % (time.strftime('%c'),) time.sleep(min(30.0,retrydelay)) retrydelay *= 1.1 else: rsock.bind((local_addr, local_port)) print >>sys.stderr, "Listening UDP at: %s:%d" % (local_addr, local_port) print >>sys.stderr, "Connecting UDP to: %s:%d" % (peer_addr, peer_port) rsock.connect((peer_addr, peer_port)) return rsock def udp_handshake(TERMINATE, rsock): endme = False def keepalive(): while not endme and not TERMINATE: try: rsock.send('') except: pass time.sleep(1) try: rsock.send('') except: pass keepalive_thread = threading.Thread(target=keepalive) keepalive_thread.start() retrydelay = 1.0 for i in xrange(30): if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" try: heartbeat = rsock.recv(10) break except: time.sleep(min(30.0,retrydelay)) retrydelay *= 1.1 else: heartbeat = rsock.recv(10) endme = True keepalive_thread.join() def udp_establish(TERMINATE, local_addr, local_port, peer_addr, peer_port): rsock = udp_connect(TERMINATE, local_addr, local_port, peer_addr, peer_port) udp_handshake(TERMINATE, rsock) return rsock def tcp_connect(TERMINATE, stop, rsock, peer_addr, peer_port): sock = None retrydelay = 1.0 # The peer has a firewall that prevents a response to the connect, we # will be forever blocked in the connect, so we put a reasonable timeout. sock.settimeout(10) # We wait for for i in xrange(30): if stop: break if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" try: rsock.connect((peer_addr, peer_port)) sock = rsock break except socket.error: # wait a while, retry print >>sys.stderr, "%s: Could not connect. Retrying in a sec..." % (time.strftime('%c'),) time.sleep(min(30.0,retrydelay)) retrydelay *= 1.1 else: rsock.connect((peer_addr, peer_port)) sock = rsock if sock: sock.settimeout(0) return sock def tcp_listen(TERMINATE, stop, lsock, local_addr, local_port): sock = None retrydelay = 1.0 # We try to bind to the local virtual interface. # It might not exist yet so we wait in a loop. for i in xrange(30): if stop: break if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" try: lsock.bind((local_addr, local_port)) break except socket.error: # wait a while, retry print >>sys.stderr, "%s: Could not bind. Retrying in a sec..." % (time.strftime('%c'),) time.sleep(min(30.0,retrydelay)) retrydelay *= 1.1 else: lsock.bind((local_addr, local_port)) # Now we wait until the other side connects. # The other side might not be ready yet, so we also wait in a loop for timeouts. timeout = 1 lsock.listen(1) for i in xrange(30): if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" rlist, wlist, xlist =[lsock], [], [], timeout) if stop: break if lsock in rlist: sock,raddr = lsock.accept() break timeout += 5 return sock def tcp_handshake(TERMINATE, sock, listen, dice): # we are going to use a barrier algorithm to decide wich side listen. # each side will "roll a dice" and send the resulting value to the other # side. result = None sock.settimeout(5) for i in xrange(100): if TERMINATE: raise OSError, "Killed" try: hand = sock.send(hand) peer_hand = sock.recv(1) if hand < peer_hand: if listen: result = sock break elif hand > peer_hand: if not listen: result = sock break else: dice.release() dice.throw() except socket.error: dice.release() break if result: sock.settimeout(0) return result def tcp_establish(TERMINATE, local_addr, local_port, peer_addr, peer_port): def listen(stop, result, lsock, dice): lsock = tcp_listen(TERMINATE, stop, lsock, local_addr, local_port) if lsock: lsock = tcp_handshake(TERMINATE, lsock, True, dice) if lsock: stop[0] = True result[0] = lsock def connect(stop, result, rsock, dice): rsock = tcp_connect(TERMINATE, stop, rsock, peer_addr, peer_port) if rsock: rsock = tcp_handshake(TERMINATE, rsock, False, dice) if sock: stop[0] = True result[0] = rsock dice = Dice() dice.throw() stop = [] result = [] lsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) rsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) connect_thread = threading.Thread(target=connect, args=(stop, result, rsock, dice)) listen_thread = threading.Thread(target=listen, args=(stop, result, lsock, dice)) connect_thread.start() listen_thread.start() connect_thread.join() listen_thread.join() if not result: raise OSError, "Error: tcp_establish could not establish connection." sock = result[0] if sock == lsock: rsock.close() else: lsock.close() return sock class Dice(object): def __init__(self): self._condition = threading.Condition(threading.Lock()) self._readers = 0 self._value = None def read(self): self._condition.acquire() try: self._readers += 1 finally: self._condition.release() return self._value def release(self): self._condition.acquire() try: if self._readers > 0: self._readers -= 1 if self._readers == 0: self._condition.notifyAll() finally: self._condition.release() def throw(self): self._condition.acquire() try: while self._readers > 0: self._condition.wait() self._value = random.randint(1, 6) finally: self._condition.release()