// $Id: vserver-info.c 2788 2008-09-28 11:24:07Z dhozac $ --*- c -*-- // Copyright (C) 2003 Enrico Scholz // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "lib/utils-legacy.h" #include "pathconfig.h" #include "util.h" #include "internal.h" #include "vserver.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ENSC_WRAPPERS_FCNTL 1 #define ENSC_WRAPPERS_IO 1 #define ENSC_WRAPPERS_UNISTD 1 #define ENSC_WRAPPERS_VSERVER 1 #include #undef _POSIX_SOURCE #include "capability-compat.h" typedef enum { tgNONE,tgCONTEXT, tgID, tgRUNNING, tgVDIR, tgNAME, tgCFGDIR, tgAPPDIR, tgAPIVER, tgPXID, tgINITPID, tgINITPID_PID, tgXID, tgUTS, tgSYSINFO, tgFEATURE, tgCANONIFY, tgVERIFYCAP, tgXIDTYPE, tgVERIFYPROC, tgNID, tgTAG, } VserverTag; static struct { char const * const tag; VserverTag const val; char const * const descr; } const TAGS[] = { { "CONTEXT", tgCONTEXT, ("the current and/or assigned context; when an optinal argument " "evaluates to false,only the current context will be printed") }, { "ID", tgID, "gives out the vserver-id for the context-xid" }, { "RUNNING", tgRUNNING, "gives out '1' when vserver is running; else, it fails without output" }, { "VDIR", tgVDIR, "gives out the root-directory of the vserver" }, { "NAME", tgNAME, "gives out the name of the vserver" }, { "CFGDIR", tgCFGDIR, "gives out the configuration directory of the vserver" }, { "APPDIR", tgAPPDIR, "gives out the name of the toplevel application cfgdir" }, { "INITPID", tgINITPID, "gives out the initpid of the given context" }, { "INITPID_PID", tgINITPID_PID, "gives out the initpid of the given pid" }, { "XID", tgXID, "gives out the context-id of the given pid" }, { "APIVER", tgAPIVER, "gives out the version of the kernel API" }, { "UTS", tgUTS, ("gives out an uts-entry; possible entries are " "context, sysname, nodename, release, version, " "machine and domainname") }, { "SYSINFO", tgSYSINFO, "gives out information about the systen" }, { "FEATURE", tgFEATURE, "returns 0 iff the queried feature is supported" }, { "PXID", tgPXID, "returns the xid of the parent context" }, { "CANONIFY", tgCANONIFY, "canonifies the vserver-name and removes dangerous characters" }, { "VERIFYCAP", tgVERIFYCAP, "test if the kernel supports linux capabilities" }, { "VERIFYPROC", tgVERIFYPROC, "test if /proc can be read by contexts!=0" }, { "XIDTYPE", tgXIDTYPE, "returns the type of the given XID" }, { "NID", tgNID, "outputs the network context-id of the given pid" }, { "TAG", tgTAG, "outputs the filesystem tag of the given pid" }, }; int wrapper_exit_code = 1; static struct option const CMDLINE_OPTIONS[] = { { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { 0,0,0,0 } }; static void showHelp(int fd, char const *cmd, int res) { WRITE_MSG(fd, "Usage: "); WRITE_STR(fd, cmd); WRITE_MSG(fd, " [-ql] || \n" "Please report bugs to " PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "\n"); exit(res); } static void showVersion() { WRITE_MSG(1, "vserver-info " VERSION " -- returns information about vservers\n" "This program is part of " PACKAGE_STRING "\n\n" "Copyright (C) 2003 Enrico Scholz\n" VERSION_COPYRIGHT_DISCLAIMER); exit(0); } static void showTags() { char const * delim = ""; size_t i; WRITE_MSG(1, "Valid tags are: "); for (i=0; id_name)!=0; } static bool getInitPid_internal(pid_t pid, xid_t xid, pid_t *res) { *res = -1; for (;*res==-1;) { size_t bufsize = utilvserver_getProcEntryBufsize(); char buf[bufsize+1]; char *pos = 0; pos = utilvserver_getProcEntry(pid, "\ns_context: ", buf, bufsize); if (pos==0 && errno==EAGAIN) continue; if (pos==0 || (xid_t)atoi(pos)!=xid) return false; buf[bufsize] = '\0'; pos = strstr(buf, "\ninitpid: "); if (pos!=0) { pos += sizeof("\ninitpid: ")-1; if (strncmp(pos, "none", 4)==0) *res = -1; else *res = atoi(pos); } } return true; } static char * getInitPid_emulated(char *buf, xid_t xid) { struct dirent **namelist; int n; switchToWatchXid(0); // ignore errors silently... n = scandir("/proc", &namelist, selectPid, alphasort); if (n<0) perror("scandir()"); else while (n--) { pid_t pid; if (!getInitPid_internal(atoi(namelist[n]->d_name), xid, &pid)) continue; utilvserver_fmt_long(buf, pid); return buf; } return 0; } #else // VC_ENABLE_API_COMPAT static char * getInitPid_emulated(char UNUSED *buf, xid_t UNUSED xid) { WRITE_MSG(2, "tools were built without compat API, getInitPid() not available\n"); return 0; } #endif // VC_ENABLE_API_COMPAT static char * getInitPid(char *buf, xid_t xid) { if (vc_isSupported(vcFEATURE_VINFO)) return getInitPid_native(buf, xid); else return getInitPid_emulated(buf, xid); } static char * getInitPidPid(char *buf, char const *vserver) { struct vc_vx_info info; pid_t pid = atoi(vserver); xid_t xid = vc_get_task_xid(pid); if (xid==VC_NOCTX) perror("vc_get_task_xid()"); else if (vc_get_vx_info(xid, &info)==-1) perror("vc_get_vx_info()"); else { utilvserver_fmt_long(buf, info.initpid); return buf; } return 0; } static char * getUTS(char *buf, xid_t xid, size_t argc, char * argv[]) { if (argc>0) { vc_uts_type type = utsText2Tag(argv[0]); if (vc_get_vhi_name(xid, type, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)==-1) perror("vc_get_vhi_name()"); else return buf; } else { bool is_passed = false; char tmp[128]; #define APPEND_UTS(TYPE) \ (((vc_get_vhi_name(xid, TYPE, tmp, sizeof(tmp)-1)!=-1) && (strcat(buf, tmp), strcat(buf, " "), is_passed=true)) || \ (strcat(buf, "??? "))) if (APPEND_UTS(vcVHI_CONTEXT) && APPEND_UTS(vcVHI_SYSNAME) && APPEND_UTS(vcVHI_NODENAME) && APPEND_UTS(vcVHI_RELEASE) && APPEND_UTS(vcVHI_VERSION) && APPEND_UTS(vcVHI_MACHINE) && APPEND_UTS(vcVHI_DOMAINNAME) && is_passed) return buf; perror("vc_get_vhi_name()"); #undef APPEND_UTS } return 0; } static int printSysInfo(char *buf) { int fd = open(PKGLIBDIR "/FEATURES.txt", O_RDONLY); struct utsname uts; if (uname(&uts)==-1) perror("uname()"); else { WRITE_MSG(1, "Versions:\n" " Kernel: "); WRITE_STR(1, uts.release); WRITE_MSG(1, "\n" " VS-API: "); memset(buf, 0, 128); if (getAPIVer(buf)) WRITE_STR(1, buf); else WRITE_MSG(1, "???"); WRITE_MSG(1, "\n" " util-vserver: " PACKAGE_VERSION "; " __DATE__ ", " __TIME__"\n" "\n"); } if (fd==-1) WRITE_MSG(1, "FEATURES.txt not found\n"); else { off_t l = Elseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); Elseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); { char buf[l]; EreadAll(fd, buf, l); EwriteAll(1, buf, l); } Eclose(fd); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static char * getContext(char *buf, char const *vserver, bool allow_only_static) { xid_t xid = vc_getVserverCtx(vserver, vcCFG_AUTO, allow_only_static, 0, vcCTX_XID); if (xid==VC_NOCTX) return 0; utilvserver_fmt_long(buf, xid); return buf; } static char const * getXIDType(xid_t xid, int argc, char *argv[]) { char const * tp; switch (vc_getXIDType(xid)) { case vcTYPE_INVALID : tp = "invalid"; break; case vcTYPE_MAIN : tp = "main"; break; case vcTYPE_WATCH : tp = "watch"; break; case vcTYPE_STATIC : tp = "static"; break; case vcTYPE_DYNAMIC : tp = "dynamic"; break; default : tp = 0; break; } if (argc==0 || tp==0) return tp; while (argc>0) { --argc; if (strcasecmp(argv[argc], tp)==0) return tp; } return 0; } static int testFeature(int argc, char *argv[]) { return (argc>0 && vc_isSupportedString(argv[0])) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } static bool str2bool(char const *str) { return atoi(str)!=0 || strchr("yYtT", str[0])!=0 || strcasecmp("true", str)==0; } static int execQuery(char const *vserver, VserverTag tag, int argc, char *argv[]) { char const * res = 0; char buf[sizeof(xid_t)*4 + 1024 + strlen(vserver)]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof buf); switch (tag) { case tgNAME : res = vc_getVserverName(vserver, vcCFG_AUTO); break; case tgVDIR : res = vc_getVserverVdir(vserver, vcCFG_AUTO, argc>0 && atoi(argv[0])); break; case tgCFGDIR : res = vc_getVserverCfgDir(vserver, vcCFG_AUTO); break; case tgAPPDIR : res = vc_getVserverAppDir(vserver, vcCFG_AUTO, argc==0 ? "" : argv[0]); break; case tgRUNNING : { signed long xid; // type is a small hack, but should be ok... struct vc_vx_info info; if (isNumber(vserver, &xid, true) && xid>=0) res = (vc_get_vx_info(xid, &info)==-1) ? 0 : "1"; else res = (vc_getVserverCtx(vserver, vcCFG_AUTO, false, 0, vcCTX_XID)==VC_NOCTX) ? 0 : "1"; break; } case tgCANONIFY : strcpy(buf, vserver); if (canonifyVserverName(buf)>0) res = buf; break; case tgCONTEXT : res = getContext(buf, vserver, argc==0 || str2bool(argv[0])); break; case tgINITPID_PID : res = getInitPidPid(buf, vserver); break; case tgAPIVER : res = getAPIVer(buf); break; case tgXID : res = getXid(buf, vserver); break; case tgPXID : res = getPXid(buf, vserver); break; case tgSYSINFO : return printSysInfo(buf); break; case tgFEATURE : return testFeature(argc,argv); break; case tgVERIFYCAP : return verifyCap() ? 0 : 1; break; case tgVERIFYPROC : return verifyProc() ? 0 : 1; break; case tgNID : res = getNid(buf, vserver); break; case tgTAG : res = getTag(buf, vserver); break; default : { xid_t xid = *vserver!='\0' ? vc_xidopt2xid(vserver,true,0) : VC_SAMECTX; switch (tag) { case tgID : res = vc_getVserverByCtx(xid,0,0); break; case tgINITPID : res = getInitPid(buf, xid); break; case tgUTS : res = getUTS(buf, xid, argc, argv); break; case tgXIDTYPE : res = getXIDType(xid, argc, argv); break; default : assert(false); abort(); // TODO } } } if (res==0) return EXIT_FAILURE; WRITE_STR(1, res); WRITE_MSG(1, "\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool quiet = false; char const * vserver; VserverTag tag; while (1) { int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "ql", CMDLINE_OPTIONS, 0); if (c==-1) break; switch (c) { case 'h' : showHelp(1, argv[0], 0); case 'v' : showVersion(); case 'l' : showTags(); case 'q' : quiet = true; break; default : WRITE_MSG(2, "Try '"); WRITE_STR(2, argv[0]); WRITE_MSG(2, " --help' for more information.\n"); exit(1); break; } } if (optind+2>argc) { execQuery("-", tgSYSINFO, 0, 0); WRITE_MSG(2, "\nAssumed 'SYSINFO' as no other option given; try '--help' for more information.\n"); exit(0); } vserver = argv[optind]; tag = stringToTag(argv[optind+1]); if (tag==tgNONE) { WRITE_MSG(2, "Unknown tag; use '-l' to get list of valid tags\n"); exit(1); } if (quiet) { int fd = Eopen("/dev/null", O_WRONLY, 0644); Edup2(fd, 1); Eclose(fd); } return execQuery(vserver, tag, argc-(optind+2), argv+optind+2); }