// $Id: vunify.cc,v 2003/10/30 15:16:30 ensc Exp $ // Copyright (C) 2003 Enrico Scholz // based on vunify.cc by Jacques Gelinas // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* This utility is used to unify (using hard links) two or more virtual servers. It compares the each vserver with the first one and for every common package (RPM, same version), it does a hard link on non configuration file. It turns the file immutable after that. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vutil.h" using namespace std; static bool undo = false; static int ext2flags = EXT2_IMMUTABLE_FL | EXT2_IUNLINK_FL; struct EXCLDIR{ string prefix; int len; EXCLDIR(const char *s) { prefix = s; prefix += '/'; len = prefix.size(); } }; static vector excldirs; static vector incldirs; static void usage() { cerr << "vunify version " << VERSION << "\n\n" "vunify [ options ] reference-server vservers ... -- packages\n" "vunify [ options ] reference-server vservers ... -- ALL\n" "\n" "--test: Show what will be done, do not do it.\n" "--undo: Put back the file in place, using copies from the\n" " reference server.\n" "--debug: Prints some debugging messages.\n" "--noflags: Do not put any immutable flags on the file\n" "--immutable: Set the immutable_file bit on the files.\n" "--immutable-mayunlink: Sets the immutable_link flag on files.\n" "\n" "--excldir: None of the files under a given directory will be unified\n" "\tThe directory is expressed in absolute/logical form (relative\n" "\tto the vserver root (ex: /var/log)\n" "\n" "--incldir: All the files under a given directory will be unified\n" "\tThe directory is expressed in absolute/logical form (relative\n" "\tto the vserver root (ex: /var/log)\n" "\n" "By default, the immutable_file and immutable_link flags are\n" "set on the files. So if you want no immutable flags, you must\n" "use --noflags. If you want a single flag, you must use\n" "--noflags first, then the --immutable or --immutable-mayunlink\n" "flag.\n" ; } static bool vunify_inside (vector &dirs, const char *path) { bool found = false; for (unsigned i=0; i files; // Files to unify // This is loaded on demand PACKAGE_UNI(string &_name, string &_version) : PACKAGE(_name,_version) { } PACKAGE_UNI(const char *_name, const char *_version) : PACKAGE (_name,_version) { } PACKAGE_UNI(const string &line) : PACKAGE (line) { } // Load the file member of the package, but exclude configuration file void loadfiles(const string &ref) { if (files.empty()){ if (debug) cout << "Loading files for package " << name << endl; string namever; namever = name + '-' + version; FILE *fin = vutil_execdistcmd (K_UNIFILES,ref,namever.c_str()); if (fin != NULL){ char tmp[1000]; while (fgets(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,fin)!=NULL){ int last = strlen(tmp)-1; if (last >= 0 && tmp[last] == '\n') tmp[last] = '\0'; bool must_unify = false; int type = 0; // K_UNIFILES only report unify-able files if(type == 0 && !vunify_inside(excldirs,tmp)){ must_unify = true; }else if(vunify_inside(incldirs,tmp)){ must_unify = true; } if (must_unify){ files.push_front (tmp); }else if (debug){ cout << "Package " << name << " exclude " << tmp << endl; } } } if (debug) cout << "Done\n"; } } }; static ostream & operator << (ostream &c, const PACKAGE_UNI &p) { return c << p.name << "-" << p.version; } template void printit(T a){ cout << "xx " << a << endl; } template class printer{ string title; public: printer (const char *_title): title(_title){} void operator()(T a){ cout << title << " " << a << endl; } }; /* Load the list of all packages in a vserver */ static void vunify_loadallpkg (string &refserver, list &packages) { FILE *fin = vutil_execdistcmd (K_PKGVERSION,refserver,NULL); if (fin != NULL){ char line[1000]; while (fgets(line,sizeof(line)-1,fin)!=NULL){ // fprintf (stderr,"line: %s",line); int last = strlen(line)-1; if (last >= 0 && line[last] == '\n') line[last] = '\0'; packages.push_back (PACKAGE_UNI(line)); } pclose (fin); } } /* Object to unify a file The file is first removed, then a hard link is made and then the immutable flag is done */ class file_unifier{ string &ref_server,&target_server; int &ret; public: file_unifier(string &_ref, string &_target, int &_ret) : ref_server(_ref),target_server(_target), ret(_ret) {} void operator()(const string &file) { string refpath = VROOTDIR "/" + ref_server + file; string dstpath = VROOTDIR "/" + target_server + file; if (debug) cout << "Unify " << refpath << " -> " << dstpath << endl; struct stat st; if (stat(refpath.c_str(),&st)==-1){ if (debug) cout << "File " << refpath << " does not exist, ignored\n"; }else if (setext2flag(refpath.c_str(),false,ext2flags)==-1){ ret = -1; }else if (vbuild_unlink(dstpath.c_str())==-1){ ret = -1; cerr << "Can't delete file " << dstpath << " (" << strerror(errno) << ")\n"; }else{ if (undo){ if (vbuild_file_copy(refpath.c_str(),dstpath.c_str(),st)==-1){ ret = -1; cerr << "Can't copy file " << refpath << " to " << dstpath << " (" << strerror(errno) << ")\n"; } }else{ if (vbuild_link(refpath.c_str(),dstpath.c_str())==-1){ ret = -1; cerr << "Can't link file " << refpath << " to " << dstpath << " (" << strerror(errno) << ")\n"; } } // We put back the original immutable because other vservers // may be unified on it. if (setext2flag(refpath.c_str(),true,ext2flags)==-1){ ret = -1; } } } }; #if 0 // Check if two package have the same name (but potentially different version) class same_name{ PACKAGE_UNI &pkg; public: same_name(PACKAGE_UNI &_pkg) : pkg(_pkg) {} bool operator()(const PACKAGE_UNI &p) { return pkg.name == p.name; } }; #endif // Predicate to decide if a package must be unified class package_unifier{ public: string &ref_server,&target_server; list &target_packages; int &ret; package_unifier(string &_ref, string &_target, list &_target_packages, int &_ret) : ref_server(_ref),target_server(_target) , target_packages(_target_packages) , ret(_ret) {} void operator()(PACKAGE_UNI &pkg) { if (find(target_packages.begin(),target_packages.end(),pkg) !=target_packages.end()){ // Ok, the package is also in the target vserver cout << "Unify pkg " << pkg << " from " << ref_server << " to " << target_server << endl; if (!testmode || debug){ pkg.loadfiles(ref_server); for_each (pkg.files.begin(),pkg.files.end() ,file_unifier(ref_server,target_server,ret)); } }else if (testmode){ // The package is missing, in test mode we provide more information if (find_if(target_packages.begin(),target_packages.end(),same_name(pkg)) !=target_packages.end()){ cout << pkg << " exist in server " << target_server << " not unified\n"; }else{ cout << pkg << " does not exist in server " << target_server << endl; } } } }; // For each vserver, find the common packages and unify them class server_unifier{ public: list &ref_packages; string &ref_server; int &ret; server_unifier(string _ref_server, list &_packages, int &_ret) : ref_packages(_packages),ref_server(_ref_server), ret(_ret) {} void operator()(string serv) { list pkgs; vunify_loadallpkg (serv,pkgs); for_each(ref_packages.begin(),ref_packages.end() ,package_unifier(ref_server,serv,pkgs,ret)); } }; class deleteif{ public: char **argv0,**argvn; deleteif(char **_argv0, char **_argvn): argv0(_argv0),argvn(_argvn){} bool operator()(const PACKAGE_UNI &pkg) { bool found = false; for (char **pt = argv0; pt < argvn; pt++){ if (pkg.name == *pt){ found = true; break; } } return !found; } }; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret = -1; int i; for (i=1; i vservers; for (; i("vservers")); if (i == argc || strcmp(argv[i],"--")!=0){ usage(); }else{ i++; if (i < argc){ list packages; vunify_loadallpkg (refserv,packages); if (i != argc-1 || strcmp(argv[i],"ALL")!=0){ // We keep only the packages supplied on the command line packages.remove_if(deleteif (argv+i,argv+argc)); } ret = 0; umask (0); for_each (vservers.begin(),vservers.end(),server_unifier(refserv,packages,ret)); }else{ usage(); } } } return ret; }