/* * strntoumax.c * * The strntoumax() function and associated */ #include #include #include static inline int digitval(int ch) { if ( ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ) { return ch-'0'; } else if ( ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' ) { return ch-'A'+10; } else if ( ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ) { return ch-'a'+10; } else { return -1; } } uintmax_t strntoumax(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base, size_t n) { int minus = 0; uintmax_t v = 0; int d; while ( n && isspace((unsigned char)*nptr) ) { nptr++; n--; } /* Single optional + or - */ if ( n && *nptr == '-' ) { minus = 1; nptr++; n--; } else if ( n && *nptr == '+' ) { nptr++; } if ( base == 0 ) { if ( n >= 2 && nptr[0] == '0' && (nptr[1] == 'x' || nptr[1] == 'X') ) { n -= 2; nptr += 2; base = 16; } else if ( n >= 1 && nptr[0] == '0' ) { n--; nptr++; base = 8; } else { base = 10; } } else if ( base == 16 ) { if ( n >= 2 && nptr[0] == '0' && (nptr[1] == 'x' || nptr[1] == 'X') ) { n -= 2; nptr += 2; } } while ( n && (d = digitval(*nptr)) >= 0 && d < base ) { v = v*base + d; n--; nptr++; } if ( endptr ) *endptr = (char *)nptr; return minus ? -v : v; }