# # Thierry Parmentelat # Copyright (C) 2010 INRIA # # #################### history # # This is a complete rewrite of TestResources/Tracker/Pool # we don't use trackers anymore and just probe/sense the running # boxes to figure out where we are # in order to implement some fairness in the round-robin allocation scheme # we need an indication of the 'age' of each running entity, # hence the 'timestamp-*' steps in TestPlc # # this should be much more flexible: # * supports several plc boxes # * supports several qemu guests per host # * no need to worry about tracker being in sync or not # # #################### howto use # # each site is to write its own LocalSubstrate.py, # (see e.g. LocalSubstrate.inria.py) # LocalSubstrate.py is expected to be in /root on the testmaster box # and needs to define # MYPLCs # . the vserver-capable boxes used for hosting myplcs # . and their admissible load (max # of myplcs) # . the pool of DNS-names and IP-addresses available for myplcs # QEMU nodes # . the kvm-qemu capable boxes to host qemu instances # . and their admissible load (max # of myplcs) # . the pool of DNS-names and IP-addresses available for nodes # # #################### implem. note # # this model relies on 'sensing' the substrate, # i.e. probing all the boxes for their running instances of vservers and qemu # this is how we get rid of tracker inconsistencies # however there is a 'black hole' between the time where a given address is # allocated and when it actually gets used/pingable # this is why we still need a shared knowledge among running tests # in a file named /root/starting # this is connected to the Pool class # # #################### import os.path, sys import time import re import traceback import subprocess import commands import socket from optparse import OptionParser import utils from TestSsh import TestSsh from TestMapper import TestMapper def header (message,banner=True): if not message: return if banner: print "===============", print message sys.stdout.flush() def timestamp_sort(o1,o2): if not o1.timestamp: return -1 elif not o2.timestamp: return 1 else: return o2.timestamp-o1.timestamp #################### # pool class # allows to pick an available IP among a pool # input is expressed as a list of tuples (hostname,ip,user_data) # that can be searched iteratively for a free slot # e.g. # pool = [ (hostname1,user_data1), # (hostname2,user_data2), # (hostname3,user_data2), # (hostname4,user_data4) ] # assuming that ip1 and ip3 are taken (pingable), then we'd get # pool=Pool(pool) # pool.next_free() -> entry2 # pool.next_free() -> entry4 # pool.next_free() -> None # that is, even if ip2 is not busy/pingable when the second next_free() is issued class PoolItem: def __init__ (self,hostname,userdata): self.hostname=hostname self.userdata=userdata # slot holds 'busy' or 'free' or 'mine' or 'starting' or None # 'mine' is for our own stuff, 'starting' from the concurrent tests self.status=None self.ip=None def line(self): return "Pooled %s (%s) -> %s"%(self.hostname,self.userdata, self.status) def get_ip(self): if self.ip: return self.ip ip=socket.gethostbyname(self.hostname) self.ip=ip return ip class Pool: def __init__ (self, tuples,message): self.pool= [ PoolItem (h,u) for (h,u) in tuples ] self.message=message def sense (self): print 'Checking IP pool',self.message, for item in self.pool: if item.status is not None: continue if self.check_ping (item.hostname): item.status='busy' else: item.status='free' print 'Done' def list (self): for i in self.pool: print i.line() def retrieve_userdata (self, hostname): for i in self.pool: if i.hostname==hostname: return i.userdata return None def get_ip (self, hostname): # use cached if in pool for i in self.pool: if i.hostname==hostname: return i.get_ip() # otherwise just ask dns again return socket.gethostbyname(hostname) def next_free (self): for i in self.pool: if i.status in ['busy','mine','starting' ]: continue i.status='mine' return (i.hostname,i.userdata) raise Exception,"No IP address available in pool %s"%self.message # OS-dependent ping option (support for macos, for convenience) ping_timeout_option = None # checks whether a given hostname/ip responds to ping def check_ping (self,hostname): if not Pool.ping_timeout_option: (status,osname) = commands.getstatusoutput("uname -s") if status != 0: raise Exception, "TestPool: Cannot figure your OS name" if osname == "Linux": Pool.ping_timeout_option="-w" elif osname == "Darwin": Pool.ping_timeout_option="-t" command="ping -c 1 %s 1 %s"%(Pool.ping_timeout_option,hostname) (status,output) = commands.getstatusoutput(command) if status==0: print '+', else: print '-', return status == 0 # the place were other test instances tell about their not-yet-started # instances starting='/root/starting' def add_starting (self, name): try: items=[line.strip() for line in file(Pool.starting).readlines()] except: items=[] if not name in items: file(Pool.starting,'a').write(name+'\n') for i in self.pool: if i.hostname==name: i.status='mine' def load_starting (self): try: items=[line.strip() for line in file(Pool.starting).readlines()] except: items=[] for item in items: for i in self.pool: if i.hostname==item: i.status='starting' def release_my_fakes (self): for i in self.pool: print 'releasing-scanning','hostname',i.hostname,'status',i.status if i.status=='mine': self.del_starting(i.hostname) i.status=None def del_starting (self, name): try: items=[line.strip() for line in file(Pool.starting).readlines()] except: items=[] if name in items: f=file(Pool.starting,'w') for item in items: if item != name: f.write(item+'\n') f.close() #################### class Box: def __init__ (self,hostname): self.hostname=hostname def simple_hostname (self): return self.hostname.split('.')[0] def test_ssh (self): return TestSsh(self.hostname,username='root',unknown_host=False) def reboot (self): self.test_ssh().run("shutdown -r now",message="Rebooting %s"%self.hostname) def run(self,argv,message=None,trash_err=False,dry_run=False): if dry_run: print 'DRY_RUN:', print " ".join(argv) return 0 else: header(message) if not trash_err: return subprocess.call(argv) else: return subprocess.call(argv,stderr=file('/dev/null','w')) def run_ssh (self, argv, message, trash_err=False): ssh_argv = self.test_ssh().actual_argv(argv) result=self.run (ssh_argv, message, trash_err) if result!=0: print "WARNING: failed to run %s on %s"%(" ".join(argv),self.hostname) return result def backquote (self, argv, trash_err=False): if not trash_err: return subprocess.Popen(argv,stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] else: return subprocess.Popen(argv,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=file('/dev/null','w')).communicate()[0] def backquote_ssh (self, argv, trash_err=False): # first probe the ssh link probe_argv=self.test_ssh().actual_argv(['hostname']) hostname=self.backquote ( probe_argv, trash_err=True ) if not hostname: print "root@%s unreachable"%self.hostname return '' else: return self.backquote( self.test_ssh().actual_argv(argv), trash_err) ############################################################ class BuildInstance: def __init__ (self, buildname, pid, buildbox): self.buildname=buildname self.buildbox=buildbox self.pids=[pid] def add_pid(self,pid): self.pids.append(pid) def line (self): return "== %s == (pids=%r)"%(self.buildname,self.pids) class BuildBox (Box): def __init__ (self,hostname): Box.__init__(self,hostname) self.build_instances=[] def add_build (self,buildname,pid): for build in self.build_instances: if build.buildname==buildname: build.add_pid(pid) return self.build_instances.append(BuildInstance(buildname, pid, self)) def list(self): if not self.build_instances: header ('No build process on %s (%s)'%(self.hostname,self.uptime())) else: header ("Builds on %s (%s)"%(self.hostname,self.uptime())) for b in self.build_instances: header (b.line(),banner=False) def uptime(self): if hasattr(self,'_uptime') and self._uptime: return self._uptime return '*undef* uptime' # inspect box and find currently running builds matcher=re.compile("\s*(?P[0-9]+).*-[bo]\s+(?P[^\s]+)(\s|\Z)") def sense(self,reboot=False,verbose=True): if reboot: self.reboot(box) return print 'b', command=['uptime'] self._uptime=self.backquote_ssh(command,trash_err=True).strip() if not self._uptime: self._uptime='unreachable' pids=self.backquote_ssh(['pgrep','build'],trash_err=True) if not pids: return command=['ps','-o','pid,command'] + [ pid for pid in pids.split("\n") if pid] ps_lines=self.backquote_ssh (command).split('\n') for line in ps_lines: if not line.strip() or line.find('PID')>=0: continue m=BuildBox.matcher.match(line) if m: self.add_build (m.group('buildname'),m.group('pid')) else: header('command %r returned line that failed to match'%command) ############################################################ class PlcInstance: def __init__ (self, vservername, ctxid, plcbox): self.vservername=vservername self.ctxid=ctxid self.plc_box=plcbox # unknown yet self.timestamp=None def set_timestamp (self,timestamp): self.timestamp=timestamp def set_now (self): self.timestamp=int(time.time()) def pretty_timestamp (self): return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H-%M",time.localtime(self.timestamp)) def line (self): msg="== %s == (ctx=%s)"%(self.vservername,self.ctxid) if self.timestamp: msg += " @ %s"%self.pretty_timestamp() else: msg += " *unknown timestamp*" if self.ctxid==0: msg+=" not (yet?) running" return msg def kill (self): msg="vserver stopping %s on %s"%(self.vservername,self.plc_box.hostname) self.plc_box.run_ssh(['vserver',self.vservername,'stop'],msg) self.plc_box.forget(self) class PlcBox (Box): def __init__ (self, hostname, max_plcs): Box.__init__(self,hostname) self.plc_instances=[] self.max_plcs=max_plcs def add_vserver (self,vservername,ctxid): for plc in self.plc_instances: if plc.vservername==vservername: header("WARNING, duplicate myplc %s running on %s"%\ (vservername,self.hostname),banner=False) return self.plc_instances.append(PlcInstance(vservername,ctxid,self)) def forget (self, plc_instance): self.plc_instances.remove(plc_instance) # fill one slot even though this one is not started yet def add_dummy (self, plcname): dummy=PlcInstance('dummy_'+plcname,0,self) dummy.set_now() self.plc_instances.append(dummy) def line(self): msg="%s [max=%d,%d free] (%s)"%(self.hostname, self.max_plcs,self.free_spots(),self.uname()) return msg def list(self): if not self.plc_instances: header ('No vserver running on %s'%(self.line())) else: header ("Active plc VMs on %s"%self.line()) for p in self.plc_instances: header (p.line(),banner=False) def free_spots (self): return self.max_plcs - len(self.plc_instances) def uname(self): if hasattr(self,'_uname') and self._uname: return self._uname return '*undef* uname' def plc_instance_by_vservername (self, vservername): for p in self.plc_instances: if p.vservername==vservername: return p return None def sense (self, reboot=False, soft=False): if reboot: # remove mark for all running servers to avoid resurrection stop_command=['rm','-rf','/etc/vservers/*/apps/init/mark'] self.run_ssh(stop_command,"Removing all vserver marks on %s"%self.hostname) if not soft: self.reboot() return else: self.run_ssh(['service','util-vserver','stop'],"Stopping all running vservers") return print 'p', self._uname=self.backquote_ssh(['uname','-r']).strip() # try to find fullname (vserver_stat truncates to a ridiculously short name) # fetch the contexts for all vservers on that box map_command=['grep','.','/etc/vservers/*/context','/dev/null',] context_map=self.backquote_ssh (map_command) # at this point we have a set of lines like # /etc/vservers/2010.01.20--k27-f12-32-vplc03/context:40144 ctx_dict={} for map_line in context_map.split("\n"): if not map_line: continue [path,xid] = map_line.split(':') ctx_dict[xid]=os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)) # at this point ctx_id maps context id to vservername command=['vserver-stat'] vserver_stat = self.backquote_ssh (command) for vserver_line in vserver_stat.split("\n"): if not vserver_line: continue context=vserver_line.split()[0] if context=="CTX": continue longname=ctx_dict[context] self.add_vserver(longname,context) # print self.margin_outline(self.vplcname(longname)),"%(vserver_line)s [=%(longname)s]"%locals() # scan timestamps command= ['grep','.'] command += ['/vservers/%s/timestamp'%b for b in ctx_dict.values()] command += ['/dev/null'] ts_lines=self.backquote_ssh(command,trash_err=True).split('\n') for ts_line in ts_lines: if not ts_line.strip(): continue # expect /vservers//timestamp: try: (_,__,vservername,tail)=ts_line.split('/') (_,timestamp)=tail.split(':') timestamp=int(timestamp) q=self.plc_instance_by_vservername(vservername) if not q: print 'WARNING unattached plc instance',ts_line continue q.set_timestamp(timestamp) except: print 'WARNING, could not parse ts line',ts_line ############################################################ class QemuInstance: def __init__ (self, nodename, pid, qemubox): self.nodename=nodename self.pid=pid self.qemu_box=qemubox # not known yet self.buildname=None self.timestamp=None def set_buildname (self,buildname): self.buildname=buildname def set_timestamp (self,timestamp): self.timestamp=timestamp def set_now (self): self.timestamp=int(time.time()) def pretty_timestamp (self): return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H-%M",time.localtime(self.timestamp)) def line (self): msg = "== %s == (pid=%s)"%(self.nodename,self.pid) if self.buildname: msg += " <--> %s"%self.buildname else: msg += " *unknown build*" if self.timestamp: msg += " @ %s"%self.pretty_timestamp() else: msg += " *unknown timestamp*" if self.pid: msg += "pid=%s"%self.pid else: msg += " not (yet?) running" return msg def kill(self): if self.pid==0: print "cannot kill qemu %s with pid==0"%self.nodename msg="Killing qemu %s with pid=%s on box %s"%(self.nodename,self.pid,self.qemu_box.hostname) self.qemu_box.run_ssh(['kill',"%s"%self.pid],msg) self.qemu_box.forget(self) class QemuBox (Box): def __init__ (self, hostname, max_qemus): Box.__init__(self,hostname) self.qemu_instances=[] self.max_qemus=max_qemus def add_node (self,nodename,pid): for qemu in self.qemu_instances: if qemu.nodename==nodename: header("WARNING, duplicate qemu %s running on %s"%\ (nodename,self.hostname), banner=False) return self.qemu_instances.append(QemuInstance(nodename,pid,self)) def forget (self, qemu_instance): self.qemu_instances.remove(qemu_instance) # fill one slot even though this one is not started yet def add_dummy (self, nodename): dummy=QemuInstance('dummy_'+nodename,0,self) dummy.set_now() self.qemu_instances.append(dummy) def line (self): msg="%s [max=%d,%d free] (%s)"%(self.hostname, self.max_qemus,self.free_spots(),self.driver()) return msg def list(self): if not self.qemu_instances: header ('No qemu process on %s'%(self.line())) else: header ("Active qemu processes on %s"%(self.line())) for q in self.qemu_instances: header (q.line(),banner=False) def free_spots (self): return self.max_qemus - len(self.qemu_instances) def driver(self): if hasattr(self,'_driver') and self._driver: return self._driver return '*undef* driver' def qemu_instance_by_pid (self,pid): for q in self.qemu_instances: if q.pid==pid: return q return None def qemu_instance_by_nodename_buildname (self,nodename,buildname): for q in self.qemu_instances: if q.nodename==nodename and q.buildname==buildname: return q return None matcher=re.compile("\s*(?P[0-9]+).*-cdrom\s+(?P[^\s]+)\.iso") def sense(self, reboot=False, soft=False): if reboot: if not soft: self.reboot() else: self.run_ssh(box,['pkill','qemu'],"Killing qemu instances") return print 'q', modules=self.backquote_ssh(['lsmod']).split('\n') self._driver='*NO kqemu/kmv_intel MODULE LOADED*' for module in modules: if module.find('kqemu')==0: self._driver='kqemu module loaded' # kvm might be loaded without vkm_intel (we dont have AMD) elif module.find('kvm_intel')==0: self._driver='kvm_intel module loaded' ########## find out running pids pids=self.backquote_ssh(['pgrep','qemu']) if not pids: return command=['ps','-o','pid,command'] + [ pid for pid in pids.split("\n") if pid] ps_lines = self.backquote_ssh (command).split("\n") for line in ps_lines: if not line.strip() or line.find('PID') >=0 : continue m=QemuBox.matcher.match(line) if m: self.add_node (m.group('nodename'),m.group('pid')) else: header('command %r returned line that failed to match'%command) ########## retrieve alive instances and map to build live_builds=[] command=['grep','.','*/*/qemu.pid','/dev/null'] pid_lines=self.backquote_ssh(command,trash_err=True).split('\n') for pid_line in pid_lines: if not pid_line.strip(): continue # expect //qemu.pid:pid try: (buildname,nodename,tail)=pid_line.split('/') (_,pid)=tail.split(':') q=self.qemu_instance_by_pid (pid) if not q: continue q.set_buildname(buildname) live_builds.append(buildname) except: print 'WARNING, could not parse pid line',pid_line # retrieve timestamps command= ['grep','.'] command += ['%s/*/timestamp'%b for b in live_builds] command += ['/dev/null'] ts_lines=self.backquote_ssh(command,trash_err=True).split('\n') for ts_line in ts_lines: if not ts_line.strip(): continue # expect //timestamp: try: (buildname,nodename,tail)=ts_line.split('/') nodename=nodename.replace('qemu-','') (_,timestamp)=tail.split(':') timestamp=int(timestamp) q=self.qemu_instance_by_nodename_buildname(nodename,buildname) if not q: print 'WARNING unattached qemu instance',ts_line,nodename,buildname continue q.set_timestamp(timestamp) except: print 'WARNING, could not parse ts line',ts_line ############################################################ class Options: pass class Substrate: def test (self): self.sense() def __init__ (self): self.options=Options() self.options.dry_run=False self.options.verbose=False self.options.probe=True self.options.soft=True self.build_boxes = [ BuildBox(h) for h in self.build_boxes_spec() ] self.plc_boxes = [ PlcBox (h,m) for (h,m) in self.plc_boxes_spec ()] self.qemu_boxes = [ QemuBox (h,m) for (h,m) in self.qemu_boxes_spec ()] self.all_boxes = self.build_boxes + self.plc_boxes + self.qemu_boxes self._sensed=False self.vplc_pool = Pool (self.vplc_ips(),"for vplcs") self.vnode_pool = Pool (self.vnode_ips(),"for vnodes") self.vnode_pool.list() # def build_box_names (self): # return [ h for h in self.build_boxes_spec() ] # def plc_boxes (self): # return [ h for (h,m) in self.plc_boxes_spec() ] # def qemu_boxes (self): # return [ h for (h,m) in self.qemu_boxes_spec() ] def sense (self,force=False): if self._sensed and not force: return print 'Sensing local substrate...', for b in self.all_boxes: b.sense() print 'Done' self._sensed=True ########## def provision (self,plcs,options): try: self.sense() self.list_all() # attach each plc to a plc box and an IP address plcs = [ self.provision_plc (plc,options) for plc in plcs ] # attach each node/qemu to a qemu box with an IP address plcs = [ self.provision_qemus (plc,options) for plc in plcs ] # update the SFA spec accordingly plcs = [ self.localize_sfa_rspec(plc,options) for plc in plcs ] return plcs except Exception, e: print '* Could not provision this test on current substrate','--',e,'--','exiting' traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) # find an available plc box (or make space) # and a free IP address (using options if present) def provision_plc (self, plc, options): #### we need to find one plc box that still has a slot plc_box=None max_free=0 # use the box that has max free spots for load balancing for pb in self.plc_boxes: free=pb.free_spots() if free>max_free: plc_box=pb max_free=free # everything is already used if not plc_box: # find the oldest of all our instances all_plc_instances=reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [ pb.plc_instances for pb in self.plc_boxes ], []) all_plc_instances.sort(timestamp_sort) plc_instance_to_kill=all_plc_instances[0] plc_box=plc_instance_to_kill.plc_box plc_instance_to_kill.kill() print 'killed oldest = %s on %s'%(plc_instance_to_kill.line(), plc_instance_to_kill.plc_box.hostname) utils.header( 'plc %s -> box %s'%(plc['name'],plc_box.line())) plc_box.add_dummy(plc['name']) #### OK we have a box to run in, let's find an IP address # look in options if options.ips_vplc: vplc_hostname=options.ips_vplc.pop() else: self.vplc_pool.load_starting() self.vplc_pool.sense() (vplc_hostname,unused)=self.vplc_pool.next_free() vplc_ip = self.vplc_pool.get_ip(vplc_hostname) self.vplc_pool.add_starting(vplc_hostname) #### compute a helpful vserver name # remove domain in hostname vplc_simple = vplc_hostname.split('.')[0] vservername = "%s-%d-%s" % (options.buildname,plc['index'],vplc_simple) plc_name = "%s_%s"%(plc['name'],vplc_simple) #### apply in the plc_spec # # informative # label=options.personality.replace("linux","") mapper = {'plc': [ ('*' , {'hostname':plc_box.hostname, # 'name':'%s-'+label, 'name': plc_name, 'vservername':vservername, 'vserverip':vplc_ip, 'PLC_DB_HOST':vplc_hostname, 'PLC_API_HOST':vplc_hostname, 'PLC_BOOT_HOST':vplc_hostname, 'PLC_WWW_HOST':vplc_hostname, 'PLC_NET_DNS1' : self.network_settings() [ 'interface_fields:dns1' ], 'PLC_NET_DNS2' : self.network_settings() [ 'interface_fields:dns2' ], } ) ] } utils.header("Attaching %s on IP %s in vserver %s"%(plc['name'],vplc_hostname,vservername)) # mappers only work on a list of plcs return TestMapper([plc],options).map(mapper)[0] ########## def provision_qemus (self, plc, options): test_mapper = TestMapper ([plc], options) nodenames = test_mapper.node_names() maps=[] for nodename in nodenames: #### similarly we want to find a qemu box that can host us qemu_box=None max_free=0 # use the box that has max free spots for load balancing for qb in self.qemu_boxes: free=qb.free_spots() if free>max_free: qemu_box=qb max_free=free # everything is already used if not qemu_box: # find the oldest of all our instances all_qemu_instances=reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [ qb.qemu_instances for qb in self.qemu_boxes ], []) all_qemu_instances.sort(timestamp_sort) qemu_instance_to_kill=all_qemu_instances[0] qemu_box=qemu_instance_to_kill.qemu_box qemu_instance_to_kill.kill() print 'killed oldest = %s on %s'%(qemu_instance_to_kill.line(), qemu_instance_to_kill.qemu_box.hostname) utils.header( 'node %s -> qemu box %s'%(nodename,qemu_box.line())) qemu_box.add_dummy(nodename) #### OK we have a box to run in, let's find an IP address # look in options if options.ips_vnode: vnode_hostname=options.ips_vnode.pop() mac=self.vnode_pool.retrieve_userdata(vnode_hostname) print 'case 1 hostname',vnode_hostname,'mac',mac else: self.vnode_pool.load_starting() self.vnode_pool.sense() (vnode_hostname,mac)=self.vnode_pool.next_free() print 'case 2 hostname',vnode_hostname,'mac',mac ip=self.vnode_pool.get_ip (vnode_hostname) self.vnode_pool.add_starting(vnode_hostname) if vnode_hostname.find('.')<0: vnode_hostname += "."+self.domain() nodemap={'host_box':qemu_box.hostname, 'node_fields:hostname':vnode_hostname, 'interface_fields:ip':ip, 'interface_fields:mac':mac, } nodemap.update(self.network_settings()) maps.append ( (nodename, nodemap) ) utils.header("Attaching %s on IP %s MAC %s"%(plc['name'],vnode_hostname,mac)) return test_mapper.map({'node':maps})[0] def localize_sfa_rspec (self,plc,options): plc['sfa']['SFA_REGISTRY_HOST'] = plc['PLC_DB_HOST'] plc['sfa']['SFA_AGGREGATE_HOST'] = plc['PLC_DB_HOST'] plc['sfa']['SFA_SM_HOST'] = plc['PLC_DB_HOST'] plc['sfa']['SFA_PLC_DB_HOST'] = plc['PLC_DB_HOST'] plc['sfa']['SFA_PLC_URL'] = 'https://' + plc['PLC_API_HOST'] + ':443/PLCAPI/' for site in plc['sites']: for node in site['nodes']: plc['sfa']['sfa_slice_rspec']['part4'] = node['node_fields']['hostname'] return plc #################### release: def release (self,options): self.vplc_pool.release_my_fakes() self.vnode_pool.release_my_fakes() pass #################### show results for interactive mode def list_all (self): self.sense() for b in self.all_boxes: b.list() def get_box (self,box): for b in self.build_boxes + self.plc_boxes + self.qemu_boxes: if b.simple_hostname()==box: return b print "Could not find box %s"%box return None def list_box(self,box): b=self.get_box(box) if not b: return b.sense() b.list() # can be run as a utility to manage the local infrastructure def main (self): parser=OptionParser() (options,args)=parser.parse_args() if not args: self.list_all() else: for box in args: self.list_box(box)