#!/usr/bin/python -u # Thierry Parmentelat # Copyright (C) 2010 INRIA # import sys, os, os.path from optparse import OptionParser import traceback from time import strftime import readline import glob import utils from TestPlc import TestPlc, Ignored from TestSite import TestSite from TestNode import TestNode from macros import sequences # add $HOME in PYTHONPATH so we can import LocalSubstrate.py sys.path.append(os.environ['HOME']) import LocalSubstrate class Step: natives=TestPlc.__dict__ def display (self): return self.name.replace('_','-') def internal (self): return self.name.replace('-','_') def __init__ (self, name): self.name=name # a native step is implemented as a method on TestPlc self.native = self.internal() in Step.natives if self.native: self.method=Step.natives[self.internal()] else: try: self.substeps=sequences[self.internal()] except Exception,e: print "macro step %s not found in macros.py (%s) - exiting"%(self.display(),e) raise def print_doc (self,level=0): tab=32 trail=8 if self.native: start=level*' '+'* ' # 2 is the len of '* ' width=tab-level-2 format="%%-%ds"%width line=start+format%self.display() print line, try: print self.method.__doc__ except: print "*** no doc found" else: beg_start=level*' '+'>>> ' end_start=level*' '+'<<< ' trailer=trail*'-' # 4 is the len of '>>> ' width=tab-level-4-trail format=("%%-%ds"%width) beg_line=beg_start+format%self.display()+trail*'>' end_line=end_start+format%self.display()+trail*'<' print beg_line for step in self.substeps: Step(step).print_doc(level+1) print end_line # return a list of (name, method) for all native steps involved def tuples (self): if self.native: return [ (self.internal(), self.method,) ] else: result=[] for substep in [ Step(name) for name in self.substeps ] : result += substep.tuples() return result # convenience for listing macros # just do a listdir, hoping we're in the right directory... @staticmethod def list_macros (): names= sequences.keys() names.sort() return names class TestMain: subversion_id = "Now using git -- version tracker broken" default_config = [ 'default' ] default_rspec_styles = [ 'pl', 'pg' ] default_build_url = "git://git.onelab.eu/tests" def __init__ (self): self.path=os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) or "." os.chdir(self.path) def show_env (self,options, message): if self.options.verbose: utils.header (message) utils.show_options("main options",options) def init_steps(self): self.steps_message = 20*'x'+" Defaut steps are\n"+TestPlc.printable_steps(TestPlc.default_steps) self.steps_message += 20*'x'+" Other useful steps are\n"+TestPlc.printable_steps(TestPlc.other_steps) self.steps_message += 20*'x'+" Macro steps are\n"+" ".join(Step.list_macros()) def list_steps(self): if not self.options.verbose: print self.steps_message, else: # steps mentioned on the command line if self.options.args: scopes = [("Argument steps",self.options.args)] else: scopes = [("Default steps",TestPlc.default_steps)] if self.options.all_steps: scopes.append ( ("Other steps",TestPlc.other_steps) ) # try to list macro steps as well scopes.append ( ("Macro steps", Step.list_macros()) ) for (scope,steps) in scopes: print '--------------------',scope for step in [step for step in steps if TestPlc.valid_step(step)]: try: (step,qualifier)=step.split('@') except: pass stepname=step for special in ['force','ignore']: stepname = stepname.replace('_'+special,"") Step(stepname).print_doc() def run (self): self.init_steps() usage = """usage: %%prog [options] steps arch-rpms-url defaults to the last value used, as stored in arg-arch-rpms-url, no default config defaults to the last value used, as stored in arg-config, or %r ips_vnode, ips_vplc and ips_qemu defaults to the last value used, as stored in arg-ips-{bplc,vplc,bnode,vnode}, default is to use IP scanning steps refer to a method in TestPlc or to a step_* module === """%(TestMain.default_config) usage += self.steps_message parser=OptionParser(usage=usage,version=self.subversion_id) parser.add_option("-u","--url",action="store", dest="arch_rpms_url", help="URL of the arch-dependent RPMS area - for locating what to test") parser.add_option("-b","--build",action="store", dest="build_url", help="ignored, for legacy only") parser.add_option("-c","--config",action="append", dest="config", default=[], help="Config module - can be set multiple times, or use quotes") parser.add_option("-p","--personality",action="store", dest="personality", help="personality - as in vbuild-nightly") parser.add_option("-d","--pldistro",action="store", dest="pldistro", help="pldistro - as in vbuild-nightly") parser.add_option("-f","--fcdistro",action="store", dest="fcdistro", help="fcdistro - as in vbuild-nightly") parser.add_option("-e","--exclude",action="append", dest="exclude", default=[], help="steps to exclude - can be set multiple times, or use quotes") parser.add_option("-i","--ignore",action="append", dest="ignore", default=[], help="steps to run but ignore - can be set multiple times, or use quotes") parser.add_option("-a","--all",action="store_true",dest="all_steps", default=False, help="Run all default steps") parser.add_option("-l","--list",action="store_true",dest="list_steps", default=False, help="List known steps") parser.add_option("-V","--vserver",action="append", dest="ips_bplc", default=[], help="Specify the set of hostnames for the boxes that host the plcs") parser.add_option("-P","--plcs",action="append", dest="ips_vplc", default=[], help="Specify the set of hostname/IP's to use for vplcs") parser.add_option("-Q","--qemus",action="append", dest="ips_bnode", default=[], help="Specify the set of hostnames for the boxes that host the nodes") parser.add_option("-N","--nodes",action="append", dest="ips_vnode", default=[], help="Specify the set of hostname/IP's to use for vnodes") parser.add_option ('-X', "--lxc",action='store_true',dest='plcs_use_lxc',default=True, help='use lxc-enabled plc boxes instead of vs-enabled ones') parser.add_option ('-S', "--vs",action='store_false',dest='plcs_use_lxc', help='use lxc-enabled plc boxes instead of vs-enabled ones') parser.add_option("-s","--size",action="store",type="int",dest="size",default=1, help="sets test size in # of plcs - default is 1") parser.add_option("-q","--qualifier",action="store",type="int",dest="qualifier",default=None, help="run steps only on plc numbered , starting at 1") parser.add_option("-y","--rspec-style",action="append",dest="rspec_styles",default=[], help="pl is for planetlab rspecs, pg is for protogeni") parser.add_option("-k","--keep-going",action="store",dest="keep_going",default=False, help="proceeds even if some steps are failing") parser.add_option("-D","--dbname",action="store",dest="dbname",default=None, help="Used by plc_db_dump and plc_db_restore") parser.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Run in verbose mode") parser.add_option("-I","--interactive",action="store_true",dest="interactive",default=False, help="prompts before each step") parser.add_option("-n","--dry-run", action="store_true", dest="dry_run", default=False, help="Show environment and exits") # dropped when added Completer.py # parser.add_option("-r","--restart-nm", action="store_true", dest="forcenm", default=False, # help="Force the NM to restart in ssh_slices step") parser.add_option("-t","--trace", action="store", dest="trace_file", default=None, help="Trace file location") (self.options, self.args) = parser.parse_args() # allow things like "run -c 'c1 c2' -c c3" def flatten (x): result = [] for el in x: if hasattr(el, "__iter__") and not isinstance(el, basestring): result.extend(flatten(el)) else: result.append(el) return result # flatten relevant options for optname in ['config','exclude','ignore','ips_bplc','ips_vplc','ips_bnode','ips_vnode']: setattr(self.options,optname, flatten ( [ arg.split() for arg in getattr(self.options,optname) ] )) if not self.options.rspec_styles: self.options.rspec_styles=TestMain.default_rspec_styles # handle defaults and option persistence for (recname,filename,default,need_reverse) in ( ('build_url','arg-build-url',TestMain.default_build_url,None) , ('ips_bplc','arg-ips-bplc',[],True), ('ips_vplc','arg-ips-vplc',[],True) , ('ips_bnode','arg-ips-bnode',[],True), ('ips_vnode','arg-ips-vnode',[],True) , ('config','arg-config',TestMain.default_config,False) , ('arch_rpms_url','arg-arch-rpms-url',"",None) , ('personality','arg-personality',"linux64",None), ('pldistro','arg-pldistro',"onelab",None), ('fcdistro','arg-fcdistro','f14',None), ('plcs_use_lxc','arg-plcs-use-lxc',False,None), ) : # print 'handling',recname path=filename is_list = isinstance(default,list) is_bool = isinstance(default,bool) if not getattr(self.options,recname): try: parsed=file(path).readlines() if is_list: # lists parsed=[x.strip() for x in parsed] else: # strings and booleans if len(parsed) != 1: print "%s - error when parsing %s"%(sys.argv[1],path) sys.exit(1) parsed=parsed[0].strip() if is_bool: parsed = parsed.lower()=='true' setattr(self.options,recname,parsed) except: if default != "": setattr(self.options,recname,default) else: print "Cannot determine",recname print "Run %s --help for help"%sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) # save for next run fsave=open(path,"w") if is_list: # lists for value in getattr(self.options,recname): fsave.write(value + "\n") else: # strings and booleans - just call str() fsave.write(str(getattr(self.options,recname)) + "\n") fsave.close() # utils.header('Saved %s into %s'%(recname,filename)) # lists need be reversed # I suspect this is useful for the various pools but for config, it's painful if isinstance(getattr(self.options,recname),list) and need_reverse: getattr(self.options,recname).reverse() if self.options.verbose: utils.header('* Using %s = %s'%(recname,getattr(self.options,recname))) # hack : if sfa is not among the published rpms, skip these tests TestPlc.check_whether_build_has_sfa(self.options.arch_rpms_url) # no step specified self.options.args = self.args if len(self.args) == 0: self.options.steps=TestPlc.default_steps else: self.options.steps = self.args if self.options.list_steps: self.init_steps() self.list_steps() return True # steps if not self.options.steps: #default (all) steps #self.options.steps=['dump','clean','install','populate'] self.options.steps=TestPlc.default_steps # rewrite '-' into '_' in step names self.options.steps = [ step.replace('-','_') for step in self.options.steps ] self.options.exclude = [ step.replace('-','_') for step in self.options.exclude ] self.options.ignore = [ step.replace('-','_') for step in self.options.ignore ] TestPlc.create_ignore_steps() # exclude selected=[] for step in self.options.steps: keep=True for exclude in self.options.exclude: if utils.match(step,exclude): keep=False break if keep: selected.append(step) # ignore selected = [ step if step not in self.options.ignore else step+"_ignore" for step in selected ] self.options.steps=selected # this is useful when propagating on host boxes, to avoid conflicts self.options.buildname = os.path.basename (os.path.abspath (self.path)) if self.options.verbose: self.show_env(self.options,"Verbose") # load configs all_plc_specs = [] for config in self.options.config: modulename='config_'+config try: m = __import__(modulename) all_plc_specs = m.config(all_plc_specs,self.options) except : traceback.print_exc() print 'Cannot load config %s -- ignored'%modulename raise # provision on local substrate if self.options.plcs_use_lxc: LocalSubstrate.local_substrate.rescope (plcs_on_vs=False, plcs_on_lxc=True) all_plc_specs = LocalSubstrate.local_substrate.provision(all_plc_specs,self.options) # remember substrate IP address(es) for next run ips_bplc_file=open('arg-ips-bplc','w') for plc_spec in all_plc_specs: ips_bplc_file.write("%s\n"%plc_spec['host_box']) ips_bplc_file.close() ips_vplc_file=open('arg-ips-vplc','w') for plc_spec in all_plc_specs: ips_vplc_file.write("%s\n"%plc_spec['PLC_API_HOST']) ips_vplc_file.close() # ditto for nodes ips_bnode_file=open('arg-ips-bnode','w') for plc_spec in all_plc_specs: for site_spec in plc_spec['sites']: for node_spec in site_spec['nodes']: ips_bnode_file.write("%s\n"%node_spec['host_box']) ips_bnode_file.close() ips_vnode_file=open('arg-ips-vnode','w') for plc_spec in all_plc_specs: for site_spec in plc_spec['sites']: for node_spec in site_spec['nodes']: # back to normal (unqualified) form stripped=node_spec['node_fields']['hostname'].split('.')[0] ips_vnode_file.write("%s\n"%stripped) ips_vnode_file.close() # build a TestPlc object from the result, passing options for spec in all_plc_specs: spec['failed_step'] = False all_plcs = [ (x, TestPlc(x,self.options)) for x in all_plc_specs] # pass options to utils as well utils.init_options(self.options) overall_result = 'SUCCESS' all_step_infos=[] for step in self.options.steps: if not TestPlc.valid_step(step): continue # some steps need to be done regardless of the previous ones: we force them force=False if step.endswith("_force"): step=step.replace("_force","") force=True # allow for steps to specify an index like in # run checkslice@2 try: (step,qualifier)=step.split('@') except: qualifier=self.options.qualifier try: stepobj = Step (step) for (substep, method) in stepobj.tuples(): # a cross step will run a method on TestPlc that has a signature like # def cross_foo (self, all_test_plcs) cross=False if substep.find("cross_") == 0: cross=True all_step_infos.append ( (substep, method, force, cross, qualifier, ) ) except : utils.header("********** FAILED step %s (NOT FOUND) -- won't be run"%step) traceback.print_exc() overall_result = 'FAILURE' if self.options.dry_run: self.show_env(self.options,"Dry run") # init & open trace file if provided if self.options.trace_file and not self.options.dry_run: # create dir if needed trace_dir=os.path.dirname(self.options.trace_file) if trace_dir and not os.path.isdir(trace_dir): os.makedirs(trace_dir) trace=open(self.options.trace_file,"w") # do all steps on all plcs TIME_FORMAT="%H-%M-%S" TRACE_FORMAT="TRACE: %(plc_counter)d %(beg)s->%(end)s status=%(status)s step=%(stepname)s plc=%(plcname)s force=%(force)s\n" for (stepname,method,force,cross,qualifier) in all_step_infos: plc_counter=0 for (spec,plc_obj) in all_plcs: plc_counter+=1 # skip this step if we have specified a plc_explicit if qualifier and plc_counter!=int(qualifier): continue plcname=spec['name'] across_plcs = [ o for (s,o) in all_plcs if o!=plc_obj ] # run the step beg=strftime(TIME_FORMAT) if not spec['failed_step'] or force or self.options.interactive or self.options.keep_going: skip_step=False if self.options.interactive: prompting=True while prompting: msg="%d Run step %s on %s [r](un)/d(ry_run)/p(roceed)/s(kip)/q(uit) ? "%(plc_counter,stepname,plcname) answer=raw_input(msg).strip().lower() or "r" answer=answer[0] if answer in ['s','n']: # skip/no/next print '%s on %s skipped'%(stepname,plcname) prompting=False skip_step=True elif answer in ['q','b']: # quit/bye print 'Exiting' return elif answer in ['d']: # dry_run dry_run=self.options.dry_run self.options.dry_run=True plc_obj.options.dry_run=True plc_obj.apiserver.set_dry_run(True) if not cross: step_result=method(plc_obj) else: step_result=method(plc_obj,across_plcs) print 'dry_run step ->',step_result self.options.dry_run=dry_run plc_obj.options.dry_run=dry_run plc_obj.apiserver.set_dry_run(dry_run) elif answer in ['p']: # take it as a yes and leave interactive mode prompting=False self.options.interactive=False elif answer in ['r','y']: # run/yes prompting=False if skip_step: continue try: force_msg="" if force and spec['failed_step']: force_msg=" (forced after %s has failed)"%spec['failed_step'] utils.header("********** %d RUNNING step %s%s on plc %s"%(plc_counter,stepname,force_msg,plcname)) if not cross: step_result = method(plc_obj) else: step_result = method(plc_obj,across_plcs) if isinstance (step_result,Ignored): step_result=step_result.result if step_result: msg="OK" else: msg="KO" overall_result='IGNORED' utils.header('********** %d IGNORED (%s) step %s on %s'%(plc_counter,msg,stepname,plcname)) status="%s[I]"%msg elif step_result: utils.header('********** %d SUCCESSFUL step %s on %s'%(plc_counter,stepname,plcname)) status="OK" else: overall_result = 'FAILURE' spec['failed_step'] = stepname utils.header('********** %d FAILED Step %s on %s (discarded from further steps)'\ %(plc_counter,stepname,plcname)) status="KO" except: overall_result='FAILURE' spec['failed_step'] = stepname traceback.print_exc() utils.header ('********** %d FAILED (exception) Step %s on %s (discarded from further steps)'\ %(plc_counter,stepname,plcname)) status="KO" # do not run, just display it's skipped else: why="has failed %s"%spec['failed_step'] utils.header("********** %d SKIPPED Step %s on %s (%s)"%(plc_counter,stepname,plcname,why)) status="UNDEF" if not self.options.dry_run: end=strftime(TIME_FORMAT) # always do this on stdout print TRACE_FORMAT%locals() # duplicate on trace_file if provided if self.options.trace_file: trace.write(TRACE_FORMAT%locals()) trace.flush() if self.options.trace_file and not self.options.dry_run: trace.close() # free local substrate LocalSubstrate.local_substrate.release(self.options) return overall_result # wrapper to run, returns a shell-compatible result # retcod: # 0: SUCCESS # 1: SUCCESS but some ignored steps failed # 2: FAILED STEP # 3: OTHER ERROR def main(self): try: success=self.run() if success == 'SUCCESS': return 0 elif success == 'IGNORED': return 2 else: return 1 except SystemExit: print 'Caught SystemExit' return 3 except: traceback.print_exc() return 3 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(TestMain().main())