#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id$ import sys, os, os.path from optparse import OptionParser import traceback import utils from TestPlc import TestPlc from TestSite import TestSite from TestNode import TestNode SEP='' class TestMain: subversion_id = "$Id$" default_config = [ 'main' , '1vnodes' , '1testbox64' ] default_build_url = "http://svn.planet-lab.org/svn/build/trunk" def __init__ (self): self.path=os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) or "." os.chdir(self.path) @staticmethod def show_env (options, message): utils.header (message) utils.show_options("main options",options) @staticmethod def optparse_list (option, opt, value, parser): try: setattr(parser.values,option.dest,getattr(parser.values,option.dest)+value.split()) except: setattr(parser.values,option.dest,value.split()) @staticmethod def printable_steps (list): return " ".join(list).replace(" "+SEP+" ","\n") def run (self): steps_message=20*'x'+" Defaut steps are\n"+TestMain.printable_steps(TestPlc.default_steps) steps_message += "\n"+20*'x'+" Other useful steps are\n"+TestMain.printable_steps(TestPlc.other_steps) usage = """usage: %%prog [options] steps myplc-url defaults to the last value used, as stored in arg-myplc-url, no default build-url defaults to the last value used, as stored in arg-build-url, or %s config defaults to the last value used, as stored in arg-config, or %r ips defaults to the last value used, as stored in arg-ips, default is to use IP scanning steps refer to a method in TestPlc or to a step_* module === """%(TestMain.default_build_url,TestMain.default_config) usage += steps_message parser=OptionParser(usage=usage,version=self.subversion_id) parser.add_option("-u","--url",action="store", dest="myplc_url", help="myplc URL - for locating build output") parser.add_option("-b","--build",action="store", dest="build_url", help="Build URL - for using vtest-init-vserver.sh in native mode") parser.add_option("-c","--config",action="callback", callback=TestMain.optparse_list, dest="config", nargs=1,type="string", help="Config module - can be set multiple times, or use quotes") parser.add_option("-x","--exclude",action="callback", callback=TestMain.optparse_list, dest="exclude", nargs=1,type="string",default=[], help="steps to exclude - can be set multiple times, or use quotes") parser.add_option("-a","--all",action="store_true",dest="all_steps", default=False, help="Run all default steps") parser.add_option("-l","--list",action="store_true",dest="list_steps", default=False, help="List known steps") parser.add_option("-i","--ip",action="callback", callback=TestMain.optparse_list, dest="ips", nargs=1,type="string", help="Specify the set of IP addresses to use in vserver mode (disable scanning)") parser.add_option("-s","--small",action="store_true",dest="small_test",default=False, help="run a small test -- typically only one node") parser.add_option("-d","--dbname",action="store",dest="dbname",default=None, help="Used by db_dump and db_restore") parser.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="Run in verbose mode") parser.add_option("-q","--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="Run in quiet mode") parser.add_option("-n","--dry-run", action="store_true", dest="dry_run", default=False, help="Show environment and exits") parser.add_option("-f","--forcenm", action="store_true", dest="forcenm", default=False, help="Force the NM to restart in check_slices step") (self.options, self.args) = parser.parse_args() # tmp : force small test utils.header("XXX WARNING : forcing small tests") self.options.small_test = True if len(self.args) == 0: if self.options.all_steps: self.options.steps=TestPlc.default_steps elif self.options.dry_run: self.options.steps=TestPlc.default_steps elif self.options.list_steps: print steps_message sys.exit(1) else: print 'No step found (do you mean -a ? )' print "Run %s --help for help"%sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) else: self.options.steps = self.args # handle defaults and option persistence for (recname,filename,default) in ( ('build_url','arg-build-url',TestMain.default_build_url) , ('ips','arg-ips',[]) , ('config','arg-config',TestMain.default_config) , ('myplc_url','arg-myplc-url',"") , ) : # print 'handling',recname path=filename is_list = isinstance(default,list) if not getattr(self.options,recname): try: parsed=file(path).readlines() if not is_list: # strings if len(parsed) != 1: print "%s - error when parsing %s"%(sys.argv[1],path) sys.exit(1) parsed=parsed[0].strip() else: # lists parsed=[x.strip() for x in parsed] setattr(self.options,recname,parsed) except: if default != "": setattr(self.options,recname,default) else: print "Cannot determine",recname print "Run %s --help for help"%sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) if not self.options.quiet: utils.header('* Using %s = %s'%(recname,getattr(self.options,recname))) # save for next run fsave=open(path,"w") if not is_list: fsave.write(getattr(self.options,recname) + "\n") else: for value in getattr(self.options,recname): fsave.write(value + "\n") fsave.close() # utils.header('Saved %s into %s'%(recname,filename)) # steps if not self.options.steps: #default (all) steps #self.options.steps=['dump','clean','install','populate'] self.options.steps=TestPlc.default_steps # exclude selected=[] for step in self.options.steps: keep=True for exclude in self.options.exclude: if utils.match(step,exclude): keep=False break if keep: selected.append(step) self.options.steps=selected # this is useful when propagating on host boxes, to avoid conflicts self.options.buildname = os.path.basename (os.path.abspath (self.path)) if self.options.verbose: self.show_env(self.options,"Verbose") # load configs all_plc_specs = [] for config in self.options.config: modulename='config_'+config try: m = __import__(modulename) all_plc_specs = m.config(all_plc_specs,self.options) except : traceback.print_exc() print 'Cannot load config %s -- ignored'%modulename raise # show config if not self.options.quiet: utils.show_test_spec("Test specifications",all_plc_specs) # build a TestPlc object from the result, passing options for spec in all_plc_specs: spec['disabled'] = False all_plcs = [ (x, TestPlc(x,self.options)) for x in all_plc_specs] # pass options to utils as well utils.init_options(self.options) overall_result = True testplc_method_dict = __import__("TestPlc").__dict__['TestPlc'].__dict__ all_step_infos=[] for step in self.options.steps: if step == SEP: continue force=False # is it a forcedstep if step.find("force_") == 0: step=step.replace("force_","") force=True # try and locate a method in TestPlc if testplc_method_dict.has_key(step): all_step_infos += [ (step, testplc_method_dict[step] , force)] # otherwise search for the 'run' method in the step_ module else: modulename='step_'+step try: # locate all methods named run* in the module module_dict = __import__(modulename).__dict__ names = [ key for key in module_dict.keys() if key.find("run")==0 ] if not names: raise Exception,"No run* method in module %s"%modulename names.sort() all_step_infos += [ ("%s.%s"%(step,name),module_dict[name],force) for name in names ] except : print '********** step %s NOT FOUND -- ignored'%(step) traceback.print_exc() overall_result = False if self.options.dry_run: self.show_env(self.options,"Dry run") # do all steps on all plcs for (stepname,method,force) in all_step_infos: for (spec,obj) in all_plcs: plcname=spec['name'] # run the step if not spec['disabled'] or force: try: force_msg="" if force: force_msg=" (forced)" utils.header("********** RUNNING step %s%s on plc %s"%(stepname,force_msg,plcname)) step_result = method(obj) if step_result: utils.header('********** SUCCESSFUL step %s on %s'%(stepname,plcname)) else: overall_result = False spec['disabled'] = True utils.header('********** FAILED Step %s on %s - discarding that plc from further steps'%(stepname,plcname)) except: overall_result=False spec['disabled'] = True traceback.print_exc() utils.header ('********** FAILED (exception) Step %s on plc %s - discarding this plc from further steps'%(stepname,plcname)) # do not run, just display it's skipped else: utils.header("********** IGNORED Plc %s is disabled - skipping step %s"%(plcname,stepname)) return overall_result # wrapper to run, returns a shell-compatible result def main(self): try: success=self.run() if success: return 0 else: return 1 except SystemExit: raise except: traceback.print_exc() return 2 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(TestMain().main())