# $Id$ import os, os.path import datetime import time import sys import xmlrpclib import datetime import traceback from types import StringTypes import utils from TestSite import TestSite from TestNode import TestNode from TestUser import TestUser from TestKey import TestKey from TestSlice import TestSlice from TestBox import TestBox # step methods must take (self, options) and return a boolean def standby(minutes): utils.header('Entering StandBy for %d mn'%minutes) time.sleep(60*minutes) return True def standby_generic (func): def actual(self,options): minutes=int(func.__name__.split("_")[1]) return standby(minutes) return actual class TestPlc: def __init__ (self,plc_spec): self.plc_spec=plc_spec self.path=os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) try: self.vserverip=plc_spec['vserverip'] self.vservername=plc_spec['vservername'] self.url="https://%s:443/PLCAPI/"%plc_spec['vserverip'] self.vserver=True except: self.vserver=False self.url="https://%s:443/PLCAPI/"%plc_spec['hostname'] utils.header('Using API url %s'%self.url) self.server=xmlrpclib.Server(self.url,allow_none=True) def name(self): name=self.plc_spec['name'] if self.vserver: return name+"[%s]"%self.vservername else: return name+"[chroot]" def is_local (self): return self.plc_spec['hostname'] == 'localhost' # define the API methods on this object through xmlrpc # would help, but not strictly necessary def connect (self): pass # command gets run in the chroot/vserver def host_to_guest(self,command): if self.vserver: return "vserver %s exec %s"%(self.vservername,command) else: return "chroot /plc/root %s"%utils.backslash_shell_specials(command) # command gets run on the right box def to_host(self,command): if self.is_local(): return command else: return "ssh %s %s"%(self.plc_spec['hostname'],utils.backslash_shell_specials(command)) def full_command(self,command): return self.to_host(self.host_to_guest(command)) def run_in_guest (self,command): return utils.system(self.full_command(command)) def run_in_host (self,command): return utils.system(self.to_host(command)) # xxx quick n dirty def run_in_guest_piped (self,local,remote): return utils.system(local+" | "+self.full_command(remote)) # copy a file to the myplc root image - pass in_data=True if the file must go in /plc/data def copy_in_guest (self, localfile, remotefile, in_data=False): if in_data: chroot_dest="/plc/data" else: chroot_dest="/plc/root" if self.is_local(): if not self.vserver: utils.system("cp %s %s/%s"%(localfile,chroot_dest,remotefile)) else: utils.system("cp %s /vservers/%s/%s"%(localfile,self.vservername,remotefile)) else: if not self.vserver: utils.system("scp %s %s:%s/%s"%(localfile,self.plc_spec['hostname'],chroot_dest,remotefile)) else: utils.system("scp %s %s@/vservers/%s/%s"%(localfile,self.plc_spec['hostname'],self.vservername,remotefile)) def auth_root (self): return {'Username':self.plc_spec['PLC_ROOT_USER'], 'AuthMethod':'password', 'AuthString':self.plc_spec['PLC_ROOT_PASSWORD'], 'Role' : self.plc_spec['role'] } def locate_site (self,sitename): for site in self.plc_spec['sites']: if site['site_fields']['name'] == sitename: return site if site['site_fields']['login_base'] == sitename: return site raise Exception,"Cannot locate site %s"%sitename def locate_node (self,nodename): for site in self.plc_spec['sites']: for node in site['nodes']: if node['node_fields']['hostname'] == nodename: return (site,node) raise Exception,"Cannot locate node %s"%nodename def locate_key (self,keyname): for key in self.plc_spec['keys']: if key['name'] == keyname: return key raise Exception,"Cannot locate key %s"%keyname # all different hostboxes used in this plc def gather_hostBoxes(self): # maps on sites and nodes, return [ (host_box,test_node) ] tuples=[] for site_spec in self.plc_spec['sites']: test_site = TestSite (self,site_spec) for node_spec in site_spec['nodes']: test_node = TestNode (self, test_site, node_spec) if not test_node.is_real(): tuples.append( (test_node.host_box(),test_node) ) # transform into a dict { 'host_box' -> [ hostnames .. ] } result = {} for (box,node) in tuples: if not result.has_key(box): result[box]=[node] else: result[box].append(node) return result # a step for checking this stuff def showboxes (self,options): print 'showboxes' for (box,nodes) in self.gather_hostBoxes().iteritems(): print box,":"," + ".join( [ node.name() for node in nodes ] ) return True # make this a valid step def kill_all_qemus(self,options): for (box,nodes) in self.gather_hostBoxes().iteritems(): # this is the brute force version, kill all qemus on that host box TestBox(box).kill_all_qemus() return True # kill only the right qemus def kill_qemus(self,options): for (box,nodes) in self.gather_hostBoxes().iteritems(): # the fine-grain version for node in nodes: node.kill_qemu() return True def clear_ssh_config (self,options): # install local ssh_config file as root's .ssh/config - ssh should be quiet # dir might need creation first self.run_in_guest("mkdir /root/.ssh") self.run_in_guest("chmod 700 /root/.ssh") # this does not work - > redirection somehow makes it until an argument to cat #self.run_in_guest_piped("cat ssh_config","cat > /root/.ssh/config") self.copy_in_guest("ssh_config","/root/.ssh/config",True) return True #################### step methods ### uninstall def uninstall_chroot(self,options): self.run_in_host('service plc safestop') #####detecting the last myplc version installed and remove it self.run_in_host('rpm -e myplc') ##### Clean up the /plc directory self.run_in_host('rm -rf /plc/data') ##### stop any running vservers self.run_in_host('for vserver in $(ls /vservers/* | sed -e s,/vservers/,,) ; do vserver $vserver stop ; done') return True def uninstall_vserver(self,options): self.run_in_host("vserver --silent %s delete"%self.vservername) return True def uninstall(self,options): # if there's a chroot-based myplc running, and then a native-based myplc is being deployed # it sounds safer to have the former uninstalled too # now the vserver method cannot be invoked for chroot instances as vservername is required if self.vserver: self.uninstall_vserver(options) self.uninstall_chroot(options) else: self.uninstall_chroot(options) return True ### install def install_chroot(self,options): # nothing to do return True # xxx this would not work with hostname != localhost as mylc-init-vserver was extracted locally def install_vserver(self,options): # we need build dir for vtest-init-vserver if self.is_local(): # a full path for the local calls build_dir=self.path+"/build" else: # use a standard name - will be relative to HOME build_dir="tests-system-build" build_checkout = "svn checkout %s %s"%(options.build_url,build_dir) if self.run_in_host(build_checkout) != 0: raise Exception,"Cannot checkout build dir" # the repo url is taken from myplc-url # with the last two steps (i386/myplc...) removed repo_url = options.myplc_url repo_url = os.path.dirname(repo_url) repo_url = os.path.dirname(repo_url) create_vserver="%s/vtest-init-vserver.sh %s %s -- --interface eth0:%s"%\ (build_dir,self.vservername,repo_url,self.vserverip) if self.run_in_host(create_vserver) != 0: raise Exception,"Could not create vserver for %s"%self.vservername return True def install(self,options): if self.vserver: return self.install_vserver(options) else: return self.install_chroot(options) ### install_rpm def install_rpm_chroot(self,options): utils.header('Installing from %s'%options.myplc_url) url=options.myplc_url self.run_in_host('rpm -Uvh '+url) self.run_in_host('service plc mount') return True def install_rpm_vserver(self,options): self.run_in_guest("yum -y install myplc-native") return True def install_rpm(self,options): if self.vserver: return self.install_rpm_vserver(options) else: return self.install_rpm_chroot(options) ### def configure(self,options): tmpname='%s/%s.plc-config-tty'%(options.path,self.name()) fileconf=open(tmpname,'w') for var in [ 'PLC_NAME', 'PLC_ROOT_PASSWORD', 'PLC_ROOT_USER', 'PLC_MAIL_ENABLED', 'PLC_MAIL_SUPPORT_ADDRESS', 'PLC_DB_HOST', 'PLC_API_HOST', 'PLC_WWW_HOST', 'PLC_BOOT_HOST', 'PLC_NET_DNS1', 'PLC_NET_DNS2']: fileconf.write ('e %s\n%s\n'%(var,self.plc_spec[var])) fileconf.write('w\n') fileconf.write('q\n') fileconf.close() utils.system('cat %s'%tmpname) self.run_in_guest_piped('cat %s'%tmpname,'plc-config-tty') utils.system('rm %s'%tmpname) return True # the chroot install is slightly different to this respect def start(self, options): if self.vserver: self.run_in_guest('service plc start') else: self.run_in_host('service plc start') return True def stop(self, options): if self.vserver: self.run_in_guest('service plc stop') else: self.run_in_host('service plc stop') return True # could use a TestKey class def store_keys(self, options): for key_spec in self.plc_spec['keys']: TestKey(self,key_spec).store_key() return True def clean_keys(self, options): utils.system("rm -rf %s/keys/"%self.path) def sites (self,options): return self.do_sites(options) def clean_sites (self,options): return self.do_sites(options,action="delete") def do_sites (self,options,action="add"): for site_spec in self.plc_spec['sites']: test_site = TestSite (self,site_spec) if (action != "add"): utils.header("Deleting site %s in %s"%(test_site.name(),self.name())) test_site.delete_site() # deleted with the site #test_site.delete_users() continue else: utils.header("Creating site %s & users in %s"%(test_site.name(),self.name())) test_site.create_site() test_site.create_users() return True def nodes (self, options): return self.do_nodes(options) def clean_nodes (self, options): return self.do_nodes(options,action="delete") def do_nodes (self, options,action="add"): for site_spec in self.plc_spec['sites']: test_site = TestSite (self,site_spec) if action != "add": utils.header("Deleting nodes in site %s"%test_site.name()) for node_spec in site_spec['nodes']: test_node=TestNode(self,test_site,node_spec) utils.header("Deleting %s"%test_node.name()) test_node.delete_node() else: utils.header("Creating nodes for site %s in %s"%(test_site.name(),self.name())) for node_spec in site_spec['nodes']: utils.show_spec('Creating node %s'%node_spec,node_spec) test_node = TestNode (self,test_site,node_spec) test_node.create_node () return True # create nodegroups if needed, and populate # no need for a clean_nodegroups if we are careful enough def nodegroups (self, options): # 1st pass to scan contents groups_dict = {} for site_spec in self.plc_spec['sites']: test_site = TestSite (self,site_spec) for node_spec in site_spec['nodes']: test_node=TestNode (self,test_site,node_spec) if node_spec.has_key('nodegroups'): nodegroupnames=node_spec['nodegroups'] if isinstance(nodegroupnames,StringTypes): nodegroupnames = [ nodegroupnames ] for nodegroupname in nodegroupnames: if not groups_dict.has_key(nodegroupname): groups_dict[nodegroupname]=[] groups_dict[nodegroupname].append(test_node.name()) auth=self.auth_root() for (nodegroupname,group_nodes) in groups_dict.iteritems(): try: self.server.GetNodeGroups(auth,{'name':nodegroupname})[0] except: self.server.AddNodeGroup(auth,{'name':nodegroupname}) for node in group_nodes: self.server.AddNodeToNodeGroup(auth,node,nodegroupname) return True def all_hostnames (self) : hostnames = [] for site_spec in self.plc_spec['sites']: hostnames += [ node_spec['node_fields']['hostname'] \ for node_spec in site_spec['nodes'] ] return hostnames # gracetime : during the first minutes nothing gets printed def do_nodes_booted (self, minutes, gracetime=2): # compute timeout timeout = datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(minutes=minutes) graceout = datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(minutes=gracetime) # the nodes that haven't checked yet - start with a full list and shrink over time tocheck = self.all_hostnames() utils.header("checking nodes %r"%tocheck) # create a dict hostname -> status status = dict ( [ (hostname,'undef') for hostname in tocheck ] ) while tocheck: # get their status tocheck_status=self.server.GetNodes(self.auth_root(), tocheck, ['hostname','boot_state' ] ) # update status for array in tocheck_status: hostname=array['hostname'] boot_state=array['boot_state'] if boot_state == 'boot': utils.header ("%s has reached the 'boot' state"%hostname) else: # if it's a real node, never mind (site_spec,node_spec)=self.locate_node(hostname) if TestNode.is_real_model(node_spec['node_fields']['model']): utils.header("WARNING - Real node %s in %s - ignored"%(hostname,boot_state)) # let's cheat boot_state = 'boot' if datetime.datetime.now() > graceout: utils.header ("%s still in '%s' state"%(hostname,boot_state)) graceout=datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(1) status[hostname] = boot_state # refresh tocheck tocheck = [ hostname for (hostname,boot_state) in status.iteritems() if boot_state != 'boot' ] if not tocheck: return True if datetime.datetime.now() > timeout: for hostname in tocheck: utils.header("FAILURE due to %s in '%s' state"%(hostname,status[hostname])) return False # otherwise, sleep for a while time.sleep(15) # only useful in empty plcs return True def nodes_booted(self,options): return self.do_nodes_booted(minutes=5) #to scan and store the nodes's public keys and avoid to ask for confirmation when ssh def scan_publicKeys(self,hostnames): try: temp_knownhosts="/root/known_hosts" remote_knownhosts="/root/.ssh/known_hosts" self.run_in_host("touch %s"%temp_knownhosts ) for hostname in hostnames: utils.header("Scan Public %s key and store it in the known_host file(under the root image) "%hostname) scan=self.run_in_host('ssh-keyscan -t rsa %s >> %s '%(hostname,temp_knownhosts)) #Store the public keys in the right root image self.copy_in_guest(temp_knownhosts,remote_knownhosts,True) #clean the temp keys file used self.run_in_host('rm -f %s '%temp_knownhosts ) except Exception, err: print err def do_check_nodesSsh(self,minutes): # compute timeout timeout = datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(minutes=minutes) #graceout = datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(minutes=gracetime) tocheck = self.all_hostnames() self.scan_publicKeys(tocheck) utils.header("checking Connectivity on nodes %r"%tocheck) while tocheck: for hostname in tocheck: # try to ssh in nodes access=self.run_in_guest('ssh -i /etc/planetlab/root_ssh_key.rsa root@%s date'%hostname ) if (not access): utils.header('The node %s is sshable -->'%hostname) # refresh tocheck tocheck.remove(hostname) else: (site_spec,node_spec)=self.locate_node(hostname) if TestNode.is_real_model(node_spec['node_fields']['model']): utils.header ("WARNING : check ssh access into real node %s - skipped"%hostname) tocheck.remove(hostname) if not tocheck: return True if datetime.datetime.now() > timeout: for hostname in tocheck: utils.header("FAILURE to ssh into %s"%hostname) return False # otherwise, sleep for a while time.sleep(15) # only useful in empty plcs return True def nodes_ssh(self, options): return self.do_check_nodesSsh(minutes=2) def bootcd (self, options): for site_spec in self.plc_spec['sites']: test_site = TestSite (self,site_spec) for node_spec in site_spec['nodes']: test_node=TestNode (self,test_site,node_spec) test_node.create_boot_cd(options.path) return True def initscripts (self, options): for initscript in self.plc_spec['initscripts']: utils.show_spec('Adding Initscript in plc %s'%self.plc_spec['name'],initscript) self.server.AddInitScript(self.auth_root(),initscript['initscript_fields']) return True def slices (self, options): return self.do_slices() def clean_slices (self, options): return self.do_slices("delete") def do_slices (self, action="add"): for slice in self.plc_spec['slices']: site_spec = self.locate_site (slice['sitename']) test_site = TestSite(self,site_spec) test_slice=TestSlice(self,test_site,slice) if action != "add": utils.header("Deleting slices in site %s"%test_site.name()) test_slice.delete_slice() else: utils.show_spec("Creating slice",slice) test_slice.create_slice() utils.header('Created Slice %s'%slice['slice_fields']['name']) return True def check_slices(self, options): for slice_spec in self.plc_spec['slices']: site_spec = self.locate_site (slice_spec['sitename']) test_site = TestSite(self,site_spec) test_slice=TestSlice(self,test_site,slice_spec) status=test_slice.do_check_slice(options) if (not status): return False return status def start_nodes (self, options): utils.header("Starting nodes") for site_spec in self.plc_spec['sites']: TestSite(self,site_spec).start_nodes (options) return True def stop_nodes (self, options): self.kill_all_qemus() return True def check_tcp (self, options): print 'check_tcp not yet implemented' return True # returns the filename to use for sql dump/restore, using options.dbname if set def dbfile (self, database, options): # uses options.dbname if it is found try: name=options.dbname if not isinstance(name,StringTypes): raise Exception except: t=datetime.datetime.now() d=t.date() name=str(d) return "/root/%s-%s.sql"%(database,name) def db_dump(self, options): dump=self.dbfile("planetab4",options) self.run_in_guest('pg_dump -U pgsqluser planetlab4 -f '+ dump) utils.header('Dumped planetlab4 database in %s'%dump) return True def db_restore(self, options): dump=self.dbfile("planetab4",options) ##stop httpd service self.run_in_guest('service httpd stop') # xxx - need another wrapper self.run_in_guest_piped('echo drop database planetlab4','psql --user=pgsqluser template1') self.run_in_guest('createdb -U postgres --encoding=UNICODE --owner=pgsqluser planetlab4') self.run_in_guest('psql -U pgsqluser planetlab4 -f '+dump) ##starting httpd service self.run_in_guest('service httpd start') utils.header('Database restored from ' + dump) @standby_generic def standby_1(): pass @standby_generic def standby_2(): pass @standby_generic def standby_3(): pass @standby_generic def standby_4(): pass @standby_generic def standby_5(): pass @standby_generic def standby_6(): pass @standby_generic def standby_7(): pass @standby_generic def standby_8(): pass @standby_generic def standby_9(): pass @standby_generic def standby_10(): pass @standby_generic def standby_11(): pass @standby_generic def standby_12(): pass @standby_generic def standby_13(): pass @standby_generic def standby_14(): pass @standby_generic def standby_15(): pass @standby_generic def standby_16(): pass @standby_generic def standby_17(): pass @standby_generic def standby_18(): pass @standby_generic def standby_19(): pass @standby_generic def standby_20(): pass