import utils import os, os.path import datetime import time from TestKey import TestKey from TestUser import TestUser from TestNode import TestNode from TestSsh import TestSsh class TestSliceSfa: def __init__ (self,test_plc,test_site,slice_spec): self.test_plc=test_plc self.test_site=test_site #self.slice_spec=plc_spec_sfa['slices_sfa'][0] self.slice_spec=slice_spec self.test_ssh=TestSsh(self.test_plc.test_ssh) def name(self): return self.slice_spec['slice_fields']['name'] def locate_key(self): for username,keyname in self.slice_spec['usernames']: key_spec=self.test_plc.locate_key(keyname) test_key=TestKey(self.test_plc,key_spec) publickey=test_key.publicpath() privatekey=test_key.privatepath() if os.path.isfile(publickey) and os.path.isfile(privatekey): found=True return (found,privatekey) def add_slice(self): return \ self.test_plc.run_in_guest(" -d /root/.sfi/ add slice.xml")==0 def create_slice(self): auth=self.test_plc.plc_spec['sfa']['SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH'] return \ self.test_plc.run_in_guest(" -d /root/.sfi/ create %s.main.sfaslicea1 slice.rspec"%auth)==0 def update_slice(self): auth=self.test_plc.plc_spec['sfa']['SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH'] return \ self.test_plc.run_in_guest(" -d /root/.sfi/ create %s.main.sfaslicea1 slice.rspec"%auth)==0 def delete_slice(self): auth=self.test_plc.plc_spec['sfa']['SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH'] self.test_plc.run_in_guest(" -d /root/.sfi/ delete %s.main.sfaslicea1"%auth) return \ self.test_plc.run_in_guest(" -d /root/.sfi/ remove -t slice %s.main.sfaslicea1"%auth)==0 def check_slice_sfa(self,options,timeout_minutes=40,silent_minutes=30,period=15): timeout = graceout = # locate a key (found,remote_privatekey)=self.locate_key() if not found : utils.header("WARNING: Cannot find a valid key for slice %s" return False # convert nodenames to real hostnames slice_spec = self.slice_spec restarted=[] tocheck=[] for nodename in slice_spec['nodenames']: (site_spec,node_spec) = self.test_plc.locate_node(nodename) tocheck.append(node_spec['node_fields']['hostname']) utils.header("checking ssh access into slice %s on nodes %r"%(,tocheck)) utils.header("max timeout is %d minutes, silent for %d minutes (period is %s)"%\ (timeout_minutes,silent_minutes,period)) while tocheck: for hostname in tocheck: (site_spec,node_spec) = self.test_plc.locate_hostname(hostname) date_test_ssh = TestSsh (hostname,key=remote_privatekey, command = date_test_ssh.actual_command("echo hostname ; hostname; echo id; id; echo uname -a ; uname -a") date = utils.system (command, < graceout) if date==0: utils.header("Successfuly entered slice %s on %s"%(,hostname)) tocheck.remove(hostname) else: # real nodes will have been checked once in case they're up - skip if not if TestNode.is_real_model(node_spec['node_fields']['model']): utils.header("WARNING : Checking slice %s on real node %s skipped"%(,hostname)) tocheck.remove(hostname) # nm restart after first failure, if requested if options.forcenm and hostname not in restarted: utils.header ("forcenm option : restarting nm on %s"%hostname) restart_test_ssh=TestSsh(hostname,key="keys/key1.rsa") access=restart_test_ssh.actual_command('service nm restart') if (access==0): utils.header('nm restarted on %s'%hostname) else: utils.header('Failed to restart nm on %s'%(hostname)) restarted.append(hostname) if not tocheck: # we're done return True if > timeout: for hostname in tocheck: utils.header("FAILURE to ssh into %s@%s"%(,hostname)) return False # wait for the period time.sleep (period) # for an empty slice return True