# $Id$ import time import os import re from pprint import PrettyPrinter options={} def init_options(options_arg): global options options=options_arg # how could this accept a list again ? def header(message): now=time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) print "*",now,'--',message def pprint(message,spec,depth=2): now=time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) print ">",now,"--",message PrettyPrinter(indent=8,depth=depth).pprint(spec) # quick & dirty - should probably use the parseroption object instead # and move to TestMain as well exclude_options_keys = [ 'ensure_value' , 'read_file', 'read_module' ] def show_options (message,options): now=time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) print ">",now,"--",message for k in dir(options): if k.find("_")==0: continue if k in exclude_options_keys: continue print " ",k,":",getattr(options,k) def show_site_spec (site): print '======== site',site['site_fields']['name'] for (k,v) in site.iteritems(): if k=='nodes': if v: print '\t\t','nodes : ', for node in v: print node['node_fields']['hostname'],'', print '' elif k=='users': if v: print '\t\tusers : ', for user in v: print user['name'],'', print '' elif k == 'site_fields': print '\t\tlogin_base',':',v['login_base'] elif k == 'address_fields': pass else: print '\t\t',k, PrettyPrinter(indent=8,depth=2).pprint(v) def show_initscript_spec (initscript): print '======== initscript',initscript['initscript_fields']['name'] def show_key_spec (key): print '======== key',key['name'] def show_slice_spec (slice): print '======== slice',slice['slice_fields']['name'] for (k,v) in slice.iteritems(): if k=='nodenames': if v: print '\t\tnodes : ', for nodename in v: print nodename,'', print '' elif k=='usernames': if v: print '\t\tusers : ', for username in v: print username,'', print '' elif k=='slice_fields': print '\t\tfields',':', print 'max_nodes=',v['max_nodes'], print '' else: print '\t\t',k,v def show_test_spec (message,all_plc_specs): now=time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) print ">",now,"--",message for plc_spec in all_plc_specs: show_test_spec_pass (plc_spec,1) show_test_spec_pass (plc_spec,2) def show_test_spec_pass (plc_spec,passno): for (key,val) in plc_spec.iteritems(): if passno == 2: if key == 'sites': for site in val: show_site_spec(site) elif key=='initscripts': for initscript in val: show_initscript_spec (initscript) elif key=='slices': for slice in val: show_slice_spec (slice) elif key=='keys': for key in val: show_key_spec (key) elif passno == 1: if key not in ['sites','initscripts','slices','keys']: print '\t',key,':',val def system(command,background=False): now=time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) if background: command += " &" if options.dry_run: print 'dry_run:',command return 0 else: return os.system("set -x; " + command) def match (string, pattern): # tmp - there's probably much simpler # rewrite * into .*, ? into . pattern=pattern.replace("*",".*") pattern=pattern.replace("?",".") return re.compile(pattern).match(string)