# Thierry Parmentelat # Copyright (C) 2010 INRIA # import time, os, re, glob, sys from pprint import PrettyPrinter options={} def init_options(options_arg): global options options = options_arg # how could this accept a list again ? def header(message): now = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) print "*", now, '--', message def pprint(message, spec, depth=2): now = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) print ">", now, "--", message PrettyPrinter(indent=8, depth=depth).pprint(spec) def system(command, background=False, silent=False, dry_run=None): dry_run = dry_run if dry_run is not None else getattr(options, 'dry_run', False) if dry_run: print 'dry_run:', command return 0 if silent : if command.find(';') >= 0: command = "({}) 2> /dev/null".format(command) else: command += " 2> /dev/null" if background: command += " &" if silent: print '.', sys.stdout.flush() else: now = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) # don't show in summary print "->", now, '--', sys.stdout.flush() if not silent: command = "set -x; " + command return os.system(command) ### WARNING : this ALWAYS does its job, even in dry_run mode def output_of (command): import commands (code, string) = commands.getstatusoutput(command) return (code, string) # convenience: translating shell-like pattern into regexp def match (string, pattern): # tmp - there's probably much simpler # rewrite * into .*, ? into . pattern = pattern.replace("*",".*") pattern = pattern.replace("?",".") return re.compile(pattern).match(string) def locate_hooks_scripts (message, path, extensions): print message, 'searching', path, 'for extensions', extensions scripts = [] for ext in extensions: # skip helper programs scripts += glob.glob (path+'/[a-zA-Z]*.' + ext) return scripts # quick & dirty - should probably use the parseroption object instead # and move to TestMain as well exclude_options_keys = [ 'ensure_value' , 'read_file', 'read_module' ] def show_options (message, options): now = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) print ">", now, "--", message for k in dir(options): if k.find("_") == 0: continue if k in exclude_options_keys: continue print " ", k, ":", getattr(options, k)