#!/usr/bin/env python # # NEPI, a framework to manage network experiments # Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Alina Quereilhac # Test based on ns-3 csma/examples/csma-ping.cc file # # Network topology # # n0 n1 n2 n3 # | | | | # ----------------- # # node n0 sends IGMP traffic to node n3 from nepi.resources.ns3.ns3server import run_server from nepi.resources.linux.ns3.ns3client import LinuxNS3Client import os import threading import time import unittest class LinuxNS3ClientTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.socket_name = os.path.join("/", "tmp", "NS3WrapperServer.sock") def tearDown(self): os.remove(self.socket_name) def test_runtime_attr_modify(self): thread = threading.Thread(target = run_server, args = [self.socket_name]) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() time.sleep(3) # Verify that the communication socket was created self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.socket_name)) # Instantiate the NS3 client client = LinuxNS3Client(self.socket_name) # Define a real time simulation stype = client.create("StringValue", "ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl") client.invoke("singleton::GlobalValue", "Bind", "SimulatorImplementationType", stype) btrue = client.create("BooleanValue", True) client.invoke("singleton::GlobalValue", "Bind", "ChecksumEnabled", btrue) # Create Node n1 = client.create("Node") self.assertTrue(n1.startswith("uuid")) ## Install internet stack ipv41 = client.create("Ipv4L3Protocol") client.invoke(n1, "AggregateObject", ipv41) arp1 = client.create("ArpL3Protocol") client.invoke(n1, "AggregateObject", arp1) icmp1 = client.create("Icmpv4L4Protocol") client.invoke(n1, "AggregateObject", icmp1) ## Add IPv4 routing lr1 = client.create("Ipv4ListRouting") client.invoke(ipv41, "SetRoutingProtocol", lr1) sr1 = client.create("Ipv4StaticRouting") client.invoke(lr1, "AddRoutingProtocol", sr1, 1) ## NODE 2 n2 = client.create("Node") ## Install internet stack ipv42 = client.create("Ipv4L3Protocol") client.invoke(n2, "AggregateObject", ipv42) arp2 = client.create("ArpL3Protocol") client.invoke(n2, "AggregateObject", arp2) icmp2 = client.create("Icmpv4L4Protocol") client.invoke(n2, "AggregateObject", icmp2) ## Add IPv4 routing lr2 = client.create("Ipv4ListRouting") client.invoke(ipv42, "SetRoutingProtocol", lr2) sr2 = client.create("Ipv4StaticRouting") client.invoke(lr2, "AddRoutingProtocol", sr2, 1) ##### Create p2p device and enable ascii tracing p2pHelper = client.create("PointToPointHelper") asciiHelper = client.create("AsciiTraceHelper") # Iface for node1 p1 = client.create("PointToPointNetDevice") client.invoke(n1, "AddDevice", p1) q1 = client.create("DropTailQueue") client.invoke(p1, "SetQueue", q1) # Add IPv4 address ifindex1 = client.invoke(ipv41, "AddInterface", p1) mask1 = client.create("Ipv4Mask", "/30") addr1 = client.create("Ipv4Address", "") inaddr1 = client.create("Ipv4InterfaceAddress", addr1, mask1) client.invoke(ipv41, "AddAddress", ifindex1, inaddr1) client.invoke(ipv41, "SetMetric", ifindex1, 1) client.invoke(ipv41, "SetUp", ifindex1) # Enable collection of Ascii format to a specific file filepath1 = "trace-p2p-1.tr" stream1 = client.invoke(asciiHelper, "CreateFileStream", filepath1) client.invoke(p2pHelper, "EnableAscii", stream1, p1) # Iface for node2 p2 = client.create("PointToPointNetDevice") client.invoke(n2, "AddDevice", p2) q2 = client.create("DropTailQueue") client.invoke(p2, "SetQueue", q2) # Add IPv4 address ifindex2 = client.invoke(ipv42, "AddInterface", p2) mask2 = client.create("Ipv4Mask", "/30") addr2 = client.create("Ipv4Address", "") inaddr2 = client.create("Ipv4InterfaceAddress", addr2, mask2) client.invoke(ipv42, "AddAddress", ifindex2, inaddr2) client.invoke(ipv42, "SetMetric", ifindex2, 1) client.invoke(ipv42, "SetUp", ifindex2) # Enable collection of Ascii format to a specific file filepath2 = "trace-p2p-2.tr" stream2 = client.invoke(asciiHelper, "CreateFileStream", filepath2) client.invoke(p2pHelper, "EnableAscii", stream2, p2) # Create channel chan = client.create("PointToPointChannel") client.set(chan, "Delay", "0s") client.invoke(p1, "Attach", chan) client.invoke(p2, "Attach", chan) ### create pinger ping = client.create("V4Ping") client.invoke(n1, "AddApplication", ping) client.set (ping, "Remote", "") client.set (ping, "Interval", "1s") client.set (ping, "Verbose", True) client.set (ping, "StartTime", "0s") client.set (ping, "StopTime", "20s") ### run Simulation client.stop(time = "21s") client.start() time.sleep(1) client.set(chan, "Delay", "5s") time.sleep(5) client.set(chan, "Delay", "0s") # wait until simulation is over client.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()