1) { $this->client=new xmlrpc_client($URI, $server[0], $server[1]); } else { $this->client=new xmlrpc_client($URI, $LOCALSERVER); } if($DEBUG) { $this->client->setDebug($DEBUG); } $this->client->request_compression = $this->request_compression; $this->client->accepted_compression = $this->accepted_compression; } function send($msg, $errrorcode=0, $return_response=false) { $r = $this->client->send($msg, $this->timeout, $this->method); // for multicall, return directly array of responses if(is_array($r)) { return $r; } $this->assertEquals($r->faultCode(), $errrorcode, 'Error '.$r->faultCode().' connecting to server: '.$r->faultString()); if(!$r->faultCode()) { if($return_response) return $r; else return $r->value(); } else { return null; } } function testString() { $sendstring="here are 3 \"entities\": < > & " . "and here's a dollar sign: \$pretendvarname and a backslash too: " . chr(92) . " - isn't that great? \\\"hackery\\\" at it's best " . " also don't want to miss out on \$item[0]. ". "The real weird stuff follows: CRLF here".chr(13).chr(10). "a simple CR here".chr(13). "a simple LF here".chr(10). "and then LFCR".chr(10).chr(13). "last but not least weird names: G".chr(252)."nter, El".chr(232)."ne, and an xml comment closing tag: -->"; $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.stringecho', array( new xmlrpcval($sendstring, 'string') )); $v=$this->send($f); if($v) { // when sending/receiving non-US-ASCII encoded strings, XML says cr-lf can be normalized. // so we relax our tests... $l1 = strlen($sendstring); $l2 = strlen($v->scalarval()); if ($l1 == $l2) $this->assertEquals($sendstring, $v->scalarval()); else $this->assertEquals(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), array("\n", "\n"), $sendstring), $v->scalarval()); } } function testAddingDoubles() { // note that rounding errors mean we // keep precision to sensible levels here ;-) $a=12.13; $b=-23.98; $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.addtwodouble',array( new xmlrpcval($a, 'double'), new xmlrpcval($b, 'double') )); $v=$this->send($f); if($v) { $this->assertEquals($a+$b,$v->scalarval()); } } function testAdding() { $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.addtwo',array( new xmlrpcval(12, 'int'), new xmlrpcval(-23, 'int') )); $v=$this->send($f); if($v) { $this->assertEquals(12-23, $v->scalarval()); } } function testInvalidNumber() { $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.addtwo',array( new xmlrpcval('fred', 'int'), new xmlrpcval("\"; exec('ls')", 'int') )); $v=$this->send($f); /// @todo a fault condition should be generated here /// by the server, which we pick up on if($v) { $this->assertEquals(0, $v->scalarval()); } } function testBoolean() { $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.invertBooleans', array( new xmlrpcval(array( new xmlrpcval(true, 'boolean'), new xmlrpcval(false, 'boolean'), new xmlrpcval(1, 'boolean'), new xmlrpcval(0, 'boolean'), //new xmlrpcval('true', 'boolean'), //new xmlrpcval('false', 'boolean') ), 'array' ))); $answer='0101'; $v=$this->send($f); if($v) { $sz=$v->arraysize(); $got=''; for($i=0; $i<$sz; $i++) { $b=$v->arraymem($i); if($b->scalarval()) { $got.='1'; } else { $got.='0'; } } $this->assertEquals($answer, $got); } } function testBase64() { $sendstring='Mary had a little lamb, Whose fleece was white as snow, And everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go. Mary had a little lamb She tied it to a pylon Ten thousand volts went down its back And turned it into nylon'; $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.decode64',array( new xmlrpcval($sendstring, 'base64') )); $v=$this->send($f); if($v) { if (strlen($sendstring) == strlen($v->scalarval())) $this->assertEquals($sendstring, $v->scalarval()); else $this->assertEquals(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), array("\n", "\n"), $sendstring), $v->scalarval()); } } function testDateTime() { $time = time(); $t1 = new xmlrpcval($time, 'dateTime.iso8601'); $t2 = new xmlrpcval(iso8601_encode($time), 'dateTime.iso8601'); $this->assertEquals($t1->serialize(), $t2->serialize()); if (class_exists('DateTime')) { $datetime = new DateTime(); $t3 = new xmlrpcval($datetime->setTimestamp($time), 'dateTime.iso8601'); $this->assertEquals($t1->serialize(), $t3->serialize()); } } function testCountEntities() { $sendstring = "h'fd>onc>>l>>rw&bpu>q>esend($f); if($v) { $got = ''; $expected = '37210'; $expect_array = array('ctLeftAngleBrackets','ctRightAngleBrackets','ctAmpersands','ctApostrophes','ctQuotes'); while(list(,$val) = each($expect_array)) { $b = $v->structmem($val); $got .= $b->me['int']; } $this->assertEquals($expected, $got); } } function _multicall_msg($method, $params) { $struct['methodName'] = new xmlrpcval($method, 'string'); $struct['params'] = new xmlrpcval($params, 'array'); return new xmlrpcval($struct, 'struct'); } function testServerMulticall() { // We manually construct a system.multicall() call to ensure // that the server supports it. // NB: This test will NOT pass if server does not support system.multicall. // Based on http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/hacks/test_multicall.py $good1 = $this->_multicall_msg( 'system.methodHelp', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods'))); $bad = $this->_multicall_msg( 'test.nosuch', array(php_xmlrpc_encode(1), php_xmlrpc_encode(2))); $recursive = $this->_multicall_msg( 'system.multicall', array(new xmlrpcval(array(), 'array'))); $good2 = $this->_multicall_msg( 'system.methodSignature', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods'))); $arg = new xmlrpcval( array($good1, $bad, $recursive, $good2), 'array' ); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('system.multicall', array($arg)); $v = $this->send($f); if($v) { //$this->assertTrue($r->faultCode() == 0, "fault from system.multicall"); $this->assertTrue($v->arraysize() == 4, "bad number of return values"); $r1 = $v->arraymem(0); $this->assertTrue( $r1->kindOf() == 'array' && $r1->arraysize() == 1, "did not get array of size 1 from good1" ); $r2 = $v->arraymem(1); $this->assertTrue( $r2->kindOf() == 'struct', "no fault from bad" ); $r3 = $v->arraymem(2); $this->assertTrue( $r3->kindOf() == 'struct', "recursive system.multicall did not fail" ); $r4 = $v->arraymem(3); $this->assertTrue( $r4->kindOf() == 'array' && $r4->arraysize() == 1, "did not get array of size 1 from good2" ); } } function testClientMulticall1() { // NB: This test will NOT pass if server does not support system.multicall. $this->client->no_multicall = false; $good1 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodHelp', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods'))); $bad = new xmlrpcmsg('test.nosuch', array(php_xmlrpc_encode(1), php_xmlrpc_encode(2))); $recursive = new xmlrpcmsg('system.multicall', array(new xmlrpcval(array(), 'array'))); $good2 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodSignature', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods')) ); $r = $this->send(array($good1, $bad, $recursive, $good2)); if($r) { $this->assertTrue(count($r) == 4, "wrong number of return values"); } $this->assertTrue($r[0]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good1"); if(!$r[0]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[0]->value(); $this->assertTrue( $val->kindOf() == 'scalar' && $val->scalartyp() == 'string', "good1 did not return string" ); } $this->assertTrue($r[1]->faultCode() != 0, "no fault from bad"); $this->assertTrue($r[2]->faultCode() != 0, "no fault from recursive system.multicall"); $this->assertTrue($r[3]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good2"); if(!$r[3]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[3]->value(); $this->assertTrue($val->kindOf() == 'array', "good2 did not return array"); } // This is the only assert in this test which should fail // if the test server does not support system.multicall. $this->assertTrue($this->client->no_multicall == false, "server does not support system.multicall" ); } function testClientMulticall2() { // NB: This test will NOT pass if server does not support system.multicall. $this->client->no_multicall = true; $good1 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodHelp', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods'))); $bad = new xmlrpcmsg('test.nosuch', array(php_xmlrpc_encode(1), php_xmlrpc_encode(2))); $recursive = new xmlrpcmsg('system.multicall', array(new xmlrpcval(array(), 'array'))); $good2 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodSignature', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods')) ); $r = $this->send(array($good1, $bad, $recursive, $good2)); if($r) { $this->assertTrue(count($r) == 4, "wrong number of return values"); } $this->assertTrue($r[0]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good1"); if(!$r[0]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[0]->value(); $this->assertTrue( $val->kindOf() == 'scalar' && $val->scalartyp() == 'string', "good1 did not return string"); } $this->assertTrue($r[1]->faultCode() != 0, "no fault from bad"); $this->assertTrue($r[2]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from (non recursive) system.multicall"); $this->assertTrue($r[3]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good2"); if(!$r[3]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[3]->value(); $this->assertTrue($val->kindOf() == 'array', "good2 did not return array"); } } function testClientMulticall3() { // NB: This test will NOT pass if server does not support system.multicall. $this->client->return_type = 'phpvals'; $this->client->no_multicall = false; $good1 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodHelp', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods'))); $bad = new xmlrpcmsg('test.nosuch', array(php_xmlrpc_encode(1), php_xmlrpc_encode(2))); $recursive = new xmlrpcmsg('system.multicall', array(new xmlrpcval(array(), 'array'))); $good2 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodSignature', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods')) ); $r = $this->send(array($good1, $bad, $recursive, $good2)); if($r) { $this->assertTrue(count($r) == 4, "wrong number of return values"); } $this->assertTrue($r[0]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good1"); if(!$r[0]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[0]->value(); $this->assertTrue( is_string($val) , "good1 did not return string"); } $this->assertTrue($r[1]->faultCode() != 0, "no fault from bad"); $this->assertTrue($r[2]->faultCode() != 0, "no fault from recursive system.multicall"); $this->assertTrue($r[3]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good2"); if(!$r[3]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[3]->value(); $this->assertTrue(is_array($val), "good2 did not return array"); } $this->client->return_type = 'xmlrpcvals'; } function testCatchWarnings() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.generatePHPWarning', array( new xmlrpcval('whatever', 'string') )); $v = $this->send($f); if($v) { $this->assertEquals($v->scalarval(), true); } } function testCatchExceptions() { global $URI; $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.raiseException', array( new xmlrpcval('whatever', 'string') )); $v = $this->send($f, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['server_error']); $this->client->path = $URI.'?EXCEPTION_HANDLING=1'; $v = $this->send($f, 1); $this->client->path = $URI.'?EXCEPTION_HANDLING=2'; $v = $this->send($f, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['invalid_return']); } function testZeroParams() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('system.listMethods'); $v = $this->send($f); } function testCodeInjectionServerSide() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('system.MethodHelp'); $f->payload = "validator1.echoStructTest','')); echo('gotcha!'); die(); //"; $v = $this->send($f); //$v = $r->faultCode(); if ($v) { $this->assertEquals(0, $v->structsize()); } } function testAutoRegisteredFunction() { $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.php.getStateName',array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int') )); $v=$this->send($f); if($v) { $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); } else { $this->fail('Note: server can only auto register functions if running with PHP 5.0.3 and up'); } } function testAutoRegisteredClass() { $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.php2.getStateName',array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int') )); $v=$this->send($f); if($v) { $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.php3.getStateName',array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int') )); $v=$this->send($f); if($v) { $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); } } else { $this->fail('Note: server can only auto register class methods if running with PHP 5.0.3 and up'); } } function testAutoRegisteredMethod() { $func=wrap_xmlrpc_method($this->client, 'examples.getStateName'); if($func == '') { $this->fail('Registration of examples.getStateName failed'); } else { $v=$func(23); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v); } } function testGetCookies() { // let server set to us some cookies we tell it $cookies = array( //'c1' => array(), 'c2' => array('value' => 'c2'), 'c3' => array('value' => 'c3', 'expires' => time()+60*60*24*30), 'c4' => array('value' => 'c4', 'expires' => time()+60*60*24*30, 'path' => '/'), 'c5' => array('value' => 'c5', 'expires' => time()+60*60*24*30, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => 'localhost'), ); $cookiesval = php_xmlrpc_encode($cookies); $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.setcookies',array($cookiesval)); $r=$this->send($f, 0, true); if($r) { $v = $r->value(); $this->assertEquals(1, $v->scalarval()); // now check if we decoded the cookies as we had set them $rcookies = $r->cookies(); foreach($cookies as $c => $v) // format for date string in cookies: 'Mon, 31 Oct 2005 13:50:56 GMT' // but PHP versions differ on that, some use 'Mon, 31-Oct-2005 13:50:56 GMT'... if(isset($v['expires'])) { if (isset($rcookies[$c]['expires']) && strpos($rcookies[$c]['expires'], '-')) { $cookies[$c]['expires'] = gmdate('D, d\-M\-Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ,$cookies[$c]['expires']); } else { $cookies[$c]['expires'] = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T' ,$cookies[$c]['expires']); } } $this->assertEquals($cookies, $rcookies); } } function testSetCookies() { // let server set to us some cookies we tell it $cookies = array( 'c0' => null, 'c1' => 1, 'c2' => '2 3', 'c3' => '!@#$%^&*()_+|}{":?><,./\';[]\\=-' ); $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.getcookies',array()); foreach ($cookies as $cookie => $val) { $this->client->setCookie($cookie, $val); $cookies[$cookie] = (string) $cookies[$cookie]; } $r = $this->client->send($f, $this->timeout, $this->method); $this->assertEquals($r->faultCode(), 0, 'Error '.$r->faultCode().' connecting to server: '.$r->faultString()); if(!$r->faultCode()) { $v = $r->value(); $v = php_xmlrpc_decode($v); // on IIS and Apache getallheaders returns something slightly different... $this->assertEquals($v, $cookies); } } function testSendTwiceSameMsg() { $f=new xmlrpcmsg('examples.stringecho', array( new xmlrpcval('hello world', 'string') )); $v1 = $this->send($f); $v2 = $this->send($f); //$v = $r->faultCode(); if ($v1 && $v2) { $this->assertEquals($v2, $v1); } } } class LocalHostMultiTests extends LocalhostTests { function _runtests() { global $failed_tests; foreach(get_class_methods('LocalhostTests') as $meth) { if(strpos($meth, 'test') === 0 && $meth != 'testHttps' && $meth != 'testCatchExceptions') { if (!isset($failed_tests[$meth])) $this->$meth(); } if ($this->_failed) { break; } } } function testDeflate() { if(!function_exists('gzdeflate')) { $this->fail('Zlib missing: cannot test deflate functionality'); return; } $this->client->accepted_compression = array('deflate'); $this->client->request_compression = 'deflate'; $this->_runtests(); } function testGzip() { if(!function_exists('gzdeflate')) { $this->fail('Zlib missing: cannot test gzip functionality'); return; } $this->client->accepted_compression = array('gzip'); $this->client->request_compression = 'gzip'; $this->_runtests(); } function testKeepAlives() { if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->fail('CURL missing: cannot test http 1.1'); return; } $this->method = 'http11'; $this->client->keepalive = true; $this->_runtests(); } function testProxy() { global $PROXYSERVER, $PROXYPORT; if ($PROXYSERVER) { $this->client->setProxy($PROXYSERVER, $PROXYPORT); $this->_runtests(); } else $this->fail('PROXY definition missing: cannot test proxy'); } function testHttp11() { if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->fail('CURL missing: cannot test http 1.1'); return; } $this->method = 'http11'; // not an error the double assignment! $this->client->method = 'http11'; //$this->client->verifyhost = 0; //$this->client->verifypeer = 0; $this->client->keepalive = false; $this->_runtests(); } function testHttp11Gzip() { if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->fail('CURL missing: cannot test http 1.1'); return; } $this->method = 'http11'; // not an error the double assignment! $this->client->method = 'http11'; $this->client->keepalive = false; $this->client->accepted_compression = array('gzip'); $this->client->request_compression = 'gzip'; $this->_runtests(); } function testHttp11Deflate() { if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->fail('CURL missing: cannot test http 1.1'); return; } $this->method = 'http11'; // not an error the double assignment! $this->client->method = 'http11'; $this->client->keepalive = false; $this->client->accepted_compression = array('deflate'); $this->client->request_compression = 'deflate'; $this->_runtests(); } function testHttp11Proxy() { global $PROXYSERVER, $PROXYPORT; if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->fail('CURL missing: cannot test http 1.1 w. proxy'); return; } else if ($PROXYSERVER == '') { $this->fail('PROXY definition missing: cannot test proxy w. http 1.1'); return; } $this->method = 'http11'; // not an error the double assignment! $this->client->method = 'http11'; $this->client->setProxy($PROXYSERVER, $PROXYPORT); //$this->client->verifyhost = 0; //$this->client->verifypeer = 0; $this->client->keepalive = false; $this->_runtests(); } function testHttps() { global $HTTPSSERVER, $HTTPSURI, $HTTPSIGNOREPEER; if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->fail('CURL missing: cannot test https functionality'); return; } $this->client->server = $HTTPSSERVER; $this->method = 'https'; $this->client->method = 'https'; $this->client->path = $HTTPSURI; $this->client->setSSLVerifyPeer( !$HTTPSIGNOREPEER ); $this->_runtests(); } function testHttpsProxy() { global $HTTPSSERVER, $HTTPSURI, $PROXYSERVER, $PROXYPORT;; if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->fail('CURL missing: cannot test https functionality'); return; } else if ($PROXYSERVER == '') { $this->fail('PROXY definition missing: cannot test proxy w. http 1.1'); return; } $this->client->server = $HTTPSSERVER; $this->method = 'https'; $this->client->method = 'https'; $this->client->setProxy($PROXYSERVER, $PROXYPORT); $this->client->path = $HTTPSURI; $this->_runtests(); } function testUTF8Responses() { global $URI; //$this->client->path = strpos($URI, '?') === null ? $URI.'?RESPONSE_ENCODING=UTF-8' : $URI.'&RESPONSE_ENCODING=UTF-8'; $this->client->path = $URI.'?RESPONSE_ENCODING=UTF-8'; $this->_runtests(); } function testUTF8Requests() { $this->client->request_charset_encoding = 'UTF-8'; $this->_runtests(); } function testISOResponses() { global $URI; //$this->client->path = strpos($URI, '?') === null ? $URI.'?RESPONSE_ENCODING=UTF-8' : $URI.'&RESPONSE_ENCODING=UTF-8'; $this->client->path = $URI.'?RESPONSE_ENCODING=ISO-8859-1'; $this->_runtests(); } function testISORequests() { $this->client->request_charset_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'; $this->_runtests(); } } class ParsingBugsTests extends PHPUnit_TestCase { function testMinusOneString() { $v=new xmlrpcval('-1'); $u=new xmlrpcval('-1', 'string'); $this->assertEquals($u->scalarval(), $v->scalarval()); } function testUnicodeInMemberName(){ $str = "G".chr(252)."nter, El".chr(232)."ne"; $v = array($str => new xmlrpcval(1)); $r = new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($v, 'struct')); $r = $r->serialize(); $m = new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $r = $m->parseResponse($r); $v = $r->value(); $this->assertEquals($v->structmemexists($str), true); } function testUnicodeInErrorString() { $response = utf8_encode( ' faultCode 888 faultString ���àüè '); $m=new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $r=$m->parseResponse($response); $v=$r->faultString(); $this->assertEquals('���àüè', $v); } function testValidNumbers() { $m=new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $fp= ' integer1 01 float1 01.10 integer2 +1 float2 +1.10 float3 -1.10e2 '; $r=$m->parseResponse($fp); $v=$r->value(); $s=$v->structmem('integer1'); $t=$v->structmem('float1'); $u=$v->structmem('integer2'); $w=$v->structmem('float2'); $x=$v->structmem('float3'); $this->assertEquals(1, $s->scalarval()); $this->assertEquals(1.1, $t->scalarval()); $this->assertEquals(1, $u->scalarval()); $this->assertEquals(1.1, $w->scalarval()); $this->assertEquals(-110.0, $x->scalarval()); } function testAddScalarToStruct() { $v=new xmlrpcval(array('a' => 'b'), 'struct'); // use @ operator in case error_log gets on screen $r= @$v->addscalar('c'); $this->assertEquals(0, $r); } function testAddStructToStruct() { $v=new xmlrpcval(array('a' => new xmlrpcval('b')), 'struct'); $r=$v->addstruct(array('b' => new xmlrpcval('c'))); $this->assertEquals(2, $v->structsize()); $this->assertEquals(1, $r); $r=$v->addstruct(array('b' => new xmlrpcval('b'))); $this->assertEquals(2, $v->structsize()); } function testAddArrayToArray() { $v=new xmlrpcval(array(new xmlrpcval('a'), new xmlrpcval('b')), 'array'); $r=$v->addarray(array(new xmlrpcval('b'), new xmlrpcval('c'))); $this->assertEquals(4, $v->arraysize()); $this->assertEquals(1, $r); } function testEncodeArray() { $r=range(1, 100); $v = php_xmlrpc_encode($r); $this->assertEquals('array', $v->kindof()); } function testEncodeRecursive() { $v = php_xmlrpc_encode(php_xmlrpc_encode('a simple string')); $this->assertEquals('scalar', $v->kindof()); } function testBrokenRequests() { $s = new xmlrpc_server(); // omitting the 'params' tag: not tolerated by the lib anymore $f = ' system.methodHelp system.methodHelp '; $r = $s->parserequest($f); $this->assertEquals(15, $r->faultCode()); // omitting a 'param' tag $f = ' system.methodHelp system.methodHelp '; $r = $s->parserequest($f); $this->assertEquals(15, $r->faultCode()); // omitting a 'value' tag $f = ' system.methodHelp system.methodHelp '; $r = $s->parserequest($f); $this->assertEquals(15, $r->faultCode()); } function testBrokenResponses() { $m=new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); //$m->debug = 1; // omitting the 'params' tag: no more tolerated by the lib... $f = ' system.methodHelp '; $r = $m->parseResponse($f); $this->assertEquals(2, $r->faultCode()); // omitting the 'param' tag: no more tolerated by the lib... $f = ' system.methodHelp '; $r = $m->parseResponse($f); $this->assertEquals(2, $r->faultCode()); // omitting a 'value' tag: KO $f = ' system.methodHelp '; $r = $m->parseResponse($f); $this->assertEquals(2, $r->faultCode()); } function testBuggyHttp() { $s = new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $f = 'HTTP/1.1 100 Welcome to the jungle HTTP/1.0 200 OK X-Content-Marx-Brothers: Harpo Chico and Groucho Content-Length: who knows? userid311127 dateCreated20011126T09:17:52contenthello world. 2 newlines follow and there they were.postid7414222 '; $r = $s->parseResponse($f); $v = $r->value(); $s = $v->structmem('content'); $this->assertEquals("hello world. 2 newlines follow\n\n\nand there they were.", $s->scalarval()); } function testStringBug() { $s = new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $f = ' success 1 sessionID S300510007I '; $r = $s->parseResponse($f); $v = $r->value(); $s = $v->structmem('sessionID'); $this->assertEquals('S300510007I', $s->scalarval()); } function testWhiteSpace() { $s = new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $f = 'userid311127 dateCreated20011126T09:17:52contenthello world. 2 newlines follow and there they were.postid7414222 '; $r = $s->parseResponse($f); $v = $r->value(); $s = $v->structmem('content'); $this->assertEquals("hello world. 2 newlines follow\n\n\nand there they were.", $s->scalarval()); } function testDoubleDataInArrayTag() { $s = new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $f = ' '; $r = $s->parseResponse($f); $v = $r->faultCode(); $this->assertEquals(2, $v); $f = ' Hello world '; $r = $s->parseResponse($f); $v = $r->faultCode(); $this->assertEquals(2, $v); } function testDoubleStuffInValueTag() { $s = new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $f = ' hello world '; $r = $s->parseResponse($f); $v = $r->faultCode(); $this->assertEquals(2, $v); $f = ' hello world '; $r = $s->parseResponse($f); $v = $r->faultCode(); $this->assertEquals(2, $v); $f = ' hello hello>world '; $r = $s->parseResponse($f); $v = $r->faultCode(); $this->assertEquals(2, $v); } function testAutodecodeResponse() { $s = new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $f = 'userid311127 dateCreated20011126T09:17:52contenthello world. 2 newlines follow and there they were.postid7414222 '; $r = $s->parseResponse($f, true, 'phpvals'); $v = $r->value(); $s = $v['content']; $this->assertEquals("hello world. 2 newlines follow\n\n\nand there they were.", $s); } function testNoDecodeResponse() { $s = new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $f = 'userid311127 dateCreated20011126T09:17:52contenthello world. 2 newlines follow and there they were.postid7414222'; $r = $s->parseResponse($f, true, 'xml'); $v = $r->value(); $this->assertEquals($f, $v); } function testAutoCoDec() { $data1 = array(1, 1.0, 'hello world', true, '20051021T23:43:00', -1, 11.0, '~!@#$%^&*()_+|', false, '20051021T23:43:00'); $data2 = array('zero' => $data1, 'one' => $data1, 'two' => $data1, 'three' => $data1, 'four' => $data1, 'five' => $data1, 'six' => $data1, 'seven' => $data1, 'eight' => $data1, 'nine' => $data1); $data = array($data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2); //$keys = array('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'); $v1 = php_xmlrpc_encode($data, array('auto_dates')); $v2 = php_xmlrpc_decode_xml($v1->serialize()); $this->assertEquals($v1, $v2); $r1 = new xmlrpcresp($v1); $r2 = php_xmlrpc_decode_xml($r1->serialize()); $r2->serialize(); // needed to set internal member payload $this->assertEquals($r1, $r2); $m1 = new xmlrpcmsg('hello dolly', array($v1)); $m2 = php_xmlrpc_decode_xml($m1->serialize()); $m2->serialize(); // needed to set internal member payload $this->assertEquals($m1, $m2); } function testUTF8Request() { $sendstring='κόσμε'; // Greek word 'kosme'. NB: NOT a valid ISO8859 string! $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'] = 'UTF-8'; $f = new xmlrpcval($sendstring, 'string'); $v=$f->serialize(); $this->assertEquals("κόσμε\n", $v); $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'] = 'ISO-8859-1'; } function testUTF8Response() { $s = new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $f = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n".'userid311127 dateCreated20011126T09:17:52content'.utf8_encode('������').'postid7414222 '; $r = $s->parseResponse($f, false, 'phpvals'); $v = $r->value(); $v = $v['content']; $this->assertEquals("������", $v); $f = 'userid311127 dateCreated20011126T09:17:52content'.utf8_encode('������').'postid7414222 '; $r = $s->parseResponse($f, false, 'phpvals'); $v = $r->value(); $v = $v['content']; $this->assertEquals("������", $v); } function testUTF8IntString() { $v=new xmlrpcval(100, 'int'); $s=$v->serialize('UTF-8'); $this->assertequals("100\n", $s); } function testStringInt() { $v=new xmlrpcval('hello world', 'int'); $s=$v->serialize(); $this->assertequals("0\n", $s); } function testStructMemExists() { $v=php_xmlrpc_encode(array('hello' => 'world')); $b=$v->structmemexists('hello'); $this->assertequals(true, $b); $b=$v->structmemexists('world'); $this->assertequals(false, $b); } function testNilvalue() { // default case: we do not accept nil values received $v = new xmlrpcval('hello', 'null'); $r = new xmlrpcresp($v); $s = $r->serialize(); $m = new xmlrpcmsg('dummy'); $r = $m->parseresponse($s); $this->assertequals(2, $r->faultCode()); // enable reception of nil values $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_null_extension'] = true; $r = $m->parseresponse($s); $v = $r->value(); $this->assertequals('null', $v->scalartyp()); // test with the apache version: EX:NIL $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_null_apache_encoding'] = true; // serialization $v = new xmlrpcval('hello', 'null'); $s = $v->serialize(); $this->assertequals(1, preg_match( '##', $s )); // deserialization $r = new xmlrpcresp($v); $s = $r->serialize(); $r = $m->parseresponse($s); $v = $r->value(); $this->assertequals('null', $v->scalartyp()); $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_null_extension'] = false; $r = $m->parseresponse($s); $this->assertequals(2, $r->faultCode()); } function TestLocale() { $locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0); /// @todo on php 5.3/win setting locale to german does not seem to set decimal separator to comma... if (setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,'deu', 'de_DE@euro', 'de_DE', 'de', 'ge') !== false) { $v = new xmlrpcval(1.1, 'double'); if (strpos($v->scalarval(), ',') == 1) { $r = $v->serialize(); $this->assertequals(false, strpos($r, ',')); } setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale); } } } class InvalidHostTests extends PHPUnit_TestCase { var $client = null; function setUp() { global $DEBUG,$LOCALSERVER; $this->client=new xmlrpc_client('/NOTEXIST.php', $LOCALSERVER, 80); if($DEBUG) { $this->client->setDebug($DEBUG); } } function test404() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.echo',array( new xmlrpcval('hello', 'string') )); $r = $this->client->send($f, 5); $this->assertEquals(5, $r->faultCode()); } function testSrvNotFound() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.echo',array( new xmlrpcval('hello', 'string') )); $this->client->server .= 'XXX'; $r = $this->client->send($f, 5); $this->assertEquals(5, $r->faultCode()); } function testCurlKAErr() { global $LOCALSERVER, $URI; if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->fail('CURL missing: cannot test curl keepalive errors'); return; } $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.stringecho',array( new xmlrpcval('hello', 'string') )); // test 2 calls w. keepalive: 1st time connection ko, second time ok $this->client->server .= 'XXX'; $this->client->keepalive = true; $r = $this->client->send($f, 5, 'http11'); // in case we have a "universal dns resolver" getting in the way, we might get a 302 instead of a 404 $this->assertTrue($r->faultCode() === 8 || $r->faultCode() == 5); // now test a successful connection $server = explode(':', $LOCALSERVER); if(count($server) > 1) { $this->client->port = $server[1]; } $this->client->server = $server[0]; $this->client->path = $URI; $r = $this->client->send($f, 5, 'http11'); $this->assertEquals(0, $r->faultCode()); $ro = $r->value(); is_object( $ro ) && $this->assertEquals('hello', $ro->scalarVal()); } } $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testString')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testAdding')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testAddingDoubles')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testInvalidNumber')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testBoolean')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testCountEntities')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testBase64')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testDateTime')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testServerMulticall')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testClientMulticall1')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testClientMulticall2')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testClientMulticall3')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testCatchWarnings')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testCatchExceptions')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testZeroParams')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testCodeInjectionServerSide')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testAutoRegisteredFunction')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testAutoRegisteredMethod')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testSetCookies')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testGetCookies')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostTests('testSendTwiceSameMsg')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testUTF8Requests')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testUTF8Responses')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testISORequests')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testISOResponses')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testGzip')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testDeflate')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testProxy')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testHttp11')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testHttp11Gzip')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testHttp11Deflate')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testKeepAlives')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testHttp11Proxy')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testHttps')); $suite->addTest(new LocalhostMultiTests('testHttpsProxy')); $suite->addTest(new InvalidHostTests('test404')); //$suite->addTest(new InvalidHostTests('testSrvNotFound')); $suite->addTest(new InvalidHostTests('testCurlKAErr')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testMinusOneString')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testUnicodeInMemberName')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testUnicodeInErrorString')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testValidNumbers')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testAddScalarToStruct')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testAddStructToStruct')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testAddArrayToArray')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testEncodeArray')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testEncodeRecursive')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testBrokenrequests')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testBrokenresponses')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testBuggyHttp')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testStringBug')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testWhiteSpace')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testAutodecodeResponse')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testNoDecodeResponse')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testAutoCoDec')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testUTF8Response')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testUTF8Request')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testUTF8IntString')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testStringInt')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testStructMemExists')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testDoubleDataInArrayTag')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testDoubleStuffInValueTag')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testNilValue')); $suite->addTest(new ParsingBugsTests('testLocale')); $title = 'XML-RPC Unit Tests'; if(isset($only)) { $suite = new PHPUnit_TestSuite($only); } if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { echo "\n\n\n$title\n\n\n


\n"; } else { echo "$title\n\n"; } if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { echo "

Using lib version: $xmlrpcVersion on PHP version: ".phpversion()."

\n"; echo '

Running '.$suite->testCount().' tests (some of which are multiple) against servers: http://'.htmlspecialchars($LOCALSERVER.$URI).' and https://'.htmlspecialchars($HTTPSSERVER.$HTTPSURI)."\n ...

\n"; flush(); @ob_flush(); } else { echo "Using lib version: $xmlrpcVersion on PHP version: ".phpversion()."\n"; echo 'Running '.$suite->testCount().' tests (some of which are multiple) against servers: http://'.$LOCALSERVER.$URI.' and https://'.$HTTPSSERVER.$HTTPSURI."\n\n"; } // do some basic timing measurement list($micro, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); $start_time = $sec + $micro; $PHPUnit = new PHPUnit; $result = $PHPUnit->run($suite, ($DEBUG == 0 ? '.' : '
')); list($micro, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); $end_time = $sec + $micro; if(!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { echo $result->toString()."\n"; } if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { echo '

'.$result->failureCount()." test failures

\n"; printf("Time spent: %.2f secs
\n", $end_time - $start_time); } else { echo $result->failureCount()." test failures\n"; printf("Time spent: %.2f secs\n", $end_time - $start_time); } if($result->failureCount() && !$DEBUG) { $target = strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '?') ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'&DEBUG=1' : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?DEBUG=1'; $t2 = strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '?') ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'&DEBUG=2' : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?DEBUG=2'; if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { echo '

Run testsuite with DEBUG=1 to have more detail about tests results. Or with DEBUG=2 for even more.

'."\n"; } else { echo "Run testsuite with DEBUG=1 (or 2) to have more detail about tests results\n"; } } if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { ?> More options... toHTML()."\n\n\n"; }