Rspec file names ====================== Rspec file names are constructed as follows : slice name used in this rspec + network in which the reserved nodes are Networks can be : iotlab, plab, all (iotlab + plab) Slices and users ================= user: login iotlab : user hrn iotlab: iotlab.user hrn firexp: firexp.flab.iotlab_user slice iotlab: iotlab.user_slice slice firexp : firexp.flab.iotlab_slice This special test user comes from Firexp and is considered as an external user coming from a federated testbedd for Iotlab. user: login iotlab: avakian slice iotlab: iotlab.avakian_slice hrn firexp : firexp.flab.avakian (?) slice firexp : firexp.flab.avakian_slice (?) This user comes from iotlab. Leases ====== The starting time of the leases in those RSpec files are usually set to be in 2014, so that we don't have to keep the date in mind and check that we are not scheduling a lease in the past.