testId = get_class($this) . '__' . $this->getName(); if ($result === NULL) { $result = $this->createResult(); } $this->collectCodeCoverageInformation = $result->getCollectCodeCoverageInformation(); parent::run($result); if ($this->collectCodeCoverageInformation) { $coverage = new PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumCommon_RemoteCoverage( $this->coverageScriptUrl, $this->testId ); $result->getCodeCoverage()->append( $coverage->get(), $this ); } // do not call this before to give the time to the Listeners to run //$this->getStrategy()->endOfTest($this->session); return $result; } public function setUp() { $this->args = argParser::getArgs(); $server = explode(':', $this->args['LOCALSERVER']); if (count($server) > 1) { $this->client = new xmlrpc_client($this->args['URI'], $server[0], $server[1]); } else { $this->client = new xmlrpc_client($this->args['URI'], $this->args['LOCALSERVER']); } $this->client->setDebug($this->args['DEBUG']); $this->client->request_compression = $this->request_compression; $this->client->accepted_compression = $this->accepted_compression; $this->coverageScriptUrl = 'http://' . $this->args['LOCALSERVER'] . '/' . str_replace( '/demo/server/server.php', 'tests/phpunit_coverage.php', $this->args['URI'] ); if ($this->args['DEBUG'] == 1) ob_start(); } protected function tearDown() { if ($this->args['DEBUG'] != 1) return; $out = ob_get_clean(); $status = $this->getStatus(); if ($status == PHPUnit_Runner_BaseTestRunner::STATUS_ERROR || $status == PHPUnit_Runner_BaseTestRunner::STATUS_FAILURE) { echo $out; } } protected function send($msg, $errorCode = 0, $returnResponse = false) { if ($this->collectCodeCoverageInformation) { $this->client->setCookie('PHPUNIT_SELENIUM_TEST_ID', $this->testId); } $r = $this->client->send($msg, $this->timeout, $this->method); // for multicall, return directly array of responses if (is_array($r)) { return $r; } if (is_array($errorCode)) { $this->assertContains($r->faultCode(), $errorCode, 'Error ' . $r->faultCode() . ' connecting to server: ' . $r->faultString()); } else { $this->assertEquals($errorCode, $r->faultCode(), 'Error ' . $r->faultCode() . ' connecting to server: ' . $r->faultString()); } if (!$r->faultCode()) { if ($returnResponse) { return $r; } else { return $r->value(); } } else { return; } } public function testString() { $sendString = "here are 3 \"entities\": < > & " . "and here's a dollar sign: \$pretendvarname and a backslash too: " . chr(92) . " - isn't that great? \\\"hackery\\\" at it's best " . " also don't want to miss out on \$item[0]. " . "The real weird stuff follows: CRLF here" . chr(13) . chr(10) . "a simple CR here" . chr(13) . "a simple LF here" . chr(10) . "and then LFCR" . chr(10) . chr(13) . "last but not least weird names: G" . chr(252) . "nter, El" . chr(232) . "ne, and an xml comment closing tag: -->"; $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.stringecho', array( new xmlrpcval($sendString, 'string'), )); $v = $this->send($f); if ($v) { // when sending/receiving non-US-ASCII encoded strings, XML says cr-lf can be normalized. // so we relax our tests... $l1 = strlen($sendString); $l2 = strlen($v->scalarval()); if ($l1 == $l2) { $this->assertEquals($sendString, $v->scalarval()); } else { $this->assertEquals(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), array("\n", "\n"), $sendString), $v->scalarval()); } } } public function testLatin1String() { $sendString = "last but not least weird names: G" . chr(252) . "nter, El" . chr(232) . "ne"; $f = 'examples.stringecho'. $sendString. ''; $v = $this->send($f); if ($v) { $this->assertEquals($sendString, $v->scalarval()); } } /*public function testLatin1Method() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg("tests.iso88591methodname." . chr(224) . chr(252) . chr(232), array( new xmlrpcval('hello') )); $v = $this->send($f); if ($v) { $this->assertEquals('hello', $v->scalarval()); } }*/ public function testUtf8Method() { PhpXmlRpc\PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_internalencoding = 'UTF-8'; $f = new xmlrpcmsg("tests.utf8methodname." . 'κόσμε', array( new xmlrpcval('hello') )); $v = $this->send($f); if ($v) { $this->assertEquals('hello', $v->scalarval()); } PhpXmlRpc\PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpc_internalencoding = 'ISO-8859-1'; } public function testAddingDoubles() { // note that rounding errors mean we // keep precision to sensible levels here ;-) $a = 12.13; $b = -23.98; $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.addtwodouble', array( new xmlrpcval($a, 'double'), new xmlrpcval($b, 'double'), )); $v = $this->send($f); if ($v) { $this->assertEquals($a + $b, $v->scalarval()); } } public function testAdding() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.addtwo', array( new xmlrpcval(12, 'int'), new xmlrpcval(-23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); if ($v) { $this->assertEquals(12 - 23, $v->scalarval()); } } public function testInvalidNumber() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.addtwo', array( new xmlrpcval('fred', 'int'), new xmlrpcval("\"; exec('ls')", 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); /// @todo a fault condition should be generated here /// by the server, which we pick up on if ($v) { $this->assertEquals(0, $v->scalarval()); } } public function testBoolean() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.invertBooleans', array( new xmlrpcval(array( new xmlrpcval(true, 'boolean'), new xmlrpcval(false, 'boolean'), new xmlrpcval(1, 'boolean'), new xmlrpcval(0, 'boolean') ), 'array' ),)); $answer = '0101'; $v = $this->send($f); if ($v) { $sz = $v->arraysize(); $got = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $sz; $i++) { $b = $v->arraymem($i); if ($b->scalarval()) { $got .= '1'; } else { $got .= '0'; } } $this->assertEquals($answer, $got); } } public function testBase64() { $sendString = 'Mary had a little lamb, Whose fleece was white as snow, And everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go. Mary had a little lamb She tied it to a pylon Ten thousand volts went down its back And turned it into nylon'; $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.decode64', array( new xmlrpcval($sendString, 'base64'), )); $v = $this->send($f); if ($v) { if (strlen($sendString) == strlen($v->scalarval())) { $this->assertEquals($sendString, $v->scalarval()); } else { $this->assertEquals(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), array("\n", "\n"), $sendString), $v->scalarval()); } } } public function testDateTime() { $time = time(); $t1 = new xmlrpcval($time, 'dateTime.iso8601'); $t2 = new xmlrpcval(iso8601_encode($time), 'dateTime.iso8601'); $this->assertEquals($t1->serialize(), $t2->serialize()); if (class_exists('DateTime')) { $datetime = new DateTime(); // skip this test for php 5.2. It is a bit harder there to build a DateTime from unix timestamp with proper TZ info if (is_callable(array($datetime, 'setTimestamp'))) { $t3 = new xmlrpcval($datetime->setTimestamp($time), 'dateTime.iso8601'); $this->assertEquals($t1->serialize(), $t3->serialize()); } } } public function testCountEntities() { $sendString = "h'fd>onc>>l>>rw&bpu>q>esend($f); if ($v) { $got = ''; $expected = '37210'; $expect_array = array('ctLeftAngleBrackets', 'ctRightAngleBrackets', 'ctAmpersands', 'ctApostrophes', 'ctQuotes'); while (list(, $val) = each($expect_array)) { $b = $v->structmem($val); $got .= $b->me['int']; } $this->assertEquals($expected, $got); } } public function _multicall_msg($method, $params) { $struct['methodName'] = new xmlrpcval($method, 'string'); $struct['params'] = new xmlrpcval($params, 'array'); return new xmlrpcval($struct, 'struct'); } public function testServerMulticall() { // We manually construct a system.multicall() call to ensure // that the server supports it. // NB: This test will NOT pass if server does not support system.multicall. // Based on http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/hacks/test_multicall.py $good1 = $this->_multicall_msg( 'system.methodHelp', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods'))); $bad = $this->_multicall_msg( 'test.nosuch', array(php_xmlrpc_encode(1), php_xmlrpc_encode(2))); $recursive = $this->_multicall_msg( 'system.multicall', array(new xmlrpcval(array(), 'array'))); $good2 = $this->_multicall_msg( 'system.methodSignature', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods'))); $arg = new xmlrpcval( array($good1, $bad, $recursive, $good2), 'array' ); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('system.multicall', array($arg)); $v = $this->send($f); if ($v) { //$this->assertTrue($r->faultCode() == 0, "fault from system.multicall"); $this->assertTrue($v->arraysize() == 4, "bad number of return values"); $r1 = $v->arraymem(0); $this->assertTrue( $r1->kindOf() == 'array' && $r1->arraysize() == 1, "did not get array of size 1 from good1" ); $r2 = $v->arraymem(1); $this->assertTrue( $r2->kindOf() == 'struct', "no fault from bad" ); $r3 = $v->arraymem(2); $this->assertTrue( $r3->kindOf() == 'struct', "recursive system.multicall did not fail" ); $r4 = $v->arraymem(3); $this->assertTrue( $r4->kindOf() == 'array' && $r4->arraysize() == 1, "did not get array of size 1 from good2" ); } } public function testClientMulticall1() { // NB: This test will NOT pass if server does not support system.multicall. $this->client->no_multicall = false; $good1 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodHelp', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods'))); $bad = new xmlrpcmsg('test.nosuch', array(php_xmlrpc_encode(1), php_xmlrpc_encode(2))); $recursive = new xmlrpcmsg('system.multicall', array(new xmlrpcval(array(), 'array'))); $good2 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodSignature', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods')) ); $r = $this->send(array($good1, $bad, $recursive, $good2)); if ($r) { $this->assertTrue(count($r) == 4, "wrong number of return values"); } $this->assertTrue($r[0]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good1"); if (!$r[0]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[0]->value(); $this->assertTrue( $val->kindOf() == 'scalar' && $val->scalartyp() == 'string', "good1 did not return string" ); } $this->assertTrue($r[1]->faultCode() != 0, "no fault from bad"); $this->assertTrue($r[2]->faultCode() != 0, "no fault from recursive system.multicall"); $this->assertTrue($r[3]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good2"); if (!$r[3]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[3]->value(); $this->assertTrue($val->kindOf() == 'array', "good2 did not return array"); } // This is the only assert in this test which should fail // if the test server does not support system.multicall. $this->assertTrue($this->client->no_multicall == false, "server does not support system.multicall" ); } public function testClientMulticall2() { // NB: This test will NOT pass if server does not support system.multicall. $this->client->no_multicall = true; $good1 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodHelp', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods'))); $bad = new xmlrpcmsg('test.nosuch', array(php_xmlrpc_encode(1), php_xmlrpc_encode(2))); $recursive = new xmlrpcmsg('system.multicall', array(new xmlrpcval(array(), 'array'))); $good2 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodSignature', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods')) ); $r = $this->send(array($good1, $bad, $recursive, $good2)); if ($r) { $this->assertTrue(count($r) == 4, "wrong number of return values"); } $this->assertTrue($r[0]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good1"); if (!$r[0]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[0]->value(); $this->assertTrue( $val->kindOf() == 'scalar' && $val->scalartyp() == 'string', "good1 did not return string"); } $this->assertTrue($r[1]->faultCode() != 0, "no fault from bad"); $this->assertTrue($r[2]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from (non recursive) system.multicall"); $this->assertTrue($r[3]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good2"); if (!$r[3]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[3]->value(); $this->assertTrue($val->kindOf() == 'array', "good2 did not return array"); } } public function testClientMulticall3() { // NB: This test will NOT pass if server does not support system.multicall. $this->client->return_type = 'phpvals'; $this->client->no_multicall = false; $good1 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodHelp', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods'))); $bad = new xmlrpcmsg('test.nosuch', array(php_xmlrpc_encode(1), php_xmlrpc_encode(2))); $recursive = new xmlrpcmsg('system.multicall', array(new xmlrpcval(array(), 'array'))); $good2 = new xmlrpcmsg('system.methodSignature', array(php_xmlrpc_encode('system.listMethods')) ); $r = $this->send(array($good1, $bad, $recursive, $good2)); if ($r) { $this->assertTrue(count($r) == 4, "wrong number of return values"); } $this->assertTrue($r[0]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good1"); if (!$r[0]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[0]->value(); $this->assertTrue( is_string($val), "good1 did not return string"); } $this->assertTrue($r[1]->faultCode() != 0, "no fault from bad"); $this->assertTrue($r[2]->faultCode() != 0, "no fault from recursive system.multicall"); $this->assertTrue($r[3]->faultCode() == 0, "fault from good2"); if (!$r[3]->faultCode()) { $val = $r[3]->value(); $this->assertTrue(is_array($val), "good2 did not return array"); } $this->client->return_type = 'xmlrpcvals'; } public function testCatchWarnings() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.generatePHPWarning', array( new xmlrpcval('whatever', 'string'), )); $v = $this->send($f); if ($v) { $this->assertEquals(true, $v->scalarval()); } } public function testCatchExceptions() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.raiseException', array( new xmlrpcval('whatever', 'string'), )); $v = $this->send($f, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['server_error']); $this->client->path = $this->args['URI'] . '?EXCEPTION_HANDLING=1'; $v = $this->send($f, 1); $this->client->path = $this->args['URI'] . '?EXCEPTION_HANDLING=2'; // depending on whether display_errors is ON or OFF on the server, we will get back a different error here, // as php will generate an http status code of either 200 or 500... $v = $this->send($f, array($GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['invalid_return'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['http_error'])); } public function testZeroParams() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('system.listMethods'); $v = $this->send($f); } public function testCodeInjectionServerSide() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('system.MethodHelp'); $f->payload = "validator1.echoStructTest','')); echo('gotcha!'); die(); //"; $v = $this->send($f); if ($v) { $this->assertEquals(0, $v->structsize()); } } public function testServerWrappedFunction() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.2', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); } public function testServerWrappedFunctionAsSource() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.6', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); } public function testServerWrappedObjectMethods() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.3', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.4', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.5', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.7', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.8', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.9', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); } public function testServerWrappedObjectMethodsAsSource() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.7', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.8', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.9', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); } public function testServerClosure() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.10', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); } public function testServerWrappedClosure() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.getStateName.11', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); } public function testServerWrappedClass() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('tests.xmlrpcServerMethodsContainer.findState', array( new xmlrpcval(23, 'int'), )); $v = $this->send($f); $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v->scalarval()); } public function testWrappedMethod() { // make a 'deep client copy' as the original one might have many properties set $func = wrap_xmlrpc_method($this->client, 'examples.getStateName', array('simple_client_copy' => 0)); if ($func == false) { $this->fail('Registration of examples.getStateName failed'); } else { $v = $func(23); // work around bug in current version of phpunit if (is_object($v)) { $v = var_export($v, true); } $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v); } } public function testWrappedMethodAsSource() { // make a 'deep client copy' as the original one might have many properties set $func = wrap_xmlrpc_method($this->client, 'examples.getStateName', array('simple_client_copy' => 0, 'return_source' => true)); if ($func == false) { $this->fail('Registration of examples.getStateName failed'); } else { eval($func['source']); $func = $func['function']; $v = $func(23); // work around bug in current version of phpunit if (is_object($v)) { $v = var_export($v, true); } $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v); } } public function testWrappedClass() { // make a 'deep client copy' as the original one might have many properties set $class = wrap_xmlrpc_server($this->client, array('simple_client_copy' => 0)); if ($class == '') { $this->fail('Registration of remote server failed'); } else { $obj = new $class(); $v = $obj->examples_getStateName(23); // work around bug in current version of phpunit if (is_object($v)) { $v = var_export($v, true); } $this->assertEquals('Michigan', $v); } } public function testGetCookies() { // let server set to us some cookies we tell it $cookies = array( //'c1' => array(), 'c2' => array('value' => 'c2'), 'c3' => array('value' => 'c3', 'expires' => time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30), 'c4' => array('value' => 'c4', 'expires' => time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, 'path' => '/'), 'c5' => array('value' => 'c5', 'expires' => time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => 'localhost'), ); $cookiesval = php_xmlrpc_encode($cookies); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.setcookies', array($cookiesval)); $r = $this->send($f, 0, true); if ($r) { $v = $r->value(); $this->assertEquals(1, $v->scalarval()); // now check if we decoded the cookies as we had set them $rcookies = $r->cookies(); // remove extra cookies which might have been set by proxies foreach ($rcookies as $c => $v) { if (!in_array($c, array('c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5'))) { unset($rcookies[$c]); } // Seems like we get this when using php-fpm and php 5.5+ ... if (isset($rcookies[$c]['Max-Age'])) { unset($rcookies[$c]['Max-Age']); } } foreach ($cookies as $c => $v) { // format for date string in cookies: 'Mon, 31 Oct 2005 13:50:56 GMT' // but PHP versions differ on that, some use 'Mon, 31-Oct-2005 13:50:56 GMT'... if (isset($v['expires'])) { if (isset($rcookies[$c]['expires']) && strpos($rcookies[$c]['expires'], '-')) { $cookies[$c]['expires'] = gmdate('D, d\-M\-Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $cookies[$c]['expires']); } else { $cookies[$c]['expires'] = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $cookies[$c]['expires']); } } } $this->assertEquals($cookies, $rcookies); } } public function testSetCookies() { // let server set to us some cookies we tell it $cookies = array( 'c0' => null, 'c1' => 1, 'c2' => '2 3', 'c3' => '!@#$%^&*()_+|}{":?><,./\';[]\\=-', ); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.getcookies', array()); foreach ($cookies as $cookie => $val) { $this->client->setCookie($cookie, $val); $cookies[$cookie] = (string)$cookies[$cookie]; } $r = $this->client->send($f, $this->timeout, $this->method); $this->assertEquals(0, $r->faultCode(), 'Error ' . $r->faultCode() . ' connecting to server: ' . $r->faultString()); if (!$r->faultCode()) { $v = $r->value(); $v = php_xmlrpc_decode($v); // take care for the extra cookie used for coverage collection if (isset($v['PHPUNIT_SELENIUM_TEST_ID'])) { unset($v['PHPUNIT_SELENIUM_TEST_ID']); } // on IIS and Apache getallheaders returns something slightly different... $this->assertEquals($cookies, $v); } } public function testSendTwiceSameMsg() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.stringecho', array( new xmlrpcval('hello world', 'string'), )); $v1 = $this->send($f); $v2 = $this->send($f); if ($v1 && $v2) { $this->assertEquals($v1, $v2); } } }