args = argParser::getArgs(); $this->client = new xmlrpc_client('/NOTEXIST.php', $this->args['LOCALSERVER'], 80); if($this->args['DEBUG']) { $this->client->setDebug($this->args['DEBUG']); } } function test404() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.echo',array( new xmlrpcval('hello', 'string') )); $r = $this->client->send($f, 5); $this->assertEquals(5, $r->faultCode()); } function testSrvNotFound() { $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.echo',array( new xmlrpcval('hello', 'string') )); $this->client->server .= 'XXX'; $r = $this->client->send($f, 5); // make sure there's no freaking catchall DNS in effect $dnsinfo = dns_get_record($this->client->server); if($dnsinfo) { $this->markTestSkipped('Seems like there is a catchall DNS in effect: host ' . $this->client->server . ' found'); } else { $this->assertEquals(5, $r->faultCode()); } } function testCurlKAErr() { if(!function_exists('curl_init')) { $this->markTestSkipped('CURL missing: cannot test curl keepalive errors'); return; } $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.stringecho',array( new xmlrpcval('hello', 'string') )); // test 2 calls w. keepalive: 1st time connection ko, second time ok $this->client->server .= 'XXX'; $this->client->keepalive = true; $r = $this->client->send($f, 5, 'http11'); // in case we have a "universal dns resolver" getting in the way, we might get a 302 instead of a 404 $this->assertTrue($r->faultCode() === 8 || $r->faultCode() == 5); // now test a successful connection $server = explode(':', $this->args['LOCALSERVER']); if(count($server) > 1) { $this->client->port = $server[1]; } $this->client->server = $server[0]; $this->client->path = $this->args['URI']; $r = $this->client->send($f, 5, 'http11'); $this->assertEquals(0, $r->faultCode()); $ro = $r->value(); is_object( $ro ) && $this->assertEquals('hello', $ro->scalarVal()); } }