$data1, 'one' => $data1, 'two' => $data1, 'three' => $data1, 'four' => $data1, 'five' => $data1, 'six' => $data1, 'seven' => $data1, 'eight' => $data1, 'nine' => $data1); $data = array($data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2, $data2); $keys = array('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'); // Begin execution $test_results=array(); $is_web = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); $xd = extension_loaded('xdebug') && ini_get('xdebug.profiler_enable'); if ($xd) $num_tests = 1; else $num_tests = 10; $title = 'XML-RPC Benchmark Tests'; if($is_web) { echo "\n\n\n$title\n\n\n


    echo "$title\n\n";

    echo "

Using lib version: ".PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcVersion." on PHP version: ".phpversion()."

\n"; if ($xd) echo "

XDEBUG profiling enabled: skipping remote tests. Trace file is: ".htmlspecialchars(xdebug_get_profiler_filename())."

\n"; flush(); ob_flush(); } else { echo "Using lib version: ".PhpXmlRpc::$xmlrpcVersion." on PHP version: ".phpversion()."\n"; if ($xd) echo "XDEBUG profiling enabled: skipping remote tests\nTrace file is: ".xdebug_get_profiler_filename()."\n"; } // test 'old style' data encoding vs. 'automatic style' encoding begin_test('Data encoding (large array)', 'manual encoding'); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tests; $i++) { $vals = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) { $valarray = array(); foreach ($data[$j] as $key => $val) { $values = array(); $values[] = new Value($val[0], 'int'); $values[] = new Value($val[1], 'double'); $values[] = new Value($val[2], 'string'); $values[] = new Value($val[3], 'boolean'); $values[] = new Value($val[4], 'dateTime.iso8601'); $values[] = new Value($val[5], 'int'); $values[] = new Value($val[6], 'double'); $values[] = new Value($val[7], 'string'); $values[] = new Value($val[8], 'boolean'); $values[] = new Value($val[9], 'dateTime.iso8601'); $valarray[$key] = new Value($values, 'array'); } $vals[] = new Value($valarray, 'struct'); } $value = new Value($vals, 'array'); $out = $value->serialize(); } end_test('Data encoding (large array)', 'manual encoding', $out); begin_test('Data encoding (large array)', 'automatic encoding'); $encoder = new Encoder(); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tests; $i++) { $value = $encoder->encode($data, array('auto_dates')); $out = $value->serialize(); } end_test('Data encoding (large array)', 'automatic encoding', $out); if (function_exists('xmlrpc_set_type')) { begin_test('Data encoding (large array)', 'xmlrpc-epi encoding'); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tests; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) foreach ($keys as $k) { xmlrpc_set_type($data[$j][$k][4], 'datetime'); xmlrpc_set_type($data[$j][$k][8], 'datetime'); } $out = xmlrpc_encode($data); } end_test('Data encoding (large array)', 'xmlrpc-epi encoding', $out); } // test 'old style' data decoding vs. 'automatic style' decoding $dummy = new Request(''); $out = new Response($value); $in = ''."\n".$out->serialize(); begin_test('Data decoding (large array)', 'manual decoding'); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tests; $i++) { $response = $dummy->ParseResponse($in, true); $value = $response->value(); $result = array(); for ($k = 0; $k < $value->arraysize(); $k++) { $val1 = $value->arraymem($k); $out = array(); while (list($name, $val) = $val1->structeach()) { $out[$name] = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < $val->arraysize(); $j++) { $data = $val->arraymem($j); $out[$name][] = $data->scalarval(); } } // while $result[] = $out; } } end_test('Data decoding (large array)', 'manual decoding', $result); begin_test('Data decoding (large array)', 'automatic decoding'); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tests; $i++) { $response = $dummy->ParseResponse($in, true, 'phpvals'); $value = $response->value(); } end_test('Data decoding (large array)', 'automatic decoding', $value); if (function_exists('xmlrpc_decode')) { begin_test('Data decoding (large array)', 'xmlrpc-epi decoding'); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tests; $i++) { $response = $dummy->ParseResponse($in, true, 'xml'); $value = xmlrpc_decode($response->value()); } end_test('Data decoding (large array)', 'xmlrpc-epi decoding', $value); } if (!$xd) { /// test multicall vs. many calls vs. keep-alives $encoder = new Encoder(); $value = $encoder->encode($data1, array('auto_dates')); $req = new Request('interopEchoTests.echoValue', array($value)); $reqs = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) $reqs[] = $req; $server = explode(':', $args['LOCALSERVER']); if(count($server) > 1) { $srv = $server[1] . '://' . $server[0] . $args['URI']; $c = new Client($args['URI'], $server[0], $server[1]); } else { $srv = $args['LOCALSERVER'] . $args['URI']; $c = new Client($args['URI'], $args['LOCALSERVER']); } // do not interfere with http compression $c->accepted_compression = array(); //$c->debug=true; $testName = "Repeated send (small array) to $srv"; if (function_exists('gzinflate')) { $c->accepted_compression = null; } begin_test($testName, 'http 10'); $response = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { $resp = $c->send($req); $response[] = $resp->value(); } end_test($testName, 'http 10', $response); if (function_exists('curl_init')) { begin_test($testName, 'http 11 w. keep-alive'); $response = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { $resp = $c->send($req, 10, 'http11'); $response[] = $resp->value(); } end_test($testName, 'http 11 w. keep-alive', $response); $c->keepalive = false; begin_test($testName, 'http 11'); $response = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { $resp = $c->send($req, 10, 'http11'); $response[] = $resp->value(); } end_test($testName, 'http 11', $response); } begin_test($testName, 'multicall'); $response = $c->send($reqs); foreach ($response as $key =>& $val) { $val = $val->value(); } end_test($testName, 'multicall', $response); if (function_exists('gzinflate')) { $c->accepted_compression = array('gzip'); $c->request_compression = 'gzip'; begin_test($testName, 'http 10 w. compression'); $response = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { $resp = $c->send($req); $response[] = $resp->value(); } end_test($testName, 'http 10 w. compression', $response); if (function_exists('curl_init')) { begin_test($testName, 'http 11 w. keep-alive and compression'); $response = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { $resp = $c->send($req, 10, 'http11'); $response[] = $resp->value(); } end_test($testName, 'http 11 w. keep-alive and compression', $response); $c->keepalive = false; begin_test($testName, 'http 11 w. compression'); $response = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { $resp = $c->send($req, 10, 'http11'); $response[] = $resp->value(); } end_test($testName, 'http 11 w. compression', $response); } begin_test($testName, 'multicall w. compression'); $response = $c->send($reqs); foreach ($response as $key =>& $val) { $val = $val->value(); } end_test($testName, 'multicall w. compression', $response); } } // end of 'if no xdebug profiling' echo "\n"; foreach($test_results as $test => $results) { echo "\nTEST: $test\n"; foreach ($results as $case => $data) echo " $case: {$data['time']} secs - Output data CRC: ".crc32(serialize($data['result']))."\n"; } if($is_web) { echo "\n
\n\n\n"; }