0, 'LOCALSERVER' => 'localhost', 'HTTPSSERVER' => 'gggeek.ssl.altervista.org', 'HTTPSURI' => '/sw/xmlrpc/demo/server/server.php', 'HTTPSIGNOREPEER' => false, 'PROXYSERVER' => null, 'NOPROXY' => false, 'LOCALPATH' => __DIR__ ); // check for command line vs web page input params if(!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { if(isset($argv)) { foreach($argv as $param) { $param = explode('=', $param); if(count($param) > 1) { $pname = strtoupper(ltrim($param[0], '-')); $$pname=$param[1]; } } } } else { // NB: we might as well consider using $_GET stuff later on... extract($_GET); extract($_POST); } if(isset($DEBUG)) { $args['DEBUG'] = intval($DEBUG); } if(isset($LOCALSERVER)) { $args['LOCALSERVER'] = $LOCALSERVER; } else { if(isset($HTTP_HOST)) { $args['LOCALSERVER'] = $HTTP_HOST; } elseif(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $args['LOCALSERVER'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } } if(isset($HTTPSSERVER)) { $args['HTTPSSERVER'] = $HTTPSSERVER; } if(isset($HTTPSURI)) { $args['HTTPSURI'] = $HTTPSURI; } if(isset($HTTPSIGNOREPEER)) { $args['HTTPSIGNOREPEER'] = bool($HTTPSIGNOREPEER); } if(isset($PROXY)) { $arr = explode(':', $PROXY); $args['PROXYSERVER'] = $arr[0]; if(count($arr) > 1) { $args['PROXYPORT'] = $arr[1]; } else { $args['PROXYPORT'] = 8080; } } // used to silence testsuite warnings about proxy code not being tested if(isset($NOPROXY)) { $args['NOPROXY'] = true; } if(!isset($URI)) { // GUESTIMATE the url of local demo server // play nice to php 3 and 4-5 in retrieving URL of server.php /// @todo filter out query string from REQUEST_URI if(isset($REQUEST_URI)) { $URI = str_replace('/tests/testsuite.php', '/demo/server/server.php', $REQUEST_URI); $URI = str_replace('/testsuite.php', '/server.php', $URI); $URI = str_replace('/tests/benchmark.php', '/demo/server/server.php', $URI); $URI = str_replace('/benchmark.php', '/server.php', $URI); } elseif(isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { $URI = str_replace('/tests/testsuite.php', '/demo/server/server.php', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $URI = str_replace('/testsuite.php', '/server.php', $URI); $URI = str_replace('/tests/benchmark.php', '/demo/server/server.php', $URI); $URI = str_replace('/benchmark.php', '/server.php', $URI); } else { $URI = '/demo/server/server.php'; } } if($URI[0] != '/') { $URI = '/'.$URI; } $args['URI'] = $URI; if(isset($LOCALPATH)) { $args['LOCALPATH'] =$LOCALPATH; } return $args; } }