CHANGELOG ========= 0.8_delta * drupal.css bugs ** removed clear:both on #aggregator .news-item 0.8_echo * removed 7px padding-right on #sidebar-left to account for column-drop * added error, status and help icons and improved colors * removed error background image from input.error * added .watchdog .active styles * added nifty image alt text print style * got rid of link on previews * fixed missing calendar backgound images * the calendars WILL NOT WORK IN THE LEFT SIDEBAR. Sorry, but the're just not enough space. 0.8_foxtrot * fixed invalid duplicate of site_name id * fixed invalid "skip to content" link attributes output by l() * tidied up label:hovers with outline and background instead of underline in main content; also middle aligned label::inputs * removed h2 lowercase style * unbolded breadcrumbs and added hover underline * fixed width of user login inputs; no one told me that #name and #pass had been renamed to #edit-name and #edit-pass! * did what I could to fix up input formats but the html is atrocious, so any real improvements will have to wait * changed layout.css .clearing style to have font-size: 0; instead of visibility: hidden; * fixed IE JavaScript warning bug * added node.tpl.php to try and fix column overlaps: added overflow setting to .content * changed overall width to 94% for 3 column designs; 2 column layouts are at 80% * Added min-width trick for IE * Added styles for #.watchdog-httpd in #tracker 0.8_golf (the IE bugfix release) * Fixed IE min-width trick (svn from 12/12 caused IE crash!) * fixed #sidebar-left border (bad alignment in IE) * added some junk to fix up the user menu in IE * moved search location to sidebars (what it was doing floating up there I may never know...) * removed original worthless min-width lteIE6 styles in page.tpl.php, incidently fixing jibberish characters that appeared above web page * Since IE doesn't support :focus well, I removed the red BG from required form fields (IE only) * Removed .comment .title formatting... not sure how or why it turned green! * More drupal.css fixes. * Fixed problem with background: none; on input format list by tossing the background image offscreen (hey! it works.) * Fixed weird background coloring on fieldset legends * Fix for exploding textareas ( and; had to set page-title height for IE to prevent them from disappearing. * Removed page-title underlines * Big changes to colors and comment formatting (including hovers) * Fixed excessive nav-primary height in IE * Fixed IE bug of not showing aggregator page content * Fixed a bunch of formatting issues on the profile page * Fixed a bunch of peekaboo bugs with * {zoom: 1;} (see ) 0.8_hector * Destroyed drupal.css. YAY!!! * Added a new semantic local task menu system (not active yet) * Added word_split function for long text in sidebars * Fixed 98% content dropping issues (some exist in IE due to font-size problems) * Removed my nasty tracker background images * Reformed modules.css file -- pulled in drupal.css styles and gutted fonts * Created custom aggregator output & fixed wonky styles * Fixed output of empty secondary nav Drupal 4.5 * Port to Drupal base, 4.5 and 4.6 by Khalid Baheyeldin