"""An extremely simple interface to the signing/verifying capabilities of gnupg. You must already have the key in the keyring. """ from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from xmlrpclib import dumps, loads GPG = '/usr/bin/gpg' def sign(data): """Return signed with the default GPG key.""" msg = dumps((data,)) p = _popen_gpg('--armor', '--sign') p.stdin.write(msg) p.stdin.close() signed_msg = p.stdout.read() p.stdout.close() p.stderr.close() p.wait() return signed_msg def verify(signed_msg): """If is a valid signed document, return its contents. Otherwise, return None.""" p = _popen_gpg('--decrypt') p.stdin.write(signed_msg) p.stdin.close() msg = p.stdout.read() p.stdout.close() p.stderr.close() if p.wait(): return None # verification failed else: data, = loads(msg)[0] return data def _popen_gpg(*args): """Return a Popen object to GPG.""" return Popen((GPG, '--batch', '--no-tty') + args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)