#!/usr/bin/python # # Tool for upgrading a db based on db version # import sys import os import getopt import pgdb config = {} config_file = "/etc/planetlab/plc_config" execfile(config_file, config) upgrade_config_file = "plcdb.3-4.conf" schema_file = "planetlab4.sql" temp_dir = "/tmp" def usage(): print "Usage: %s [OPTION] UPGRADE_CONFIG_FILE " % sys.argv[0] print "Options:" print " -s, --schema=FILE Upgraded Database Schema" print " -t, --temp-dir=DIR Temp Directory" print " --help This message" sys.exit(1) try: (opts, argv) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "s:d:", ["schema=", "temp-dir=", "help"]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print "Error: ", err.msg usage() for (opt, optval) in opts: if opt == "-s" or opt == "--schema": schema_file = optval elif opt == "-d" or opt == "--temp-dir": temp_dir = optval elif opt == "--help": usage() try: upgrade_config_file = argv[0] except IndexError: print "Error: too few arguments" usage() schema = {} inserts = [] schema_items_ordered = [] sequences = {} temp_tables = {} # load conf file for this upgrade try: upgrade_config = {} execfile(upgrade_config_file, upgrade_config) upgrade_config.pop('__builtins__') db_version_previous = upgrade_config['DB_VERSION_PREVIOUS'] db_version_new = upgrade_config['DB_VERSION_NEW'] except IOError, fault: print "Error: upgrade config file (%s) not found. Exiting" % \ (fault) sys.exit(1) except KeyError, fault: print "Error: %s not set in upgrade confing (%s). Exiting" % \ (fault, upgrade_config_file) sys.exit(1) def connect(): db = pgdb.connect(user = config['PLC_DB_USER'], database = config['PLC_DB_NAME']) return db def archive_db(database, archived_database): archive_db = " dropdb -U postgres %s > /dev/null 2>&1;" \ " psql template1 postgres -qc " \ " 'ALTER DATABASE %s RENAME TO %s;';" \ " createdb -U postgres %s > /dev/null; " % \ (archived_database, database, archived_database, database) exit_status = os.system(archive_db) if exit_status: print "Error: unable to archive database. Upgrade failed" sys.exit(1) #print "Status: %s has been archived. now named %s" % (database, archived_database) def encode_utf8(inputfile_name, outputfile_name): # rewrite a iso-8859-1 encoded file in utf8 try: inputfile = open(inputfile_name, 'r') outputfile = open(outputfile_name, 'w') for line in inputfile: outputfile.write(unicode(line, 'iso-8859-1').encode('utf8')) inputfile.close() outputfile.close() except: print 'error encoding file' raise def create_item_from_schema(item_name): try: (type, body_list) = schema[item_name] exit_status = os.system('psql %s %s -qc "%s" > /dev/null 2>&1' % \ (config['PLC_DB_NAME'], config['PLC_DB_USER'],"".join(body_list) ) ) if exit_status: raise Exception except Exception, fault: print 'Error: create %s failed. Check schema.' % item_name sys.exit(1) raise fault except KeyError: print "Error: cannot create %s. definition not found in %s" % \ (key, schema_file) return False def fix_row(row, table_name, table_fields): if table_name in ['nodenetworks']: # convert str bwlimit to bps int bwlimit_index = table_fields.index('bwlimit') if isinstance(row[bwlimit_index], int): pass elif row[bwlimit_index].find('mbit') > -1: row[bwlimit_index] = int(row[bwlimit_index].split('mbit')[0]) \ * 1000000 elif row[bwlimit_index].find('kbit') > -1: row[bwlimit_index] = int(row[bwlimit_index].split('kbit')[0]) \ * 1000 elif table_name in ['slice_attribute']: # modify some invalid foreign keys attribute_type_index = table_fields.index('attribute_type_id') if row[attribute_type_index] == 10004: row[attribute_type_index] = 10016 elif row[attribute_type_index] == 10006: row[attribute_type_index] = 10017 elif table_name in ['slice_attribute_types']: type_id_index = table_fields.index('attribute_type_id') if row[type_id_index] in [10004, 10006]: return None return row def fix_table(table, table_name, table_fields): if table_name in ['slice_attribute_types']: # remove duplicate/redundant primary keys type_id_index = table_fields.index('attribute_type_id') for row in table: if row[type_id_index] in [10004, 10006]: table.remove(row) return table def remove_temp_tables(): # remove temp_tables try: for temp_table in temp_tables: os.remove(temp_tables[temp_table]) except: raise def generate_temp_table(table_name, db): cursor = db.cursor() try: # get upgrade directions table_def = upgrade_config[table_name].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split(',') table_fields, old_fields, joins, wheres = [], [], set(), set() for field in table_def: field_parts = field.strip().split(':') table_fields.append(field_parts[0]) old_fields.append(field_parts[1]) if field_parts[2:]: joins.update(set(filter(lambda x: not x.find('=') > -1, field_parts[2:]))) wheres.update(set(filter(lambda x: x.find('=') > -1, field_parts[2:]))) # get indices of fields that cannot be null (type, body_list) = schema[table_name] not_null_indices = [] for field in table_fields: for body_line in body_list: if body_line.find(field) > -1 and \ body_line.upper().find("NOT NULL") > -1: not_null_indices.append(table_fields.index(field)) # get index of primary key primary_key_indices = [] for body_line in body_list: if body_line.find("PRIMARY KEY") > -1: primary_key = body_line for field in table_fields: if primary_key.find(field) > -1: primary_key_indices.append(table_fields.index(field)) break # get old data get_old_data = "SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM %s" % \ (", ".join(old_fields), old_fields[0].split(".")[0]) for join in joins: get_old_data = get_old_data + " INNER JOIN %s USING (%s) " % \ (join.split('.')[0], join.split('.')[1]) if wheres: get_old_data = get_old_data + " WHERE " for where in wheres: get_old_data = get_old_data + " %s" % where cursor.execute(get_old_data) rows = cursor.fetchall() # write data to a temp file temp_file_name = '%s/%s.tmp' % (temp_dir, table_name) temp_file = open(temp_file_name, 'w') for row in rows: # attempt to make any necessary fixes to data row = fix_row(row, table_name, table_fields) # do not attempt to write null rows if row == None: continue # do not attempt to write rows with null primary keys if filter(lambda x: row[x] == None, primary_key_indices): continue for i in range(len(row)): # convert nulls into something pg can understand if row[i] == None: if i in not_null_indices: # XX doesnt work if column is int type row[i] = "" else: row[i] = "\N" if isinstance(row[i], int) or isinstance(row[i], float): row[i] = str(row[i]) # escape whatever can mess up the data format if isinstance(row[i], str): row[i] = row[i].replace('\t', '\\t') row[i] = row[i].replace('\n', '\\n') row[i] = row[i].replace('\r', '\\r') data_row = "\t".join(row) temp_file.write(data_row + "\n") temp_file.write("\.\n") temp_file.close() temp_tables[table_name] = temp_file_name except KeyError: #print "WARNING: cannot upgrade %s. upgrade def not found. skipping" % \ # (table_name) return False except IndexError, fault: print "Error: error found in upgrade config file. " \ "check %s configuration. Aborting " % \ (table_name) sys.exit(1) except: print "Error: configuration for %s doesnt match db schema. " \ " Aborting" % (table_name) try: db.rollback() except: pass raise # Connect to current db db = connect() cursor = db.cursor() # determin current db version try: cursor.execute("SELECT relname from pg_class where relname = 'plc_db_version'") rows = cursor.fetchall() if not rows: print "Warning: current db has no version. Unable to validate config file." else: cursor.execute("SELECT version FROM plc_db_version") rows = cursor.fetchall() if not rows or not rows[0]: print "Warning: current db has no version. Unable to validate config file." elif rows[0][0] == db_version_new: print "Status: Versions are the same. No upgrade necessary." sys.exit() elif not rows[0][0] == db_version_previous: print "Stauts: DB_VERSION_PREVIOUS in config file (%s) does not" \ " match current db version %d" % (upgrade_config_file, rows[0][0]) sys.exit() else: print "STATUS: attempting upgrade from %d to %d" % \ (db_version_previous, db_version_new) # check db encoding sql = " SELECT pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding)" \ " FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d " \ " LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u ON d.datdba = u.usesysid " \ " WHERE d.datname = '%s' " % config['PLC_DB_NAME'] cursor.execute(sql) rows = cursor.fetchall() if rows[0][0] not in ['UTF8']: print "WARNING: db encoding is not utf8. Attempting to encode" db.close() # generate db dump dump_file = '%s/dump.sql' % (temp_dir) dump_file_encoded = dump_file + ".utf8" dump_cmd = 'pg_dump -i %s -U postgres -f %s > /dev/null 2>&1' % \ (config['PLC_DB_NAME'], dump_file) if os.system(dump_cmd): print "ERROR: during db dump. Exiting." sys.exit(1) # encode dump to utf8 print "Status: encoding database dump" encode_utf8(dump_file, dump_file_encoded) # archive original db archive_db(config['PLC_DB_NAME'], config['PLC_DB_NAME']+'_sqlascii_archived') # create a utf8 database and upload encoded data recreate_cmd = 'createdb -U postgres -E UTF8 %s > /dev/null 2>&1; ' \ 'psql -a -U %s %s < %s > /dev/null 2>&1;' % \ (config['PLC_DB_NAME'], config['PLC_DB_USER'], \ config['PLC_DB_NAME'], dump_file_encoded) print "Status: recreating database as utf8" if os.system(recreate_cmd): print "Error: database encoding failed. Aborting" sys.exit(1) os.remove(dump_file_encoded) os.remove(dump_file) except: raise db = connect() cursor = db.cursor() # parse the schema user wishes to upgrade to try: file = open(schema_file, 'r') index = 0 lines = file.readlines() while index < len(lines): line = lines[index] # find all created objects if line.startswith("CREATE"): line_parts = line.split(" ") item_type = line_parts[1] item_name = line_parts[2] schema_items_ordered.append(item_name) if item_type in ['INDEX']: schema[item_name] = (item_type, line) # functions, tables, views span over multiple lines # handle differently than indexes elif item_type in ['AGGREGATE', 'TABLE', 'VIEW']: fields = [line] while index < len(lines): index = index + 1 nextline =lines[index] # look for any sequences if item_type in ['TABLE'] and nextline.find('serial') > -1: sequences[item_name] = nextline.strip().split()[0] fields.append(nextline) if nextline.find(";") >= 0: break schema[item_name] = (item_type, fields) else: print "Error: unknown type %s" % item_type elif line.startswith("INSERT"): inserts.append(line) index = index + 1 except: raise print "Status: generating temp tables" # generate all temp tables for key in schema_items_ordered: (type, body_list) = schema[key] if type == 'TABLE': generate_temp_table(key, db) # disconenct from current database and archive it cursor.close() db.close() print "Status: archiving database" archive_db(config['PLC_DB_NAME'], config['PLC_DB_NAME']+'_archived') print "Status: upgrading database" # attempt to create and load all items from schema into temp db try: for key in schema_items_ordered: (type, body_list) = schema[key] create_item_from_schema(key) if type == 'TABLE': if upgrade_config.has_key(key): # attempt to populate with temp table data table_def = upgrade_config[key].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split(',') table_fields = [field.strip().split(':')[0] for field in table_def] insert_cmd = "psql %s %s -c " \ " 'COPY %s (%s) FROM stdin;' < %s " % \ (config['PLC_DB_NAME'], config['PLC_DB_USER'], key, ", ".join(table_fields), temp_tables[key] ) exit_status = os.system(insert_cmd) if exit_status: print "Error: upgrade %s failed" % key sys.exit(1) # update the primary key sequence if sequences.has_key(key): sequence = key +"_"+ sequences[key] +"_seq" update_seq = "psql %s %s -c " \ " \"select setval('%s', max(%s)) FROM %s;\" > /dev/null" % \ (config['PLC_DB_NAME'], config['PLC_DB_USER'], sequence, sequences[key], key) exit_status = os.system(update_seq) if exit_status: print "Error: sequence %s update failed" % sequence sys.exit(1) else: # check if there are any insert stmts in schema for this table print "Warning: %s has no temp data file. Unable to populate with old data" % key for insert_stmt in inserts: if insert_stmt.find(key) > -1: insert_cmd = 'psql %s postgres -qc "%s;" > /dev/null 2>&1' % \ (config['PLC_DB_NAME'], insert_stmt) os.system(insert_cmd) except: print "Error: failed to populate db. Unarchiving original database and aborting" undo_command = "dropdb -U postgres %s > /dev/null; psql template1 postgres -qc" \ " 'ALTER DATABASE %s RENAME TO %s;'; > /dev/null" % \ (config['PLC_DB_NAME'], config['PLC_DB_NAME']+'_archived', config['PLC_DB_NAME']) os.system(undo_command) remove_temp_tables() raise remove_temp_tables() print "upgrade complete"